A Big Adventure

Chapter 682: Richard's ambition

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"Lorinda must have a headache ... I'm afraid she has lost a lot of her hair ... She should be bald at her age." Richard looked at Cheng Peng's mission report and cursed the man. The female dean who expelled himself smiled happily.

"I thought you would go directly to destruction, but I didn't expect you to be able to do such a good job! This result can be much more painful than murder or arson!"

"The School of Magic is itself a place of hiding dirt and dirt, we just expose the problems they already have." Cheng Peng did not mean to be proud of himself, said very modestly, "And, this is not my credit alone. There are a few assistants in the organization, otherwise it is difficult for me to rely on me alone to make so many 'coincidences' seamless. "

"Coincidence? Haha! I like this word!" Richard laughed again, and praised Cheng Peng even more. It was easy to destroy, but it was not so easy to make destruction so clever. In his view, Cheng Peng's reputation with two light and trivial things has wiped out the reputation of the Tangtang School of Magic. It is really clever. It can be called an art!

According to Richard's ability, it is not difficult to directly destroy the magical academy. If he tries his best, it is not impossible to even the entire magical academy. But that would not only waste him a lot of time and energy, but it would not make him feel happy, killing a dog who had bitten himself, there was no fun.

However, Cheng Peng's approach is different. He actually did not cause much damage to the Magic Academy. Of the two things, less than ten people actually died, and several of them are killers who are not part of the Magic Academy, but he The blow to the reputation of the School of Magic was extremely heavy, enough to make the honor of this ancient prestigious school disappear. For at least ten years, the teachers and students of the School of Magic do not want to raise their heads in front of others, and even the entire Leinsburg Kingdom will be The face is swept away!

If the metaphor of being bitten by a dog is still used, Cheng Peng ’s approach is not to hit the dog, but to try to make the owner of the dog ugly and disgraced, and to make the guy who perpetrated the dog infamous, and can only hide in shame at home without face Come out and meet people.

Happy! Happy!

This action fully proved the ability of Cheng Peng and the mysterious organization behind him, and Richard finally assured them.

As Cheng Peng said last time, they do have the ability to help Richard!

In this case, Richard naturally thought of some "right things"

He first gave Cheng Peng a generous reward according to the agreement. As a powerful evil mage, his wealth was enough to match a country, and then he took Cheng Peng to his secret laboratory impatiently.

"Those corpse spells, ancient magic, and so on have been tired of playing for a long time, just like the old woman, without charm. I am really proud of this is this!"

Pointing to a row of transparent containers set up like large capsules, Richard's face was full of pride.

Cheng Peng looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a row of female bodies immersed in unknown solution ... The key parts were covered by bubbles, reflections, etc. Instead, the cover was even more interesting to men.

So he first showed a puzzled expression, and then suddenly realized, looking at Richard's eyes, there was a bit of admiration in the man's understanding.

"Sure enough! Admire admiration!" In fact, Cheng Peng, who already knew the truth, made enough exaggerated performances in accordance with the previous practice. "With this technology, it is no problem to create any kind of woman! It can be Thinking of using magic in this way, you really deserve to be a man among men! "

This compliment suddenly stunned Richard. He looked at the whole row of innocent female bodies, and then at Cheng Peng, who looked at his face with admiration, crying and laughing.

Rao is self-proclaimed and intelligent, but he doesn't know what to say.

As a magician, the great magic art is used to satisfy **, this kind of thing is half glorious!

However, Cheng Peng's admiration is reasonable and easy to move from place to place. If Richard himself encounters such a "focused" magician, he can't help but admire him.

Everyone is a man.

But the conscience of the world, when Richard was doing research, he never considered the issue of **!

In his Richard Wallace identity and ability, if you want a woman, what kind of woman can't get it!

Wait, there is indeed something that is temporarily unavailable ... And the research he did is really related to the woman who is temporarily unavailable!

"Could it be ... I am actually being pushed by **? Is it true that Richard Valles is only a vulgar man dominated by his lower body?"

Seeing that the evil mage, who was just now proud, was lying on the console like a burnt charcoal, murmured to himself. Cheng Peng's face was still full of admiration, but his heart blossomed.

This line was created by the funny master Li Wei. At that time, Li Wei patted his chest and said that Richard can definitely do "even the heart of suicide by jumping on the river." Others also learned about Li Wei ’s plan. The idea of ​​a technical house is deeply admired, and Mr. Maximilian even expressed the emotion that "the original wise man is always hidden."

Sure enough, as predicted, Richard was severely hit by these few simple words, and even for a while, he didn't even have the strength to speak.

However, Richard was also an eloquent man, and he quickly adjusted his mind and regained his composure.

Then he explained to Cheng Peng.

The female bodies in these containers were actually made using the technology of "artificial humans". The difference is that the general "artificial humans" are only made of mud or something, even if they are self-proclaimed. High-strength magicians only use human bodies as materials to reshape them. Richard's artificial people use half elves and half people as raw materials!

Elves are ancient creatures. They have great strength and long life. They have been guarding the giant tree Yugu Hillar that supports the world. According to the information obtained by Richard, they are actually the "containers" used when God came to earth. In other words, the elves are actually another form of "God". And he was even more shocked to learn that the great main god, Odin, was not directly raised from the elves like ordinary gods, but a hybrid of elves and humans!

"In other words, half of the elves and half of the humans, such a body is similar to Odin!" Richard's eyes raised a flame of ambition, "If my research can be successful, just transfer my soul to this In my body, I can become a god! The **** who replaces Odin! "

He turned around and began to generously promise: "If I can succeed, I will make this body for you and your companions ... after all, after replacing Odin, I also need to assist my gods."

Cheng Peng was not ecstatic because of Richard's promise, but looked at the bodies in those containers somewhat complicatedly.

"Is the goddess system? Always feel a little weird ... I have no intention of commenting on your sexual orientation, but I am very satisfied with my manhood, and I have not considered turning into a goddess."

Richard was almost choked on the ground by his words, and quickly rectified his name: "This is just an experiment! Experiment only! Of course I will not become a woman! Even the goddess will not work!"

Roaring loudly, he gasped out tiredly and calmed down after a while.

"I'll take you to see this, just to prepare you, we will set off in a few days and go to the forest of elves to capture male elves! This is not only for my experiments, but also for you to become gods!"

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