A Big Adventure

Chapter 684: Elven Forest

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Located in the southeast of this world, and further southeast of the kingdom of Bvlensberg, there are huge islands floating, and connected to that island is Yugula, known as the "World Tree" Since the beginning of the world, it has supported the huge trees of the whole world. The place where this huge tree is connected to the world is called the "Elven Forest". The elves who were born when the world was created are responsible for protecting the lifeline of the world for generations.

According to the Nordic mythology, it should be quiet and peaceful. Until the battle of the gods at dusk, the elves will join the battle and even the world tree will collapse.

But today, the peace and harmony of the Elven Forest is destined to be broken.

"Isn't it enough to grab an elf on the periphery? I have to dive deep into the forest of the elves?" Liu Xuan frowned, expressing his incomprehension about Richard's plan. "With our ability, it's not difficult to capture elves on the periphery But if you sneak into the depths of the elven forest, it is easy to fall into the siege of the elven clan. Our aliens do n’t matter anyway, but you have only one life, there is no reason to joke about your own life? "

Richard was not shaken by Liu Xuan's doubts and possible dangers, but instead showed a confident smile.

"Who do you think I am? My plan can't go wrong. You just have to execute it."

"But you should at least let us see the possibility of success." Liu Xuan looked at the silver-haired wizard with no concessions. "Since I am authorized to command this team, it is necessary to understand what we should do. actually!"

Compared with Cheng Peng, Liu Xuan lacks momentum both in character and ordinary performance, and looks more ordinary. However, when he unfolded his momentum as a master, he also had the majesty of daring to look away. That was the confidence created by the sighs and tears of countless enemies, and the domineering created by countless victories!

Richard looked at Liu Xuan for a few seconds and then looked at the other players, disappointed that he didn't see anything he wanted to see.

In the end, he sneered with regret and said, "It's actually very simple. The periphery of the Elven Forest are ordinary elves. Although as far as research is concerned, ordinary elves are enough as materials, but if it is as my Richard Wa Lusi's predetermined body, as I rely on becoming a god, this material is too low-level, just like the wine without the cellar, it is green and difficult to import! "

"So we have to go to the deepest part of the Elven Forest, find the Hongqiao leading to the heavenly realm through the branches of the world tree Yukula, and enter the upper realm from there. Of course, I wo n’t be crazy to sneak into the Asa Garden or Warnerheim, I ’m going to the country of elves, Alfheim, to capture the ancient elves that were born from the creation of heaven and earth, and use their bodies as my new material! "

Burning flames of ambition in his eyes slowly swept the crowd: "Although the body I made has unlimited growth possibilities, it is always good to have a higher starting point. You strangers should have heard of the gods at dusk. It is predicted that if they cannot grow to a sufficient height before the horrible final battle, even if they have a body comparable to God, they can only helplessly fall. "

"So, my plan is absolutely necessary!"

Liu Xuan sighed and discussed with the crowd through the team channel.

This team should have been led by Cheng Peng, but Cheng Peng had other tasks in this trip, so he could only be led by him. Liu Xuan is not without the experience of leading the team, but he usually leads some of the less powerful troops, but he has never led a group of super masters at the peak of billions of players like today, so it is somewhat lacking confidence.

Cheng Peng, who will leave the team sooner or later, will not talk about it, here Long Biao, Xiao Moran, Qiao Xi, Zhang Zennian ... No one will be weaker than him, and among these people, he also lacks Cheng Peng That kind of prestige can't be said to be the same in every case, it can only be solved through consultation.

Fortunately, players are not afraid of taking risks, and they also know the liberation front's attitude towards Richard. Since this product is in a hurry to reincarnate, it is no problem to accompany him to take risks. To be honest, if Richard died in Asia Wolfheim, it's a matter of great joy to save the liberation front from betrayal!

After some deliberation, the crowd decided on the policy, and then began to dive into the mysterious and serene elven forest.

Cheng Peng and Qiao Xi, the two top experts, are stealth and hidden experts. Although it is a little overkill for them to be scouts, their performance in this position can definitely scare most self-proclaimed "professional scouts" Players.

Looking up, I saw the green figure flickering between the branches and leaves. That is, Cheng Peng, who had put on the green camouflage suit, was probing around at the high speed that he was best at; In a flash, it was Qiao Xi who was sneaking to hide, looking for the clues of elf sentinels in the positions that could be used as outposts.

With the cooperation of the two men, the elven sentinels who were carefully hidden in the trees were as conspicuous as naked samba dancing in the crowd, and they were exposed all at once.

The follow-up large forces constantly adjusted the direction of advance based on the information returned by Cheng Peng and Qiao Xi, and proceeded toward the depths of the elven forest.

"You surprised me again!" After traveling for a few hours in a breath, watching the huge world tree shining light vaguely appear on the horizon, Richard couldn't help but marvel, "I thought I had to fight hard by strength, I even made the mental preparation to discard some precious man-made soldiers when necessary. But I did n’t expect to sneak into the place where the elves were guarded so lightly. When I become a great god, with your help, I will definitely be able to get on The next three layers of the world are completely in your hands! "

For his promise, everyone nodded and smiled politely, but they were not impressed.

Becoming a **** is actually not a bad thing, but it is not a good thing to be a man of this guy. God knows whether he will do anything in that artificial **** body! There is no regrets to take medicine in the world if it is calculated!

What's more, everyone in the squad is a master, and they are full of confidence in their abilities. Ordinary players may be attracted by the big cake "Feng Shen", but for them, it is nothing more than that. With their own ability, sooner or later, they can go to a higher place than Odin. A Nordic **** system from the position of the gods is not so much a benefit, it is a limitation!

Zhuang Zi once said an allegory: There is a phoenix in the south, starting from the South China Sea, spreading its wings and flying towards the North Sea. It is swayed by the wind all the way, only inhabiting the branches of the plane trees, only tasting clean bamboo, drinking only the sweet mountain spring. At this time, there was an owl, holding a rotten dead mouse on a tree branch, looking up and seeing the phoenix flying over, fearing that the phoenix would come down and grab his dead mouse, so he yelled and warned at the phoenix: 'scare! scare! ’.

Richard wants to trick a Phoenix with a mouse? What a ridiculous thing!

This little episode did not affect the progress of the entire team. When it was getting late, they had already passed through the forest of the elves and came to the world tree that always radiates light.

This huge ash tree runs through the three realms of heaven and earth, extending from the dark underworld to the glorious heavenly realm. It stretches out eight thick branches, supporting nine different worlds together with the main branch. The Asahi Garden of the Kingdom of Gods, Warnerheim, the Kingdom of Warners, Yalfheim, the Kingdom of the Elves, Meadgard, the Kingdom of Yodenheim, the Kingdom of the Giants, the Altar of the Dwarf, the Kingdom of the Death Netherworld, Nibelungen, the country of fog, and Mosbelheim, the country of fire.

Every three layers of these nine worlds constitute the upper boundary, middle boundary, and lower boundary, and from here, you can go anywhere in the three boundaries.

"This is the tree of the world." Looking at the huge ash tree that didn't see the head and the tail, it was as cold as Richard showed a trace of excitement. "When I became a god, I set off from here to enter the kingdom of God and defeat Odin. Take the throne! "

Perhaps his voice was a little louder, which alarmed the elf who guarded the world tree. Some green figures suddenly appeared on the originally empty tree, and quickly condensed into the shape of a half-human half-tree, looking coldly. Everyone.

"This is the world tree leading to the kingdom of God, mortals stop." The tree-headed man said with dignity.

"Not only that, it is not allowed to break into the Elven Forest without permission, you have to wait for punishment here!" Said another Shuren.

Richard was stunned for a moment, and then he could not help but smile, but he seemed to want to laugh, but he was worried that he was surrounded at the moment, not suitable for attention, and he just swallowed it back. Uncomfortable appearance is rare.

Players no longer have his scruples, and they all laughed in the chat channel, making fun of the arrogance and stupidity of these tree people. A group of guys with only six stars and obviously with an intelligence level but ordinary templates, actually wanted to catch them and let them Are they waiting for punishment here?

This is really a big joke!

Because their jokes are all in the chat channel, from the outside it looks like they are scared and stupid. Richard, who has been in contact with players, can naturally see that they are not afraid at all, but these dumb tree people lack this kind of eyesight. In their view, these are only close to the little bugs of the world tree because of fluke. We have completely succumbed, and the next thing is to send a message to the elves and let them take these rude men away.

Although it may be because of pure curiosity and not malicious, the world tree will not allow mortals to watch, waiting for these mortals, will be mercilessly punished!

Maybe ... will be thrown into hell, and burn forever.

This was the last thought that flowed through the mind of the Shuren.

His assistant had a little better luck. He saw the scene of the man in black holding a large knife and chopping down the captain. He was about to exclaim and send a signal, but found his power disappeared without a trace.

I don't know when, those mortals who stood in a daze have rushed to the world tree and shot their own.

The tree guards who had always been confident in their own strength could not withstand a blow under the attack of these mortals. They were knocked down almost instantly, and even a message could not be sent out.


Cheng Peng turned the deputy captain Shuren into a dead wood body and threw it away from the point of the gun, putting away the magic gun that might cause trouble.

After solving the self-imposed barriers, this expedition to the kingdom of elves with their own babies once again embarked on a journey.

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