A Big Adventure

Chapter 685: World Tree Tour

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The world tree Yugula is a huge shining ash tree, standing on the tree, unable to see the top and the bottom, only to see the endless chaotic smoke cloud, hazy and diffuse in the world between.

The branches under the feet are thicker than you think, like an overpass in a big city, and the leaves are like buildings on both sides of the road. Looking down the branches, you will find that the giant tree is the most At the end, the thinner branches move closer to the giant tree, the thicker the branches become, and at the end they can't even see the borders at first glance, as if the vast earth.

A group of people who attempted to infiltrate the kingdom of elves, Alfheim, and kidnapped the elder elves, marched in this giant tree filled with smoke and light.

They are all people with good physical strength, even though the road is a bit rugged, they can walk steadily all the way and do not need to rest for a half moment. However, they ca n’t go too fast here, because every leaf and every branch of the world tree has magical power, and even a slight bump will hurt the heart, so they must move very carefully. , To avoid any obstacles, which makes their travel speed very slow, unbearably slow.

When the golden light wheel disappeared below them, Wang Hu finally couldn't help it, he complained loudly about this **** world tree, and then took out the bat claw that imitated Batman Wayne Bruce, hook Lived in a high branch, intending to climb up by climbing.

However, when his figure jumped up in general, about to fall to the branch lightly, he suddenly shivered violently, and then fell straight.

If it were not Xiao Moran ’s summoned beast that would catch him like a mat, I believe he would definitely fall to death directly, even rescue would be exempt.

"What's going on?" Cheng Peng asked wonderingly.

Even with his eyesight, he did not see any enemies, nor did he see when Wang Hu was attacked.

But the situation was obvious. Wang Hu was attacked and was seriously injured. With just one click, the six-star entry master was severely injured, and almost fell into death.

This powerful attack has no signs, and until the attack is completed, you can't see any point, it is really creepy!

Under everyone's treatment, Wang Hu quickly recovered and said angrily: "It's the world tree! This guy's rebound strength is incredible! It's just abnormal!"

After listening to his explanation, Zhang Channian raised her hand to the branch next to her with curiosity, and then withdrew her hand as if being shocked. Her face was horrified.

"How could this happen? We didn't encounter this kind of problem when we came over!" Cheng Peng looked at the giant branch and leaves around him with surprise. They walked all the way from the forest of the elves, and they did not collide with the branches and leaves. For a few moments, although there will be some pain, it can still be tolerated after all, but I have never encountered a situation where I will be injured.

"I think it's because of time." John the Necromancer said suddenly, "Have you noticed? It's already night."

at night?

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what he meant.

"I don't think you are very knowledgeable!" Richard said. The magician who had gained the Sage's Stone and endless wisdom glanced at John deeply, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. "Yugula the World Tree Xal is a giant tree that runs through the Three Realms, and each part of it belongs to its own world, with different laws. We are now in the middle section, and during the daytime, the power from the upper realm dominates here, so go ahead It ’s more convenient; when the night comes, the power from the lower levels becomes dominant, and the giant tree is not so friendly. "

"You should tell us earlier." Liu Xuan sighed and beckoned everyone to set up camp. "Since this is the case, there is no way to advance that night. Let's wait for the dawn."

"On the contrary! We must move on!" Richard shook his finger, his eyes full of ridicule, "You only saw the danger from the world tree, but did not see the danger from the lower layers, as it went deeper into the night , The power of the lower realm will continue to erode, the roar of the giant Ymir will turn into a terrible storm, and the breath of the desperate black dragon Ned Hog will turn into highly toxic smoke, and sometimes even the snakes of the underworld will follow Climbing up the giant tree ... Maybe you do n’t mind getting in touch with them, but I do n’t want to do that! "

These dangers that he said made everyone's face not very good-looking. Even Cheng Peng, who brags about his bravery, thought of fighting the monsters that symbolized the destruction of the world. He felt cold and sweaty behind his back.

"What are you waiting for! Go away now!"

This time, the team traveled faster.

Although every bump will make everyone very hurt, but the eleven-person adventure team is terribly strong, even the weakest can become legendary heroes of the human world, and the strongest Richard has even comparable to many gods. Power, although they cannot avoid injury, they can heal the injury as soon as possible, so that it will not delay the progress of the entire team.

But even so, when the silver light wheel gradually fell, and it was the darkest between heaven and earth, they still heard hissing sounds not far from their feet.

That is the voice of countless snakes and insects!

The sound was dense and countless, and it sounded like a tide.

With the hiss, there was a cold wind blowing from underneath.

"Bah! It's still slower!" Richard scolded angrily, stopping, and a magical light appeared around him. "Don't run away, the lower-level troops will arrive soon, or be ready to fight! "

It's definitely not a good idea to meet countless snakes and bugs in this horror zone that will hurt even if you touch it. However, everyone has no choice. If they don't do that, they can only be caught up by endless enemies.

And if Richard does n’t lie to them, there will be storms, poisonous fog, and snakes after the cold wind. These three kinds of attacks ca n’t escape by running fast, and full resistance may still be there. A ray of life.

All of them are experienced adventurers. After a little discussion, they made a decision, and each started a suitable fighting stance.

A series of heavy areas are continuously unfolding, covering the area where they are located layer by layer, completely blocking the cold wind outside.

In the field, several summoners started to summon troops with various abilities and created artificial positions.

Further inside, everyone changed into a combat outfit, and various high-level equipment exuded magic light, which was dazzling.

They are ready to meet any strong enemy!

After a while, the storm came.

The cold and wild storm had no signs, and it immediately came from under my feet, sweeping anywhere they could see. There were countless snakes and insects flying in the storm, they seemed to rush out of a nightmare The ghosts are in general, attacking frantically towards any target.

The black light of the world tree keeps rising, which is the scene where snakes and insects are killed by the force of rebound after biting.

But even though the vast majority of snakes and worms were killed by the rebound of the attacking world tree, there are still countless snakes and insects that target the adventure team.

The fierce battle begins!

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