A Big Adventure

Chapter 707: Night visit to Murong

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"Cheng Peng? Cheng Peng, the world's first among aliens?" Hearing Cheng Peng reported himself from the door, everyone else was just there. Well-informed Gao Yan was startled and looked up and down at Cheng Peng as if he were What kind of monster is it like, "You are that Cheng Peng, the general who is among the thousands of troops and horses? Is that Cheng Pojun who is alone in breaking through the enemy formation? Gee, I didn't have three heads and six arms ... I still look like you The bronze bell teeth are like sharp knives, and the hand is like a fan.

"That's the mountain giant you said!" Cangshan Xue laughed. "It's harder to find Peng than the mountain giant. It's a lot more powerful. I finally asked him to do it. I believe he did it. At least get back all the way. "

With these words, everyone at the scene suddenly changed color. Zhuo Kuangsheng and others naturally faced with disbelief, but they knew about Cang Shanxue and Gao Yan, who knew that this friend had never believed in the river, and Yan Fei, who sat on the table, only showed joy.

Before Zhuo Kuangsheng and Tu Fengsan opened their mouths, Yan Fei laughed loudly, and then he bowed his hands far away: "Then wish Brother Cheng a success! If necessary, you can always seek help at any gathering place of barren people, for the whole Bianhuangji, any deserted person will do his best! "

Cheng Peng also smiled, clenched his fists, didn't say much, and turned away.

He doesn't need to say anything because the system prompt has come.

You received a mission from Yan Fei: try to retreat all the soldiers and horses attacking the frontier wasteland. The reward for the task will depend on the completion.

Note: This reward must be received after the end of the second frontier set war, which will change due to the result of the war.

Now that the system prompts, then things will naturally be settled. These barren people who are in front of the barren arrogant exclusion, like a villain, not difficult to become a big weapon without some thrashing. But Cheng Peng is neither their father nor their master. It doesn't matter if they are raised or not taught, why should they stay for a long time?

Come by the wind, go with the wind, be at ease, it is the right reason!

Cheng Peng's turn was not quick, but every step was a few feet away, even one step further than one step, but a few steps of kung fu disappeared without a trace, so that everyone who knew the goods on the spot could not help but be Secretly startled.

"Xiao Gao, what character is this Cheng Peng?" Tu Fengsan couldn't help but ask, "What is the skill? Is his character reliable?"

Gao Yan laughed, as if he had suddenly made a fortune, and was happy: "This Cheng Peng, that's a long story."

That night, there was an abrupt gust of wind in the camp of Murong Xianbei, a hundred miles away from the west bank of Yingshui.

The wind came without warning, but the wind was surprisingly big, blowing up the earth and sand, turning into the sky and dust, so that people could not even open their eyes, for a time the whole army was up and down, and how many people were secretly shocked Confidence in the battle of frontier set has decreased a bit.

It's no wonder, though, that these troops have also gone through battles and are considered veterans, but they are not the core elite of Murong Xianbei, and their quality is not high enough. Young Murong Ling. Even though this young Murong was brilliant, he was hailed as a young talent comparable to the former Yanhuan Wang Murong, but after all, there was nothing convincing to win. The big soldiers did not believe in the praise of the scribes, they only believed in the achievement .

Soldiers are neither brave nor general, and like this army, how can there be such a pride of a hundred war masters who are not afraid of the world, life and death?

Murong Ling naturally knew that the soldiers did not trust him, but he also had no good way, because such things as "trust" depended on their achievements to support them. For example, the Yue family army in the later Southern Song Dynasty can trust Yue Fei to achieve the prestige of shaking the mountain and the difficulty of shaking the Yue family army, but the soldiers and horses of the four towns in the Nan Ming Dynasty could not believe their masters, so that they were defeated by the Qing army, or even did not When you are beaten, you are busy surrendering ... It will be the soldier's courage, but this courage is to be practiced with actual results!

Since Murong Ling knows this, he is naturally more attentive. Although he knew he had a great advantage in this battle and could not lose any attempt, he still tried to figure out the map every day and wondered if there were any omissions.

This is his first battle with the soldiers alone, not only to win, but also to win beautiful, clean, and convince everyone who doubts his ability!

Of course he was still awake at the moment. He was looking at the map and thinking, hearing the stroke of the camp, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

The ancients were superstitious, and encountering strong winds in the camp was an ominous sign.

"Is this gust of wind really ominous?"

Murong Ling hadn't figured out the problem yet, and suddenly felt someone behind him, hurriedly turned around, but saw a face that he knew.

"It's a senior!" He was taken aback at first, but remembered the senior's ability to haunt him, and then calmed down and asked humbly, "I don't know if the senior is here, what can I tell the younger?"

"Retreat," Cheng Peng said bluntly.

Murong made his face suddenly bitter, not knowing what to say.

The man in the magic gate has always been cruel, this senior is willing to give him a polite command, it is already a very reasonable and reasonable, if he dares to disobey, I believe that the seemingly young senior of the gate does not care to kill a good man. Kid.

But ... finally, there was such a chance to make a comeback, just withdrew the soldiers back ... How could he be reconciled!

"I know you are not reconciled." Cheng Peng was not angry because of Murong Ling's hesitation. Instead, there was a hint of praise in his voice. "I can still stick to my position in front of me. Not only promises, but this courage is really good. "

"But you have to know that your strength is still very weak. At this moment, it is just a seedling attached to the big tree of your father Murong Daoming. There is no need to force yourself."

Murong Ling heard Cheng Peng say this, and knew that the matter was irreparable after all, he could not help but sighed, and his face was very lonely.

"Well, if Murong Daoming knows, I'm afraid I'll be bullied by the ability to bully the junior, not a hero." Cheng Peng's words changed, but there was a little more smile, "So, I will give it to How is your way to success? "

Murong made him overjoyed, and he reached the ground and asked respectfully, "Please give me some advice!"

"You Murong Xianbei want to revive Dayan, the first task is to be independent from the Qin people. The battle of Fen Shui, Fu Jian and Fu Rong are all dead, the Qin Kingdom has become a mess, now what you want is to pull all the way Power, first achieve the position of prince, and then take the throne, right? "

Murong Ling usually discussed the world's major events with his father. Knowing his father's plan, he nodded when he saw what Cheng Peng said coincided with his father's plan.

"It's just that your father wants to challenge the North, and there are several resistances." Cheng Peng raised his right hand and raised four fingers. "First, it's the Qin Kingdom. The Hundred-footed Insect is dead but not stiff, although the army is defeated, Although Fu Jian is dead, there are still a lot of forces left behind, especially Fu Jian has always been generous and deeply popular. This matter can't be hurry, it can only be done slowly. "

Murong Ling nodded and said yes.

"Second, there are soldiers and horses under the leadership of Qin State. For example, Qiang people, Huns ... These are ambitious characters. If you don't pack them, your father won't be able to sit on that dragon chair. "

Murong Ling nodded again.

"Third, you are inside Xianbei. There are various forces inside Xianbei. The Murong family is divided into several factions alone. The remnants of Qianyan are one faction, and your father is another faction; plus the Tuoba family ... With the system combined, your father ’s position is also unstable. "

Murong Ling nodded again and again.

"Fourth, there is food and grass and horses and horses. Fighting requires money and food, and some people have horses and weapons and armor. These are, in the final analysis, money. Bianhuangji is the main road of communication in the world and the largest commercial road in the world. You can get a huge amount of wealth here, your father must have sent you for this purpose? "


"But ... don't you understand the truth of" you must be inside first "? Cheng Peng sneered and said," At the moment when Tuoba Xianbei is on the rise, they are not taking advantage of their current weakness and taking their momentum. Fighting down, waiting for them to become strong, is it not a big trouble? "

Murong was shocked, and suddenly sweating on his forehead.

Until this moment, he really began to pay attention to Cheng Peng, the "predecessor of the magic door".

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