A Big Adventure

Chapter 709: Second way

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Yingshui is not a wide river, and it cannot even be a moat for the frontier wasteland, but if it is occupied by people, whether it is downstream or upstream, it can easily attack the frontier wasteland, ancient traffic Water transportation is a top priority. The dock area is one of the busiest and most important locations in the entire border wasteland. If it is occupied, not only will the external traffic be greatly affected, but the morale of the deserted people will be devastating. Blow.

Therefore, relying on the combination of debate and power, and persuading Murong Ling to retreat with 30,000 troops, Cheng Peng turned his attention to the two forces occupying the upper and lower reaches of the Ying River.

It is Maitreya that occupies the lower reaches of the Yingshui. To be honest, although this army has 15,000 to 17,000 people, its combat effectiveness is not even as good as 3,000. In the religious army, the combat power of fanatics has always been good. However, there cannot be so many fanatical believers in Maitreya, most of them should be just pan-believers, but only to join the army at the expense of the military and the chance of looting after the victory, or they are simply wrapped in. There is nothing terrible. In contrast, the 15,000 Qiang soldiers led by upstream Yao Chang have all fought, many people have seen blood, and in this era have been regarded as qualified soldiers, plus Yao Chang Sincerely loved, the troop's centripetal force is extremely high, and the combat power is far above the Maitreya.

According to the principle of "persimmon picking a soft pinch", Cheng Peng seems to be the first to find the trouble of Maitreya, but the world of frontier legends is first of all martial arts and then war, and the combat strength of the Qiang army is certainly strong. That leader Zhu Faqing alone is more dangerous than the entire Qiang army, and thousands of troops can't fail Cheng Peng, but he can't pack the ticket and say that he can definitely win Zhu Faqing.

It should be noted that Zhu Faqing is the leader of the Maitreya religion. He is an unpredictable deity in the "Ten Living Dagong". Recently, he has achieved great achievements. He once defeated the famous Taiyi Church alone, and even Jiang Lingxu, the leader of Taiyi Church, died in him Under his command, Jiang Lingxu is not an ordinary cat or dog. He is the apprentice of Taoist Xianyun Xianyun. His fellow brothers include "Dan Wang" An Shiqing and Master Tian En Taoist Sun En, as the teachers of the two legendary figures. Brother, no matter how bad the strength is, it won't be much worse!

If it is just a Zhu Faqing, Cheng Peng ca n’t win at all, at least he can guarantee that he can come and go freely, but there are two masters besides Zhu Faqing in Maitreya teaching, one is Ni Hui who came out with Jiang Lingxu Hui, this daughter is Xian Yun ’s daughter, and she ’s afraid that her strength is even higher than that of Jiang Lingxu; the other one is even more terrible. She ’s a pseudonym for Lian Shiying. One of the characters, known as the most outstanding character of the Momen after the former grandmaster Mo Yiming, the current ability may even be above Xiang Yutian, who is later regarded as the "evil emperor". "Monarch" Mu Qingliu only!

If these three are in the Maitreya station, after Cheng Pengmao hastily intruded into it, I'm afraid I'm really dead.

So he would rather go to the trouble of Qiang Yao Chang, at least the 15,000 army of Yao Chang couldn't stop him from running, come and go freely.

Cheng Pengren turned into an obscure little black spot above the high sky, looking down like a falcon looking down on the earth, looking for traces of the Qiang army.

This feeling of flying in the sky looking down on the ground for hunting is very good, giving him the illusion of being high.

Whether men or women, there is a desire for power in the bones, and there is a desire to look down on all beings. Cheng Peng is naturally no exception, but he is very well-cultivated and can firmly control his desires and not let it interfere with himself. Judgment of various things.

There is a devil in my heart, but there is more wisdom sword!

For example, now, he is just a little bit overjoyed by the feeling of looking down on the people, and he puts aside this unrealistic delusion and concentrates on finding his hunting target.

The Qiang army stationed on the upper reaches of Yingshui River is a very conspicuous target. Cheng Peng found them without much effort. This army obviously did not intend to serve as a vanguard of the offensive frontier. There was no atmosphere of war in the entire barracks. The soldiers were resting besides patrolling. They knew at a glance that they did not mean to dispatch.

However, it can be seen from the mighty fleet on the barracks of the military camp. If the Bianhuangji was destroyed by Murong Ling or any of the Sima Daozi, this Qiang army would ride on the fleet and go downstream. Bianhuang gathers a lot of fish, this is the Hu people's favorite way of warfare.

Cheng Peng was hiding in a large piece of heavy water vapor, which was forcibly fixed in the air with the power of Kunpeng, which controls the wind and water. From the ground, it seems to be hiding in the cloud, relying on this cover, unscrupulously. Observe the big camp of the Qiang army.

Although the military discipline of the Qiang army is a little loose, the big battalion is quite satisfactory. The layout of the surrounding trenches, Luzhai or the camp is very complete and reasonable. Upper fortress level. Cheng Peng nodded while watching, and was amazed.

"It's true that Yao Chang, who established the post-Qin Dynasty, although his personal strength is not obvious, but the martial arts ability to fight is indeed outstanding, it can be called a famous general rank!"

If Cheng Peng brought troops to attack this camp, and he had equal strength, he really had no assurance that he would be able to break through the camp that could already be regarded as a fortress, or even defeat the army led by Yao Chang who could arrange such a camp. . Although he also had the title of a famous general, and had the power to break through thousands of troops, Cheng Peng knew that his marching strategy was still not his strength, and he was only good at brainless charge "follow me".

Fortunately, what he had to do this time was not to defeat the Qiang army, but to force Yao Chang to retreat.

The former is an impossible task, the latter ... at least not difficult for him.

After floating in the air for about ten minutes, Cheng Peng screened about ten targets before and after. A qualified military barracks, there must be a few in the main camp account to avoid beheading easily when the enemy is attacked. The rest is to observe patiently .

The officers of the Qiang ethnic group will definitely go to Yao Chang to ask for military services from time to time. As long as they patiently observe, it should not take long before they can determine the specific location of Yao Chang.

And ... if there is no accident, it will soon be necessary to ask Yao Chang's military sentiment.

He really didn't take long.

About an hour later, a fast horse hurried into the barracks, and the knight immediately jumped out of a large, unsightly account and rushed in.

Cheng Peng looked at that person's direction in one horse and smiled.

"The efficiency is not bad. It only took a little time to send the news that Murong Ling retired."

That's right, the direction this knight came over was exactly the direction of Murong Ling's barracks. Obviously, he conveyed Murong Ling's retreat to Yao Chang.

This is why Cheng Peng is so confident.

Murong Ling suddenly withdrew his troops, which is great news! No matter which company will take it seriously, the herald will definitely send the message directly to the master. With Murong ’s cautious personality, he may also write a few letters to all your "allys" to fabricate several reasons to explain, to show respect, these letters must naturally be sent directly.

In the next period of time, there will be a lot of movements in the military camps everywhere, so as long as you wait, no matter which military camp's big account can't escape his eyes!

Yao Chang is the first, but not necessarily the last!

Watching the herald soldier go in, he no longer hesitated, put on the Xuanyuan armor and the magic weapon, the whole body suddenly set off a violent wind, the whole person was like a golden meteorite falling from Jiuxiao, toward Yao Chang's big account Whistled and rushed down.

Kunpeng's bloodline was launched with all his strength, and the person did not reach the ground. The gust of wind he had swept across the ground and the mad sand was set off, allowing the whole camp to fly through the sand and the rocks.

Although these Qiang troops have experienced wars, they lacked the experience of responding to special attacks, and they were mostly superstitious. When they encountered this strange situation at first glance, the first thing they thought of was not an enemy attack, but the gods of disaster. There are three or four choices to lie on the ground to pray, but the goal of prayer is slightly different, from Taoist ancestor to Buddha, from eternal life to ancestor.

Cheng Peng will naturally not waste time ignoring these praying soldiers. He didn't even look at these people more. The sharp magic gun gently slashed the cowhide and rushed in.


"There are assassins!"

Several exclamations sounded one after another, and more than one person rushed over to stop him.

But Cheng Peng was unmoved at all, the spear flashed, and the cold light seemed to be able to penetrate the heart of the human arrow, which made everyone on the scene tremble with coldness, but the gunfire came not with sharp murderousness, but as thick as the sea The dark spirit suddenly shocked everyone who made a mistake.

Behind the center of the big tent is a veteran in his early fifties, with a persevering face and a calm expression; and beside him, there is a young man who is quite similar to him, but has a little more bookishness, obviously his son.

Do not ask, this is Yao Chang and his son Yao Xing!

Cheng Peng snorted and rushed to Yao Chang quickly, stabbing him with a gun.

Yao Chang's own martial arts are also quite devoted, and there was a little obstruction by his subordinates, and it was already too late to react. He shouted and lifted his foot to kick the marching table in front of him towards Cheng Peng. When the generous marching table was smashed by the magic gun like the sea, he pushed his son away, pulled out the Sabre with his right hand, and cut it hard The barrel of the magic gun.

With a muffled sound, his sword was like chopping a very strong rock. Instead of shaking the magic gun, he was shaken away far away, making his arms holding the knife sore. However, the most terrifying thing is that a dark force sneaked into the meridian of the arm as the knife and gun intersected, and rushed into the meridian of the arm along the blade body.

With just one trick, Yao Chang faced his life's danger!

But Yao Chang deserved to be a battle-hardened veteran. Faced with the dangerous situation of life and death, he put aside the saber without thinking about it and slapped his palm back on his heart. A lot of dysfunction, but successfully resolved Cheng Peng's dark energy into his meridian to dissolve, temporarily avoiding the danger of death.

At this time, his guards rushed up again, among them there are several five-star peak masters, and even a six-star entry character!

Cheng Peng's brow furrowed, and he roared, as if a thunderbolt rang in the sunny day, shaking everyone's hearts. At the same time, the magic gun rounded and swept away fiercely. The wild energy swept the camp like a roaring dragon. Forcing everyone to be unable to get close for a while, freeing his left hand to form a fist, went straight to Yao Chang to face the door to fight.

If this punch is hit, Yao Chang will have to die with ten lives. But before his fist, the young man with a face similar to Yao Chang rushed over and blocked his father with his body.

Cheng Peng looked at the look of fear and firmness intertwined on the young man's face, and his heart suddenly softened. When the fist saw that he was about to fall on him, he became soft and pushed the young man away.

Then, his hand supported Yao Chang.


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