A Big Adventure

Chapter 724: Inexplicable failure

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The fighting continues.

In the vast sea of ​​at least 25 kilometers deep, thousands of top experts who can be admired in the crowd are struggling to attack the deep "seabed"

With so many people shooting together, the power is really not trivial, even though Yormangard's scales have a level of defense that is far higher than its own level, and they are also smashed by the attack of everyone, the purple-black snake blood wounds from one place The spring springed out, dyeing the sea water purple.

The situation looked good, but Cheng Peng frowned.

Not right! Very wrong!

He secretly estimated that so many people started together and played for such a long time in a row. The life value eliminated was already an astronomical figure. Let alone Yormangarde was only a seven-star BOSS, even if it was an eight-star, Most of his life also went to most of the life, it should be the only strength left to go.

But ... the look of the transparent giant snake's eyes doesn't look like a "gonely panting"!

As the manifestation of the soul of Yormangarde, its role should be to allow players to judge the battle situation, but after playing for so long, it has not become weak and weak, but still remains immobile, as if nothing cares, even even The trace of fear that was revealed at the time of the initial injury has also disappeared without a trace, now it seems to have become an immobile scene.

The more this is, the more worried Cheng Peng is.

He is not very good at mathematics, and now he doesn't have much time for complex calculations, but it is not difficult to open the calculator of the auxiliary system and calculate a little account.

The world is not big, but considering the range of the ocean itself, the huge circle surrounded by Yormangard should have a diameter of almost eight thousand miles, that is, four thousand kilometers, so the perimeter of this circle is so-so Twenty thousand kilometers, the height of an ordinary person is even one meter eight, the ratio between the two is ... almost 6.6 million times!

What is the concept of 6.6 million times?

Cheng Peng remembers that the average diameter of human cells seems to be between ten and twenty microns, even if it is counted as Dali, it is 20 microns, then the ratio between the height of one meter and eight is nine million times. At first glance, this number looks amazing, but compared with the previous 6.66 million times, it feels a little weird.

Suppose he is not like the "Arithmetic teacher died early" like Zhenyuan Daxian in a certain version of the Journey to the West. Then according to his calculations, it seems ... maybe ... it seems that these players are relative to Jormangard Speaking of it, it is not much bigger than each cell.

The result of this calculation is really frustrating, so Cheng Peng secretly told it to Zhang Channian, and then asked if there was any problem with this ratio.

In terms of hunting, Zhang Lidu is an expert, and Cheng Mou can only be considered a thug.

Zhang Channian apparently hadn't considered this kind of mathematical problem, and was suddenly asked by Cheng Peng. He was stunned for a moment, and then he began to hesitate.

No matter from which point of view, it seems a little unreliable to want to kill a person by the attack of a thousand cells.

No matter how powerful these thousand cells are and how powerful the attack power is, it is impossible to kill a large living person.

Not to mention that they are not dealing with an ordinary living person at this moment, but a giant boss named "Snake of the World"!

Zhang Zennian had never encountered this situation before, so he didn't understand what this ratio meant for a while, frowning and thinking for a long time, but then look at those in Yormangad still like fountains Generally, the wounds with purple and black blood poured out of my heart.

"So many people fight together, even if the ants chew the elephant, they can give it to live!"

"Assume that the length of ants is one centimeter and the length of elephants is eight meters. The ratio between the two is only 800 times. Now the ratio between us and Yormangarde is more than 6 million times!"

"Then ants move mountains."

"If you still use ants as a reference, the mountain must be more than 60,000 meters high, and Mount Everest is more than 8,000 meters, which is an order of magnitude worse."

Zhang Channian was shocked by these ratios calculated by Cheng Peng using simple arithmetic. If he is not in the water, he must be sweating. He intentionally shouted at Cheng Peng, "Oh! Are you speaking for the people or for BOSS!" Refuting Cheng Peng's fallacy with this kind of justified question, but after all, there is not enough ideological and political literacy, in other words It is said that the thickness of the face is not so outstanding, and in the face of iron data, there is really no way to justify it.

Therefore, after a long time, he was still the brave side of the player's nature that overwhelmed the sensible side, and he still burst out a ruthless saying: "In short, big sister! Let's fight and talk!"

This statement is obviously very irresponsible, but for the current players, it is no longer a solution.

Now that they have all come here, are they still running back?

And Yormangarde is in front of you, everyone beats it for a long time, can you say "I'm sorry, hit the wrong person"?

It's unrealistic to think about it.

So even though more and more people in the hunting team have recovered, they rely on either arithmetic or intuition to understand that the situation is not right, but the battle continues.

There are many wounds on Yormangard that I do n’t know. The blood of the snake has turned the surroundings completely into fuchsia. There are many masters of the magic department in the hunting team, although they want a detonation. Killing giant snakes is not enough, but if you only illuminate them, you can't help them.

Under the glory of magic, thousands of masters can be seen attacking desperately like giant earth snakes within thousands of meters. They wield various weapons, constantly turning various spells and skills towards giant snakes. I don't worry about the possibility of deviation if I hit it. Anyway, as long as I hit it under my feet, even people with no sense of direction can't make mistakes. Often after a few attacks, the "ground" beneath the feet will crack and a purple-black snake blood will spur out.

At this time, players have to jump up quickly to avoid the first wave of snake blood spray, otherwise it will probably be poisoned, Yormangarde is not very toxic, but poisoning is very troublesome after all.

So from time to time, you can see players hurriedly jumping up the old high, avoiding a purple-black snake blood spewing out of their feet, a slight purple light immediately floated on their bodies, and had to rush back, or Self-reliance or seek help from someone to solve this nasty snake venom.

However, with the passage of time, the situation of poisoning has become less and less. Later, players have been able to skillfully determine the critical point of Yormangarde ’s injury, and jumped up when it was about to hurt and bleed. Worried about the problem of poisoning.

At first glance, this scene is magnificent, and it seems to be a posture of "unanimous people, Taishan moving". However, if you consider that this giant snake is 12,000 kilometers long, the players' "operation range" More than five kilometers, the difference between these two and four hundred times is very distressing.

"A mosquito is about one centimeter long, and the length of the mouthpiece used for blood sucking seems to be only two or three millimeters, which is about a thousand times the height of a person ..."

Cheng Peng sighed and gave up the calculations that made him feel distressed.

Rather than thinking so much, it might as well work harder!

Compared with him, Zhang Channian's heart is more bottomless.

"It's not right! When I came to fight last time, how could Jormangard be so powerful? I played alone for half an hour, and I saw through the probing skills that there was a clear drop of blood on his head. It looks like one two. But now that thousands of people have been playing for more than an hour, how can its blood strips stay still? "

He didn't tell anyone about this, he just secretly wondered.

In less than half a month, Joelmangard's health can actually be improved so much? If it wasn't for the last time he fought against Yormangard, he wouldn't believe that such an outrageous thing would happen!

If his estimation is correct, in this short half-month, Yormangarde's life value is only afraid to increase tens of thousands of times!

Have you made a mistake!

The fighting has continued, it has continued.

However, afterwards, after all, it could not continue.

Most of the players do not have the ability to live underwater. The reason for being able to fight in water relies on the special effect of "Acid Jade". However, the number of Acid Jade is ultimately limited. When it is gradually exhausted, most of them Players can no longer stick to it.

Seeing that there is no hope of winning, it is natural that everyone cannot stay and drown. Zhang Channian, the commander in chief, sighed and issued a command to retreat.

This battle is really inexplicably lost!

Players who have gradually lost their confidence after a long attack has failed, sighed and withdrew from the battlefield. After the battle state disappeared, they used the reunification scroll that was uniformly distributed by the liberation front and turned into a green light. , And immediately returned to the base of the wetland.

After a while, Zhang Channian and others returned.

It was only when the number of people was counted that they discovered that Cheng Peng had not returned.

"What's wrong with you? Are you in trouble?" Zhang Channian asked through the private chat channel.

"No, I just intend to study and study it again." Cheng Peng had put away the magic gun and no longer attacked. Instead, he stood quietly in the water and stared at the transparent giant snake limited by the soul of Yormangard.

"I always think ... we may have overlooked something."

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