A Big Adventure

Chapter 731: Rocky's miscalculation

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Gungun Kunir: The weapon of Odin, the main **** in the Nordic mythology, has incredible power.

This weapon is in a sealed state and must be killed by the rebel Loki and washed with his blood to unlock the seal.

Cheng Peng fell pretending to be next to Odin's body and picked up Kungunil with his hand, but he was slightly disappointed.

Gun Gun Kunir.

The prestige of this artifact is well-known. Perhaps it is not the "strongest" gun, but it is definitely the strongest one in the "famous gun". Like its famous ones, such as the gun of Longinus, etc., the power and It can't be compared; most of the guns that are more powerful than it are mostly mouth guns or fabricated, otherwise the fame is very small, and it can't be compared with it.

For a person like Cheng Peng who is accustomed to a spear, Kun Gunier is undoubtedly the dream magician he dreamed of.

The reason why Shen Qi persuaded him to come to the world of "Goddess's profile" is partly because helping Maximilian to blame the gods and killing demons together can make his fame louder, and partly because he can be in this world. There is a chance to get Kungunil, and he will kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, there is always a gap between ideals and reality. For example, the original plan of the liberation front was to punish the gods and demons, kill the gods and demons to a clean era, and establish a complete human age. After compromising, since then, the people divided and ruled, everyone returned to the bridge and returned to the road without interfering with each other, apparently they did not do their best; although Kungunil finally fell into the hands of Cheng Peng, it was in a sealed state, only killing Only Rocky can unblock it.

However, Cheng Peng is undoubtedly lucky. Compared with the impossible feat of annihilation, there is still a chance to kill Loki to unblock Kungunil.

Cheng Peng grabbed the strangely shaped sharp gun and put it into the inventory, and then he was relieved and looked at Loki hotly.

Speaking of that, he was actually worried just now, worrying that Rocky, Reinas, Stewart, or Frey noticed this sharp weapon, because he really had no confidence to be among the top powerhouses among the gods and demon. We will get Kungunier back in hand.

So his gaze just swept on Kungunil and quickly turned away, what he was afraid of was being discovered by others, and he was even more afraid of reminding others; especially when Stewart ’s gaze stayed on the ground, he I was so nervous that my heart beat a few beats.

Rocky and Reinas might not have noticed, but he knew exactly what Stewart was looking at.

Perhaps a different person may think that Stewart is watching Odin, watching this old opponent who has suppressed his countless years, nostalgic and sentimental, but Cheng Peng will not be so misunderstood, because he can feel that Stewart ’s eyes are not at all. Stay on Odin's body, but stay beside Odin's body.

To put it plainly, Stewart is looking at Kungunil!

Cheng Peng could see that Stewart wanted to seize this sharp weapon.

But Stewart didn't do it after all.

Maybe he has seen that the sharp gun is currently in a sealed state, maybe he is afraid that seizing the sharp gun will become a target, or maybe ... he just figured it out.

The archaic giant Imir is superb. Ten Stuarts are not his opponents, but Imir is dead.

The hero of Odin, even if he did not hold Kungunil, Stewart could not beat him, but Odin also died.

For Stewart, who has lived for hundreds of millions of years and plans to live for hundreds of millions of years, no matter how great the skill is, the best weapon is not worth the risk.

People who live to the end can laugh to the end, even though the final result may not be satisfactory, but at least live long enough.

Although Kungunil is powerful, can he live longer? Or, in order to live longer, must he get Kungunil?

of course not!

So although Stewart had a greedy look in his eyes, he quickly put it aside, without looking at the once-magnificent magic weapon of the Nine Realms, and patted his **** and left.

Does Stewart think so? Cheng Peng is not sure, but what he can be sure is, Kun Gunier is now in his own hands!

that's enough!

Compared with it, everything else is floating clouds!

With Kun Kunil packed away, Cheng Peng slowly got up and stood up straight, his hands flashed coldly, the magic weapon of the magic gun was red and misty, and he was murderous.

Rocky, who is fighting with Reinas, naturally felt this murderousness. He took the time to look over and was staring at Cheng Peng.

Then he was startled.

Cheng Peng's eyes are no longer "human", but full of brutal and extreme murderous intentions. Although he stands on the spot, although his appearance has not changed, but through those eyes, Luo What Ji saw was no longer a human hero, but an ancient demon!

The demon **** who tears the sky apart, cuts down the immortals, and makes all things tremble!

If he had n’t taken Cheng Peng as a mortal just now, now he has to be distracted to guard against Cheng Peng.

Although Cheng Peng is still standing under the golden steps, although his strength is still not strong enough compared to Rocky, Rocky no longer dare to underestimate him!

So Cheng Peng just stood there and just looked at Rocky coldly, which made this evil **** who had just killed the main **** Odin feel very uncomfortable, and also had a little more worry in the shot, often attacked with one stroke, Only dare to use seven or eight points of strength, always keep two or three points to guard against his surprise attack.

Reinas has no long eyes behind her, and naturally cannot see Cheng Peng's situation, but her combat experience is extremely rich, and she immediately noticed the decrease in Rocky's fighting will, and saw a victory from his gradually weak shot. Opportunity, the black flaming magic sword Levante waved more quickly, as if it turned into a cruising black electro-optic, circling around Loki more than once.

This electric light is not ordinary lightning, but condensed by the magic flame that can burn the world. Even though Loki ’s power is extremely powerful, if it is rubbed by it, it will still be seriously injured even if it is not dead.

Fortunately, his artifact "Long Baoyu" has the highest spirituality among the four artifacts. The blue light emitted seems to be as flexible as life. Every time he can block the black flame of Levantine in time, nothing is contaminated by Loki.

This is exactly what Rocky wants!

He knows his own affairs from his family, he has more wisdom and insufficient force, he is arrogant, and there is no one among the gods, but he really fights, he ca n’t say much to win him, there are still so many, Austria Ding naturally is one of them.

In order to make up for the lack of his own combat power, Loki chose to steal Long Baoyu, the purpose is to rely on the spirituality of this artifact to assist himself in fighting.

Among the four artifacts, Meteor Gun Kungunil has unparalleled power, the flaming sword Levantine has a terrible magic flame that burns everything, and the Bow of Light Hilvin has endless vitality, Long Baoyu Op It has amazing spirituality, it can transform mortals into dragons, but it is not a fool that ca n’t even walk, but a strong person who is so powerful that the gods and demons are targeted!

When holding Long Baoyu, the dragon clan's combat experience has been continuously introduced into Loki's heart, allowing him to respond in a timely and accurate manner to various situations, just like a plug-in, the combat power has risen!

It was by this means of plug-in that he was able to defeat Odin and ascend to the highest throne.

Otherwise ... Even if Odin broke his arm, he might not have won the opponent.

However, no matter how powerful Long Baoyu is, its ability is ultimately limited. Reinas ’s martial arts are not under Odin, and he is in good condition. The weapon in his hand, Levantine, is not as inferior to Kungu Nelson, although her own A lot of power is inferior to Odin, but it is not an opponent that Rocky can defeat without full effort.

But the problem is that now Rocky really dare not go all out!

At this moment, he is not only facing Reinas, but also a guy with an unknown situation but terrifying momentum. If he is fully calculated by that guy, is it not as stupid as Odin?

Therefore, he can only maintain 70% to 80% of the output, fighting carefully.

Such a fight made him extremely unhappy, but he was helpless.

Fortunately, such a battle should not last long, because Reinas could no longer withstand the force of the collision of the flaming sword and Long Baoyu, and the mouth and nose began to bleed, and it seems that it has not been able to persist for too long.

After all ... What she is using now is not the elaborate **** body made by the Asa clan, but the magician of the world made with clumsy techniques by using the outdated techniques of the gods in the Stone of the Sage. Half-man half-elf body.

How could such a poor body withstand the power of collision of two supreme artifacts!

"Damn Lenas! Hurry down!"

While Loki continuously infused divine power into Long Baoyu and urged it to knock down the enemy as soon as possible, he watched Cheng Peng, who was staring at himself coldly under the steps, while secretly praying in his heart.

Things are so interesting, as the evil god, he is praying now!

He is waging the battle of the gods at dusk, he has just killed the main **** Odin, with the crazy idea of ​​"destroy the world in adverse circumstances", he is actually praying!

Is this kind of prayer possible?

Of course impossible!

Not only is it impossible, it will also have the opposite effect!

I do n’t know if Rocky ’s prayer “worked”. Just now I saw the bud that Odin died and passed out, but now he woke up.

Her gaze swept blankly through the palace of gold as if nothing existed until she saw Odin's body before regaining her light.

Then she looked up and looked at Rocky and Lenas who were fighting.

Her eyes were cold and clear, but there was no murderous expression, as if her heart was blank.

This is not her natural ability, but to assist Odin, long-term suppression of her inherent motherhood as the goddess of creation, and finally exercise the talents.

As an assistant to Odin, she needs more than compassion, but more coldness. So she often had to close her heart, turned into a cold sanctioner, and waved the butcher knife to the people who should be cared for by her like a child.

In this process, she will not reveal any killing intentions, or even any mood swings, and the whole person will become a machine.

This is a kind of talent that should be cursed, but at the moment it really works the right way.

Rocky, who is fighting with Reinas, did n’t notice Frey ’s awakening, nor did he notice that this goddess, second only to Odin among the Assassins, took out his weapon, which was like a mirror. Artifact.

Transmitter ethereal aurora.

After a few seconds, Cheng Peng suddenly shouted and made a gesture to charge.

This action shocked Loki slightly and urged Long Baoyu to block Lenas's offensive, and at the same time transferred all the rest of his energy there to prevent Cheng Peng's possible surprise attack.

However, the raid did not come from Cheng Peng at all, but from Fleet!

The dazzling light spewed out from the treasure mirror in Frey's hand. Although more than half of it was blocked by the blue light emitted by Long Baoyu Op, it finally slammed into Rocky's body, hitting his left shoulder, making him One arm burned in the blazing flames, and the whole person was blasted up, broke the roof of the Golden Palace, and fell out like a meteor.

At this moment, the gate of the Golden Palace suddenly opened, led by Liu Xuan, a crowd of players on the liberation front swarmed in.

"Rocky, here we come!"

"Fight him! Fight him!"

"Huh? Why are there only two girls? Where did Loki go?"

"I just saw a shooting star just now."

"He runs fast!"

"Fuck! Hurry up!"

The crowd who rushed in Hula La rushed out again, leaving only a few people to face Cheng Peng silently.

People looked at each other silly for a few seconds and finally couldn't help laughing.

"Go! Chase Loki!" Cheng Peng waved his hand, and even with the magic gun turned into a golden light, he rushed out of the Golden Palace and chased the direction of Loki before flying.

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