A Big Adventure

Chapter 761: Beihai Bingfeng

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Since Cheng Peng and others joined the North Sea crusade, the efficiency of the battle was immediately improved a lot.

It is not that there are no brave generals in the crusades. Chu Fengge and He Ming both have undue bravery. Although Chu Fengge is often absent-minded, although He Ming is often enthusiastic about it, these two people can break through the enemy line alone. Not to mention that Bai Yu and Zhang Zennian are two powerful men who can swept through thousands of troops ... In fact, even if they do n’t even use their characters, even Huang Feihu ’s two younger brothers, Huang Feipiao and Huang Feibao, are enough to crush the North Sea Rebel Among them, the so-called "tyrants".

However, no matter which one of them, they can only defeat the enemy, and there is no way to stop Yuan Futong, whose escape skills are fascinating. This fellow doesn't know where a BMW good horse is. When he ran up and smoked, he could run a few miles with a few blinks of his eyes. When the situation was not good, he fled in a blink of an eye, and everyone was exhausted. Can't catch up.

Until the arrival of Cheng Peng, this situation finally changed!

Although Yuan Futong's BMW is fast, Cheng Peng is faster than any BMW in the world!

When he shrank the ground with all his strength, the whole person turned into golden lightning, and he could break through the North Sea Army in his breath and stop in front of Yuan Futong who was planning to escape.

At this time, it was natural for players who protected Yuan Futong to take action.

It's a pity that Cheng Peng's fighting power with full firepower is too terrifying. When he suffocated his strength and turned the qi on the magic gun into a countless blade of light and swept it out, Mo said that he would die when he touched it. Even if he is still tens of meters away from him, it is still within the range of the light blade. Often he rounded the magic gun round, which was dozens or even hundreds of people. Even if those players did their best to help, even they could not withstand this kind of firepower, and they could only protect Yuan Futong from escaping their old lives, and they could no longer take care of the army.

After so many fights here, the morale of the entire North Sea rebel army fell to the extreme, and it was possible that a full collapse would happen at any time. The so-called "72 princes of the road" are even more panic-stricken. Every day, some people take the team out of the rebels. Those with a dumb brain will flee, and those with a clever brain will come to contend with the army and surrender. Until Cheng Peng On the sixth day after they came to condemn the army, less than one-third of the troops of the "Seventy-two princely coalition forces" had been left, and no matter how many times they came, they would not be able to break into the army. Yuan Futong's palm was difficult to cry, except There is no other choice but to surrender and escape completely, and this long-standing rebellion will finally come to an end.

In this case, the educators who supported Yuan Futong behind them finally couldn't resist and sent a real master team.

When Cheng Peng played again and planned to rush directly to the enemy line after the convention to kill the Quartet, a red flame stopped him.

"Evil Demon walks away! Hugh will try again!"

Cheng Peng's figure stopped like a movie stunt, completely ignoring the effect of inertia, so that the long-stored trick of the player who planned to block the actual attack was lost, and only the ground in front of him was exploded three times. A big pit of four meters, but he didn't even scratch a hair.

This result was obviously far beyond the man ’s expectations, so he originally planned to bombard Cheng Peng, then stood in the place where the enemy turned away and shook his head and sighed twice. It is extremely uncomfortable to hit the empty place with a fist with full strength.

"Who are you?" Of course Cheng Peng didn't need to cooperate with each other. He stopped and looked up at the figure standing on the sky with Qing Yun, "While wearing an ancient robe floating in the air, are you going to show your thighs?"

Cheng Pengping has always been a very decent person, but as a new generation of Internet worms who often surf the Internet, he also knows how to use irony and sarcasm.

If you voted for Qiong Yao, you should report it to Tao Li; if you voted for something malicious, then what he returned was naturally lip service.

The man choked with a beard and stared at his eyes with a word. He quickly lowered his head and fell hundreds of meters in front of him. There were several flames around him that seemed to be slowly rotating. It was obviously a magic weapon for protection, although the tone Very big, but he doesn't know Cheng Peng's prestige, and he dare not dare to stand up in front of this powerful man.

"I am the eldest son under the gate of Yuxu Palace. Cheng Qiqi walks against the sky. Are you afraid of any hindrance?"

Cheng Peng looked at him carefully.

This man is about twenty-three to four. He looks handsome. A robe is obviously intentionally changed. It is a little less old-fashioned and solemn, and has some more fashion charm. It looks quite tasteful in the body and can be seen as a taste People. He was holding a short stick with five-color streamers. He didn't know what treasure it was. He was surrounded by six colors of unobtrusive but very flexible fire light. He wanted to use it for body protection. He also wore a sword in his waist because Without being sheathed, I ca n’t see any mystery ... Just Cheng Peng noticed that this person ’s eyes are not pure black, but a fiery red, as if burning two groups of flames, obviously it is a refined flame spell Characters.

Generally speaking, players who specialize in flame spells tend to fire in their own fields. Even if it is not this type, they will reveal a lot of firepower intentionally or unintentionally, turning into a circle of fire around the body, even the field will Stained by firepower. Only those top masters who have fully smelted the field and Dao can recover all the leaked firepower. This process is not easy. For example, Shen Qi is to upgrade her level to six stars. This step was completely completed at the time of the order, and the firepower was completely restrained.

In other words, those who can bring all the firepower back to the body without leaking semi-ignition gas are first-class masters!

Although this person is surrounded by several flames around his body, it is a magic weapon. These flames are only the same as his breath, but they do not flow out of his body. Obviously, they are also able to converge all the firepower of the body.

"Who are you?" Cheng Peng didn't pay attention to the name of "the longest son under the gate of Yuxu Palace", and asked directly, "Is it to educate the general players over there? Or push the world to kill the gang?"

The eldest son apparently didn't expect Cheng Peng to ask this question. He immediately frowned and showed a little surprise on his face. He didn't know how to answer for a while.

However, his expression was enough to answer Cheng Peng's question.

Cheng Peng sighed softly, put away the magic gun, and pulled out the sharp gun Kungunil.

"Sure enough, as we guessed ... Since then, there is no reconcilable enemy between us." As he spoke, he urged the circle of Rune scriptures under Kungunil's gunpoint to rotate rapidly, constantly Earth reserves, "Alright, let me show you how to explain and see what you really have!"

Before the words fell, he even turned his gun into a lightning and went straight to the eldest son.

Cheng Peng is extremely fast, but his eldest son is not slow. Since this man can be sent to deal with Cheng Peng and others, he is naturally a little capable. Cheng Peng had just started his hands, he made a move under the killing induction, and saw a fire on the short stick, just like life, welcome Cheng Pengfei.

Cheng Peng's speed is extremely fast, and the speed of the firelight is also extremely fast.

The dazzling ray of Kungunil radiated from the sharp gun, and Lun ’s esoteric revolved at high speed, just like a drill bit, blasting fiercely on that firelight.

The firelight is indeed extraordinary, but it is much worse than Kungunil. It was barely able to hold it when it started to fight, but after several consecutive collisions, it finally defeated. Only one whine was heard, and the flames receded in an instant, and returned to the short stick. The brightly colored short stick was now dull, and even several clear cracks appeared on the stick body, apparently suffered. Hit hard.

This result was not beyond the expectation of the eldest son. He did not use this short rod to defeat Cheng Peng, but only to slightly weaken the other party's sharpness and fight for a little time. Although the damage of the short rod was slightly higher than expected, but The overall result is still within the acceptable range.

Because while Cheng Peng repulsed the flames of the short staff, he had sacrificed his truly powerful magic weapon.

A sword tactic was squeezed in his hand, and the sword that was worn around his waist came out of the sheath and turned into a pure blue glow. In the glow of the glow, there was a drop of ambilight, like a piece of scales, more like a blue 'S Youlong soared in the radiant light, exuding infinite coercion.

This sword alone is enough to sweep the vast majority of so-called masters. But the eldest son knew that Cheng Peng was so powerful, he didn't even have the idea of ​​slashing his opponent with the sword alone. The moment the sword light flowed, he quickly changed his law and order, and finally opened his mouth and shouted "Doo!" "

With this loud shout, the sword light exploded violently, turned into countless blue silk threads, spread out in all directions, and turned into an overwhelming sword net, almost covering the range of hundreds of meters around.

This is an extremely advanced method in flying swordsmanship. The name "Sword Qi Chengsi" compresses the power of a flying sword into countless sword silks. It may seem small, but the strength is more condensed and the power will increase a lot.

Anyone who can exhibit such swordsmanship is the top master among the first-class swordsmen!

Cheng Peng hadn't fought with the sword immortals before, but his understanding of this trick was limited to the information on the forum. However, Wei Ye in the back often consulted with the sword immortal friends. When he saw this method used by his elder son, it suddenly changed. His face shouted in the team channel.

"Beware! These swords are very powerful!"

Cheng Peng is planning to break through the formation of countless sword wires. Hearing Wei Ye ’s words, his thoughts turned around, and he subconsciously turned back. The sharp gun Kungunil turned his head and would attempt to outstrip his sword wires from the back Retreat, and immediately withdrew from the sword net.

During this process, the sharp gun collided with those sword wires a lot. Although the power of each shot was not great, the superposition of these forces made Cheng Peng's wrist tremble slightly, and his heart was still dark.

The method of sword qi into silk is really extraordinary!

When the eldest son saw Cheng Peng forced to retreat with a blow, he smiled on his face and said confidently: "This is the unique swordsmanship that I have painstakingly studied for a long time. If you have confidence in riding, you might as well come to my sword net. "

Cheng Peng frowned, staring at the piece of sword net that was floating.

Of course, he knew that the other party was using radical methods, and knew that it was a very unwise thing to rush into the enemy's sphere of fighting, but he still wanted to give it a try.

It has nothing to do with wisdom, no tactics, but as a strong man, when a good opponent challenges this kind of means even though he should admire it, the will to fight will inevitably rise.

The will to simply chase victory.

"Is this your trick? It looks great."

"It doesn't look like it's actually very powerful."

"Then ... it's a pity if you don't try it!"

With that said, the realm around Cheng Peng started to glow, and the powerful gang and the realm combined, and then the power was lifted in the most violent way, turning into a ray of light just like the sun falling to the ground.

In the next moment, he even brought a gun and turned into a dazzling meteor, facing the strongest front of "Sword Net Dust", and rushed hard.

"Give me ... broken!"

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