A Big Adventure

Chapter 762: Break

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When Cheng Peng turned into a meteor and rushed to the sword net, no matter the light and the dark, the people watching from both sides were stunned.

Cheng Peng will never be stumped by the sword net dust, this is basically for sure. In addition to the confident long-term son, even those who are hiding in the dark and ready to support him at all times think so.

The bow of the ship is famous, and in the past adventures and battles, Cheng Peng used his actual actions to lay down the name of Hehewei, and beheaded countless powerful enemies. Compared with the enemies past, it is nothing. Temporarily repelling him, it is almost the limit of the long-term son, want to defeat the enemy ... Although it can not be said that it is impossible, but it is obviously a small probability event that is almost negligible.

After all ... In the Heavenly Sword League, the longest-born son is only the third class among the "One Saint, Three Gods and Seven Sons", even though he is the head of the "Sword League Seven Sons", even ordinary masters must look up Characters, but compared with those extraordinary powerhouses, the gap still exists.

As for Cheng Peng ... don't say the head of the "Seven Sons", even if the "Three Swords" above the "Seven Sons" match him, he dare not say that there is any chance of winning. Perhaps only the "Jiansheng" that everyone admires and follows can win him?

Well, maybe, maybe it is.

After all, even if the "Jiansheng" himself never really played with Cheng Peng, he could not be sure of each other's height.

They once had the opportunity to be on the same battlefield, each other's identity is still an enemy, but "Jiansheng" several shots, either to pick up some weak people that are not worth mentioning to him, or to fight the same defeat The characters of Peng's men were either overwhelmingly defeated by unimaginable tricks.

Of course, that trick is an out-of-specification method that can only appear on that battlefield. One move is simply unbeatable, and losing under that one is not a shame. Mo said that it was him at that time, even now he still has little confidence in that trick again, I believe Cheng Peng must be the same.

So in the final analysis, even "Jiansheng" himself is really not sure whether he can win Cheng Peng.

If he is alone at this moment, most of them have already come to the door and have a duel with Cheng Peng, regardless of success or failure, regardless of success or failure, only to be happy. But he can't, because he is not alone, he shoulders the responsibility of the entire Sky Sword League, and shoulders the hope of an entire group in the game. He has no willful power.

Therefore, he can only retreat and let his subordinates try Cheng Peng's skill, judging the full strength of Cheng Peng through a battle, then carefully assessing, deducing the appropriate tactics, and finally slashing it. Under the sword.

Cheng Peng has always been a lone traveler. The lone traveler can live freely and live the life he wants. However, "Jiansheng" is no longer a lone traveler. He is the leader of a group. The leader is not wayward, he must win. .

Therefore, it is only this fight now that we have this seemingly fair duel, but in fact it is not a fair duel at all.

Longevity will be defeated!

"The eldest son lost." Cheng Peng turned into a meteor, and Bai Yu said, "The outcome is fixed."

Her tone is very plain, as if to say nonsense like "the weather is good today", but she is full of confidence and can't be doubted at all.

Among the people present, the unfamiliar news such as Huang Tianbiao and Huang Tianbao frowned suddenly, and if they had not pride themselves in identity, they even had to export a rebuttal, but Wei Ye and others who were familiar with her nodded and approved her statement.

Although not all of them can be seen from Cheng Peng's trick, Bai Yu is one of the strongest players in the whole adventure, and what she said is a guarantee in itself.

Even though this "one of the strongest" is as famous as her strength is her good luck and negligence of basic skills, so that her fighting style is quite stiff and old-fashioned, and even smarter than ordinary masters, but In fact, she was able to defeat strong enemies in that rigid and old fashioned way, which in itself proved her strength.


Among the various abilities of Bai Yu, people who are not familiar with her value luck, but when they are really familiar with her, they will be impressed by her vision.

It is the sharpness that can see through the key, and the sharpness that can find clues in the complex. With this vision that has gone beyond common sense and can even be called a "genius", Bai Yu can accomplish missions with incredible "good luck", win battles, and gain the envy and envy of many others.

In fact, in terms of vision, even Cheng Peng sighed at Bai Yu.

That is a talent, not only the innate talents God has given her, but also the result of her long-term exercise. Just as Wei Ye's grasp and understanding of "number", Cheng Peng's unparalleled performance in "firmness", Chu Fengge's fascinating ability to control the "art of war", Bai Yu's vision is through his long-term efforts to Talented talents are fully trained, and the full potential is discovered, and the ability to finally be born.

This ability does not seem logical at first, but in fact it is the result of detailed consideration. In most cases, she is very reliable.

At least it is more reliable than the elder son's judgment on the battle situation.

When the eldest son saw that his proud sword net dust was transformed by Cheng Peng's fiery meteor with the least technical content, the most savage and the most clumsy method, he always asked himself to calmly and strive to cultivate Deserving the status of "Sword League Seven Sons", he was surprised to grow his mouth, even when he was blown into the white light by the hot meteor and returned to the resurrection point, he was still at a loss.

"How is it possible?" When he discovered that the surrounding scenery had become the familiar Jade Xu Palace, he couldn't help murmuring, "It's impossible! The power of the sword net dust front ... but at least equivalent to thirty times Six-star power! He is not that kind of powerful MT, how could he bear such an attack! "

"You are wrong." A voice came from the side, but it was a middle-aged man who returned to the city with props after witnessing the result of the battle. "Your sword net dust has a great flaw from the beginning. . "

"What flaws?" The eldest son asked hurriedly.

"The leader said that you have to find out the flaw by yourself, otherwise it would be meaningless." The middle-aged man patted his partner's shoulder and said comfortably, "I believe you can do it! The leader said with certainty that once You can find this flaw by your own strength and talent, and then solve it, then the three **** swords of our sword alliance will become four **** swords. "

"Come on, I'm waiting for you to catch up and keep up with us!"

Not to mention how the inspired eldest son regained his strength, went to the practice room and worked hard, trying to find his own flaws and make up for it as soon as possible. Cheng Peng smashed the dust of the sword net with a single blow, and killed the long-born son in front, and fell into silence.

There are many masters on the scene, although the strength is not strong but the eyesight is more. The longevity of the sword net dust is to forcefully divide a powerful flying sword light into a sword, It seems weak, but in fact, each sword wire is no less powerful than the original flying sword, and because the volume becomes smaller, the attack is more strange and insidious, and it is more difficult to defend. It is indeed an extraordinary stunt. .

However, Cheng Peng broke it in a jaw-dropping way. With the overwhelming power, he punctured the entire sword net frontally, and all the swords were cut off. In the end, even the eldest son himself was killed in one fell swoop.

What an amazing power!

"Hi!" Du Zaomiao couldn't help but sighed and sighed, "I always knew that he was a master, but I didn't expect him to be a master at this point! The attack just now, he was equal to one stroke and broke two or three. Ten sword lights with six stars? This kind of power ... let alone six stars, even seven stars are rare! "

"Sister Miaomiao, you are wrong." Shen Qi hugged her from the back, taking advantage of her height to hold the girl's head between her chests and messing her hair up, "That trick Actually the problem is great. "

"Ah? What's the problem?"

"Those sword lights that turned into a thread, indeed each has a six-star power, but they are independent of each other, and they are not connected at all, so he crashed over and seemed to have broken two or thirty times. Jiansi, in fact, only defeated twenty-three times the six-star power tricks. You are surprised that the power of the twenty-thirty-thirty sword silks is calculated, but in fact, each of them Is separate. "

Du Zaomiao still had some confusion and didn't understand what she meant.

"Chopsticks are constantly folded, but it's easy to fold them one by one." Wei Ye, who is also a master of the spell department, said more clearly than Shen Qi. "It is clear that the chopsticks should be used together. The result is that It ’s a strange way that the guy actually disassembled them ... it turned out to be mentally flawed! "

"Actually, I can't blame him." Li Yi, who was so dying because he stayed up late to watch cartoons, explained to the eldest son, "It is very difficult to gather those powerful sword filaments without interfering with each other. Things. There is a gap between what you want and what you can do. "

Du Zaomiao only fully understood this and couldn't help asking: "So ... can you do it?"

"I can't do it." Li Yi answered frankly, "Brother may be able to."

"I can't do it either ... Although I am working hard and I have found the key tricks, it will take some time." Shen Qi sighed, "It is not easy to go from" want to get "to" do it " ! "

The eyes of the three gathered on Wei Ye, and the mustache smiled and raised his right hand.

The light of a spell appeared in his palm, and then scattered into a dozen thin threads, then slowly approached, entangled with each other, and finally twisted like a rope, reunited into a strand, but each other was still very clear, a little bit There is no integration.

"Similar things, he should have been able to do it for a long time before he broke the army, so he rushed forward with such certainty." Wei Ye smiled and dispelled the mana. Just use the axe! "

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