A Big Adventure

Chapter 764: Duel covenant

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Ji Chang is dead.

Ji Fa succeeded.

Jiang Ziya became the prime minister of Xiqi, and was honored as "the father" by King Wu.

what does this mean? It means that the main line of "Shangzhou-Zhou War" in the entire Romance of Gods is about to kick off.

What happened during the Shang and Zhou Wars? The Shang-Zhou War was a process in which the Shang Dynasty went from one failure to another, and eventually collapsed completely; and the Zhou Dynasty continued to win and sing forward, winning the world!

Once this process begins, it is the official kick-off of the Heaven and Earth Tribulation, which also means that the elucidation of the Immortal Society will begin to formally eliminate those opponents who are different from their own ideas, and finally complete the **** of Taoism.

Once this process begins, whether Beihai Yuan Futong is dead or alive, the existence of the North Sea rebels has lost meaning.

"This system is really ruthless!" The news made Wei Ye, who has always been careless and stubborn, change his face, and said sullenly, "Seeing that we are done, we came to this."

"All the good mood is destroyed!" Bai Yu's face also appeared angry, "Ji Chang can not die a few days later!"

"It's strange ... Ji Chang's condition was not serious before." Shen Qi turned his notebook quickly and found several pieces of information. "Look, he was in good spirits until the day before yesterday and he can be with Jiang Ziya Playing in the bamboo forest, Jiang Ziya was killed and his helmet was discarded, shouting, 'No countdown is allowed!'

Looking at the news, everyone was lost in thought.

Shen Qi is right, even if Ji Chang is going to die, he should not be so fast!

"Since that ... why did he die suddenly?" Cheng Peng said to himself, although it was an interrogative sentence, he didn't mean to ask anyone.

In fact, he has guessed the reason.

Although it is ridiculous, although there are many doubts that have not yet been clarified, but since there is only one possibility, then no matter how ridiculous and the reasons are unknown, the facts are still open!

"Ji Chang was not sick and killed, but was killed!" Chu Fengge, who is rare in spirit today, said coldly, "The players who killed him are the players who educated!"

"This is impossible!" Shen Qi exclaimed. "Ji Chang is a man who is destined to be protected, and it is absolutely impossible to kill him!"

"Isn't it possible! The man who is destined to protect is a fart! The man who was killed by fate can't count both hands and feet!" Chu Fengge snorted, "Cheng Peng also killed the same Man of Destiny! Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Kurolo Rushiru, Dorgon Aixinjueluo, Helianbo ... Which of these people is not destined to protect? Not all of them died under his hands! Does Ji Chang have more lives or more heads than others? "

"Why should educable players kill Ji Chang? This will damage Xiqi's luck!"

"Luck is nothing, as long as the destiny is still on their side, their luck will continue to rise." Wei Ye explained, "In a short time, Ji Chang's death will inevitably make the entire Zhou Dynasty angry. There is a lot of decline in luck. But this decline is only temporary, and it will not take long for their luck to rise, and they will double back because of the previous loss. After all, Ji Chang will die, his death is simply As part of destiny, everything is logical. "

"It doesn't make sense to say that." Cheng Peng sighed, interrupting everyone's discussion, and his eyes became firm again. "We have only one thing to do now, and we will attack with all our strength at once, and strive to defeat the North Sea rebels as soon as possible!"

"It's conceivable that Cheng Peng and they will definitely attack with all their strength and strive to defeat the North Sea rebels as soon as possible. Although Yuan Futong's life and death are worthless, we must at least show him the power of our Sky Sword Alliance! Qi flame! "In the military account on the other side, the seven sons of Tianjianmeng finally made such a conclusion.

Early the next morning, just as Cheng Peng was preparing to lead the army to attack with all their strength, defeating the North Sea rebels in one fell swoop, and then chasing Liting to sweep the cave all the way, attacking Yuan Futong's old nest in one breath, a messenger ran from the North Sea rebel camp Here comes a paper.

War testament.

This Vietnamese warfare is very wonderfully written. Not only is the phonology coherent and catchy, the words are also very neat, the four-word prose is very beautiful, and the content is even more powerful. There are hardly any sentences that do not use allusions. I had to turn a corner and use metaphorical irony to explain it, and it was mixed with a lot of rare and unrecognizable ancient styles ... If Cheng Peng himself is also an expert in ancient writing, I am afraid to talk to Du Zaomiao, Wen De, Li Yi Like people, rely on the black technology translation tool that comes with the system uncle to read this article!

And this essay with thousands of words is actually a matter of one sentence in general:

Tomorrow morning, in the battle of Yuan Futong's headquarters outside Beihai City, the three battles will definitely win or lose!

This letter puzzled Cheng Peng and others, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd. But no matter what, it is an ancient saying that soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth. Since the enemy is invited to fight, then fight!

After thinking a little, Cheng Peng raised the pen and wrote a word "Ke" on the Vietnam War document, so that the commander would be handed over to the other party.

He could not write such an article, but what is necessary?

In fact, if it is not that the thickness of the face is not enough, he originally planned to draw a circle on the article, and then annotate the following: read it, and submit it to the relevant department for processing. Cheng Peng.

When the letter returned to the spouse of the seven sons of the Tianjianmeng, who had always been proud of the talents of poetry, this consistently elegant young man saw Cheng Peng ’s apparently handwriting, and he was not at all serious. The word "Ke" was so angry that he gritted his teeth, shredded the paper to pieces, stomped his feet and yelled, "The son is so insulting the article! It is unbearable!" In addition, Cheng Peng should be given a chance to explode.

"That won't work." As the companions persuaded, a peaceful voice suddenly came from the door of the military account. "People against the generals, since I want to duel with Cheng Peng, of course I will play in person!"

The seven sons of Tianjianmeng froze for a moment, turned their heads, and saw that four people, including the longest-born son, followed a plain-looking young man and walked into the tent.


"Why are you here?"

"Of course I have to come. The matter over Xi Qi has come to an end temporarily. What we have to do now is to concentrate all our strength and defeat the confidence of the stupid guys who do not know the truth and tell the truth from the front!"

"Tomorrow's battle, we must not only win, but also win clean and beautiful, win beautiful!"

"Tomorrow's duel ... can we win?" Du Zaomiao asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course!" Cheng Peng said with a smile, "we can not only win but also win beautifully and neatly!"

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