A Big Adventure

Chapter 765: Three World Wars will be won or lost (1)

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The gusty wind blew, leaving the ground as bare as if it had been washed by water countless times. The air was filled with powdery snow particles, as fine as dust, but because of the wind, it hit the armor and sent out ping-pong The sound of table tennis. The merchant soldiers standing against the wind, using shields to cover their faces, were still squeaked and shattered by the snow particles like airsoft bullets.

"Night City in the North Sea, really deserving of heaven!" Huang Feihu rode the five-color **** cow, the flame of the **** cow rises to block the snow grains coming from the split face, looking at the city fortress built on the mountain, with great emotion, "born in In such a bitterly cold place, it is no wonder that they want rebellion. "

"You are not what the general responsible for rebellion should say."

"Haha, I just sighed." Huang Feihu, who was rather embarrassed by Cheng Peng's words, laughed twice. "Ling Chi, the rebel, punishes his Nine Clan, Yi Qicheng, and moves his people. This is the rule ... Perhaps for them, no matter where they move, it is better than staying here? This ghost place does not have a city as a barrier, and people cannot live at all! "

"It's not that I want to disappoint, but two of you. Should I keep this kind of words until I win?" Wei Ye riding a bamboo horse came together. "Look, the murderous over there is not a soft persimmon." ! "

As he said, a tall flag streamer was erected outside the city at night. The flag streamer was indistinct and did not know how many people were hidden. Only from the top of the sky, even the lead cloud was reopened with a crack. It can be concluded that the educating players gathered there are definitely not easy to deal with.

After a while, a messenger came by Jianguang and asked confidently, "Are you ready?"

"Preparation? What preparation?" Cheng Peng was puzzled and asked, "Don't you say that you will win or lose in three battles? I don't have a single or group fight. I just have to fight horizontally. What preparations are needed?"

The messenger apparently didn't expect Cheng Peng to answer that, and he was stunned.

If someone else said this, he might have ridiculed the other party's ignorance, but Cheng Peng, who is the first player in the world, would have to consider whether the other party was deliberately making fun of himself.

fling in teeth? Angry? irony? Several thoughts were turned in his head, but they were rejected by him one by one. In the end, the rather suffocated messenger made up his mind so as not to change, and put on a public poker face. Explain to Cheng Peng.

"Fengshen Yanyi" is a world of immortal magical supernatural powers. This world is full of various spells, treasures and formations, so generally speaking, if players agree that "three formations will definitely win or lose", these three items will be divided. One fight each.

"It turns out that ... so that is to say, you have prepared arrays, treasures and spells, we should also prepare these three types, and then fight, right?"

"Yes." The messenger said coldly, looking around the positions of the merchant army, looking for traces of the formation. "The magic weapon and the spell are enough. What about your formation?"

According to the rules, the "fighting battle" is generally a process in which the two sides each put down a formation, and then send each other to break the battle in the other battle, and the battle is lost first. If the positions of the two sides are broken at the same time, then each of them will set up another way ... until the victory is lost.

This approach seems to be very gentle, but in fact it is quite dangerous. The formation method is extremely powerful, and the difficulty of breaking the formation is not low. The correct way should be to test carefully, find out the flaws of the formation and then break them in a targeted way. But in order to hurry, the two sides had to stubbornly work hard, and the results were often fatal. Among the various duel methods, this method is the most dead, known as "not PK is better than PK"

After knowing the specific situation, Cheng Peng frowned and looked at Wei Ye.

If it is said that Wei Ye is definitely an expert among experts, even the formation method is no exception. It can even be said without exaggeration that he is the person most likely to win the title of "Spell First". At the beginning of the battle of the Wushuang Serpent, his several formations and methods were breathtaking. Both the "Huangtian Great Formation" and the "Falling Mountain and Broken Temple" were magical means.

Therefore, of course, it should be asked him.

Seeing Cheng Peng's gaze turned on, Wei Ye touched the moustache of the two skimmers, said to be very similar to Lu Xiaofeng, and smiled confidently.

"Relax, to say the formation, the cut-off is the expert! The explanation of the formation of those people is nothing more than a nod, and their ancestors will not form the formation themselves, and naturally have not passed any formation. The "Killing Great Array" series that has been handed down from the Zhuxian array can't be compared! You can wait and see. In this game, they will lose even underwear, and they can only run while holding the chrysanthemum! "

"Is it so mysterious?" Cheng Peng secretly doubted, but knew that even if he asked, Wei Ye would only pat his shoulder, or He Ming's shoulder, laughed, and then confidently said "big husband , Meng Dana "or something.

So at this time, he just needs to be strategic and put on a confident smile.

Well, smile, just smile.

Interception is worthy of being an expert in formation. Wei Ye just shouted a few words in the camp channel. Hundreds of people gathered from the interception players who came from all over the place, all of whom are very confident in formation. After Wei Ye ’s temporary inspection and a little selection, ten people were finally selected.

"Brother System occasionally does some personnel, and the update of" You can enter the next round as long as you don't participate in the key storyline "really helped a lot, or else where would we go to get together ten people who know the ten unique battles out!" "Wei Ye laughed very proudly, so that the ten players who knew how to teach the famous formation" Ten Peer Array "began to fight.

"Ten unique arrays? I remember this is ten arrays. Isn't fighting arrays one-on-one?" Cheng Peng asked suspiciously.

"Who said that we are going to set up the" Ten Jue Array "?" Wei Ye's eyes flashed insidious light, "The Ten Jue Array is so famous, there must be a way to crack the explanation, so this time we have not set up a separate It ’s a ten-strike battle, but it ’s a combination of ten circles, which will not only greatly enhance the power, but also make up for the biggest flaw of the ten-strike battle itself. "

"Want to break our battle? Be prepared to fill in thousands of lives!"

Cheng Peng watched the interception players who knew the ten unique formations cooperate with each other under Wei Ye's command, and linked each other's formations together, and finally formed a huge array of four or five kilometers.

It ’s strange to say that before this situation was formed, there was an infinite amount of murderous rise. Not only did all the clouds above everyone ’s heads cleared away, even the original violent snow and snow were forced to retreat. For a time, the merchants ’positions seemed to be very polar The cold north returns to the Central Plains in spring. But when the battle was connected into one body, there was no more killing, and only a bewildered 氤氲 completely enveloped the area. In addition, even Cheng Peng's vision could not see anything.

Seeing such a scenario, Cheng Peng felt relieved and had a seven or eight-point grasp of this victory.

Powerful is certainly good, but it is possible to consolidate the powerful power completely, and not to let it out at all, that is a higher level than the simple "strong". For a warrior, a three-star and four-star warrior can explode into a gigantic move, but they must wait until they have mastered the micro realm before they can concentrate their power. If they seem to have no power, they will go all out. Terrorist attack.

The ten fame arrays are famous, and Cheng Peng absolutely does not doubt their power, and now Wei Ye directs those masters to connect the ten fame arrays into one, and has even been able to converge the murderousness. This power ... Even Cheng Peng himself, I definitely don't want to try it!

"Look at the broken army, I said you can rest assured." After the large formations closed, Wei Ye smiled and came over, first boasted to Cheng Peng, and then looked at the other party's messenger with bad intentions, "Now both sides The formation has been completed, when will the breakout begin? "

The messenger was also a person who knew the goods. After seeing this situation, his face was slightly pale, but he still dared to make a confident look: "It is ten thirty in the morning, then wait until eleven."

Cheng Peng discussed it with everyone and felt that this time did not seem to be a problem. He agreed to let the messenger go back to report, and they discussed the problem of breaking the line.

"What kind of formation did the opponent lay out?" He asked. "Who can recognize it?"

"Unrecognizable, the adventure is so big, there are so many different formations, who knows what it is." Wei Ye said irresponsibly, "Although it is said that the change is inseparable from its sect, it can be passed on in one way There are subtle differences in the ten thousand methods, which can be described as a thousand miles away. After all, I am not a real dictionary, and it is normal to see it. "

This is reasonable, and everyone nodded and said yes.

"Then even if the position can't be recognized, let alone breaking the line?" Shen Qi frowned. "If we can't break the other's lineup, is this a tie?"

"Whoever can't recognize the formation can't break the formation!" Wei Ye sneered, his eyes flashed, "No matter what the opponent's formation is, we just need to use force to bombard."

"Hard-bang? But I remember that many formations can move space inside, no matter how powerful the attack is, they will be easily removed. The other party's formation can't have this effect?" Zao Miao is the second most familiar player in the field against Wei Ye, who immediately pointed out a flaw in Wei Ye's plan.

Wei Ye smiled again, habitually touching his beard, and said slowly: "Who has prescribed that the breakup must be broken from the inside?"

He said this way, everyone suddenly stunned, and then laughed.

That's why, who stipulated that the breakup cannot be played from outside!

No matter how powerful the opponent's position is, if you bombard it from the outside, the power of everyone will be able to disperse it quickly!

"What about our formation?" Cheng Peng immediately thought of the famous saying "By one's own way, but also the other's body", "If the other party also uses the same method?"

"Look, our formation is ten miles long, and interlocking, even if it is partly dispersed, the rest is still ten unique formations, not to be broken." Wei Ye said proudly, "can be seen Looking at their formation, a total of two or three hundred meters in radius, they were dispersed in a few clicks. "

"Wonderful!" Zhang Channian laughed, "Sure enough, big is good! This time we are going to slam the faces of the second goods who shouted" short and fierce "!"

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