A Big Adventure

Chapter 790: Tear down

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A meditation of the best hunter in the "Great Adventure" once said this: "The so-called hunting is to spend a lot of time to prepare, spend a lot of time to wait, and the final battle is only negligible in terms of the entire hunting process. For a moment. "

Cheng Peng had also been a hunter. Although he was incomparable with Zhang Channian or Li Xiao, he was already a qualified hunter, so he could deeply understand this sentence and use it in practice. .

He seemed to be a fossil, standing in the high sky, staring at the Zerg base below.

Every time, new bugs will be born, some of them will climb into the distance and change into new buildings; some will rise to the sky and become active "eyes" and "transport planes"; some will dive underground and further Transform into a more powerful combat unit; more are involved in the plundering of resources, accelerating the speed of gathering crystal mines and gas.

Cheng Peng is not in a hurry. He has just confirmed that there is not only one mineral on this planet, even this one is not the largest one. There are many weird protozoa in the largest mining area, it seems that Guarding them the same.

The bugs continue to create troops, presumably to mean occupying the mining area, right?

So his waiting is not in vain, because the bugs will definitely send troops to attack the mine over time.

It's just ... that attacking force will never reach the target, he will destroy them all on the road!

Time passed quickly, when the "king insects" like sacs with tentacles accumulated over Zerg's base, the insects finally started a big move!

More than a hundred different kinds of insects were drilled from the fungus blanket at once, some were small but extremely flexible, the Hydra was cruising, and there were lurkers like giant crabs. Have been swallowed up by the king insects and boarded this disgusting "transport plane"

At the same time, some holes in the ground broke open, and a total of twelve fierce creatures flew out. They had an ugly body like giant maggots but with wings and thorns, a horrible big mouth and a swollen purple The red tail shows that it is definitely not a friendly thing. On the contrary, if there is a chance, it will happily eliminate any targets that may be destroyed by it, whether they are enemies or not.

"Twelve flying dragons, thirty jumping dogs, twenty snakes, ten lurkers, and four male peaks. There are also a large number of king insects. The combat effectiveness of this unit is not low!"

Cheng Peng secretly estimated the enemy's fighting power, thinking about how to fight later.

According to his original opportunity, he planned to intercept these bugs on the way to the mining area, but now it seems that intercepting on the road and starting a fierce battle with such a large unit is not a good idea!

With his strength, if he is on a planet suitable for the environment, he is not afraid of troops of this level. The big deal is not to defeat the flash man, but now the environment of this planet is so bad. If the battle fails, he will need a lot of Time to recover, giving the bugs too much room for development.

Once the bugs have fully developed, he will be caught in the Zerg's famous "bug sea tactics", and then he will be beaten everywhere and exhausted. Players have been defeated by bugs more than once in this world. The evidence of blood and tears has long proved how effective this simple and crude method is!

So if you do n’t fight, you have to get enough results, at least to be able to fully control the development of bugs.

After a moment of contemplation, Cheng Peng made up his mind.

hit! But hit another goal!

After a while, the huge swarm carried the distressed large army away to destroy the protozoa that may have a good fighting power and occupy the mine.

Cheng Peng stood in the air, showing Kungunil, the sharp gun.

As his power was injected into the gun body, the circle of Lun Shenwen under the gunpoint spun at high speed.

It took less than a minute this time, and the rotation of Shenwen gradually slowed down, and finally stopped completely, but the quaint gun body has become crystallized as if it had become a luminous body.

Since rising to Seven Stars, Cheng Peng's ability to control Kungunil has been greatly strengthened. The most important point is to be able to inject energy into the gun body under non-combat conditions, allowing its power to accumulate to an alarming degree. In the previous minute, it was actually just activating these previously injected energies so that they would completely explode in the next blow.

"Oath!" Cheng Peng raised Kungunil and aimed at the tallest building in the center of the Zerg base, "Meteor Gun!"

The dazzling light emanated from his hand, with a dizzying roar, penetrated the thin atmosphere, and came to the building in the blink of an eye.

The huge Zerg building is called a hatchery, and it is the most important link in the entire Zerg engineering tree. It is responsible for the production of new worms, and it is also the most basic part of their base construction. If it can be destroyed first, At least it can greatly slow down the speed of insects to produce follow-up troops.

In front of Kungunil, the tall incubator appeared vulnerable, and was easily penetrated by it, and was torn apart by the horror energy it emitted, completely disintegrated in the storm that followed, and turned into a blood stain. .

Cheng Peng waved his hand with satisfaction, and the sharp gun flew back to his hand automatically.

This blow did not consume all the power contained in Kungunil, if necessary, it should be able to make a slightly inferior blow.

Cheng Peng's eyes swept across the fungus blanket, swarms of bugs rushing out of it, swept through the large and small buildings, and finally landed on a weird building with huge pipes.

It was a spore tower, a building that could be attacked against the air, and it was a headache for any air force.

In the base of the whole worm, there are four such spore towers walking around. They protect the entire base. If Cheng Peng wants to attack from the air, he must face the powerful spore clusters they emit!

So ... kill them first!

The range of an ordinary shooting gun is not farther than the range of a spore cluster, but Kungunil is not an ordinary shooting gun. It is a meteor gun that must be shot. The shooting range is of little significance to it!

When that deadly light fell again from the sky and destroyed a spore tower, the insects at this base finally determined Cheng Peng's position.

Several Hydralisks rushed over the seemingly clumsy body, and spurted him a deadly corrosive fluid, but these corrosive fluids did not even fly to Cheng Peng ’s feet, and they fell to the ground weakly, not at all. Have the slightest threat.

Then came two flying dragons that had just hatched. They flew towards Cheng Peng in a light posture that was very different from their appearance. Before they arrived, they each sent out a ball of bizarre mucus like a boomerang, one left and one right Shoot him with an arc.

Cheng Pengwei smiled and his figure disappeared suddenly. In the next moment, he had rushed to the dragons with the roar of breaking through the sound barrier.

The twelve flying dragons plus twenty Hydralisks combined with the ground-to-air firepower will indeed make him feel tricky, but the two flying dragons are different, so how can they look!

Kungunil swung left and right, pumping fiercely on the huge body of the flying dragon, one, two, three ... Cheng Peng's attack speed was as fast as the wind, and the sharp gun waved like a shadow. In less than a second, the flying dragon on the left had been cut in two and fell straight.

And the flying dragon on the right is not so good. Although it hastily attacked Cheng Peng, but even such a close attack still failed to hit. Instead, it was solved by its companion Cheng Peng turned to the back, easily It broke its wings.

Flying dragons that can fly in a vacuum do not necessarily need wings, but players have already confirmed through actual combat that this guy's wings are really flying tools! As long as it breaks its wings, it will fall down solidly, and then gravity and the ground will naturally resolve it, without spending extra effort.

When the second flying dragon fell to the ground and turned into a sludge, Cheng Peng rushed into the worm's army like a tiger entering the flock.

The main force of this base has already gone out and invaded the mine area of ​​the protozoa. What is left is only some guards with insufficient teeth. This level of troops can neither threaten Cheng Peng nor stop his attack and destruction. !

He wiped out this unit without much effort, and then seized the time and rushed into the Zerg base to wreak havoc.

The Zerg base is not without defensive buildings. The kind of building called the "Bone Spur Tower" can extend long bone spurs from the ground, and it is quite powerful. However, the attack speed of this bone spur is not fast, and the attack method is also very monotonous. The worst thing is that the omen before its attack is too obvious, so Cheng Peng cannot be stabbed by it at all. Before threatening, remove them one by one.

After the four bone spur towers in the entire base were turned into a pool of blood, the Zerg's forward base on the planet finally lost its protection completely.

The next thing to do is very simple.

In the spare time of the fight, Cheng Peng even had time to adjust the camera sprite, took a lot of videos, and prepared to later edit it into a video called "demolition of illegal buildings" and put it on the forum.

It is not common for a single soldier to capture the Zerg base. It is worth showing it!

After about ten minutes, the large Zerg forces hurried back in despair, but they were only faced with a blanket of bacteria that had gradually withered due to the loss of support, and the blood stains on the ground.

The entire base has been completely destroyed!

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