A Big Adventure

Chapter 791: Starcraft

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On a broad plain, the sky suddenly shook, several large-scale transport ships appeared one after another, followed by fighters, and finally a gorgeous long cylindrical aircraft carrier, which is a typical combat formation of the Brotos. An aircraft carrier with a formation of phoenix fighters cooperates with various other forces, especially the ground forces carried by transport aircraft, to form a complete combat power. There is no dead space for air to ground, and it can cope with various battles.

As soon as the Phoenix fighter arrived, he spread out, guarding the surroundings, while the "observer" -class stealth reconnaissance aircraft originally carried in the transport plane hurriedly flew around to understand the current situation of the entire planet. They are the eyes of the entire Brotos, and are the most important part of the battlefield. They are always mass-produced and consumed in large quantities, so that the Protoss players like to use a "pierce an eye" when describing tactics. The arrangement of a reconnaissance aircraft.

At this time, several Protoss players in the Air Mother were observing the images returned by the reconnaissance aircraft under the leadership of a dark Templar.

"That brave warrior is not here." The old dark Templar said, "He may have encountered something unexpected. This is our fault. We have not been able to estimate that the Zerg have actually sent reinforcements!"

"Uncle, you don't have to worry, people are dead, and there's no big deal!" The dark Templar with a cigar smoked, looking at that, you know that it's a player, and she said carelessly, "What's more, that guy is not a normal person! He will be killed , How can it be so easy! "

"Yeah! A bunch of bugs can't kill Cheng Peng!"

"To kill him, the Queen of Blades is almost ready!"

"In the case of one-on-one, the Queen of Blades may not have won him."

"Our technology department is heads-up with the Wudou department? Isn't that pure death? If the Queen of Blades doesn't carry a mighty army, we can all besieged!"

"Blow! Your cowhide has been blown out! Who was the last time you were hacked by a quasi-blade?"

"Fuck! You two like to expose scars!"

"Who is Lao Tzu, I'll be called" Yao Er "!" The dark Templar warrior with a cigar smoked and smiled at his friends while scanning across the images. After a while, he suddenly froze and asked: "You Who saw the bug? "

His question, the companions were also stunned, one by one hurriedly flipped through the pictures, but never found traces of the Zerg Zerg.

"Strange ... Where are those bugs?" A player searched for a long time, and finally found some clues, yelling, "Look, look at this sparse mine on this picture!"

The crowd gathered together and looked at the picture in his hand.

The picture shows a somewhat sparse crystal mine. The scattered crystals form a few small clusters, and there is a gas well with yellow-green smoke in the vicinity.

"Look at it, the ground near the crystal mine and below the gas well."

At his prompt, everyone noticed that some purple fragments still remained in those places.

These fragments are not obvious, but they have recognized them for a long time after fighting with the Zerg zergs. This is the remnant of the "bacterial blanket" unique to the worms!

In other words, this somewhat barren mine was once a Zerg base!

"Strange ... According to the style of those bugs, even if the resources are harvested, a hatchery will be left to continue to produce larvae ... why are they gone?"

They looked at each other suspiciously and continued to look up the pictures.

After a while, they found similar traces again, this time in a rich area, but the traces are much smaller than the previous one. It can be seen that the Zerg base has not been fully constructed this time.

"Such signs should have been destroyed? But who destroyed these two bases?"

They looked at each other, and for a moment did not understand what was going on.

After a while, the reconnaissance plane dubbed the "little bee" sent back a picture that surprised them. It was a narrow canyon, and countless scarlet flesh and carapace debris piled up like a mountain, even though these bugs The corpse will decay quickly after death, but when the amount accumulates to a certain extent, no matter how fast it decay, it can leave a lot of debris.

They stared at the wreckage in astonishment. They saw the old opponents like reptiles, hydralis, lurkers, flying dragons, etc., they also saw the guards and devourers that they did not normally encounter, and even saw the ultimate force of the Zerg The wreckage of "Thunder Beast"!

"This is a whole army! And its size is not small!" Yao Erba spit out the cigar and carefully distinguished the wreckage. "There are almost twenty king insects alone ... rely! Even scorpions and The Queen has it! It is already a complete expeditionary force! "

"Such a force has been wiped out so quietly ... what the **** is going on?"

If there is only one small base, they also intend to guess that Cheng Peng did it, but two consecutive bases were destroyed, and a whole Zerg army was annihilated. This record cannot be achieved by Cheng Peng alone. Can do it!

Troops of this level must mobilize at least 20 players of outstanding strength and proper preparation to defeat them in one fell swoop. Even so, it will pay a great price, at least 20 people will be killed in more than half.

No matter how powerful Cheng Peng is, it can't be stronger than the sum of twenty people!

So when they found Cheng Peng who was meditating under a big tree, they hurriedly hurried to ask what was going on, wondering what was going on!

"You made the problem complicated for yourself." After learning the doubts of everyone, Cheng Peng laughed, "I just threw all the insects that were killed into the canyon, so as not to pollute the environment. Don't look at the pile up inside. Many, it seems that I am very powerful. In fact, this is the sum of my record in a week. The difficulty of this task can be really abnormal! At the beginning, it was just a base. After I found a way to break through this base, I actually came to a The mighty army! I have been chased and beaten by them for a long time. With a little luck and gradual encroachment, they will be continuously reduced and eventually eliminated. "Speaking of the fierce battle, Cheng Peng couldn't help but Some were afraid, "If it weren't for the follow-up unit that had no production units to produce follow-up combat power, I would have been besieged by them for a long time!"

Everyone heard their mouths grow up and could hardly speak.

Such a huge force was really wiped out by Cheng Peng alone!

Although he has understated himself and said things very simply; although he repeatedly emphasized that he did not fight against the Zerg army head-on, he was only using guerrilla methods to continuously reduce the opponent's combat power; although he always intentionally or unintentionally will win It boils down to luck ... but all the explanations cannot hide the splendor of this battle!

It is impossible to defeat the entire army with one person's strength, even the most famous heroes among the three groups of gods, humans and insects!

For a time, even Yao Er, who was always tough and vulgar, couldn't help but apologize to Cheng Peng. There was a little more politeness in his speech.

And when Cheng Peng learned from the old dark temple warrior that he had already completed the task in excess, and his share exceeded several times, he couldn't help but stunned.

"We thought there was only a small logistics base here, but we did not expect the Zerg people to discover a large-scale mining area on the nearby planet, so we sent a large force to this star area, intending to fully bloom and devour all the sea by constructing the sea of ​​insects. Resources, and then launched a large-scale offensive ... You destroyed the base, and made them think that our advance team is here, and sent a main force to encircle the attack. As a result, the encirclement and suppression of the army was wiped out by you alone. This not only caused them to lose a lot of combat power, but also destroyed their entire operational deployment, which led to our overall victory in this star zone and completely drove them away from this area! "

"Your heroic battle has spurred the entire battle situation and changed the fate of dozens of planets; your glorious record has shaken the three tribes and made all the people who fight against the Zerg tribe cheer for you! You are worthy of the title of warrior , Even more than that! "

Cheng Peng was blushed after hearing that passionate praise.

"I didn't expect that much ... I just thought that if I couldn't kill all the bugs, I wouldn't get the chance to learn from you."

"You have proved your qualifications with your performance! From now on, the research results of the Brotos family are open to you, and you can learn anything you want to learn!"

Cheng Peng smiled.

The next day, he came to the technology center behind the Protoss, and came to a huge crystal.

The Protoss technology focuses on the study of the mind, time, space, and energy. Those technologies and mystics have little meaning to Cheng Peng, but their introspection of the mind, and the long-standing spiritual link they have accumulated is Cheng Peng. Things to refer to.

Since entering the seven-star, he began to activate his martial arts, trying to transcend the barrier of "power" and let it rise to the realm of "law". However, at this time, he found that the "effort" he had been proud of was not enough. Although he simply accumulated power, he could also reach a very high level, but it was a kind of destructive, wild. The realm of breath, he did not want this!

So he had to find a way to deepen his understanding of "force".

If he still knows spells, he may be able to seek them in the realm of spells. As the so-called ancestors return, he must be able to get enough resources from the realm of spells to help him improve martial arts. But he didn't understand spells, and he couldn't study and learn spells.

So he can only change the direction and seek to understand the soul.

So he came here.

Although the process is a bit beyond expectations, this result is always very satisfying!

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