A Big Adventure

Chapter 792: Interview

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"What changes from six to seven stars?" When Shen Qi raised the microphone and asked this question, Cheng Peng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

From six to seven stars, the changes are naturally large, but these changes are somewhat ... unexpected.

First of all, the column of "Tao" appears in the character panel, and the degree of fit between "Tao" and itself is clearly displayed in this column. The system description is more clearly indicated. The higher the fit, the better the effect. This probably tells the player clearly how to strengthen himself.

Secondly, what he displayed in his "Tao" panel was the column "Innate Budo", and the various abilities of the "Budo" subordinates were also shown, such as "Turtle Breath", "True Qi Healing", etc. The abilities are marked in blue, which means "universal ability of martial arts class"; while several abilities such as "innate spirit consciousness" are marked in gold, the description has also become "proprietary ability of innate martial arts"; The ability is marked with a flashing fuchsia font, which means "the martial arts fit is 100%, the special ability is turned on"

This panel is only a reference for the average person, and for Cheng Peng, it allows him to more intuitively determine what he still lacks in martial arts and what needs to be strengthened.

For example, the system's evaluation of his innate martial arts is: advanced martial arts with both explosive and probing powers, derived from the fantasy martial arts ability, and can be well compatible with various martial arts types. The disadvantage is that it is not at all Possesses the possibility of spells, and has very poor support for the ability of "Magic Martial Unity", and there are obstacles in the "integration of heaven and man".

As for how to further improve, the system gives suggestions: to learn and comprehend more martial arts, use it as food, and further complete its own martial arts, in order to comprehensively strengthen.

"So ... from six stars to seven stars, the most important change is that the system helps players to point out their own shortcomings and point the way forward?" Shen Qi thought for a while, wondering, "Why didn't you help point until now? Early Is n’t it good to give some advice? Save everyone the detour. "

"I guess ... it may be that the system designer encourages players to explore as many different paths as possible before the seven-star rating; and when it comes to the seven-star rating, it is necessary to give some pointers to avoid someone crashing into a dead end. Cheng Peng speculates, "Of all the various possibilities explored by players, a large part must belong to the" looks beautiful "but in fact" this way does not work ", if the system does not give instructions, only I ’m afraid there will be a lot of people losing money for it ... after all, this is a game, first of all for our entertainment, not to test our reasoning and prudence. "

This explanation is indeed quite reasonable. Shen Qi thought about it and agreed.

Obtaining unexpected information made Shen Qi very happy, but she did not relax her collection of general information: "In addition to this, from six to seven stars, should there be something else?"

"There is nothing else. For example, the talent choices that every single-star will have. This is different for everyone. There is nothing to say; for example, to improve the entire attribute, there is nothing to say about this, although the degree of improvement this time It ’s bigger, but the gap between Six Stars and Seven Stars is not small. That ’s right! ”Cheng Peng looked at the character panel and suddenly found something interesting.“ There is a more compatibility and ability evaluation in the character panel. , Based on the player ’s performance so far, gives a direction of compatibility, and at the same time makes an assessment of the player ’s specific capabilities, which is very interesting! "

"Oh? What's your compatibility and ability?" Shen Qi suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

Cheng Peng pressed the inconspicuous little button, and the system immediately popped up a reading column of "calculating." When the reading was completed, a box appeared, which contained a rather detailed evaluation:

You are an ethical person who respects the values ​​of equality, humanitarianism, development theory, etc. that are recognized by the entire society, values ​​fairness and honesty, and abides by credit. It is almost perfect in terms of overall personality. If there are really so-called "gentlemen" in the world, you should be one of them, or, even if you can't reach the perfect state, you are closer to that state, as far as the whole society is concerned, you are similar The kind of social icon and moral model.

You are a hard-working practitioner, and you are breathtaking in the intensity and efficiency of your exercise, no one among the known players! One thousandth of ability is called genius, one tenth of ten thousand ability is called ghost talent, and your perseverance and practical ability are amazing even in "genius" and "ghost talent", maybe you are called "monster" , "Metamorphosis" is more appropriate.

As a brave warrior, you have a prestigious reputation, but you are not proud of it, but you are humble, and keep moving forward while paying attention to introspection. In terms of Chinese history, you are like Zhuge Liang and Wang Shouren, who have both talent And character.

Your performance in force is almost perfect, but in terms of ingenuity, you can only say that it is mediocre. You need to ask a lot of people. As for spells, that is not within the scope of your efforts. It is a wise choice to give up.

You have the qualities of leading others, but lack the so-called "balance", "thick face" and other elements. It is a type that can lead others to advance, but can not be well integrated with the group for management. As the saying goes, a tendency to be a hero rather than a hero can be an outstanding person, but there is a deviation from the general direction of successful people.

In general, you are a respected and welcomed character. If you play the real self in "The Adventure", then in reality, you are also respectable and popular.

If you want to include your characters in the game into the character template, it should belong to the "legend template"!

Character evaluation: You are a good person!

Cheng Peng sent a screenshot of this remark to Shen Qi. She looked at it and praised her: "Peng Tsai, you are amazing! Even the system praises you! Look! It's all good talk! Big Adventure Operations Bureau should not Will it be you? Why not criticize you? "

And when she saw the last, she suddenly couldn't help laughing, and she almost burst into tears.

"You are a good person ... haha! Good person! Now, Peng Tsai, Peng Tsai, even the system is sending you a good man card!"

Cheng Peng smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.

The player sends him a good card, he can protest, can say "you don't actually understand me" but the system sends him a good card, and based on the conclusions he has been performing, how can he refute it?

Of course, if this is the case, he can still think of some words to defend himself, but when Shen Qi laughed in front of him with flowers and shivering, the charming style revealed from the flamboyant posture made him want his eyes. I do n’t know where to put it, and where else can I come up with an explanation!

A beautiful, well-built, not very conservatively dressed woman, trembling with laughter in front of you, as long as you are still a man, a man with normal mental health and sexual orientation, and a magician who lacks romantic experience, Most of you will feel embarrassed. Although you will inevitably be glad to feast your eyes, but what do you want to find? That's really not easy!

This is the case with Cheng Peng. Until Shen Qi laughed enough to stop, he finally got rid of this awkward situation.

"It sounds strange to me." Shen Qi is still a journalist (self-proclaimed) after all, and he has a little bit of professional integrity, so the topic quickly returned to the interview. According to past experience, there should have been many players catching up at this time, but until now, the system has not notified the second seven-star player. Do you feel that you have finally successfully left everyone behind? "

"It's just one step ahead!" Cheng Peng shook his head, very disapproving. "It's been three and a half years since the opening of" Great Adventure ". What is the difference between the ten days?"

"But every time you break through in the past, there will soon be other players breaking through. Why is everyone so slow this time?"

Cheng Peng thought for a while, but still shook his head.

He really doesn't understand this!

"So let's change the subject. According to Xing Yuxuan on the forum, you are the first player to defeat the perfect template jellyfish Yin Ji, so how did you complete this impossible challenge?"

"I'm faster than her, that's all." Cheng Peng said simply.

"Just like this?" Shen Qi did not easily let go of his meaning and continued to ask.

Cheng Peng sighed and was planning to organize the wording well. A system announcement helped him get rid of the embarrassment of being questioned in time.

A player successfully broke through the bottleneck and was promoted to the seventh star among the 3.2 billion players!

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