A Big Adventure

Chapter 880: A little unexpected

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Even with a relatively fast strategic model, the finals of Xu Tu and Yue Yi took a long time and lasted a total of three days.

When everyone put down their respective things and were sent by green light to Huzhongxian again, they saw the scene of the two returning from the copy.

Just by looking at the expressions of the two people, the outcome is clear at a glance.

Hu Zhongxian smiled, it seemed a bit regretful, but still took out a volume of heavenly books and handed it to Xu Tu.

"Starting today, you are the heir to the old technique of deceased heavenly books." He seemed a little emotional. "The heavenly books are handed over to you, but it is quite appropriate. I hope it can carry forward in your hands!"

Xu Tu knelt on one knee, raised his hands, and took over the Book of Heaven with an unprecedented solemn attitude.

"Just take orders!" He whispered, "Although I can't guarantee that I can do what you want, I will never humiliate God!"

The pot Zhongxian nodded and looked at Yue Yi again.

"Are you unsuccessful?"

"Of course!" Yue Yi shouted angrily, "This is a strategy game! This is the background of the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period! You have climbed the technology tree until the era of queuing to shoot, and use artillery and musketeers to bully people ... which one is it? Strategy and tactics! "

"Alas ... you young people, too young, too simple, and sometimes naive." Xu Tu smiled very kindly, and didn't mean to be angry at all. "What are you fighting? Generals? Soldiers? Logistics? These It is all a manifestation of productivity, so what is the most important thing about productivity? Of course it is technology! I can climb the technology tree from the Bronze Age to the Firearms Age. That is my ability. What is unsatisfactory? "

"This is already a **** golden finger!" Yue Yi burst out of his mouth with anger, which is extremely rare for him who has always been polite.

"I am an engineer. I am an authoritative person in mechanics and architecture. Something like chemistry is also a professional. But to say that politics, economics and diplomacy are all amateurs. Why should I give up my own You do n’t need expertise, but do you want to deal with your political diplomacy? ”Xu Tu asked,“ Did I get a mental retardation aura? Or do you think you have the power of the protagonist, and all the enemies will act at your pace? "

Yue Yi was speechless for a moment, but then said angrily: "It is already a foul to climb the tree to your point! It is impossible to do that kind of thing in reality!"

"But we are not in reality." Xu Tu calmly pointed out the blind spot in Yue Yi's thinking. "I asked before the task began. The rules did not tell me how far I can climb the technology tree. Make restrictions, as long as I can, despite the climb, the system has no opinion at all. "

"How could this be."

"Why can't this be?" Xu Tu looked a little funny. "We are in an incredible era, in an incredible game. In this era, in this game, it is not feasible to be bound by common sense."

"I'm familiar with this."

"No matter who said this, in short, you are right. You are bound by your" common sense ", so you never thought I would take the path of a technological power, right? But in fact this is a matter of course. From modern times Go through ancient times, do n’t climb the technical tree, do n’t rely on muskets and cannons to crush the whole audience, and play with the ancients vertically and horizontally ... do n’t you think it ’s stupid? "

"This is not a novel passing through the stream."

"In fact, you should have treated this as a crossing!" Xu Tu put away the Tianshu with a smile, ignoring the dull eyes of Yue Yi, who was yelling "why is this?", Turned to the busy Zhongxian, "Master, do you have any other teachings?"

"It's gone." Hu Zhongxian said freely, "I'm only responsible for teaching you the skill of the heavenly book, and passing the heavenly book to you. Now that my task has been completed, you are completely free, and I want to do everything you want no problem."

Xu Tu nodded and said something to everyone with a smile, his body slowly became transparent.

"I went offline, there are still some things to deal with at home."

After Xu Tu left, Hu Zhongxian taught Cheng Peng that they practiced demon magic, and then issued a guest order.

I saw his big sleeves waving, and everyone turned into a green light and disappeared into the air.

After Cheng Peng turned into a green light, the figure flashed, and he planned to return to the Star Gate or Shen Qi's reception room, but found that he was still staying in the bamboo building flying in the sky, surrounded by a dazed Yue Yi.

"Do you know why the old age should keep you?" The fairy in the pot asked with a gentle smile.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads.

In fact, they guessed some vaguely, but those guesses ... It ’s okay to think of it in my heart, and what I say might seem too self-conscious and self-righteous, too much to regard myself as the number one character.

"I don't know? It's not like you don't know how old you are." Hu Zhongxian smiled and looked at Cheng Peng first. "To be honest, for you, old is a little owed."

"What?" Cheng Peng froze for a moment and asked, "What do you owe me? I don't remember having such a thing."

"Your performance in the martial arts test is very good, and your performance in the cultural test is also very good. You can go to the 79th level in the road of a hundred battles. This is already a very amazing result, even if It is to be fully qualified to be a military division. Such a character who is both civil and military and has both wisdom and courage, it is supposed that the old man should pass the book of heaven to you. "

"You can praise me too much." Cheng Peng couldn't help but smile a little embarrassedly, "but I only went to the seventy-nine level after all."

"The seventy-nine level is enough. The old man is not looking for a successor who is more intelligent than a demon, but a person with foresight and talent who can use the technique of heavenly books on the right path. If he can go to seventy-nine with wisdom Off, this is completely enough to inherit the skill of the Book of Heaven. "

Cheng Peng immediately understood the key to the problem!

The immortal Hu Zhongxian is looking for someone who can inherit the skill of the Book of Heaven. "Wisdom" is what he values ​​most, and although Cheng Peng has reached the 79th level in the arduous battle of questioning, he is relying on himself. Ge Shiwuyong hit hard in the past.

If the pot immortal wants to recruit the Wushuang Warrior, then Cheng Peng must be qualified, but he wants to recruit the resourceful!

A warrior who hit the seventy-nine level with brute force ... There are so many sages who assist the warriors. Who has seen the sage adults wearing armor and carrying the sword to the battlefield to cut down the enemy?

Oh ... it really seems to be ... that one called Gandalf.

Cheng Peng sighed secretly in his heart, but his face seemed calm, and he smiled calmly, indicating that he did not care.

What if you care? Since you can't get it, you don't have to expect anything. If you look at it for a thousand, think about 10,000.

Seeing him like this, the immortal in the pot was even more embarrassed. He hesitated for a while, and said, "Although you are a treasure, there is no magical flow in the primal gods ... you don't know how to spell, right?" "

Cheng Peng nodded.

"This alchemy ... you can't use spells, how can you use them?"

"There is always a way ... for example, perhaps life force can be used instead of mana." Cheng Peng seemed very relaxed, and didn't care much about this issue. "Anyway, don't you say that, refining magic is a simple and crude and effective Spell, it can be used without spell talent, right? "

"It still takes a little bit." The pot Zhongxian seemed quite emboldened. "Bar"

"You don't know it yourself!" Cheng Peng's voice was a little higher, "Isn't this spell created by yourself?"

The expression of the immortal in the pot is rather embarrassing. If there is a hole in the ground at this moment, he is afraid that he can just go in and hide: "This spell is indeed created by old age, but old age never really thought about it. Such a person who doesn't have any magical talent to learn it. "

Cheng Peng took a deep breath and calmed himself down: "You mean, I can't use black magic?"

"It shouldn't be used."

"Then you must have a remedy?"

The fairy in the pot sighed and brought out a strange kit.

"This is a special storage bag for old age, which can hold all kinds of things that can be refined. Old age gives you two options: you can put things here, please ask the old age to take the place of refining, but only for three times; You will refine this storage bag into a magic weapon with the effect similar to the monster pot, but the effect will be greatly reduced. "

Cheng Peng frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Can I think about it and choose again?" He asked.

"Of course, there is another thing to deal with old age."

After getting the approval of the pot Zhongxian, Cheng Peng stepped aside to sit on a bamboo chair and bowed his head in contemplation. In fact, he used an auxiliary system to dial Xu Tu's phone number in reality.

"Oh ... this is the case ... a trivial matter!" Xu Tu on the other side of the phone looked very excited and in a good mood, and the video phone also saw Chang Xi driving and sitting in the back seat Xu Zi, who seemed a little nervous, "You choose those three refining and refining the general refining and refining to me."

Cheng Peng was taken aback for a moment, only to find that he was a fan of the authorities! I couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, as Xu Tu said, in general refining and chemical work, Xu Tu can help; even if Xu Tu is not available, there are two magic masters, Xiao Moran and Liu Xueji, who know how to practice demon spells, you can find it. Why should Cheng Peng himself Can it be refined?

Rather than taking a degraded version of the demon pot, it is better to get three times to ask the pot Zhongxian to personally take the chance to refine it!

Cheng Peng, who had figured it out, was in a good mood. He noticed the situation on Xu Tu and couldn't help asking.

"Me? I figured it out!" Xu Tu said with a smile, "The child grows up, he always wants to be a family! I'm taking Xiao Zi to see the parents of the **** boy, and see what happens to their family. Anyway, I ca n’t at least let my precious baby marry and suffer in the past, right? ”

"Haha! Then congratulations! I wish you every success in your trip!" Looking at Xu Tu's slightly unwilling smile but still alive and happy, let's take a look at Chang Xi, who may be expressionless because of too many reading The slightly raised corner of the mouth, and finally looking at Xu Zi, who was flushed but smiling, Cheng Peng couldn't help laughing, congratulations.

It seems ... you can drink wedding wine soon!

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