A Big Adventure

Chapter 881: Huzhong Sun and Moon Biography

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The conversation between Cheng Peng and Xu Tu was very short. When he made a good decision to return to Hu Zhongxian, Hu Zhongxian was talking with Yue Yi about the final.

"Even if the time goes backwards, the result will not change." Yue Yi has calmed down and considered it carefully. "My general strategy is to win over Qin from other countries, then close the attack, and gradually expand the territory of Qi. Eventually it will form a sweeping world. No matter what Xu Tu does, I will not change my established strategy! "

"You are very confident in your overall view!"

"Of course! I started with Qi Guo, the decline of Jiang's, and Tian Qi's prosperity. It took only 22 years to develop and annex Yan and Wei, and all the fertile and prosperous land of Chu was included in the bag. The decisive battle between Qin and Zhao's coalition forces with me fully proves the correctness of my overall strategy! "Yue Yi was energetic and could not see any defeat." Although I suffered tactical losses repeatedly in that battle, I could be strategic But still grasping the initiative, the method of continuous retreat is just to use space for time, relying on the strong walls and clear fields along the way to let Qin and Zhao Lianjun fall into a logistical crisis, in order to finally defeat them in one fell swoop! "

"Are you thinking this way? Can it succeed?"

"Of course! The four famous generals from Qiupumu cannot add up to the shortage of Qin and Zhao's joint forces and resources. Qin has long been maimed by me. After the coalition forces captured the Hangu Pass, I plundered from Qin. After half a million people were scattered in the eastern countries, this half a million people were really down-to-earth, and Qin was hurt, and he has never been able to recover, so the total strength of the coalition army is actually not strong. And the decisive battle I chose The timing is also very appropriate. During that time, Zhao Guo suffered a natural disaster, and the grain output dropped sharply ... Qin Zhao Lianjun can only rely on Qin Guo ’s military grain to maintain logistics, but he has to fight until Qi Guo, and the masters are far away. Undefeated? "

"Have you calculated everything?"

"I ca n’t say that it ’s counted, but at least it ’s okay in general. In fact, I also considered the situation that Xu Tu might join the coalition to attack me, but even then, I am confident that I will finally get through a protracted battle. Victory, I still know Xu Tu quite well. Although his conspiracy and tricks are very good, formal internal and diplomatic methods can only be said to be ordinary. It is the type with little cleverness but no great wisdom. "

"But you lost to him." Hu Zhongxian interrupted Yue Yi's words, "A defeat."

"In the Warring States period, climbing science and technology and climbing out muskets and artillery, this kind of thing is a small probability event. It is nothing shameful to lose because of this reason."

"If you attack South Korea from the start, you can actually defeat Xu Tu."

"But in that case, my diplomatic strategy cannot be established, plus the precious national power wasted at the beginning ... will eventually be defeated by other princes." Yue Yi shook his head. "Perhaps some people think that when they encounter a lion At that time, I only need to run faster than my companions, but I never think so! Rather than running away, I would rather fight the lion and drive the lion away! "

"I am a person who hates failure. As long as there is hope, I will fight for victory! Since I am a monarch of Qi State, I have an obligation to take Qi State to finally win and unify the world. I will never win just to win. Xu Tu let Qi Guo fail in the end! "

"As a result, you lose."

"I underestimated Xu Tu ... I think my failure is inevitable. Because I only know his identity in the game, but I don't know his identity in reality. In the game, he is just a conspiracy. The organ division, neither wisdom nor skill is enough to threaten me; but he is an authoritative technical expert who is enough to make me look up to in reality, he has the ability to turn impossible into possible! Facing a man who can toss a musket in the Warring States Period The strong man of the artillery, I did not lose injustice. "

"So what is your final conclusion?"

"Like what I said just now, even if I try again, I still won't change my strategy." Yue Yi said firmly, "As far as the information at hand is concerned, my strategy is completely correct and does not require any modify!"

The fairy in the pot nodded and smiled.

"Very good! In the face of failure, you have neither lost confidence nor changed your principles for victory. You still maintain a consistent thinking and sober attitude. You have not been blinded by failure." Hu Zhongxian seemed very satisfied. He smiled and his eyes narrowed into a line, "You are eligible to be my heir!"

"What!" Yue Yi couldn't help but gently exclaimed, turned his head to look at Cheng Peng, "Did I hear it?"

"No." Cheng Peng is much calmer than Yue Yi because it is not about himself, "he did say that you are qualified to be his heir."

"But ... the successor of Tianshu is Xu Tu." Yue Yi frowned, "Do you still have a second set of Tianshu?"

"The material of Tianshu is very special, even if I don't have a second set." Hu Zhongxian said with a smile, "But who told you that I want to teach you the skill of Tianshu?"

Yue Yi was stunned, a little puzzled.

"Do you remember my name?" The fairy in the pot laughed, waved his hand, the white light flashed in front of him, and a bronze square pot appeared in the air. The pot is copper-colored and mottled, shaped like a concrete and tiny square pavilion, floating quietly in the air, emitting a colorful light.

"I passed the Book of Heaven to Xu Tu, and what I want to teach you is this demon pot!"

Yue Yi was a little dazed by this sudden luck. He obsessed about refining the demon refining pot in accordance with the instructions of the pot Zhongxian, and then received his own soul.

It wasn't until the bronze square pot turned into a green air that merged into his top door that he was awake and asked wondering: "Former, Master, why did you choose me to inherit the demon pot?"

"Because you are very suitable." The old **** in the pot said, "Tianshu is the crystallization of my intellect. I pin my hopes on the future on it. Naturally, I must give it to the best people; The foundation of my standing is my hard work and soul. Of course, I want to pass it on to someone who can inherit my thoughts. What is the doubt? "

Seeing Yue Yi and Cheng Peng still a little dazed, he sighed and asked, "Do you know how Xu Tu asked the final pass of his mind through the battle of desperation?"

"He passed the level?" Yue Yi stunned and asked quickly, "How did he do it? That's almost impossible."

At this point, he came to an abrupt end and already guessed the answer.

"How else can I get through ... This kid didn't have a plan to innovate, but used a coup to come to power, and then rely on technological superiority to engage in **** and autocratic dictatorship." Hu Zhongxian sighed, "He did let that The old country glowed with great vitality, swept away for many years, and even so powerful that it surpassed all the countries in the world. But what he left behind was a militarized empire that had already drove full horsepower on the road of no return, etc. It will not take many years after his death, this country will launch a massive aggression, causing a huge disaster to the whole world, and eventually leading to its own collapse. "

"But that is the future, at least he completed the task requirements." Cheng Peng sighed, "It really is A Tubo's style!"

"I'm really worried about this kind of heir!" Hu Zhongxian sighed, "But his intelligence and wrists are really powerful, I have to admit, so I passed the book of heaven to him. But compared to him, you are My ideal successor, integrity, perseverance, and great vision ... I can rest assured if you inherit the magic pot. "

His explanation is reasonable, and Yue Yi and Cheng Peng will naturally have no objections. However, Yue Yi couldn't help but ask: "So ... which one is stronger than Tianshu and the demon pot?"

The fairy in the pot was full of smiles: "I knew you would ask this question! The demon pot is one of the ten ancient artifacts of immortality. It has infinite power and wonderfulness. Although the book was the result of many years of wisdom for the teacher, But after all, it cannot be compared with it. "

"So, the demon pot is better than the heavenly book?"

"Not necessarily ... Although the ancient Yibao is magical, its abilities are too scattered. The reason why the teacher created the celestial book is because he discovered the deficiency of the demon pot, so he hoped to make a surpass in the" main ability ". Its treasure. "The fairy in the pot said his head shook his head." There are countless years for the master to control the demon pot. For the world to say familiarity with it, even the goddess Nuwa should be inferior to the master. Then for the master to surpass the demon pot. How could the heavenly books made by the extreme be lost to the demon pot? "

His words were a little complicated, and it took Cheng Peng and Yue Yi some time to fully understand.

"The overall ability of the demon pot is stronger than the Tianshu, but if you only consider the factors such as" refining demon "and" production ", then the Tianshu is superior, right?" Cheng Peng tried to ask.

"It's almost like this." Hu Zhongxian took this question in one stroke and asked, "So Cheng Peng, have you made a choice?"

"After all, I am still a warrior, and even if I get the Xianjia treasures, they may not be able to use them well." Cheng Peng's answer was naturally a long-term consideration. "Instead of wasting treasures, it is better to work hard to collect natural materials and treasures in the future, please seniors. You helped out three times. "

The fairy in the pot smiled slightly and handed the storage bag to Cheng Peng.

"Okay! Old decay is still nothing, so you can rest for a while." He waved his hands, and the green light gleamed at the feet of Cheng Peng and Yue Yi. "If you two have time in the future, you can come Looking for the old chat, the old chat is also curious about the endless world! "

When the two were surrounded by green light, they could hear the laughter of the fairy in the pot.

"There will be a date!"

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