A Big Adventure

Chapter 882: Coincidence

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After the green light flashed, Cheng Peng and Yue Yi had returned to the departure place, Shen Qi's reception room.

Everyone has left, and the reception room is empty at the moment.

Cheng Peng did not rush to leave, but casually found a chair to sit down and asked curiously: "It was inconvenient to ask in front of Hu Zhongxian, you are so confident that you can defeat Xu Tu?"

"Of course! He doesn't have three heads and six arms. I control Qi, the most powerful of the seven heroes of the Warring States Period. He controls South Korea at the bottom of the strength. I have no reason to lose to him."

"I've always been a bit skeptical, haven't you actually detected that he is farming and climbing trees?"

"I detected that he was farming, but did not detect that he was making muskets and artillery." Yue Yi said with a bitter smile, "I sent a large number of spies to South Korea, although the success is very small, but there is always something to gain. According to the information I received, he was only carrying out agricultural reforms, medical and educational reforms, and also strengthening discipline training such as queues and forward steps in the army, and what kind of spearmen were also queued up for assassination ... These are not true to tell the truth What, the strategic copy of the realism is not a novel of history passing through the stream. It is unrealistic to want to win me by this means alone! "

"You didn't find him studying muskets?"

"I didn't find it, I didn't see any signs!" Yue Yi sighed deeply. "The biggest advantage of firearms and cold weapons is that they are easy to learn. As long as there is no problem with intelligence, even people who don't understand anything In a few days of training, you can learn to queue up and shoot in lineup. The problem is only discipline and queuing ability. "

"It turns out ... Xu Tu has been covering up the fact that he is training a volleyball player by training the lance team?"

"Yes! This is exactly the part of the conspiracy he is best at. I am indeed inferior to him in this respect." Yue Yi smiled bitterly. "It was completely concealed by him! I did guess at the beginning whether he was making any technology. Weapon, after all, he is a magistrate, one of the best professions in manufacturing. But after a detailed investigation, it is found that there is no mysterious magic factor in that copy, and there is no basis for organ survival. He may be able to It is absolutely impossible to manufacture mass weapons for some organs, so I can rest assured. "

He said it lightly, but Cheng Peng could imagine how the two sides fought against each other during this period, and how much effort Xu Tu spent to successfully mislead Yue Yi, who is also famous for his intelligence ... that is definitely not a few words. Described.

"Although the process was a little unexpected, the result was quite satisfactory." Yue Yi didn't delve into anything on this topic and summed it up with a smile. "We got the Tianshu and the demon pot separately. Ok."

After he finished, he left a sentence "I'll sort out the harvest, and then contact me again if I have something to do." He left and saw that Yue Yi still cares about the loss to Xu Tu.

Cheng Peng thought about it and dialed Xu Tu's phone again.

"Actually, whoever wins and who loses is the same, anyway, the book of God will ultimately fall on our own hands." Xu Tu looked very relaxed, and said with a smile, "I can win, the luck component is great ... if he is in the coalition After I defeated Qin, I came to fight South Korea. I did n’t finish a few key technologies at the time, but I really could n’t stand it. ”

"Why don't you worry that he will hit you at the beginning?"

"He is not such a person." Xu Tu said with a smile, "Although I am not very familiar with him, but you once mentioned him, saying that he is a person who tends to bluntly defeat his opponents, and said he is special Respect for "Yangmou" ... Most people like this tend to prefer "brothers look at the wall and defend them from the outside", "when the outside has to be settled first," what they sneer and look down on. So they are killing those Before NPC, he was unlikely to take the initiative to attack me. "

"Just 'possibility'?"

"It seems that you haven't understood the crux of the problem." Xu Tu smiled happily. "Then let's assume it: suppose you are Yue Yi. You guess I might be climbing a tree and may be crushed by a strong force later. , But if you come to fight me early, although you can definitely beat me, it is likely to result in a loss to NPC, and eventually everyone will be eliminated ... How would you choose? "

"Of course it is to kill the NPC first! Even if I lose, at least some of us will win; but if both of them are eliminated in order to win, what is the difference with idiots?"

"Yes! Things gather together, people divide into groups. People who can share the same name with you, and have so good friendships, will usually choose this approach, because you are such a person!" Xu Tu said quickly, "To you In general, as long as the overall situation wins, it ’s nothing to lose yourself. In your thinking circuit, you never put your own interests more important than the overall situation, so even if Yue Yi finds any signs, he still Will choose to defeat NPC countries first, and then come to fight me! "

"In this game, players are one camp and NPC is another. With the personality of you and Yue Yi, you must first ensure the victory of your camp before fighting for your own interests on this basis." Xu Tu sighed a little, "The gentleman can be deceived, that is to say, people like you!"

"Wouldn't it be said that the victory or defeat of this game has been decided from the beginning?" Cheng Peng pondered, and said in surprise, "With his character, he must wait until the end to fight against you, but to that By the time your firearms unit has formed, he can't beat you at all. "

"There are still suspense. If I fail to climb the technical tree, then he will win; if my strategy failure is attacked by Qin Zhao and other countries, he will be spared help with his help, then I am naturally embarrassed. What to fight with him; if he moves fast enough to sweep the world before I develop a firearms unit, of course I ca n’t compete with him ... Fortunately, none of this happened, so my victory, in fact, the luck factor is really not small."

Xu Tu, who won the game, is in a good mood. He chatted with Cheng Peng on the phone about the process of the game. He detailed how he built the scientific research on mining, smelting and manufacturing in the mining area among the deep mountains. How did the base deceive Yue Yi in the guise of using agricultural reform and other means, and then came up with how to conduct discipline and queue training first ...

It was not until about an hour later that his narrative was interrupted by his wife in a very flat tone.

"It's almost Hokkaido, you'll sort your appearance. Don't lose your daughter's face."

It can be seen that Chang Xi is very prestigious in this family. In one sentence, Xu Tu ended the torrential narrative, smiled and said goodbye to Cheng Peng, then turned off the phone and opened a translucent virtual mirror in the speeding car. Contrast and sort out my own head.

"I'm still not used to suits and ties." He looked at himself in the long-lost suit in the mirror and couldn't help but sigh. "Last time I was dressed like this ... how many years ago?"

"It was the first time you dated Gongzi Xuejie." Chang Xi said lightly.

Xu Tu was embarrassed, and he asked for a while: "How do you know?"

"Because the school sister was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night, and it took two hours just to choose the clothes to wear on the date." Chang Xi replied calmly, "Me and Xiaobing were also harassed as staff officers. Very powerful. The next day I was dragged by Xiaozhu to the end ... I was very impressed. "

"Wow! Dad, you have youthful years too!" Xu Zi was curious and looked at Xu Tu who was embarrassed. "Mom, tell me in detail! Was Dad stupid and clumsy?"

"Yes, he accidentally sprayed his face while boiling the soda. At that time, the weather was very hot, and the syrup stuck to his body was really funny."

"I thought only Gongzi and Amu knew about it."

The family was chatting, and the speeding car had reached the predetermined coordinates, floating above Wakkanai, the northernmost part of Hokkaido, Japan.

"Wakkanai ... That kid is really remote enough!" Xu Tu doesn't have a good opinion of Yicheng Gugui Rus, still calling him "that kid", "Oh, right, Chaozhu lives in Hokkaido, right?" "

"Sapporo." Chang Xi naturally remembers her friend's address. "She has a company in Sapporo, a six-story building, the lower four floors are the company, and the upper two floors are the residence. Last time we went there to find her."

"After we meet each other's parents, shall we tell her the good news?" Xu Tuxing said enthusiastically, "I remember she has also been married for many years, and there is a son ... Alas! Xiao Zi likes it if How good is Chaozhuo's son! Then we will be a family! "

"It's too late to say this now." Chang Xi smiled hard, "Unless you clone another Xiao Zi."

"That's a good idea! That's equivalent to having twin girls!"

"Hello! Don't discuss the issue of cloning with your own daughter!" Xu Zi was shouting nervously and could not help shouting, "The two scientists discussed this topic with such a serious expression, which made me very crisis. Feeling! "

Both Xu Tu and Chang Xi laughed.

The speeding car slowly landed and stopped at the door of a small cafe. The three were preparing to enter. They were dressed very formally and even had their hair smeared with hair. They were neat as if they were going to make a movie. Ran to open the door.

"Uncle! Auntie!" He greeted loudly, and then looked at Xu Zi with a smile.

"You came very early." Xu Tu said ecstatically, "Isn't it going to sleep here with a sleeping bag last night?"

"How could it be ... This is my home." Yi Cheng Gu Guixu laughed nervously, not at all relaxing. "Please come in! The cafe is closed today, don't worry about being disturbed."

"Lingtang?" Chang Xi asked.

"She has arrived and is waiting for you." Guixu's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped, looking at Xu Tu and Chang Xi suspiciously.

These couples who were usually "Taishan collapsed in front and their colors remained unchanged, and the elk thrived on the left without blinking," all showed a stunned expression at the moment, staring blankly at the seat in the center of the hall, and also dumbfounded. woman.

This woman is the only person in the entire cafe who is not wearing work clothes, and naturally is the mother of Guixu.

"What a coincidence!" Xu Zi's cheering echoed in the quiet shop hall. "Daddy, you're so iron-cut!" Said she waved at the woman who also seemed a bit dumb.

"Aunt Chao, hello!"

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