A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 17: Zengfengfengyu Road (4)

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I jumped left and right around Brother Li, but I couldn't always get my glasses. Although I jumped with a smile, I refused to call his brother, and he refused to give me. I was anxious. Holding his suit, he wanted to **** it.

The squid yelled: "The four-eyed panda is about to get mad again, brother Li, don't just beware of her hand, her mouth is more poisonous than the hand."

Beat people without face, scold people without revealing scars! But which pot of squid is not open? I was so annoyed that I couldn't grab the glasses. I picked up a plate of plastic apples for decoration in the corridor and smashed the squid. I was so condescending that I could not fight him back.

Brother Li and Xiaobo both lay on the stairs and watched, and said cold words while watching, and the squid screamed with anger and fled while scolding.

A few of us used to laugh together and play poker to tell jokes, but as Brother Li's business grew bigger and bigger, everyone was in a hurry. Even when they met, there was always a business talk, and it hasn't been this way for a long time. So, we laughed and yelled again, half crazy and half crazy, half happy, half greedy for this simple and happy time.

The squid jumped to his left and hid from the right. I did n’t expect a few people to come in. My apple flew to them, watching the one who was going to the front. One of them ran out and jumped. From then on, caught Apple.

Although it is blurry, my myopia degree is not deep, and his figure is very familiar. He immediately recognized Zhang Jun who received the apple, and thought of who he just smashed just now.

Brother Li slapped me on the back with an empty palm, that is, with five fingers folded, palms retracted as much as possible. When falling, because there was air in the palm, there was a loud bang, listening to the weight, it didn't hurt.

"Come on trouble? Don't apologize to the sixth brother, thank you Xiaojun again."

Brother Li said in his mouth that the man had walked downstairs, enthusiastically handed the sixth brother a cigarette and toast, and pulled him to sit.

Wavelet pulled me into the room, put the glasses back on the bridge of my nose, ding ding: "Don't stay in the house, don't go out, want to go home, if they haven't left, they will flip from the balcony."

When he was leaving, I grabbed his arm and said, "Don't go out, Xiao Liu must ask someone to drink you wine again."

He laughed: "It's okay, I drink a lot."

I had to let him go, sat in the house for a while, and wanted to read but couldn't see in. I decided to leave, flipped down from the balcony, hooked my hand under the railing, dangling in the air, dangling, wondering if I was going out Jump down, still try to grab the drain pipe by the wall and slide down.

Someone kept ringing the bicycle bell on the street next to me. I turned my head to see that it was actually the child prodigy Chen Jin. He was riding on the bicycle, one foot on the ground, one foot still on the pedal, staring at me with wide eyes. As soon as I lost my mind, my strength was gone, and I fell down. I sat down on the ground with an ass, and almost fell my **** into eight petals.

Chen Jin laughed, almost fell down with a bicycle. I gave him a cold look, pretending not to know, and stood up and left.

He pushed my bicycle to chase me: "Luo Qiqi, do you remember me?"

I was confused and looked at him in confusion. He was discouraged: "I am Chen Jin. I sat at the same table with you in elementary school."

I still ignore him, he is not reconciled, it seems a little unbelieving that he will be forgotten by others, and want to remind me, it is inevitable that he has accidentally reduced to self bragging, which is even he disdain, so he can only be bored Pushing the bicycle dull, not talking, but not leaving.

I suddenly asked him: "Why?"

He asked, "Why?"

"Why are you not Chen Jin anymore?"

He would come to terms, and slowly smiled: "Being Chen Jin is too boring. My dad allowed me to steal for a few years. Otherwise, who knows what tricks my mom will have? You are not allowed to let me be Young college students, making sensational news, she is beautiful, but I want to be a classmate with a bunch of old ladies, not to mention basketball football, I am afraid that even friends who play table tennis are gone. "

I understand: "If you are Chen Jin again."

He sighed: "Yeah, when I went to high school, I had to work hard to get into college, and my father would be dissatisfied if he didn't perform well."

I smiled: "I wish you a great victory!"

He also laughed: "What about you? When are you going to go all out?"

I asked: "What do you mean?"

He smiled and said: "I heard that you won the prize in the mathematics competition for elementary school students. The students in the class should be very surprised. I was not surprised at all. When I was sitting at the same table with you, I found that you are actually very smart. . "

I said disapprovingly: "I and you are not the same way, goodbye! Prodigy!" After that, I ran away quickly.

After the mid-term examination results, Chen Jin jumped into the first place in the grade from more than two hundred students at the time of enrollment, creating the miracle of the highest performance improvement since the establishment of the middle school. I wonder if he had a good grade, but the mistakes in the entrance examination. The junior middle school teacher of course shook his head to deny that his grade improvement was so unbelievable that the junior middle school and the high school department had no news, but we even heard his name. In addition, he was four years younger than his peers. In a flash, the prodigy's title returned to him. Even Li Xin and Lin Lan from our class would talk about this **** man in high school.

Xiao Fei was very disappointed. I was afraid that I was tempted by the prodigy's aura and warned me again and again not to like Chen Jin. The mantra she taught me was "You are looking for a boyfriend, not a library."

I heard laughter, Xiao Fei always has his own fallacies. Maybe because she is the first from small to big, and she takes it for granted, so it is not uncommon.

After the mid-term exam, under the supervision of Zeng Hong, I continued to prepare for my speech competition. After trying to read the speeches of countless experts on the radio, I gradually began to have my own experience.

One day, I chose Liu Xiyi's "Dai Bei Bai Yin".

Luoyang Chengdong Tao Lihua, who flew around and fell.

Luoyang's daughter cherishes the color and sighs every time.

This year, the color of the flowers will be changed, and who will be next year?

It has been seen that the pine and cypress became a salary, and even heard that Sangtian became the sea.

The ancients did not have the east of Luocheng.

One year spent similar, each year is different.

Send a message to Quan Shenghong Yanzi, should pity the half-dead pasqueflower.

This Weng Baitou is really pitiful, beautiful young boy.

Under the son of the son Sun Fangshu, the Qingge Miaowu falls.

Guanglu Chitai opened a splendid splendor, and the General Pavilion painted a fairy.

As soon as he fell ill, he had no acquaintance.

When the moth eyebrows can be turned, the crane must be chaotic.

But looking at the singing and dancing place in Kulai, only the bird is sad at dusk.

Although there was much speculation before the recitation, I knew it was the first sad poem that lamented the timelessness, but when I actually recite it, I do not know why, when I recite "the flowers are similar every year, the people are different every year", suddenly there is A sense of sorrow.

Today, we are all sitting in a classroom. Tomorrow, where will we be? Where am I? Where is Xiaofei? Where is Zhang Jun? Where is wavelet?

The ancients also asked my question today, so I asked "when can I turn my eyebrows for a while", but the answer was "Ixi's beautiful young boy, the hair must be as chaotic as silk".

We are so impatient to get rid of the shackles of teachers and parents, but when we grow up, do we understand how precious time is today?

After I finished reading, Zeng Hong clapped hard, and the students looked at us silly. They did n’t understand what I thought about in a moment, but Zeng Hong should understand.

Zeng Hong let me go down and told me that I can no longer recite ancient poems. Starting tomorrow, I will go to the office to find her during class activities.

She took me to the large lecture hall and asked me to stand on the stage of the large lecture hall and look down on the empty chairs underneath.

"From today, we formally practice speech. Speech is different from poetry recitation. It also depends on body language to impress the listener. We must learn to use our eyes, smiles, and gestures to stimulate the listener's feelings."

Under the guidance of Zeng Hong, I began to practice speaking boringly over and over again. She corrected every little movement of mine and taught me what is generous, what is generous, what is sad but not hurt. She even invited high school students The dance team teacher trained me how to walk from under the stage to the microphone, and how to bow gracefully and gracefully after the lecture.

I followed the dance teacher to learn elegance, walked on the stage, Zeng Hong smoking a cigarette, akimbo, and vulgar underneath.

The dance teacher and her are high school classmates, and the university graduated from the same normal university. They have deep feelings. They often teach me while scolding her: "Zeng Hong, you ca n’t marry like this anymore."

Zeng Hong spit out the smoke ring and ignored her, then pointedly pointed at me and scolded: "Luo Qiqi, why are you stupid and stupid? Just taught you, you forgot again! Laugh! Laugh! You are unhappy in your heart, your face You have to laugh at me! "

Thanks to the cornucopia, I am quite a little famous among the teachers. The dance teacher pays attention to my look, but sees that I do n’t care. She is a little surprised. She feels that I am not the same as the rumored and unruly and unrespectable. When I rested, I said to Zeng Hong, "This little girl is a little bit interesting. No wonder you are lazy to be bothered."

I am not a three-year-old now. I already know the difference between scolding and scolding, and there are strange differences between good words and good words. Some people can hide maliciousness under praise, and others can hide their pain in the scolding. What is good for you may not be really good, and what is bad for you may not be really bad.

I was not the only one who participated in the speech contest for the whole grade. The other language teachers were the best in the class. Let him practice a few times and correct the mistakes. Then Zeng Hong chose me as a poor man. She also troubled herself and others to train me. She just scolded me for a hundred more pig heads, and I could still hear it.

The five key junior high schools in the city gathered in a large lecture hall to conduct speech contests by grades. TV stations also came to record videos and broadcast clips in the city's news.

I finally lived up to Zeng Hong ’s training and won the second prize. The dance teacher had some regrets. She said that the first place was in the girl ’s sweet voice, sunny image, and youthful spirit. In fact, my typhoon was more mature. However, Zeng Hong and I have been very satisfied with the results. For me, I acted calmly on stage and played all I have learned. I have succeeded. Zeng Hong personally shook a person who was trembling with speech on stage, and did not dare to raise his eyes. He smiled generously and talked well. She had already seen her success.

I found that I was a bit like Teacher Zeng. We are both willing to do our best in the process, but once the results come out, as long as we basically meet the requirements, we will be satisfied. We are not the ones who are the first to take the lead.

When I went to the stage to receive the award, my eyes suddenly swept to a familiar figure, and Zhang Jun was walking away. I was momentarily distracted. The auditorium can only accommodate two thousand people. The school does not require all students to participate. Most of the students are good students in the eyes of the teacher. They are willing to participate in class activities and care about collective honor. The poor student took the opportunity of not attending class as if it was a school holiday and went away. Although Zhang Jun's grades are not bad, I don't believe Zhang Jun will listen to this boring speech for the sake of teachers and classmates.

Why did he come?

The thought just opened, but immediately shouted to himself, why did he come, and what does it have to do with me?

Since the speech contest won the prize, the teachers will let me go regardless of the size of the poetry recitation contest and speech contest, and I will not refuse to come. From school to city, all activities are attended. On the one hand, it is to win prizes, and on the one hand, to practice more and improve skills.

Because of the speech contest, the teachers thought I was clever and the debate contest also let me participate.

In fact, after overcoming shyness and tension, the speech contest is not exciting, but the debate contest is very exciting, and the requirements for knowledge and reaction speed are higher, which really meets my heart. I like to look for logical loopholes in the other party's words, or use the designed language to induce the other party to fall into the traps I arranged. There are various ways and changes, as long as they can nail the other party.

I really enjoyed the moment when the other person was asked by me.

I also began to win prizes frequently in the debate competition, and even went to the province to participate in the competition on behalf of a senior team with senior brothers and sisters.

With my "showing head", I have a little thin name among teachers, parents, and classmates, and even my dad's colleagues have heard of my "speaking good".

I pretended not to care, but secretly proud of my "achievement" in my heart. Every time I go to receive the award, I just feel extra excited when I think of sitting under the stage to watch my classmates about He and Zhang Jun. It seems that I defeated not the opponent, but Guan He; , But for Zhang Jun.

I was secretly proud of my progress, but I forgot that when I was walking forward, Guan He didn't stand still.

An article written by Guan He to the school newspaper was voted by the language teacher of class (5) as "Youth Literature and Art". "Junior Literature and Art" was not only adopted, but also published in the key position of that issue. Several Chinese teachers in the second grade mentioned this article in the language class. Zeng Hong asked me to recite the whole class and appreciate Guan He ’s Excellent writing style.

Perhaps few people have subscribed to "Junior Literature and Art", but in the 1990s, almost all school reading rooms will order this magazine, and when there were not many newspapers and magazines in that year, its distribution in China was wide. The influence is better than any youth magazine today. In comparison, the second prize of my speech is really not worth mentioning in the three-second news on the city TV station.

Seeing Guan He's text turned into type, printed on beautiful pages. I do n’t know how I feel in my heart. Anyway, in addition to being sweet, sour, bitter, and spicy, I have to smile while reading, or I ’m really failing the training of the cornucopia and Zeng Hongyi Devil, the messenger, and now I The skill of smiling is really amazing, at least my master Zeng Hong can't see that my smile is fake.

I thought I was already running hard, but I didn't expect Guan He to run faster. When I thought I was approaching Guan He a little bit, she threw me far behind, and the little pride in my heart was beaten and smashed before it could expand.

Thinking about the Chinese teacher in class (8), I would certainly praise Guan He ’s talents in the classroom. Maybe I also asked a classmate to read her article aloud to let the whole class appreciate it collectively. I could n’t help thinking about what Zhang Jun would feel. The taste is also very complicated, but certainly not as jealous as I am full of bitterness.