A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 22: Time is like a sword (5)

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"Why didn't he go to middle school? Didn't the technical school take the junior high school exam?"

Involving other people's families, Jubaopen was reluctant to explain more, only saying: "Their family seems to have a little financial difficulty, and his father hopes that he will be able to work early. With his grades, he will definitely be able to take the exam now."

Lin Lan's eyes widened in shock. It seemed for the first time that someone in this world would not be able to afford school, although that tuition fee might only be enough for her to buy two skirts.

The news that Chen Songqing was about to leave our class will soon be known to everyone. Although everyone is surprised, there are not many people who are really sad. After all, Chen Songqing is not a group, and he often travels alone. Everyone knows him only because he is the first in our class.

Lin Lan was very attentive, and really regarded this as a thing. She did not hesitate to give up her study time. She took the pains to hold a farewell party for Chen Songqing. She had all the poems, songs and dances. She also used her influence to let the whole class of students Fundraising bought Chen Songqing an expensive pen and a beautiful diary as a farewell gift.

I refused to donate gifts for Chen Jin, but this time, I donated all my pocket money.

Chen Songqing was almost silent on the surface, but I think he was grateful to Lin Lan in his heart. His boyhood was forced to end early, but Lin Lan did his best to paint a pale but beautiful one for him period.

I seem to watch this happen indifferently from afar, but my heart is undulating, not necessarily for Chen Songqing, maybe just for life itself, I once again feel the cruelty and helplessness of life. Many people do not like to study at all. They smoke and drink every day to fight. They steal money from their parents to play games and dye their hair. They are proud of rebellious alternatives. Parents beg for them to read books. Chen Songqing loves to read books. First, life just refused to let him study.

This is life. It seems that it is always what you want, and nothing is given to you.

The day when Chen Songqing left the school, it was raining.

Since childhood, I have always preferred rain. When it rains, I rarely even use an umbrella. I like the raindrops on my face.

I was sitting on the stone bench in the school, staring at the sky full of raindrops in a daze. I was not happy or happy. My mood was often in a blank state.

A person came to me and stood still.

I looked at it, it was Chen Songqing. He was carrying a military green canvas schoolbag, holding a black umbrella that had been worn white, and stood silently.

Neither of us is a talker. We have been relatively silent for a while, but no one spoke.

He suddenly said, "I'm not going to school tomorrow."

"I know."

At his feet, it happened to be a depression, and the rain water formed a small pool, and he kicked the rain foot by foot.

I still remember his hypocritical strength that didn't seem to care at all, stains on his old sneakers, and semi-loose shoelaces.

He asked: "How are you reviewing your homework?"

"not very good."

He kicked the rain on the ground one by one, the water splashed on his pants, but he didn't care.

"I originally wanted to finish the final exam before leaving, but my dad refused. He said that if he had this time, it would be better to prepare more for the technical school exams, and strive for a good major in the future, and a good unit in the future. . "

I was silent, not knowing what to say, he suddenly said: "Can I please you one thing?"

"No problem." I asked without asking him what he wanted to do with me, and he agreed.

He said with a smile: "Can you seriously review and go all out to take this final exam?"

I looked at him puzzled and couldn't figure out why he asked such a strange request, but, I had promised him, so I would keep my promise.

In fact, until today, I did not want to understand why Chen Songqing came to this request.

"Okay, I will review it carefully and take the exam seriously."

He laughed, still kicking the rain one foot at a time, and I watched the drops of water he kicked silently.

His shoes were all soaked. After standing for a long time, he said, "I'm gone, goodbye!"

I sat on the stone bench without moving: "Goodbye!"

Carrying his schoolbag, he turned away, and his thin, tall figure slowly disappeared into the misty drizzle.

I sat alone for a long time, and my entire buttocks were cold. After I was soaked, I took my schoolbag home.

That was the last time I saw Chen Songqing in my life. Since then, I have never seen him again, or even heard of him. I don't know if he has been admitted to a technical school or which major he has passed.

However, I knew that he would know my final exam results, so I followed the conventions, carefully reviewed, and took the exam seriously. For more than two weeks, I did n’t do anything. I just read a book and watched sleep at night from bed in the morning. He said let me go all out. Actually, I do n’t know how to go all out, but I put the geography, history, and politics textbooks back and forth, and even the most annoying English forced me to go back and forth. A bunch of things.

At the end of the final exam, I ranked first, and I became the first in class (1). In addition to poor English scores, algebra, physics, and geometry are almost full marks. Other courses such as geography are completely memorized by rote. Almost all of them are first in the class, because I took a few of the first class, so I even said My cheating has become impossible, everyone can only face this accident with surprise.

My father and mother were overwhelmed with excitement. When they opened the parent meeting, they almost kowtowed to the cornucopia. The cornucopia was very indifferent and said calmly: "The English I teach, she has the worst test. Her progress has nothing to do with me. "

The separation is about to take place. I and the cornucopia get along well. Although I and I have had an intimate relationship, although he does prefer students with good grades and lively personality, it can be fair to say that he is very different from Teacher Zhao, and he has no trace of Lin Lan. For his care, he tried hard to retain Chen Songqing. He went all out to teach, and all the things I saw with my eyes made me forgive the pain he had caused me.

In fact, as a newly graduated junior college student, the cornucopia is only nine grades older than us. He is also an immature person. I believe that as the first student in his teaching career, we will never be forgotten by him, just as we will never forget that he is our class teacher. Because, he left a trace in our gradually growing life, and we also left a trace in his gradually mature life.

After the final exam, I went to see Xiaofei. Her mother kept her promise and let me see her.

When I saw Xiaofei, she was lying on the bed reading a book, and her original shoulder-length hair was cut very short, like a boy.

She saw me, put down the book and smiled at me.

I feel very strange, I ca n’t tell clearly, she is different, but she is indeed different, her eyebrows are still beautiful, but the flying in the eyebrows is warm and gone, only a faint sight, a faint smile, Her life is like ... just like ... Suddenly from Zhongchun to the end of autumn.

I saw that she was reading English textbooks, so let go and sit next to her and asked, "Are you ill?"

She nodded: "Okay, how did you do in the final exam?"

"The first class, the grade is not yet known, it is estimated that it will not be known until the next semester is divided into classes."

She was surprised and very happy: "I'm going to work hard, otherwise I will be left behind by you."

I have never felt extra joy for my test results, because there is always a trance of unreality, but at this time, suddenly, I got excited and said excitedly: "Okay, wait for the next semester , Let's play to see who is better. "

Xiao Fei laughed: "Okay!"

I held out my finger: "A word is fixed?"

"It's a word!"

We pulled the hook and agreed on our promise. Her mother seems to have been eavesdropping all the time, hearing that my results are the first, and hearing that Xiao Fei and I have agreed to study in the future. Fei said: "You should play with classmates like Luo Qiqi in the future." He said to me kindly, "Welcome you to come to Xiao Fei for more."

I try to smile as smartly as possible. If her mother really knows who I am, I do n’t know if she will say such things. However, for the first time, I realized that it turned out that the good academic performance had so many advantages that it became a person whom all parents trust.

Xiaofei lowered her head in silence, her mother seemed to be a little uneasy again, and hurried out: "You discuss and study, I'm out."

When she left, Xiao Fei winked at me, and I ran to the door to take a look and shook her head.

She motioned me to sit next to her and said for a while after being silent: "Actually I am not sick, I am pregnant."

I am a person with a very poor facial expression, so I just stared at her blankly. It looked so calm in the eyes of outsiders. In fact, I was so shocked that I didn't know how to react.

She smiled: "Qi Qi, what can scare you? Why are you so calm at all times?"

I do n’t know how to explain, I can only ask: "What do you do?"

She said lightly: "I have gone to the hospital to have an abortion operation. When the school starts next semester, I will start again when nothing has happened."

I stuttered and asked, "You ... what's going on? Is anyone bullying you?"

She said quietly: "The process of the matter is not important, what is important is that it happened. It is meaningless to investigate the reason now. In the first few days, I cried every day and hated my stupidity, but tears and I ca n’t let the time go backwards or let my mistakes go away, Qi Qi, this is the first time I told you about this and the last time. In the future, I will never want to mention it again, I just want to forget, you help me too Forget it together, okay? "

I nodded: "Okay!"

We didn't mention her pregnancy abortion anymore, discussing things about the school. Xiao Fei asked what happened in the school while she was away. I told her all the gossip I knew in detail.

The pregnancy abortion of junior high school students should be a big thing, but maybe because of Xiao Fei's too calm attitude, I even thought it was a big deal in a trance, like a bad cold, as long as it passed, everything just didn't happen Ever.

She and I are planning what we should do after the start of the new semester, and we look forward to our being able to be assigned to a class. Then we may be able to sit at the same table, take classes together, do homework together, and leave school together. We even discussed After high school, whether to study liberal arts or science. Do you want two people to go to a university? She smiled and said that she likes Beijing. She is going to Beijing to go to university, either Peking University or Tsinghua University.

She also patted my head and said: "If you want to study in the same university as me, you have to work hard, but you can't be so playful, always thinking about reading novels." Looking at me with a very unconfident expression, she again Hurry to comfort me and say, "Don't be afraid, I will supervise you to study hard."

Xiaofei is full of confidence in the future. I have no doubt that she can realize her dream, because her wandering has passed, she is ready to start again, and this time, she will not make any stupid mistakes again.