A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 29: The price of youth (3)

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Guan He said lightly: "I have never abused me. He is much older than my mother. His ex-wife passed away. He has a son and two daughters. As long as I am obedient and diligent, he will not embarrass me, that is, my brother and sister are not very good. Get along, but used to it all these years. "

I began to understand where Guan Hei's maturity and stability came from, where tolerance and restraint came from, and where the graceful manner of life came from, just because she didn't have a home at all, she kept sending her to the fence, and her mother was waiting for another family to come She pays for her living expenses and education expenses, so she has learned to please stepfathers, brothers, and sisters when other children are naive and spoiling their father.

Guan He smiled: "The students look at me and think that my family conditions are very good. In fact, they don't know, I will do a lot of things when I'm very young, I will make dumplings, wash clothes, clean the house, many of my clothes It ’s all my sister does n’t want. My mother ’s hand is very clever. She changed it a little with a sewing machine, and it became very beautiful. I do n’t actually own a few clothes. ”

Because of the smile, Guan He's mouth was bent at the corner, and there was a strange strength. I said, "You are beautiful and have good temperament. Those clothes are because you are wearing them, so your classmates will pay attention."

Guan He smiled, but could not see whether it was a mask or a sincere heart. She looked into my eyes and said, "Because I have been watching since I was a child, I am a very sensitive person. After we sat at the same table, I felt that we are a little bit like, but I still have to take care of my mother, so I have to be smart Please everyone and make everyone like me, and you can fight radically and do whatever you want. "

I looked at her blankly, she smiled, took my hand and walked out, said half-jokingly: "Don't tell others, where is my family, I don't need others to know that I am Cinderella, I like to do Little princess. "

I nodded and said solemnly, "I won't tell anyone."

Although my reaction on the surface was very weak, I did n’t even say anything to Guan He even comforted me, but my indifference shattered completely in front of Guan He, and even Teacher Wu could feel it. The whole class, the only thing I could n’t say "no" to The person is Guan He. If I am a grand monkey, Guan He is my magic spell. No matter how much I am troubled, she always has a way to make me obedient.

I started to really enter Guan He ’s circle of friends, played chess with Li Shan, played word games with Song Chen, played Chinese chess with Wang Hao, and bullied the youngest with Wei ’s third girlfriend and forced him to eat charred Every time you eat an eggplant, you have to say "It's delicious". After the class meeting on Friday, everyone goes to sing karaoke together ...

Unconsciously, I was no longer a person outside the class, but slowly became a member of class (4). I also had a group of classmates who could fight and make trouble, There are activities every day and every week, and there is no time for loneliness at all.

Poor students certainly don't like class, and good students may like class, but even good students who like class, I'm afraid not every class likes it. However, there is a course, regardless of good students, poor students, boys and girls, secretly looking forward to a long time. Even if I never say anything on the surface, I certainly look forward to the teacher's explanation.

This much-anticipated class is-Physiology and Hygiene Class.

At that time, the information was too underdeveloped, there were no books, and there was no Internet, and parents never talked about the problems behind men and women. It seems that something bad will happen when they mention it.

The vaguely implied TV pictures, obscure words, and changes in our own bodies have made us too curious and confused. On the one hand, we are affected by the attitudes of adults, and we feel that it is unethical, unhealthy, Not positive and not upward; on the other hand, we are eager to join the ranks of adults and understand all these topics that are avoided by parents and teachers, and even the entire society.

When the textbook of the Physiology and Hygiene class was first issued, probably every student quietly turned to the end and checked all the questions about men and women, but the obscure black and white printed pictures, the dry scientific terms pieced together the paragraph and Can't answer our doubts.

Finally, we waited for the chapter we most hoped for. We thought that the teacher of the Physiology and Hygiene class would pick up the words one by one like the Chinese teacher to analyze the meaning of the paragraph; like the geometry teacher, I wish to engrave the picture into our minds The ins and outs of each line are explained clearly. It may be said that the beautiful and beautiful female physiology and hygiene class teacher told us that this class is self-study.

We looked at each other, we had finished our self-learning! But because I didn't understand myself, I was looking forward to listening to your class! But the teacher didn't care so much. After instructing the class leader to take charge of the discipline, he returned to the office. He didn't even give a chance to ask questions after self-study.

Students look at me, I look at you, good students immediately took out mathematics, physics, English textbooks, began to study carefully, preparing for the high school entrance examination. Several boys grinned and threw the sanitation textbooks into the trash. This is a class that will not be tested in the high school exam. Since this class does not explain, then this book is really meaningless.

I stared at the sanitation textbook in a daze, maybe I had more doubts than anyone else, and I wanted to know what happened between men and women.

In fact, so far, I haven't really understood why Xiao Fei is pregnant, why do they all say they came out of sleep? If you do n’t understand it at all, it ’s not right, because according to the Hong Kong and Taiwan movies I ’ve seen, the intimate pictures of kissing and **** I actually have a vague feeling, but the film always shows them **** each other. Flick around, the screen will switch, what about after taking off your clothes? The textbook talks about the combination of sperm and egg, which leads to conception. Could it be that the sperm and egg are combined after taking off their clothes and holding each other to sleep? Are you pregnant?

I feel that I am eager to know these for two reasons: one is because Xiaofei, she never said what happened, and I dare not ask, but I want to know what happened; the other is because of fear, I Fear is what I do n’t know. Fear is not knowing how to really protect myself. However, when I was expecting and thought that the teacher could clearly answer all my confusions and appease all my anxieties, the teacher sent us a "self-study" sentence. My expectations for adults have failed again.

Guan He was reviewing mathematics quietly. She watched me staring at the sanitation textbook in a daze, and looked sideways at me several times.

"What are you thinking? Looking unhappy?"

"It's nothing." I was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked, "Do you know what's going on with pregnancy? How do boys make girls pregnant?"

The restrained Guan He blushed at once, and she swept her eyes quickly, around, or around, to see that no one was paying attention, and then pressed her voice and said, "I don't know."

I thought about it too, I can still see a lot of Hong Kong and Taiwan movies, Guan He is afraid that even these will not be seen, where does she know? World famous books don't talk about these. Of course, I can ask the enchanting, but that means the squid will know that I am concerned about these things, and then the wavelet will also know. God! Let me die!

Guan He seemed to see through my mind, and was silent for a while, then whispered: "Anyway, holding hands, hugs, and kisses will be fine, don't take off your clothes." After she finished, she immediately buried her head in reading, obviously , Discussing this topic makes her very uneasy, she no longer wants to talk about it.

I stood up, learned the appearance of a few boys, and threw the textbooks of the Physiology and Hygiene class into the trash can.


I hope this is a nightmare

No matter how big an adult's mistakes are, they are the fruits of their own lives.

But juveniles, their mistakes often come from their parents and half from their ignorance of life.

There are many trajectories in life, and the difference in one thought may be a bumpy trajectory.

Of course, the branch road is also the road, and some people have come out of a different vast sky,

However, if time can go back in time,

Their vicissitudes of face and tired smiles would rather choose not to lose that step.

For a long time, I doubted the authenticity of this matter. I suspected that I had watched more gangster films and had hallucinations. However, following a series of events after this incident, I began to realize that vigorously rectifying social order and cracking down on criminals is not just a news that sounds very vague. In fact, it is not far away from us.

The origin of the crackdown is complex. In the 1980s, a large number of young people who went to the countryside returned to the city and became unemployed; in the 1990s, after the reform and opening up, the economic system was transformed and a large number of self-employed people were generated; after the country was opened, various trends of thought quickly poured in because of the "Cultural Revolution" Shocked moral values ​​quickly collapsed ... For various reasons, in the 1990s, various types of criminal groups emerged from the remote inland to the prosperous coast. In order to fight against various types of crimes.

Regarding the two violent attacks in the 1990s, people born in the 1980s should still have a faint impression, because in that era, almost every family would watch "Newscast" during dinner time, and "Newscast" has every day about the severe fight Key news.

The city TV station wanted to do a graduation class, and the school selected several teachers and students to be interviewed. Because I often participate in speech debate contests, my teachers are regarded as talking people, so I am also the subject of interviews.

The question is known early on; the answer is written by the teacher of the language group, so everything is performed.

The people on the TV station first set the scene next to the table tennis table downstairs. The interview subject was Shen Yuanzhe, and my scene was set as the corridor of the graduating class, so I stood in the corridor and waited for them, while silently reciting the language teacher. Lines.

I think they are about to end, and quickly went to the bathroom to prevent them from going to the toilet in case they get nervous later.

The toilet is at the end of the corridor, next to the up and down stairs. When I came out of the bathroom, I almost collided with a man who ran upstairs. I stopped, but the other person passed me without stopping, but he walked a few steps and turned back immediately. It was Zhang Jun. .

It felt like he was almost jumping, and came to me, handed me a handful of black things, pressed his voice and said, "Help me hide."

It is a pistol! I stayed for a while. The reaction at the time was to immediately turn around and walk to the toilet, but when I walked to the door of the female toilet, I realized that it was wrong! It ’s not a good place to hide things. I thought about it, pulled up the sweater, put the pistol against my belly, inserted it into the pants, tightened the belt, fixed it between the belts, and then, put the autumn clothes, sweaters, coats They are all sorted out, just like going to the toilet, and come out and walk directly to the preset interview location.

Zhang Jun was sitting in the classroom. When I passed their classroom, the eyes of the two passed by and they seemed to have exchanged a lot, but they seemed to express nothing.

I just stood in the teacher's office and the corridor at the corner of our class. Journalists, photographers, our teaching director, and several other teachers came up.

After the reporter mentioned a few things that I should pay attention to, I started recording.

"Do you feel the pressure of learning?"

I smiled and said, "It's more stressful."

"Does this pressure come from teachers or parents?"

"I think there are some, and my own expectations ..."

Several people in police uniforms came up from the stairs and saw us froze for a while and stopped. The director instructed to communicate immediately, and reporters and videographers looked at them curiously. I don't know what they said in a low voice. The director of the teaching changed greatly, and after explaining a few words to the leader of the language teaching and research group, he accompanied the police.

Seeing several policemen entering each class separately, I already knew why they came.

The leader of the Chinese Language Teaching and Research Group smiled and asked reporters and cameramen to go downstairs to complete the following interview. Although the reporters were curious, Chinese news more than a decade ago never pursued news or breaking news. Their focus was to guide and promote Healthy and stable social atmosphere, so they are curious, but still follow the leader of the teaching and research team downstairs.

When we left the junior high school, there were police guards outside and a serious look, but it was very polite to see the reporter and the camera, plus it was estimated that the school leader had already explained it, so I only talked a few words and asked about our respective After the identity, let us leave. The police looked at me with black-framed glasses, pony tails, and plain clothes for a second.

When I walked past them, I stood on the main road of the school and re-posted. When I was interviewed, I was cold on my back, but my heart was calm.

I'm very cooperative and try my best to show the look of the graduates that the adults expect. The reporter and the leader of the teaching and research team are very satisfied. The cameraman praised me for the lens. The leader of the teaching and research team introduced in a proud tone: Focusing on comprehensive training of students, not the only goal of progression rate, the school will try its best to create conditions for students to develop their specialties. Classmate Luo Qiqi has participated in many speech contests on behalf of the school and received good exercise. "

Because the camera was not closed, the cameraman recorded the words of the teaching and research team leader. The reporter said: "This is also very good. After returning, you can discuss with the leader. Add this paragraph to reflect the graduation more comprehensively. School life. "

The leader of the teaching and research team didn't expect that he would carelessly insert the willow, but he had such an effect. He was very happy and accompanied the reporter and cameraman to the high school department: "Here are a few senior three students."

The camera has been turned off, and everyone is very relaxed. The reporter said with expectation: "I heard that Chen Jin, the son of our deputy station, was studying in No. 1 Middle School."

The teaching and research team leader said with a smile: "Yes, classmate Chen Jin is very good ..." The teaching and research team leader turned into a gossip master and told the reporter and cameraman about everything about Chen Jin. Interviews with high school students are much more interested.

I do n’t think they pay attention to me, they pretend to be curious and interested, and follow them. However, our teachers are also more cunning, and I found my strategy before they reached high school. A teacher said: "Luo Qiqi, you ... "

I didn't wait for him to finish, and then went on to say to the team leader: "I and Chen Jin were at the same table in elementary school."

As the most magnificent genius in the history of the first school, coupled with a super good family background, Chen Jin has an irresistible charm. There are many versions of the story about how smart he is. The teachers are not tired of spreading his story. Then there is a bit of peeking at the leader's privacy. Therefore, the teaching and research team leader, reporters, videographers, and teachers were all interested, and immediately looked at me, and never asked me to return to the classroom.