A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 7: Ignorant feelings (2)

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I couldn't hear the rest of the words. I just felt that the sky above my head was spinning and my head thundered. Since the day I went to school, no one has said that I am smart, I am synonymous with wood and stupidity. I must have heard it wrong, for sure! When I was slightly awake, and eager to listen again, I heard the voice of Mr. Gao sending Mr. Zhao out. So I walked back to the classroom like a drunk in the voice of "I must have heard it wrong" over and over again.

My reason secretly said to myself, maybe I heard correctly, it is true, I am not a fool. But the heart, which has been inferior for too long, completely refused to accept it, and still said to itself again and again, if you heard it wrong, you must have heard it wrong.

However, no matter whether it was wrong or not, I decided to keep the sunlight in Teacher Gao's eyes. I was too scared to let her down. She was afraid that she would look away when she was disappointed. So, I never read novels in class, and began to listen carefully. After class, I would seriously consider and complete every homework question, even if I would not do it I will also write down how I think about it and how to think about it. I want her to feel my efforts and let her give me some time.

My math scores are rising at a speed of one thousand miles. At the end of the fifth grade, my math scores have never risen to 80 or 90. Zhang Jun ’s situation is similar to mine, but our two languages ​​are too poor, and the overall score ranking is still not good.

Even with such achievements, parents have been extremely happy. After the parent meeting, Dad said happily to me: "After the parent meeting, Teacher Gao specially left me and said," Your daughter Luo Qiqi is very smart " By the way, Teacher Gao also wants to choose you to participate in the mathematics competition for elementary school students in the city. You will also have to go to school this summer. "

At that moment, I can be sure that I heard correctly.

Zhang Jun was the one who accepted the mathematics competition from Teacher Gao together with me.

That summer vacation was the most happy and happy day of my childhood. When I opened my eyes every day, I felt that my heart was full of sunshine.

Every morning I go to school and listen to Teacher Gao with Zhang Jun. Although we don't talk, we sit very close together and we can see his smile with a sideways look.

Teacher Gao did not stand on the podium either. She sat casually in front of us, writing and speaking on the draft paper. When we were tired, the three of us would chat. Teacher Gao would tell some stories when she was studying in Beijing. Zhang Jun and I listened quietly. Sometimes, Zhang Jun will talk about his travels around the country, he is very capable of speaking, and the travel experience is vividly described by him. He told him that he ate a whole fish feast in Wuhan, and both teacher Gao and I swallowed. He told him that when he ate seafood raw in Yantai and threw the live shrimp soaked in his mouth, the shrimp were still jumping up and down The taste was wonderful, and I heard Teacher Gao and I grin and shook our heads.

Zhang Jun never consciously acted as a student in front of the teacher. When he was happy, he would jump on the desk and even draw pictures, showing his spirits. Teacher Gao and I sat on the stool and looked up at him, Listen to him.

The bright summer sun shines on him from the window, and his whole person is shining brightly. My heart is also brilliant. For the first time, I know that happiness and happiness can be very simple, just sit there and stare quietly. he.

In addition to answering questions, most of the time I am silent, but my silence is filled with joy, I like to listen to them.

After finishing the class, Zhang Jun and I went home together.

We live on both sides of a river and say that it is a river, which is not actually a real river, but an artificial irrigation channel that was said to have existed during the Qing Dynasty, but we are all used to calling it a river.

In order to be able to walk with him for a while, I said that I like to watch the water. I often walked along the riverbank with him to the bridge, and the two broke up.

I worked hard to create opportunities to be with him, but when I was really together, I could n’t say a word, only silence, often Zhang Jun spoke alone, I listened intently, he has a lot of fun things, I often make me laugh.

Sometimes, if he does n’t speak, we can only be silent. I ’m afraid that he will find me bored, and that he wo n’t want to go with me when he is out of school. I do n’t know what I can say, I can only ask him: "Do you think there is a better way to solve this question this morning?" Or, "I found a way to do it yesterday." Therefore, two of our poor students, who are quite famous in school, work tirelessly to discuss math problems just like the best students who love learning. And many years later, I only reacted and asked myself, is it more boring to be silent, or how can a boring math problem be more boring?

However, there will be exceptions. When the water in the river is relatively shallow, we will go down to the river to play. The two of us stooped and tossed in the water, looking for beautiful little stones.

When tired, the two sat on the big stones side by side, their feet soaked in the river water, playing while resting while kicking the water. The river makes people relax, even if it is silent, I no longer deliberately talk, we often don't say a word, just basking in the sun and enjoying the breeze.

The time spent together was always extremely fast. I always grabbed his hand and watched the watch, and found that it was lunch time. I jumped up and put on my shoes in a hurry: "I'm going home, bye."

He stood up lazily and said, "See you tomorrow."

Thinking of seeing you tomorrow, we can walk together and play with water together, I feel infinite happiness, walking like flying.

Every morning, I can't wait to get to school, can't wait to see him, study with him, play together.

Once, he fell asleep on a rock, I sat alone and played with water, secretly looked at his watch, and found that it was past lunch time, but he never woke up, I hesitated, did not call Wake him up, but instead take his own hat, block the sun for him, and let him sleep.

I raised my hat and sat next to him, staring at how he was sleeping. When one hand was tired, I changed the other hand. I think my heart is as bright as the summer sun, and as gentle as the river in front of me. As long as he is here, I am willing to keep him.

He woke up after a long sleep and sat up half-supported. I immediately snapped the cold hat back on my head and looked away.

He looked at me and said with a smile: "You missed the meal time."

I lowered my head while wearing sandals and said, "It doesn't matter." It seemed that I was anxious to go home. In fact, I dare not look at him.

I was in a hurry to leave, he asked me: "You come home late, will your parents scold you?"

I replied honestly: "Probably will say a few words to me, but I don't care, they are sometimes a little afraid of me, and they dare not say anything serious."

My words were a bit unbelievable, but he seemed to understand that there was no surprise expression, just a smile.

I have gone, and suddenly remembered that he never seemed to go home in a hurry. I turned around and found that he was still sitting on the stone and couldn't help running back, standing on the bridge and asking, "Aren't you going home?"

He looked up: "There is no one in our family, it doesn't matter if I don't go home."

I'm stunned, doesn't it mean that he has four sisters above him, he is the son of his parents, so the whole family goes up and down together?

"Don't you have four sisters? What about your parents?"

He explained with a smile: "My dad does engineering. Wherever the project is, people will be where they are; my mother lives in Chengdu all year round and helps my elder sister take the children; the second sister works in Shenzhen; I'm busy falling in love; my fourth sister has just entered college and went to Shanghai to study. I am the only one at home. "

"Who will cook for you?"

"An aunt from my hometown takes care of me, but she never cares about me."

I stood at the bridgehead and stood silently.

He looked up at me for a while, and said gently: "Go home, your parents should be in a hurry." After that, he stood up and was about to leave.

I asked: "Where are you going?"

He climbed the railing and over the bridge: "Go to a friend to play."

I was very reluctant to let him go, and wanted to say that we went to play together, but I couldn't tell, and I could only walk home step by step.

When I don't make up classes during the summer vacation, I will go to Li's game room to read novels.

A friend of a sports car brought him a vine from Xinjiang. Xiaobo planted it in the corner and built a shelf with iron wire and bamboo poles. Now that the vine is green, I like to sit and read.

Brother Li is busy with a new business, leaving the entire store to Xiaobo and Squid to take care of it. When someone buys something, Xiaobo goes out to have a look. When there is no one, Xiaobo plays billiards while chatting with me curled under the vine rack.

There will be people who gamble on every corner, sometimes small bets, sometimes big bets, when big bets, brother Li often clears the yard, locks the hospital door, and sends people to stay in the store, not allowing others to enter. When I cleared the scene once, I was right there, and Xiaobo didn't chase me away, so Brother Li and the squid didn't care about me, so I came in and out freely. I watched a lot, and gradually saw a few ways. There were people with tattoos and swearing on the body, but also people who were exquisitely dressed and polite. The term Sanjiao Jiuliu should be appropriate here.

When making small bets, I occasionally bet. Xiaobo is very upset. I never let me lose money. Relying on him, my meager pocket money can buy some books I like after buying orange juice. And look at renting books from a nearby bookstore. With the rental bookstore, I started to see Gulong in full, and I liked "Happy Heroes" the most, and watched it again and again, just because there was no loneliness there.

Tired of reading books, if there is no one, wavelet teaches me to play billiards, correct one posture by one posture. My cerebellum is underdeveloped, and my grades in physical education have always been poor, but I am a bit talented for this semi-static intellectual sports, and soon I am playing a game.

Sometimes, Brother Li and the squid are present, and the four of us just sit under the grape rack and double-click. At first, Brother Li and the squid both thought that I was a little bit, and they did not want to be with my family. Xiaobo was a good person, and he did not care about winning or losing.

Those who lose, need to put a white note on their faces. We often lose to one face, and neither note can fit.

When the rules were mastered, I gradually became a poker player. In Li's words, I was suffocated; in the words of squid, it was sinister enough. Wavelet has a very good playing card, coupled with my cooperation, we often play Li Ge and squid to find teeth. They want to separate me from Xiaobo. I do n’t do it. I used to look down on me, but now I do n’t want to be with your family!

Both Brother Li and the squid laughed at me for revenge, and I said with a grin: "People who don't have revenge don't know how to remember grace." No matter how they make fun of it, I only have a relationship with the Xiaobo family.

Sometimes, the four of us actually play with officers and soldiers to catch thieves. I like to be the best beater. I hold an iron ruler to catch whoever is going to fight. The squid is always a shame. I chase him to fight.

As soon as I changed my previous obedient silence, I started to laugh and slap my teeth. Squid and Xiaobo complained that they thought they had adopted a cat, but it was a little leopard. Xiaobo laughed: "Who told you to provoke her?"

When playing cards, Brother Li drank beer and gave me Jianlibao. At that time, there was no Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, or Wahaha. This kind of bubbled orange-flavored carbonated water is the most in my mind. Drink.

Later, whenever I think about this summer vacation, I can't help thinking of the words "long vacation". I know that my vacation and the Japanese drama "Long Vacation" are not at odds, but when I think of this vacation through the long river of the years, there will always be bright sunshine, sparkling rivers, green grape leaves, Pleasant laughter, sweet orange fragrance in the mouth, a few good friends, and a boy I like.


Grandpa's death

Time is momentary and short-lived,

Therefore, those love and warmth are always in a hurry,

It's too late to cherish.

Time is eternal and long,

Therefore, those loves and warmths are always carved in my heart,

You ca n’t forget it for life.

I do n’t know where it became popular, and when I knew it, no matter boys or girls in the class were already rollerblading. As soon as the extracurricular activities are over, the students on the concrete floor in front of the teaching building are roller skating. The roller skates of that era were very rudimentary, that is, a few pieces of iron on the four wheels, plus soft leather and straps. The iron sheet can be adjusted to adjust the size, without having to take off the shoes, you can directly fix the roller skates on the outside of your shoes and you can slide.

There are not many students in the class who have roller skates, so everyone is surrounded by these students and they line up to take turns to play. With these fashionable things, Zhang Jun has never fallen behind, and when other boys are still wearing roller skates and walking tremblingly, he has been able to slide backwards. He suddenly became the most popular boy among girls because the girl had to borrow his roller skates and asked him to teach them to skate.

I watched them dancing on the concrete floor from afar, and there was a desire deep in my heart, but I showed no interest at all. I do n’t want to please anyone for a pair of roller skates, even if that person is Zhang Jun, or especially that person is Zhang Jun.

After receiving a telegram, my mother suddenly said that she would go back to her hometown and told me and my sister to listen to my father. I asked her if she could take me home with her. She said that I wanted to study and not quit school. I stayed up late at night and wrote a long letter telling my grandfather that everything was fine, there was a high teacher who treated me well, praised me for being smart, my classmates liked me very much, I had many friends, and I had read many books I will grow up soon, and when I grow up, I will visit him and accompany him to go fishing ...

The next day, my mother left in a hurry. I was looking forward to her coming back, imagining what my grandfather would bring me, maybe a pair of roller skates, and I would skate very well, which surprised Zhang Jun.

More than a week later, my mother returned haggardly, and the whole person lost a circle. I pestered her and asked, "Did Grandpa see my letter? Did he bring me a gift? What did he say ..."

Dad dragged me aside and told me: "Your grandfather got esophageal cancer and has passed away. Your mother is very sad. Don't worry about her grandfather again." I looked at my dad indifferently. Dad gave me five dollars. Say, "Go out and play by yourself, go shopping and eat when you are hungry."

I squeezed the money and walked out of the house, in the empty world, I don't know where I can go. Grandpa died? Has this person disappeared from the world after he died? I will never see him again. I am eager to grow up because I can come back to him when I grow up, what should I do now? What should I do when I grow up? Where can I go?

Xiaobo was sweeping the floor in front of the game machine room. When he saw me, he smiled and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are your eyes straight?"

I said, "I invite you to eat lamb skewers."

He was stunned for a while. Me and him are stingy, seldom spend money, and almost never eat snacks. I was reading a book, but he seems to have the habit of saving money. Today, I turned my **** and generously. He stood the broom to the corner and cheered: "Okay!"

When we walked to the lamb skewers on the corner, I handed five dollars to the kebab skewers and said, "Twenty skewers of mutton, ten skewers with less pepper, and ten skewers with lots of chili."

"Add some more peppers, more some peppers ..." In my replay, my mutton skewers almost became grilled chili skewers.

We took lamb skewers and ate while walking. At the entrance, I was spiced so much that my mouth was fighting, but I ate all of them bit by bit. Xiaobo took his lamb skewers and looked at me silently.

After eating the lamb skewers, I wiped my tears and said, "It's spicy!"

The tears could not be wiped clean, just like the river that broke through the embankment, and all of them flowed out, and the larger the flow, the more embarrassing I felt, embarrassed, and I would run away when I pulled my foot, but Xiaobo grabbed my arm and carried it I entered the courtyard from the back door.

I stood under the grapevine, facing the wall, tears falling down, he sat on the pool table and looked at me silently.

I don't know how long I cried, it should be a long time, because the middle squid came in once, was driven out by wavelet, and a few people wanted to gamble, but wavelet refused.

When the tears were over, I wiped my face with my sleeves and turned around. Wavelet asked: "Are you hungry? I invite you to eat beef noodles."

I nodded and the two went to eat beef noodles. At the beef noodle restaurant, I buried my head and told him: "My grandfather passed away."

He was silent, and I said again: "My father and mother thought I was young and I don't remember. In fact, I remember all things related to my grandfather. I remember it because I miss him every day." My tears were in my eyes again I did n’t dare to talk about it and started to eat hard noodles.

After eating the noodles, Xiaobo took me to the shop and said, "I want to buy some snacks and go back to eat. What do you think is delicious?"

I did not hesitate to point to the chocolate and said, "The wine is more delicious."

"Is there a liqueur chocolate? Weigh half a catty."

Xiao Bo weighed half a catty of heart chocolate and ate one of his own, and invited me to eat it. I peeled one and put it in my mouth, my heart was still bitter, but my mouth was full of sweetness.

After returning home in the evening, my mother handed me a set of handwritten copy of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji": "This is a book transcribed by your grandfather, who originally left you tens of thousands of dollars ..." Mom sighed, "Mom only Bring this to you, you save it. "

Mother's gauntness and exhaustion made her look black and thin. She didn't know my sadness, but I could understand her sadness. I said softly, "You go to bed early."

My mother touched my head and left the house.

I opened "Eternal Dragon Slayer" and watched it. Although I have read the book "Book of Swords and Enmity" and the TV series of "The Legend of Shooting Eagle", Jin Yong's name is still very strange to me. I have n’t watched The Heroes, so I saw Guo Xiang riding the green donkey and traversing the world. Although I felt that my heart was aloof, I was confused. When I read the third chapter, I started the first sentence, The flowers are blooming. The young boys and girls are old, and the side of the red girl finally sees white hair ... "

Suddenly, my heart was filled with words, but the people were gone! From no moment, like the present, I feel the cruelty of time.

I closed the book immediately and never looked down again. After I went to college, I dared to go on to read The Story of Eternal Dragon, and I really knew that a woman I loved for many years, Guo Xiang, in this story, was not even a supporting character.