A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 19: .Phoebe Cat 4

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Phoebe learned that he would soon have a pair of beautiful eyes again, and was so happy that he was climbing the cat shelf all night, and Shen Yu almost thought it was a wind.

The next day when Shen Yu was going to take it back to the pet store to continue the treatment of the therapist, Phoebe refused to leave because he was afraid that he would not see Xu Maomao and would not get the Champs Elysees when he went back. Beauty contact ---- Customization takes several days.

Shen Yu reluctantly contacted Zhang Meimei again.

"It started eating?"

"One third of breakfast."

"Really, really?" Zhang Meimei was pleasantly surprised. "Please let it be taken for a few days in your house. Is there a docile puppet cat in your house? Right? I think it may want to be with me. Is it okay to live and recover better? "

Shen Yu frowned, he never thought he would raise two cats at home.

Zhang Meimei anxiously said: "Guarantee for a few days, wait for me to finish the lawsuit, after the end, I will help your shop in the circle to promote it?"

Shen Yu is a little bit tempted. After all, Zhang Meimei is a star who has many contacts. If she is willing to promote it, it is very helpful for the promotion of this service. However, to ensure stability, he still consulted the therapist ’s opinion and learned that Phoebe ’s current The establishment of a sense of security is more important than others, and it is best to give priority to satisfying its emotional needs. He chose to leave the cat at home.

But he couldn't stay with him fortunately. Fortunately, the safety facilities at home were well enough, and there were two cameras for real-time monitoring, and he trusted his smart Oscar very much, so he went to work calmly.

He paid close attention to the monitoring from the mobile phone.

In the end, cats are arrogant and sleepy animals. The two cat fights that Shen Yu worried about did not happen. Phoebe seemed to regard Oscar as the boss and always followed Oscar from time to time. But Phoebe was sleeping most of the time, because it was so excited last night.

Oscar ’s daily life is more interesting. Shen Yu notices that it often touches the tuna collar it puts on (actually touches the bell). After touching it, it looks straight ahead, as if there is something fun in front, and often Holding claws, lightning flashes claws, but it is just waving in the air. It will do this many times a day.

He did n’t know that Xu Maomao was actually snatching red envelopes. Recently, Dr. Mi was very active. In the morning, he grabbed a 20-minute bottle of transformation potion. Now that he can accumulate, he can maintain his transformation for four hours. At some time, as a mobile code machine, Xu Maomao can code 10,000 characters.

However, his manuscript can be maintained for more than two months, so Xu Maomao is not in a hurry.

His most important task now is to practice Little Apple.

Phoebe saw Xu Maomao bouncing against the floor-to-ceiling window, then stretched out and climbed up.

"What are you doing?" Phoebe asked meowly.

"Hoo," Xu Maomao gasped and answered, "Practice dancing."

"Meow?" Phoebe was stunned. "Why?"

"For the love value of human beings." God knows that Xu Maomao has not broadcast live these days, just to surprise the audience.

Phoebe didn't understand, because in its consciousness only **** shovel officers need to learn to dance, such as Zhang Meimei, when singing not only singing but also jumping to get applause, and it only needs to follow a circle, humans unconditionally Love it. Well, it must be because of his beauty!

"Do humans like us to dance?" Phoebe asked.

"I should like it." Xu Maomao said confidently, and then ignored it, desperately correcting his uncoordinated movements in the mirror.

Phoebe looked at it and gradually found it interesting, so he jumped up with it.

When Shen Yu saw two fat and thin cats jumping on the apple in the video, her faint and gentle face almost did not collapse, and she almost laughed. But this did not match his personal design, so Shen Yu smirked and smirked, and also watched out for the shop assistant when he found that he was on a small mission.

After all, listening to Little Apple destroys its elite image a bit.

In a few days, Xu Maomao learned the little apple, and Phoebe was also very different. But Shen Yu clearly saw that there was a big gap between the two cats.

His Oscar movements are very standard, and the rhythm is also very good. Some movements are difficult to maintain balance in terms of the cat's body. It is even smarter because of its beauty or laziness. Phoebe is far worse. Although it is a cat that has been in a concert, it has a poor sense of rhythm. Most of the time, the movement looks like a wind.

Shen Yu couldn't help but think a little proudly without losing his Oscar. It is more and more affirmed that it is special, and more and more convinced of it.

Probably dancing takes a lot of energy, so these two cats eat more food, and even Phoebe can eat half of Oscar's food.

Xu Maomao didn't persuade him less, Phoebe's aesthetic gradually came back, and began to think that although the cat was a little fatter, but it was also pretty, he tried to pursue health and beauty. It's just that it's hunger strike for too long, and it can't stop too much stuff at once. It takes a period of transition to slowly increase the amount of food.

On this day, Xu Maomao thought that he was ready to debut, so he started live dancing. The entire live broadcast process is only a few minutes, which is almost the length of Apple, but the number of online people has increased from a few hundred at the beginning to 50,000. The new live broadcast room of Meng Chong Channel is already very hot!

[The cat anchor is finally here! 】

[God, did you really jump on Apple? 】

[Ahhhhh, it also has a little dance partner, it ’s a Garfield cat]

[Call for the cat! ! ! ! 】

[It turns out that it disappeared for so long, is it for us to watch this? What a surprise! 】

[Ha ha together hi, I hugged my cat, it is so excited]

[Ah, eh? How did it end? 】

[Encore Encore! do it again! 】

[Beg the Great God Human Meat, please beg to suck]


Seeing the word "human flesh", Xu Maomao, afraid of causing any trouble to Shen Yu, quickly shut down the live broadcast. In just a few minutes, the love value he received was as high as thirty or forty thousand, which is several times the previous one. Xu Maomao was almost stunned by a huge surprise. And according to the audience's reaction, this dance can still be broadcast live for a while. When they are tired of Xu Maomao and change something else, anyway, there are so many square dances, and they will not worry about the live content in a short time!

Phoebe dancing with him gradually got better appetite, and his figure began to return to normal. Before being taken away by the owner, Xu Maomao finally received the red pupil's red envelope from Lili.

[Lili]: The contact lenses are okay, I made them overtime and overtime. After you take them off, gently put it on with your tongue

[Oscar]: Why is the tongue?

[Lili]: Because the tongue has a certain amount of moisture, our paws can easily hurt the beautiful eyes! In addition, I also gave you a bottle of eye lotion to help you apply it around the eyes to help recover wounds and hair

Lili told him a lot of precautions, what to avoid high temperature after wearing, and often moisturizing with running water.

Xu Maomao took the contact lens, gestured to surprise that Phoebe, who almost fainted, sat well, and then slowly pushed a contact lens into its gray eyes with the tip of his tongue. medicine.

This picture falls under the monitoring of Shen Yu's mobile phone, as if Oscar is holding Phoebe's face and gently licking its injured eyes. It can be said that it is very warm and cute!

After a short wearing process, Phoebe felt his eyes cool for a while, and soon he found that his vision was becoming clearer as the pupils merged little by little!

Half a minute later, it screamed, and saw from the floor-to-ceiling window that she re-blingbling Kazlan eyes!

"Meow meow meow!" Me, I finally recovered, Oscar, thank you!

It ran happily across the house, and then rushed behind Xu Maomao, trying to smell his ass.

In addition to expressing curiosity, there is also a friendly meaning in mutual smelling butt, but Oscar is not such an unrestrained cat. Is he a reserved and conservative cat?

Xu Maomao had a black face and squatted on the ground.

Shen Yu happened to see this scene, he felt a little strange, he debugged the camera remotely, zoomed in and tracked Phoebe's face, and found that his eyes were shining with crystal clear light ...

He was shocked and recorded the clip of Oscar's touching and kissing Phoebe's eyes. Because this is so bizarre!

When he looked home, Phoebe's eyes had recovered, and even the hair around his eyes was growing back quickly.

At this time, Zhang Meimei called and said she would pick up her Phoebe.

"Okay," Shen Yu said in a deep voice, "I think you will be pleasantly surprised."

He lowered his head and kissed Oscar's nose. "It's hard work. I'll be back when I'm done."

Xu Maomao was embarrassed to be kissed and hid in hiding.

This time taking away Phoebe's unexpected but unexpected ease, it happily asked Shen Yu to take it back to the pet shop.

When seeing Phoebe's eyes recover, Zhang Meimei was stunned, and ran to tears to hug the cat.

"What's going on ...! My little pity, your eyes have recovered!" Zhang Meimei's voice trembling, "Mr. Shen, thank you, thank you team, your health center is great!"

Shen Yu shook his head: "It's not our credit, you look at this."

He opened the video and passed the video.

At the same time, there were other shop assistants watching the video. After just ten seconds of video, everyone was silent.

They asked in unison: "It looks like it's the credit of Manager Shen's cat? Is it just licking?"

Shen Yu: "I have been paying attention to monitoring, and there are no other exceptions except this move."

The therapist is an absolute materialist, and after thinking about it for a moment, he gave a reasonable explanation: "I understand, the reason why it recovers so fast is because eating and sleeping in Manager Shen's house, and having a companion to play with, in There is a saying in medicine that mood is more important than anything. "

But the romantic Zhang Meimei is more willing to believe in metaphysics. She whispered to Shen Yu: "Your cat is a cat fairy sent by God!"

Shen Yu smiled: "It's just my Oscar."


Phoebe was successfully picked up, and the family regained the peace of a cat and a man.

But Xu Maomao quickly discovered that something was wrong. From the next morning after Phoebe left, his favorite value surged, the growth rate was very dense, and the trend of becoming more and more dense, the id is all weird username. In just one morning, it inexplicably increased by nearly ten thousand.

In a certain domain that he did not know, a cute cat licking each other video is hotly discussed.