A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 59: .Love Leopard 3

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a cat with a red envelope group!

The ratio is only 30%. If you ca n’t see it, you do n’t have enough love nests. Please wait patiently. Zhang Meimei is still making fun of him there, thinking he live broadcast.

"Mr. Shen, your cat is so cute. I am now a little fan of it. Remember to learn a few more dances. I will apply for it as a guest at the next concert!"

Shen Yu doesn't know how to deny it because he doesn't want Oscar's peaceful life to be disturbed too much.

However, now, Oscar has live broadcast! What a high-profile cat!

Is it playing the computer just to do this? Don't tell yourself yet! Does it feel fun or does it come out?

Shen Yu thought more and more chaotic, just walked out of the study, put Oscar in hand and put it in front of the computer, opened the video, and said lightly: "What did you do?"

Xu Maomao clearly saw the video content and almost did not pluck the cat hair.

"Meow!" How, how was found! ! !

Is it an accident? Why did Shen Yu suddenly have the leisure to see what live broadcast platform? How can the cute pet channel make the big cover of his video today! No wonder his favorite value has risen so fiercely today, it was originally promoted by the platform ... No, no, no, what should he do, it is impossible to admit that he is a person?

But does Shen Yu love the Oscar so much, would he feel that he was angry with the cat?

It's not impossible! After all, a blind date (also because of pet problems) and a beloved cat, Shen Yu must choose a cat! And Cat Daxian warned against leaking ...

Therefore, he should not expose QAQ.

After Xu Maomao made up his mind, he quietly removed his head and refused to watch the video, pretending that he was just a silly cat, and the video was synthesized and used to deceive people.

"..." Shen Yu can't understand its body language? Funny, "It's no use pretending to be dead."

Xu Maomao made a meow and wanted to jump down. As a result, Shen Yu refused to let it fix it slightly on the table. Xu Maomao was anxious and his paws flew, and it was about to catch Shen Yu ’s handsome face. Shen Yu ’s eyes were cold. , Lips lightly opened: "Dare you?"

"... Mi." Don't look at me like this QAQ male god, saying that good people are as warm as water and pet as life! How can you threaten me!

Xu Maomao withdrew his claws carefully and squatted well.

Shen Yu's eyes were joking, and some confused thoughts gradually settled down.

That's right, Oscar is carrying a live broadcast on his back, but this only shows that it is very smart, maybe it is really a smart cat who is learning! And his duty as the master is not to pursue its faults, but to protect it. Even if the cat broadcasts live broadcasts, it is nothing more than learning to dance online, which really makes a big mistake. Isn't it, can you still be harsh? On the contrary, he still feels cute.

"Oscar, I know you did it. I didn't blame you, it was just too unexpected." Shen Yu touched its head. "But did you attract the attention of many people?"

I know, they also went to your home QAQ, the person who just wanted to interview is estimated to be directed at my live broadcast.

Xu Maomao bowed his head knowingly.

Shen Yu sighed, brushed its hair, held it and began to carefully read the message board of the live broadcast room, squinting when he saw someone wanting to form a team to watch.

"It turns out that no wonder someone will block the house." Shen Yu sneered.

Xu Maomao shrank and shivered in his arms.

"It turns out that you have broadcast so many episodes of Oscars, and Little Apple jumped well." Shen Yu Liangliang said, "Why never know to show me?"

Xu Maomao was buried face down, his claws pressed against his head like an ostrich, looking ashamed and counseling.

Shen Yu poked him unhappily, then took him to the big desk, searched for the little apple and opened it, and the corner of his mouth hooked up badly: "Jump once and show me, if you jump well, forgive you for carrying me to live broadcast . "

Somehow, that expression is a bit like a young boy in Qinglou who ordered the first card to show off to the guests ...

Xu Maomao opened his big eyes and meowed in shock to protest twice, but Shen Yu was unmoved. His eyes were gloomy for a second, and the thief scared the cat!

After all, some expressions are especially lethal when they are done by gentle people.

Xu Maomao was finally placed under Shen Yu's **** prestige and jumped up with "bearing shame".

"You are my little apple, I don't want to love you too much ..." The music all over the streets and alleys especially accompanies him in the heart of the aunt's army.

Because of the good food recently, Xu Maomao has a round body shape, coupled with nervousness, several movements did not stand firm, and he fell down on the table.

Shen Yu looked at it, the seriousness on his face did not collapse, and he gently smiled, reaching for it and holding it: "Okay, don't jump."

"Meow?" I, I can finish the jump, you let me jump well.

"The business is not skillful, I will punish you for jumping next time." Shen Yu turned off the music and nodded his little nose. "I want to dance, um, just the slow motion song on the left and right? Do you know how to learn?"

... what slow motion left hand right? Is there such a song? Wait, Shen Yu still allows me to learn? Didn't you pursue me to play his computer privately?

Xu Mao raised his head meowly.

Shen Yu said: "If you like live broadcasting, just broadcast it. I don't deprive you of hobbies, don't hurt. Just don't worry about other things."

"Meow!" I love you, male god!

Xu Maomao jumped into his arms and licked his face excitedly. As a result, Shen Yu didn't seem to like his saliva and frowned to avoid it.

——The cat's tongue is rough, and it's actually very uncomfortable to lick.

At this time, Qiao Lingfeng called. Shen Yu motioned to Xu Maomao to stay outside and locked the door before connecting.

After all, Oscar is so smart that he can understand a lot of words. He does n’t want to put too much pressure on it because of any external harassment, he hopes to solve it quietly.

"Shen Yu! I have seen the news, okay, why have you been teaching me to dance with my baby ?! And what about the video of healing cats? Is n’t it really Oscar baby? "

Shen Yu was hurt by a series of interrogations, half-true and half-falsely ambiguous: "Well, it's my live broadcast, and I don't know the cure for the cat. It may be an unsolved mystery."

Qiao Lingfeng laughed: "The mystery has not yet been solved. Anyway, everyone thinks that it has always been a cat with extraordinary healing ability. Of course, maybe Phoebe's cataract is slowly recovered after the mood is cured, but you are here to broadcast live. , It ’s so smart and so cute inside, I personally suspect that your cat is good, hahaha, I heard that many media went to our store in the afternoon to squat? "

"Yes, but was publicized by Zhang Meimei."

"The PR is too late, and many netizens have seen it."

Shen Yu: "I know, so what do you want to say?"

Qiao Lingfeng closed his laugh and said seriously: "I want to tell you that this matter is definitely not going to be suppressed now, and there is no need to suppress it. It is not a scandal, but it can also have a positive impact!"

"What positive effect? ​​At present, I only know that there are reporters at home." This has seriously affected his life, and may even hurt the little guy, so Shen Yu's first thought was to minimize the tense.

"You're an outsider, I'm not used to spotlights and microphones. I understand it, but I regret to tell you that they will come to continue the interview, so you should be mentally prepared unless you make some news for them and let them have content. Can play, have something to hand in. "

Shen Yu knows that Qiao Lingfeng, who has been dealing with the media all the year round, makes sense. "What do you say?"

"It's very simple, you hold an Oscar baby to hold a press conference." Qiao Lingfeng explained, "The more you hide, the more curious people will be, and the secret will be revealed at once, and people will not care so much when their curiosity is satisfied. This matter. "

Shen Yu frowned: "I can't let those people study Oscars."

"Of course, the focus of the press conference is definitely not to discover the abilities of the baby-let's call it abilities. Our focus is to bring the topic to the health center, saying that Oscar is the treasure of the town store. Dancing, its happy state of mind can infect the pets around it, thereby healing the pet's mood. The reason why Phoebe recovered is that it was originally in the recovery period, and the Oscar baby accelerated its recovery process. In short, the entire interview should focus on Promote our wellness business and take the opportunity to gain a reputation. "

After listening patiently, Shen Yu felt for the first time that his friend was not that much.

Qiao Lingfeng took the responsibility of notifying reporters, and what Shen Yu had to do was to say hello to Xu Maomao.

After hanging up the phone, he solemnly walked to Xu Maomao.

"Oscar, you need to attend a press conference tomorrow."

"Meow?" What, what?

"Too many people want to dig up your secrets. This is the best way to calm them down. You just need to take some photos." Shen Yu touched its head gently, and then the words turned, "That's it. , I know you can understand. "

Xu Maomao: ...

He originally planned to use the tablet to find the Internet celebrity guide. This is all right, and there is no electricity.

Xu Maomao angrily dropped the tablet and decided to consult the cats of the cat group.

When I entered the bell interface, I habitually glanced at the head of the page and was surprised to find that my current favorite value is more than 60,000. But he clearly remembered that the last time it seemed to be about the same number. Is it that the video fluttered?

At this time, announcements sounded within the group.

【狻猊】 La 【Lili】 Enter the group

【狻猊】: This group is ushering in power! Please raise your four paws and tails and welcome!

[Oscar]: ... a warm welcome.

The online cat sparsely applauded.

[Lili]: Shy, please take care!

[Lili] Issue a red envelope

Xu Maomao had more than 60,000 assets and saw the group owner saying that the cat was powerful and stretched his claws to grab the red envelope.

Two thousand favorite values ​​were deducted!

Heartbroken back to look at the big backpack, cat pupil x2? Sapphire blue?

What the hell? Is it the kind of contact lens he thinks?

Looking back at the group, the female cats in the group are crazy!

[Sweet]: Oh, I grabbed a contact lens!

[Xiaoxue Tuan]: I grabbed the fragments of contact lenses! Ah, it's the beauty contact produced by Xiang Xieli!

[Sweet]: It turns out that Lili is the Lili of Xiang Xieli?

[Lili]: Oh, do you know me?

[Xiaoxue Tuan]: Are you our fashion vane? Sister, I always wanted to see you. I want to customize a pair of dark blue color lenses, which feels particularly noble.

The female cats in the group boiled, and they have never been more active.

Xu Maomao was stunned. It turned out that no matter what kind of creature, beauty is the constant theme of Henggu, although he did n’t understand the difference between the different shades of the color of the pupils displayed by Lili, is it not all? Is it round, big and bright?

The selling price is as high as hundreds of thousands, and the time limit ...

But a lot of diving female cat bosses have burst out of the water, rushing to rush to customize.

[Ala Lei]: Meow? What am I missing?

[Migu]: Sister Goddess, a sister Lili came and sent a red envelope.

[Ala Lei]: Wow ~~~~~ Why didn't I come up earlier?

[Lili]: Meow hee, today ’s red envelopes are gone, please calm down for the ladies who need to be customized. I am currently only accepting ten pairs, and it will be next month. If you want beautiful contacts, please pay attention to my red envelopes.

[Ala Lei]: Unfortunately.

Lili is off the assembly line. The female cat that she didn't grab is like a limited lipstick.

Xu Maomao thought about it and sent a special red envelope to Ala Lei, where the pair of sapphire blue lenses that I had just drawn were placed.

[Ala Lei] After receiving the red envelope, he returned a private letter in surprise: Oscar, you are really good, just the pupil color I want, so, I will give you 50,000 favorite value as a thank you