A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 62: .Sun Moon Inn 1

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The proportion is only 30%. If you can't see it, you don't love the nest enough. Please be patient.

Shen Yu could n’t help but smile for the smell, but it did n’t take long for Oscar to pick up a book and take a closer look. That book was the “Family Cat Cat Collection” in his study.

Moreover, it also reads page by page!

It stays on each page for a long time, as if it is really reading and researching.

Can cats read books? Also watch "Cat Cat Encyclopedia"? It's incredible!

Fortunately, before Shen Yu's chin fell, Oscar seemed to have enough play and was impatient. He dropped the book and ran back to the study. After a while, he came out and went straight to the water dispenser.

Then he drank water for a few minutes, and then did not read the book again, but just took the camera back. This time it stayed in the study for a long time before coming out. After returning to the living room, it yawned and jumped on the sofa next to the teddy bear, fascinating her eyes beautifully.

Shen Yu's curiosity was completely aroused. Oscar had always disliked entering his study because there were so many books there, and after all it smelled of ink. The cat's nose certainly didn't like to stay long. And today, it actually stayed there for so long, and still tossed his camera, could it be ... torn the computer?

Shen Yu was amazed, and it seemed that the evening was approaching. As one of the bosses, he justified himself to get off work in advance.

Oscar was still asleep when she hurried home. Shen Yu changed clothes lightly and went into the study.

It turned out that there was no sign of tearing the house at all, and even the towed camera was placed next to the computer endlessly, even in the same location as it was in memory.

Shen Yu picked it up suspiciously, and the tooth print on the back confirmed that it was indeed bitten by Oscar, but what did Oscar want to do?

As careful as Shen Yu, he finally found a clue. There were a few cat hairs in the gap between his keyboard and mouse.

When cleaning the hair, a thought flashed in Shen Yu's head: Would Oscar play a computer in his study this afternoon?

This thought came together and could not go down. Shen Yu simply turned on the computer to see if it had really been turned on.

However, there is nothing on the desktop. Shen Yu is a computer rookie who does n’t even play games and only types. He does n’t even know how to check his historical records, and Xu Maomao removed traces beforehand, so Found nothing.

Shen Yu helped his head, secretly thinking about it, and when he saw the time, he turned on the computer's own mine-clearance and started playing. As the second generation of the rich, he could only mine mines, cards, greedy snakes, and gophers. No one believed it.

Moreover, he did not play well!

After being killed dozens of times, Shen Yu coldly turned off the minesweeper and lay on the chair very tired.

"Meow ~"

A delicate call came from the door, and Shen Yu saw Oscar's head protruding as he raised his eyes. One person and one cat faced each other, Xu Maomao happily ran in and rubbed at his feet. He was warm in his heart, and the depression that had been killed several times was swept away, and he hugged him in his arms and fluffed.

At this time, Xu Maomao took the opportunity to look at the screen and found that he didn't show signs of exposure and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he remembered to clean it up properly.

In the next few days, Xu Maomao was scheduled to start live broadcasting in the afternoon on time, each time lasting about 20 minutes. Through a few days of experimentation, he gradually figured out the routine, and only met one or two requirements of netizens at a time, such as the beckoning cat fixed-point, elegant cat walking, and their favorite cat climbing rack.

[Woo, woo, want to send a small fish to the cat anchor! 】

[Miao Xian Bao! 】

[Upstairs, it ca n’t look down on your wonderful fresh buns. Gee, look at the canned food it eats, which is better than Laozi ’s.]

[How much is the canned food]

[Xx block? 】

Seeing the topic crooked again to Shen Yu's financial resources, Xu Maomao arched the camera with dissatisfaction, angered meow, let them focus on themselves again.

The message board laughed, probably afraid of the cat anchor being angry, and frantically brushing gifts underneath.

What a bunch of flowers, one Rolls Royce, and one diamond, Xu Maomao could n’t understand it at all, nor did he know that these gifts were converted into RMB and entered into his account, but he heard many wonderful sounds of the increase in his favorite value Then, with a satisfied "Meow", he danced and danced a few times.

[Haha, the cat anchor seems to be dancing]

[If it does n’t work, it will jump]

[Baby, shall we jump an apple? 】

[Come on, you are my little apple ~~]

[I do n’t love you too much]

[Red face warms my heart nest]

【The fire that lights up my life ~~]


The message board starts to brush the lyrics as if it comes with bgm.

Seeing their ridicule, Xu Maomao was a little bit depressed at first, but then the flash of light came to his mind: Yes, he can imitate dancing!

Although he is a hard-working otaku, he doesn't need to learn everything, he just needs to swing with the music a few times.

Xu Maomao twisted in excitement excitedly. In anticipation of millions of netizens, he shut down the live broadcast and then searched online for the dance teaching video of "Little Apple". After recording a few movements, he turned on the computer stereo to the maximum, then ran back to the living room, facing the clean floor-to-ceiling windows, dancing rhythmically with the sound of music from the study, moving while comparing the windows The figure above constantly corrects his posture.

Huh, he is really a very careful cat!

And all these movements, especially that which was specially opened to the biggest "Little Apple", were completely included in the camera with good performance.

Shen Yu stared dumbfounded at Oscar ’s fat buttocks on the screen, twisting left and right, round claws scratching her chest, scratching her face ... if you guessed right, the music came from the study , And the only device in the study that can open music is a computer!

Shen Yu is not calm, is his suspicion true?

"Mr. Shen, what are you looking at? Hey? It sounds like Apple's voice ..." Xiao Guan, the shop assistant, knocked on the door and entered.

Shen Yu paused, backhanded his screen, withdrew his gaze from the phone, shook his head and said to Xiaoguan: "It's nothing."

"Mr. Shen, the advertisement of our health center has been hit, and many customers call to consult."

Shen Yu nodded and commanded her: "Okay, just reply to the guests as I said."

Qiao Lingfeng aspired to open a regular pet hospital, combining the hospital with a pet store, and taking the high-quality service route, but Shen Yu felt that the threshold for opening a pet hospital was relatively high, and it took a long time to set up and Zhou Xiang, so he decided to go inside the pet store An area is set up to be used as a pet treatment center as a warm-up before entering the medical system.

This service focuses on the physical and mental needs of pets, such as depression and anorexia caused by psychological barriers that occur after many pets are neutered or frequently abandoned by their former owners. In short, it is a nursing and foster care upgrade service. point. And Shen Yu intends to unusually low charges, so as to be able to serve those groups whose owners have average financial strength but pets have a tendency to depression. Of course, pets who can enjoy this service need to be reviewed and judged that they need to be rehabilitated before they can come in.

He also planned to stop the hospital even if he opened it later. If the effect is significant and the impact is positive, he will keep the project.

Now that the advertisement has just spread, the next period is an important trial stage. Shen Yu was absent-minded in thinking about the promotion plan. After pulling away the clerk, he couldn't help picking up his phone again to see what Oscar was doing.

Seeing that it didn't come out after staying in the study for a long time, Shen Yu felt that it was necessary for him to install a camera in the study. He can't continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb because his Oscar is probably a computer The cat who released "Little Apple"!

One day, Xu Maomao learned to dance in about 20 seconds, and he was tired and paralyzed in the nest. In recent days, the number of people in his live room has increased to about 10,000, and his favorite value can increase by more than 15,000 every day, which is very surplus.

So he stared at the group of red envelopes as soon as he was free, and Dr. Mi was very active these past few days, sending out red envelopes several times. The hand-shocked, lucky luck Xu Maomao grabbed the "Morph Potion 2.0" for a total of two hours, and the "voice potion" also has a thousand syllables, which can be said to take another step away from his adult.

That night Shen Yu returned again late, and brought a hellokitty doll when she returned. I intended to put the doll on the computer chair, but it was too big, so Shen Yu put it on the corner cabinet at the entrance of the study. This angle could not capture the screen content, but it was enough to observe whether the Oscar was playing with the computer.

Xu Maomao looked at the Hello Kitty in horror, and then at the teddy bear in the living room, very suspicious that there was a girl living in Shen Yu's heart, or that kind of tender and tender young girl ...

It wouldn't be a surprise if he brought Barbie back next time.

"It started eating?"

"One third of breakfast."

"Really, really?" Zhang Meimei was pleasantly surprised. "Please let it be taken for a few days in your house. Is there a docile puppet cat in your house? Right? I think it may want to be with me. Is it okay to live and recover better? "

Shen Yu frowned, he never thought he would raise two cats at home.

Zhang Meimei anxiously said: "Guarantee for a few days, wait for me to finish the lawsuit, after the end, I will help your shop in the circle to promote it?"

Shen Yu is a little bit tempted. After all, Zhang Meimei is a star who has many contacts. If she is willing to promote it, it is very helpful for the promotion of this service. However, to ensure stability, he still consulted the therapist ’s opinion and learned that Phoebe ’s current The establishment of a sense of security is more important than others, and it is best to give priority to satisfying its emotional needs. He chose to leave the cat at home.

But he couldn't stay with him fortunately. Fortunately, the safety facilities at home were well enough, and there were two cameras for real-time monitoring, and he trusted his smart Oscar very much, so he went to work calmly.

He paid close attention to the monitoring from the mobile phone.

In the end, cats are arrogant and sleepy animals. The two cat fights that Shen Yu worried about did not happen. Phoebe seemed to regard Oscar as the boss and always followed Oscar from time to time. But Phoebe was sleeping most of the time, because it was so excited last night.

Oscar ’s daily life is more interesting. Shen Yu notices that it often touches the tuna collar it puts on (actually touches the bell). After touching it, it looks straight ahead, as if there is something fun in front, and often Holding claws, lightning flashes claws, but it is just waving in the air. It will do this many times a day.

He did n’t know that Xu Maomao was actually snatching red envelopes. Recently, Dr. Mi was very active. In the morning, he grabbed a 20-minute bottle of transformation potion. Now that he can accumulate, he can maintain his transformation for four hours. At some time, as a mobile code machine, Xu Maomao can code 10,000 characters.

However, his manuscript can be maintained for more than two months, so Xu Maomao is not in a hurry.

His most important task now is to practice Little Apple.

Phoebe saw Xu Maomao bouncing against the floor-to-ceiling window, then stretched out and climbed up.

"What are you doing?" Phoebe asked meowly.

"Hoo," Xu Maomao gasped and answered, "Practice dancing."

"Meow?" Phoebe was stunned. "Why?"

"For the love value of human beings." God knows that Xu Maomao has not broadcast live these days, just to surprise the audience.

Phoebe didn't understand, because in its consciousness only **** shovel officers need to learn to dance, such as Zhang Meimei, when singing not only singing but also jumping to get applause, and it only needs to follow a circle, humans unconditionally Love it. Well, it must be because of his beauty!