A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 68: .Love Leopard 4

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The proportion is only 30%. If you can't see it, you don't love the nest enough. Please be patient.

After drinking, the whole body became wrong immediately. He felt itchy bones, the flesh was stretched, and his vision was rapidly climbing. The higher the higher, the higher the higher. After about ten seconds, it finally stabilized and the itchiness of the bones disappeared.

Xu Maomao stretched out his hands and was surprised to see a pair of human hands!

But beyond the surprise, he soon discovered that there was something wrong. His hands were basically the same size and shape as his previous ones, but they were very white and delicate, and he usually had obvious cocoons on his fingers because of the large amount of renewal.

When I looked down, my body seemed to have some problems, as if ... the skin was better, whiter and tenderer ...

Xu Maomao rushed to the dressing mirror in the bedroom for a stop, almost frightened.

The person in the mirror is still his own face, but it seems that he has added a glamorous filter, plus his original face is more meaty, and the facial features are very delicate. At first glance, it looks like a male SD doll ...

But these are not problems, the key is that there is a big fluffy tail with a black and white gradient behind him!

That's right, the long-haired big tail unique to Oscar's puppet cat.

He also wore a thin black leather rope around his neck, with a bell falling, and his body, which caused him to look like a doll with a tail.

Xu Maomao cried frantically and angrily, but as he screamed, he heard a series of delicate and panicking cat calls in his mouth.

"Meow meow meow meow!"

Xu Maomao: ...

what happened? Why is it still meowing?

He paused and tried to say a few words, but the result was still a delicate meow.

However, he soon discovered that this was far from the worst. After a while, Xu Maomao felt a familiar sore itch again, and then his body shrank quickly, and his hair crawled all over again.

Looking at the elegant and beautiful puppet cat in the mirror, Xu Maomao silently opened the chat group.

[Rice]: @ Oscar, the doctor sent a red envelope, I heard that it was turned into a potion, who grabbed it?

[Ala Lei]: 0.0 I grabbed it for 5 minutes, I tried it just now, it ’s fun

[Dott Lee]: I grabbed it for an hour, it seems I can study the body of the **** officer

Xu Maomao: ...

[Oscar]: QAQ turns out this potion is still effective

[Rice]: Of course, that is a magic potion. How many minutes did you grab?

Xu Maomao estimated that the whole transformation period should be only one minute, and he turned over the bottle of potion for verification, and really saw "1min" on the bottom of the bottle.

[Oscar]: QAQ one minute

[Rice]: Haha, then you are the least

[Oscar]: QAQ and there is a tail when transformed

[Ala Lei]: I have too! So cute, I hope the doctor will send it a few more times

[Rice]: Two thousand likes, my sister is really willing

[Migu]: Sorry, Sister Ala Lei, who has 20 million assets

When Xu Maomao was reminded by it, he suddenly thought of something he loves. If Dr. Mi still sends red envelopes next time, wouldn't he be able to grab it?

The key is that this potion is too ugly!

The time limit is short, there is a tail, and, if you can't speak human words, you can only meow.

[Oscar]: @ 咪 博士, Can QAQ improve the language system?

[Ala Lei]: Yeah, Ph.D., we also want to speak human language. I heard the **** officer ’s speech especially fun

I thought I wouldn't get a response back, but the next second, Dr. Mi came out.

[Dr. Mi]: Receive, wait for me to improve the formula

[Ala Lei]: (* @ ο @ *) Wow ~ Looking forward

[Migu]: Doctor, we can make it cheaper, Migu is so poor.

[Rice]: I ’m so excited, I will grab it next time

[Little good]: ﹎ ゞ 我 竾 要 // °

[Fat Mimi]: boring

[Mimi Tiger]: Add me


It seems that the competition is fierce! Xu Maomao glanced at the few 262 favorite values ​​he had left, and secretly began to worry.

I do n’t know when the red envelope will be issued next time, and I do n’t know if Dr. Mi ’s new formula will solve the above problems, but he has already figured out how to change from a cat to a human being!

That is to earn enough love value, and then, don't miss any red envelope of Dr. Mi.

But it takes two thousand for one draw, which is not a small amount. Although Shen Yu seems to love Oscar very much, he has a more restrained personality, his emotions are very restrained and subtle, and the highest favorite value from him is only one hundred at a time, and it sounds like he may be busy next Less time spent together.

Xu Maomao had a big pair of beautiful eyes while spinning around and crawling on the climbing frame, thinking about how to increase the favorite value quickly.

Sell ​​more cute? But the cuteness of the male **** he didn't even know!

Or, be a good snail cat?

However, seeing his messy and dirty home, Xu Maomao immediately dismissed this idea and became a human being, but he can help, but the cat ’s body ca n’t do such delicate work, he will only help more and more. The more you clean, the more chaotic your home will be.

Besides, Shen Yu may not necessarily eat this set.

Wow, it would be nice if Qiao Lingfeng, a "human-shaped Jinshan", came to be a guest. After all, the favorite value of Qiao star is a lot-meow! There is a way!

Xu Maomao had a sudden wit, and he was blessed with the thought of a "trick."

Qiao Lingfeng has said more than once that he will **** the Oscar from Shen Yu. If Shen Yu agrees to give him a cat, he can not only accelerate the acquisition of favorite values, but after changing back to human beings, he can also pursue the male **** and live with him , Don't worry about being sneezed or sneezed.

Of course, the key point is that Qiao Lingfeng must be a good host. He also has many cats to accompany him. Isn't it a good place for Oscar?

Thinking of the cat fairy, Xu Maomao lifted his paw in a headache and licked it. Since the sound was heard once, there was no more words from the cat fairy. It is estimated that it was playing wild outside.

Xu Maomao thinks more and more that this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. The only regret is that he may be temporarily separated from Shen Yu, but as soon as he changes back to humanity, he can make up for his regrets as soon as possible.

But what should we do to allow Shen Yusong to give Qiao Lingfeng the takeover?

Xu Maomao was paralyzed in the large cat's nest in the living room, using his little brain to think hard about this seemingly difficult problem.

You can't write "Please send me to Qiao Lingfeng" on the ground, it is estimated that Shen Yu will think he is a magical cat, let alone let go.

His eyes fell on the dirty carpet covered with paw prints, Xu Maomao's ears flickered, and his paws patted the cat litter pad.

He had always been worried that Shen Yu would be dismissed if he made troubles. Now he wants to think that it is a good thing to be dismissed. Maybe Shen Yu is impatient with him.

Xu Maomao ’s brain cells instantly reactivated, and within two minutes he had imagined a complete plan—made at home → Shen Yu was uncomfortable → sent to Qiao Lingfeng → get the favorite value → Come back to chase Shen Yu brightly and well → Together, HE.

It must be said that Xu Maomao, who is a code machine, has a very powerful brain supplementing ability. He even quietly supplemented his posture, and the furry cat's face became suspiciously red.

With paws desperately arranging the face, take a deep breath, decided, it is necessary to do so!

From now on, spare no effort to die.

Xu Maomao visited the house once, and intended to tear the house like a Husky in a piece on the Internet, but when he thought about it, he was also embarrassed to break Shen Yu ’s furniture, so he ran to the kitchen and made out the broken pieces just now. The living room was placed on the ground in a mess, and then used claws to dip some remaining food, desperately ran at home, suddenly every corner of the house, all cute footprints.

When he was done, he went to the bathroom to bite off the lid of the sanitary box hanging on the wall, and dragged the paper towels out of it, everywhere.

After a busy afternoon, Xu Mao looked at his masterpiece breathlessly and lay down contentedly. The round cat faces laughed into "funny.jpg".

Hey, is it messy enough? Shen Yu should be afraid now!

In the evening, when the door lock sounded, Xu Maomao grunted out of the nest and squatted in front of the door early.

What Shen Yu opened the door to see was a living room that was unbearably messy, and a cat with bright eyes that looked at him with suspicious eyes, and also meowed shamelessly, as if showing off behind him. Brilliant record.

Shen Yu's proud patience and gentleness finally showed a trace of cracks.

That night, Xu Maomao was beaten. Although it was just slapped PP lightly, Shen Yu's face was already gloomy, and I was so angry.

Overnight, I hired a part-time worker to help clean up. The part-time worker also taught Shen Yu to say: "Cats, dogs, and dogs are naughty, just like children, they must fight if they are not obedient."

Shen Yu was undecided, and said to Xu Maomao expressionlessly after the part-time work left: "Today is not good and cannot go to bed."

"... Meow." Sure enough he was angry.

Do n’t be angry, I ’ll clean it up for you later?

Xu Maomao had never had a pet, so he did not understand that even if the pet was not good, the owner would generally not abandon it. He simply thought that as long as he made trouble, Shen Yu would be impatient with him, and then sent him to Qiao Lingfeng.

But he was wrong, Shen Yu was more responsible than he thought.

It crouched pitifully on the table and meowed softly.

A few shop assistants had red eyes on the spot, and Xiaoguan cried, "My God, why did it look like this? I once saw it appear as a guest at your concert, how healthy and energetic it was at that time. ! "

Zhang Meimei choked back: "It was angered by my ex-husband with a corrosive liquid, although I quickly took it to rescue but still hurt my eyes. The veterinarian said its vision is only one-tenth that of ordinary cats."

"Your ex-husband ... God, is he a beast ??"

The shop assistants were indignant. Zhang Meimei smiled reluctantly: "I don't mention him anymore. I have sued him now. Please help me to see my Phoebe. I heard that you have a pet therapist hired back from abroad?"

Shen Yu replied: "It seems that its wound has been healed for a long time, and it should be strengthened to nourish the body. Why is it so thin now?"

"Phoebe has suffered from severe anorexia since the last injury. It doesn't drink water or eat anything. This is gradually the case." Zhang Meimei blamed herself, "I blame me for not paying attention to it recently, today I ran out of the company without knowing it, but I was tracked ... "

Judging from the large group of paparazzi outside, even Shen Yu understood her difficulties and presumably had a hard time during this time.

In order not to delay her time, Shen Yu stopped the gossip hearts of the shop assistants and quickly asked the Garfield about the status of the Garfield together with the therapist. Finally, it was concluded that it was severely frightened and is currently in the stage of stress response and accompanied by depression. Restoring calm and appetite is the top priority.

"Suppression, depression? Stress response?" Zhang Meimei said in surprise, "Do cats also have mental illness? I always thought it was a network ..."

"Do you have any doubts about the IQ of cats? They are far smarter than we think." The therapist said lightly. "Phoebe's situation requires a health center, and we will take care of it for you for a period of time, unless you can stay with it often." "

Zhang Meimei shook her head. She was so busy with her ex-husband's affairs that she nodded and agreed.

She left Phoebe and got into the car like a thief. Shen Yu saw that her car had not drove too far, and immediately followed several cars behind her, with a sympathetic sigh in her heart.

The therapists began to appease the over-frightened Garfield.

They let it stand alone in a small room full of cushions, playing soothing music, and combing it patiently and gently. The skill of these therapists is very skillful, and because they are always contaminated with pets, Phoebe cats have not resisted, and gradually lowered their vigilance.

They have been comforting it alternately in near and far ways, but until they get off work, Phoebe still refuses to eat. No matter what kind of canned food, snacks, or even delicious small dried fish, it will not even eat. A bite.

Shen Yu knew that this matter was not in a hurry, so he let them get off work on time.

The pet shop had staff on duty at night. Because things were so cumbersome in the afternoon, everyone didn't have enough time to eat when they handed over. Shen Yuji asked the two on duty to look for food and keep the shop by themselves.

He approached Phoebe's small room, carrying a ball of yarn in his hand, and planned to play with Phoebe before they returned. Qiao Lingfeng once said that he particularly likes pets. It is probably because his peaceful nature is from the inside out, without any hypocrisy, so animals like to stay with him. This kind of quality is envied by others. Very recruit children like the same, born, Johnson.