A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 77: .Dairy Dragon Brother 2

Biquge lightnovelpub.net, the fastest update of the latest chapter of a cat with a red envelope group!

The ratio is only 30%. If you do n’t see it, you do n’t have enough love. Please be patient.

After all, the online media is also mainly based on the Meng Pet column, and he is very interested in his concept of paying attention to the psychological health of pets, so he conformed to the topic and talked down. The attention was successfully transferred, and finally Xu Maomao was taken a few photos, and the interview was over.

This issue of the news was quickly put into the pet headlines of major websites, and even exceeded the national treasure's rolling traffic. During the whole news period, Xu Maomao's favorite value surged to more than 2 million. Of course, Shen Yu's pet shop benefited most.

Many guests come here after seeing local news feeds and online media marketing numbers. One is to experience the legendary pet mental health checkup. The other is to scramble to see the magical puppet cat who can dance. When I came to the pet shop and found no trace of it, the guests were very disappointed. There were a few emotionally intense people who accused them of developing the conference for hype. Because there was no picture and no truth, they went on the spot and turned black, or even complained to them. false promotion.

The therapist reluctantly said to Shen Yu: "Mr. Shen, will you bring your master to the town house during this time?"

Shopkeeper Xiaoguan: "That's what you said at the press conference. Oscar is the treasure of the town store!"

Shen Yu: "..."

You two or two are talking awe-inspiring, but you have the ability to hide the little hands that are rubbing together! Do n’t think I do n’t know if you want to poke my cat!

Shen Yu hesitated tiredly. He is a man. He still has a lot of possessiveness about his own things. It is already his bottom line to let Oscar come out to face the media. Now he wants to let it come out to sit on the stage? ==

But the therapist did not give up, and persuaded: "You see your cat is smarter than the average cat, its IQ is not limited to playing with cat paw toys, climbing cat racks, it must feel that it is boring at home, so it is only for fun. Is n’t the camera live broadcast? Obviously it is a pet that needs communication and attention. You ca n’t accompany you 24 hours a day. It is also good to bring it to work, which is good for your physical and mental health. ”

Shen Yu gave him a cool look.

The therapist spread his hand: "I promise, I won't pluck it off!"

Xiaoguan and other shop clerks: "We also guarantee that at most, we will remove two of them!"


Although "their heart can be ridiculed", but what they said is still reasonable, and the enthusiasm of the guests did affect the business, Shen Yu nodded: "I think about it."

Go home and ask Oscar's opinion, after all, he is a democratic master.


Sitting on more than two million assets, Xu Maomao went from a human network to cat groups.

[Rice]: Two Oscars

[Migu]: Migu also wants to learn to dance

[Ala Lei]: It ’s getting hotter than me

[Rice] Jump out of the dog's leg: No, no, the goddess is always the Foster in my heart!

Immediately underneath a bunch of believer cats exploded in line to confess, perfectly interpreting what a brainless star chasing clan, and then hit Xu Maomao who suddenly walked up to the peak of Mao Sheng.

[Michelle]: @ Oscar, you are so rich now, do n’t hurry to comfort our brothers and brothers?

[Mimihu]: That ’s right! The **** shovel officer will invite other shovel shovel officials to dinner, we cats also have this kind of rules, please treat!

[Rice] Jump out in time to advertise: Hee hee, my family recently launched a high-quality sweet corn canned chicken, which is reasonable and affordable

Xu Maomao: ...

Sure enough, you have to be low-key, but it is not that he wants to show off his wealth. QAQ blames this society for being too privacyless!

[Oscar]: Okay, I want a few new cans of rice. There will be a share of cats in a group ~

He just traded ten cans with rice for 50,000 likes, preparing to send ten cats per cat, and the owner jumped out.

【狻猊】: Announced a good news, this group has been established for a month, and received the news from the network department of the demon administration, this group can upgrade a function, and now all members vote to decide which function to upgrade

The function options are:

1. Expansion of the group capacity to one thousand will cost one million favorite value;

2. Red envelope tracking within the group. It costs one million likes. Interpretation: After opening, all group members can follow the red envelopes of some group members, and can automatically grab the red envelopes of the group members concerned. One group member can only pay attention to one at the same time, and must pay 10,000 likes to the object of interest. .

3. Opening the first-class mall in the group will cost 10 million favorite values;

4. (Gray) Upgrade to a secondary mall: Need to spend favorite value? ? ?

5. (Gray) Hyperlink of chat group: Need to spend favorite value? ? ?


All of a sudden, the group of cats was surprised, but I didn't expect the chat group to be upgraded, and the features made the cats eye-opening and dazzling.

Xu Maomao set his sights on options 3 and 4, because once this feature is turned on, he can lock the red envelope of Dr. Mi, maybe he can still buy it directly through the mall.

However, the cats in the group all expressed hesitation about the need to pay for their love value to support the upgrade. The short-sighted cats have little interest in shopping malls and the like, making it even more difficult for them to be delivered to the family, so no cats vote for a long time. . The local tyrant Ala Lei is still on the sidelines. These options are similar to it, and it intends to be solely responsible for financial support.

【狻猊】: Hello, how can you young cats be so cold, you know how many functions have been upgraded by Wang Xingren? We ca n’t be left behind, we must seize this upgrade opportunity

Xu Maomao looked from left to right, except that a few cats indicated that they could accept the expanded group capacity, other cats hung up high, so he gritted his teeth and entered a line of words.

[Oscar]: I vote option 2, scheduled option 3

[Rice] Jump out: Oscar, do you want us to live a life! Add up to more than 10 million QAQ

【Flower drifting】: This day can't be over

[Ala Lei] also said: 0.0 I recently bought out the right to connect to the human network for several months. I ca n’t support too much. Opening the mall requires that each cat will share 100,000 likes, which is too difficult for everyone.

Many cats seconded, accusing Xu Maomao.

Xu Maomao thought that it seemed that these functions were more urgent than others, and other cats felt dispensable, and there were indeed some poor cats in remote mountainous areas that could not be sold with so many assets. So he gritted his teeth, next sentence The words are amazing.

[Oscar]: I have contracted these 11 million!

The cats are silent.

[Oscar]: ... but I am still poor, can I upgrade the cheap one first? I will work hard to earn 10 million, everyone give me some time

【狻猊】: Have ambitions! Okay, let ’s complete the first upgrade first!

Xu Maomao reluctantly turned over one million yuan, and then quickly locked Dr. Mi, after each of its red envelopes, he could open a plug-in and grab it!

Rather than the girl cat gangster who was happy with this feature, they all ordered Mrs. Lili. As for the gluttons, they ordered rice cans.

But this function is still not perfect. After all, no matter how many red envelopes Dr. Mi sends, Xu Maomao won't be able to grab long-term use every time. He hopes to buy directly from Dr. Mi's shelves after opening the mall. However, there are nearly ten million favorites from the opening of the mall, and the magic potion is definitely not cheap. Xu Maomao realizes that he is really very, very lack of money, he urgently needs to earn more human attention.

That night, Shen Yu went home and told him to go to the pet shop to temporarily do the mascot.

"You have been bored at home, are you bored? Would you like to go to work with me?" Shen Yu squatted and looked at him softly, persuading him courageously, "No need to do anything, many guests will come to see you, There will be other cat friends with you. "

Xu Maomao meowed in surprise, but there is no doubt that this is an excellent opportunity to directly contact more people, and the favorite value will increase faster.

Earlier, Xu Maomao discovered that the favorite value obtained through the Internet can have an ID no more than 10 points, and the favorite value obtained through real contact can be easily increased by several hundred. The latter is faster and more cost-effective.

Shen Yu looked at him dumbfounded, thinking he was unhappy, and thought of something, and added: "You can also live broadcast when you go out, how?"


Awesome male god, this two-handed two-handed hand is hard, the adult is just around the corner!

One person and one cat reached a strange agreement, and the next day Xu Maomao bit his beloved camera and followed Shen Yu to work.

At the end of the last rhythm, others stood upright, touching one's chest with a paw, bowing his head slightly, expressing his thanks for watching.

Sure enough, the sound of increased value was about to overwhelm his eardrum.

Xu Maomao returned to the study room to review the message board, and found that the content of the message board today is a bit strange. Those who are sprouted, corona, and sucking are not mentioned for the moment. The key is that the audience seems to be very concerned about broadcasting with themselves Phoebe, and they still know its name.

[The cat anchor is big, your little dance partner pinches? Don't you take it together and pretend to fly together? 】

[Upstairs I know that cat is Phoebe Zhang Meimei]

【Oh? Isn't it? 】

The next message board is in the history of Kobe Phoebe's face at the concert. Xu Maomao guesses that these people may be fans of Zhang Meimei, so it is normal to recognize Phoebe. But then there was a wave of people, and the content of the message board became more bizarre.

[The cat anchor is the healing cat! 】

[Yes, that's it! 】

[Eighteen martial arts all-around woods have]

[Awesome my cat! 】

[I begged to be healed, my master has been thinking about tea and not thinking about food recently]

[Treat my no cat disease first, please **** suck **** suck suck]

Xu Maomao fought a cold war, and I suddenly felt that there were countless invisible hands on his body. There was always the illusion that they would be bald by these crazy cat slaves once they appeared. However, the following barrage was even more scary to cats, and those who tried to peel skin before came again!

[Hahaha, I recorded the video of dancing just now, I found the specific address of that community]

[Do not kill the address upstairs]

[According to the scenery outside the window in the video, after wise analysis, I came to the conclusion that the anchor should live in the two buildings of U district, city B, seven or eight, and then look at the angle of the sky door outside the floor-to-ceiling window. It is likely to be between floors B to F]

[The Great God! 】

[Not far away from me, boss, let's go and watch the team]

Xu Maomao was very sweaty, because the analyzed address was correct, and it was precisely Shen Yu's home.

He was so scared that he quickly drew the curtains and undoubtedly aroused some discussion. He became more and more affirmed by the judgment of the Great God, and even those who lived close were already discussing how to form a team to visit this "cured cat".

Xu Maomao was unable to investigate the origin of the cat, he was terrified, and he was very worried that they would come, and it would definitely cause trouble for Shen Yu, and the secret of his own live broadcast would be discovered by Shen Yu.

Xu Maomao quickly closed the live broadcast room. He felt that he might not dare to dance with the window open for a short period of time, and even had to temporarily stop the live broadcast.

But the increase in the favorite value did not disappear, but intensified, and his favorite value increased by nearly one million in just one day. Xu Maomao suspected that these people recorded his video and circulated it everywhere, and suddenly regretted it, feeling that he had exposed the coordinates too much.

He was trembling all day long, and from time to time he lay at the door to hear if there was any suspicious voice.

He didn't want to go online, but he didn't know that the real reason came from Zhang Meimei.

Because she was so happy, Zhang Meimei sent two pictorial scarfs, one to celebrate the comparison of Phoebe before healed, and the other to Oscar's video of Phoebe by touching and "licking and kissing". Although it is very strange, everyone doubts the authenticity, but there is no doubt that through the star effect, this video is hot!

There was an overlap between the audience of Pao Xun ’s cute pet channel and star fans, so the video of him dancing with Phoebe was also put on the bib. Phoebe's rumors spread like wildfire and became more and more popular. In the absence of any commercial means, the news of "Cure the Cat" climbed to the top ten in the hot search, and it is still gathering popularity.

Xu Maomao stayed at home with suspicious characters. On the other side, Shen Yu's pet shop was also in trouble.

His shop site was picked up by enthusiastic netizens. Many pet owners were very curious about the medical center mentioned by Zhang Meimei, so they made appointments to bring pets for diagnosis, and the phone was exploded all morning.

However, this is nothing. Instead, Shen Yu realized that the pet shop should deal with the problem of high popularity in the future. The key is that in addition to the guests, the reporter has also found it.

"Mr. Shen, we are the Huangyi News Center. Is your store receiving Zhang Meimei?"

"Mr. Shen, we are Tudou.com, is it true that your cat cured Zhang Meimei's cat?"