A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 96: .Fanwai · Cat Group 2

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The ratio is only 30%. If you ca n’t see it, you ’re not enough. Please wait patiently. I found the phone on the bedside table, but there is a phone lock!

Xu Maomao had to use four claws together and stepped **** Shen Yu.

Shen Yu groaned, barely opening a slit.

Xu Maomao saw that he would close at any time and quickly held his phone to meow.

What is the password password!

Shen Yu tilted his head and rubbed his head, making a grunt of unclear meaning in his mouth, and then went back again.

Xu Maomao was really anxious, but he finally woke up Shen Yu! In a hurry, he simply drank his voice-changing potion, and he roared with rage: "Shen Yu! What is the phone password!"

At this moment Shen Yu finally responded. He half-opened his eyes and turned his face to the cat suspiciously.

"Password password, mobile phone password." Xu Maomao held the phone very hard and shouted as much as possible in decibels. The sound under the action of the vocal potion sounded a bit like his original voice.

"Password! You have a fever, I want to bring meow ... meow?" What's going on? The potency can only say dozens of words? !

Xu Mao was very angry.

Shen Yu's eyes widened and he looked at him fixedly.

Can the cat talk?

No, I'm dreaming.

Shen Yu struggled to reach this conclusion because of the high fever, he soon felt tired and fainted.

Xu Mao looked at the empty medicine bottle in his backpack arrogantly. Sure enough, there was a row of small characters: 25 on the bottom of the bottle. No wonder there were cats in the early groups who complained that Dr. Potion could only say 5 words, and it would be nice to dare to say 25 of them.

Xu Maomao tried several digital combinations, and finally the phone was completely locked, he had to give up this plan.

Since you can't get a car, then ... buy some medicine?

A cat to buy medicine? ! how to buy?

At this time, he thought wisely that he had seen some paragraphs on the Internet, and some dogs would hang some signs around their necks, with words on the cards, and they would help the owner to buy things.

Thinking of this, Xu Maomao ran to the study, held a pen and a piece of paper, and raised his paw to write a few words on the paper. Because the paws are not as flexible as his hands, he wrote a few scraps, and finally worked hard, and wrote the five words "Master has a fever", and because the "burning" is a bit complicated, the "wu" in the lower right corner is omitted. There are only "fire" and "go", but he believes that others should understand.

Then he went back to Shen Yu's wallet and pulled out a grandpa Mao to put it into a bag. He hung the bag around his neck and held the paper in his mouth.

Opening the door abolished the power of nine cattle and two tigers. At first he tried to jump up and bit the doorknob with his mouth and twisted it open, but he only twisted it halfway several times to relieve the force. In the end, he had no choice but to move the trumpet climbing frame in the house a little closer and climb directly in Open the door on the shelf.

He didn't dare to close the door after opening the door, so he ran out with a small piece of paper stuck in the door. This community is a high-end community, and public security is still very good, so do n’t worry too much about thieves at this point.

Struggling hard to press the elevator and went downstairs.

According to the small indicator in the community, he ran all the way and found the convenience drugstore located at the convenience service point of the community.

Immediately after entering the store, it caught everyone's attention.

"A cat ran in!"

The clerk screamed in surprise: "It's a puppet cat too ~ It's so clean, is it stolen from the owner's house?"

"Look, there is something in its mouth!"

Xu Maomao's bells kept coming to increase the sound of favorite value, but he didn't care, just jumped to the cash register, and then tossed the paper in his mouth to show them.

"What's it written? It's awkward," the clerk narrowed her eyes and read, "The host friend ... fire ... 3?"

"Meow!" It was the master who had a fever. Was it so ugly?

"No," the other person corrected, "Is the master making ... a fever? Should this be a burning word?"

"Why write only half of the word? Is this word difficult? Isn't the owner illiterate?"

Xu Maomao angered meow.

The shop assistant glanced at him lovingly, and suddenly realized: "Do you think that this kind of handwriting is not very human-like, but it is like it!"


"How is it possible? Just kidding hahaha ..."

Several shop clerks gathered around and watched Xu Lingmao, who is the spirit of the water: "Maybe, this cat is very clever at first glance, and it has a bag around its neck, and the bag is filled with money! It is to help its feverish owner buy medicines Right? "

"Ahhhhhhhh, Meng is dead, how could a cat buy medicine!"

Xu Maomao tired of thinking that you finally get what I mean. He loosened the paper and snarled at them a few times, then patted the words fever with his paws, as long as he is not a fool, he should know the meaning of buying antipyretics?

As a result, the group of shop assistants picked up their phones and took photos of him because they were too surprised. They completely forgot the service.

"Meow Meow Meow!" Xu Maomao was anxious, bumping against the table, then leaping down, rushed to the "cold fever" display cabinet, and raised his paw to urge.

"Wow ~~~ Look, it's choosing medicine, why is it so smart ~"

"Okay, okay, it's estimated to be anxious. Let's give it to us quickly."

Someone finally realized that the cat was also their customer, not a mascot. One of the shop assistants took two boxes of antipyretic drugs, and Xu Maomao made another meow, pointing to the direction of the antipyretic stickers.

"Is it necessary to reduce fever?" This is for children.

Xu Maomao nodded: "Meow." Yes, Shen Yu needed to quickly cool down physically.

The moment he nodded, his favorite value surged!

【Love value from Wang Guihua +300】

[Love value from Li Linglong +200]

【Love value from Ningxue +400】

They were so cute that they thumped their chests without forgetting to press the shutter, and this scene was also recorded by three mobile phones in the form of video.

As a result, when paying, I found that the one hundred pieces brought by Xu Maomao were not enough.

Because this pharmacy is in the center of a high-end community, the medicines inside are for the rich, they are all imported goods, and they are very expensive.

"Meow." What should I do? These medicines are all needed, and no box is lacking.

"It doesn't seem to bring enough money. It looks distressed. Mao is scratching his head." The cashier boldly touched Xu Maomao's head. "Don't scratch it, or don't want this fever sticker It ’s more than sixty boxes. It ’s the same if you go back and let the owner put a towel. ”

"Meow!" No, I have to.

He twisted his head to the door, raised his claws and waved at the door, then walked back a few steps, rubbed the trousers of one of the shop assistants, to see that she was not afraid, and bit her trousers gently.

"... the kittens seem to let us follow?" They asked uncertainly.



Xu Maomao opened his watery two-color dichromatic pupil and hurried to the door to urge.

Eventually the store manager in his forties decided to follow him boldly.

She took the medicine and followed Xu Maomao all the way, watching the beautiful puppet cat enter the elevator, press the floor, and then took her into the door.

She rubbed her eyes and felt like she was dreaming.

After entering the room, she saw Shen Yu lying on the bed.

Stretching out her hand, she frowned, and quickly tore off a piece of fever-fighting sticker to stick to him, and then dispensed the medicine to feed water. She used to be a nurse in a hospital, and she was very good at taking care of patients.

After feeding the medicine, I observed it for another half an hour. Finally, when the temperature dropped a little, I was relieved and said to myself: "The boy is in good health, and it should be fine to take the medicine."

Xu Maomao had been watching silently, and was grateful to hear her words.

She thought he was worried about his master, and said with relief: "It's okay, your master will wake up soon, I'm leaving."

"Mi." Please wait.

Xu Maomao walked over with a wallet, and then used both claws, opened the wallet and stepped on the ground, raised his head: "Meow ~"

"Poof," the store manager smiled shut her mouth. She felt that even if the cat spoke in the next second, she wouldn't be surprised. It was a fine cat at all!

She took the wallet, took two Grandpa Mao from it, and then touched her pocket to find the change, and helped Xu Maomao put it in the wallet properly.

She is really a kind and kind person, as much as she should, and she did not take advantage of the opportunity because the guest was a cat.

"Meow meow."

These two calls made by Xu Maomao were tones, which sounded like saying "thank you".

The manager rubbed his little head: "Leave the kitten."

Just about to leave the room, there was a sudden movement in the bed, Shen Yu propped his body, a cute child's large fever sticker with small feet printed on his head, and he looked weak and shocked and looked inexplicably in his home. Years woman.

"You ..." His voice was hoarse, "Who are you? Why are you at my house?"

"Meow!" Male **** you finally woke up!

Xu Maomao rushed into his arms with an arrow.

Shen Yu was groggy, almost not knocked by the small things in his arms.

"Hello, I'm sorry, I came in without permission," the female shopkeeper was a little nervous, but after thinking about it, she felt very funny, saying, "You have a fever, your cat went downstairs to buy medicine, and then brought me up."

"..." Shen Yu's face made you wonder. But he recognized the store manager's clothing, as if there was such a pharmacy downstairs.

But ... she said Oscar went downstairs to buy medicine?

"Really, we also made a video." Speaking of this, the female manager couldn't help laughing.

"Meow!" She was right. I brought her up.

The woman took out her mobile phone and showed him the scene of Xu Maomao choosing medicine on the shelf.

"..." Shen Yu's chaotic brain struggled to process the current information.

Xu Maomao appeared on the first day of his appearance at the pet store, and caused a lot of onlookers. After all, his press conference had not ended for a few days. Popularity and exposure were still high. Friends gathered in the pet store, and no matter whether there are pets or not, all the strangers come to see this strange cat that can only jump on an apple, and it is crowded at the door.

However, these onlookers are different from the media people at the press conference that day, and their qualities are uneven. Many people do not understand pet habits. When they see it cute through the glass display window, they turn on the flash and want to take pictures of it.

Too many flashes flashed Xu Maomao's tears, but the desire to love value overwhelmed everything. Xu Maomao rubbed his eyes and consciously stood on the platform. This distressed Shen Yu and the staff and shouted angrily at people: "No flash!"

The handsome man close to one meter nine and a group of shop assistants and sisters behind were still very useful. The crowd finally stopped, but after the pet shop opened, they wanted to come in close contact. Shen Yu had to limit the number of people entering the store, and They are strictly forbidden to touch their cats without consent.

There are so many frames to see a cat, and what kind of traffic fan meeting do you think it is? However, this did not dispel the enthusiasm of cat lovers, and probably realized that their actions hurt the eyes of cats and cats, and then those who wanted to see Xu Maomao began to line up consciously.

The first time Xu Maomao encountered this kind of battle was a little panic, especially when the little fans were staring at themselves with bright and hungry eyes, Xu Maomao felt that he would be swallowed up and lived by them at any time. In addition, as a man who was also a dead man, social phobia quietly permeated up, resulting in a greatly reduced level of activity.

Shen Yu caressed: "Afraid of birth? Do you want to rest?"

Xu Maomao wanted to rest, but these people's favorite value is too impressive!

He just squatted quietly there, and they madly radiated love, with a love value of up to one or two hundred, and licking their paws, flicking their big tails, even squinting their eyes, and yawning with meows, they can get three Values ​​ranging from five hundred.

Xu Maomao was happy, and the whole cat couldn't help laughing (& gt; ^ ω ^ & lt;).

Shen Yu let out a sigh of relief. He clearly saw that Oscar's tension was gradually dissipating, and felt that the therapist's view that "it needs interaction" was correct. And the therapist also said do n’t look at it now hot, but people have three minutes of heat, after a while there will not be so many viewers, so they now have to seize this good time to make Oscar happy, and incidentally pull the pet shop Popularity.

The therapist stood up in time: "You see how excited it is. We can let the next group of people make a simple request and interact with it physically."

Shen Yu nodded and said to the guests who were about to enter the door, "It can understand some simple instructions. You can give it a try."

But he secretly hoped Oscar would ignore them, hum!

Possession is really a terrible goblin, but in order to make Oscar have fun, he had to endure pain and sacrifice.

The people who just happened to be in this interactive session are happy and crazy, and the people who missed it are still at the back when they listen to the program. Are they going to play with cats? So the team that was finally shortened was extended ...

The first group to enjoy these benefits was a group of families, and the woman approached Xu Maomao happily with two children who had just reached her knees.

"Mom, it's watching me ~" Dabao pointed to Xu Maomao surprised, "Can I touch it?"

Xu Maomao stared at his dirty claws with juice pulp and stepped back in disgust.

The woman blamed: "I blame you for not washing your hands after eating oranges. Look, even cats despise you!"

Another younger child, who may be only three or four years old, stared at Xu Maomao with her big, fluttering eyes, and suddenly made a surprising request.

"Catch eggs! Mom, I want to watch cats catch eggs!"

Everyone at the scene: "..."

Xu Maomao was startled as if stepped on the tail, □□ seemed a bit tight.

The woman blushed: "Little girls are not allowed to say this!"

"Mom, I'm going to watch it catch eggs, just like Crayon Xiaoxin's Xiaobai!" Said, the little girl was probably too young and ignorant, and started to catch Xu Maomao.

Shen Yu decisively took Xu Maomao away, and the woman was ashamed to cover her daughter's mouth, and repeatedly apologized: "I'm sorry I'm sorry, she's ignorant and scares your cat."

Xu Maomao narrowed his legs awkwardly and suddenly realized that there was a problem. In fact, if he is an adult, he is streaking. What are the eggs that have been exposed for a long time ~! Fortunately, his gross thickness QAQ

This group of families was quickly invited out, and then into a group of families, is a combination of father and little boy, the little boy looks younger than the little girl, and this little boy may not have heard The girl's words, he came up with amazing words: "Dad! I want to watch cats lick eggs!"

Xu Maomao opened his eyes in horror: "Mi!"

But everyone except him laughed heartily.

Xiaoguan covered his face and said, "Why did it all go up to the egg of Zanzhen store treasure?"

Shen Yu glanced at Xu Maomao: "It never licks, at least I haven't seen it." When he was done, he still showed his eyes and was obviously very curious.

Xu Maomao: "..."

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so dare you guys to **** my bastard! No longer playing!

Then Xu Maomao simply stopped cooperating and squatted coldly on the soft cushion, no matter how soft and cute the guests behind him, even Shen Yulai persuaded him to ignore it. Although everyone is in a good mood to look at the cat, but I really want to interact with it. I was very disappointed and expressed strong dissatisfaction with the two little ass.

They all blame little fart kids, and cats were very happy!

Shen Yu frowned at the handsome eyebrows, trying to arouse Oscar's emotions. When his eyes fell on his shrugging head and grievous claws, a sudden flash of light turned on the music player with great care, and then found the popular dance of the square dance on the rotten street.

Suddenly, the pet shop played Xu Maomao's famous song-Little Apple!

"You are my little apple, I don't love you too much ..."

Xu Maomao shivered because he practiced this song for too long, especially in the days when it was about to be broadcast live, and it was said that he had to sleep and forget to eat and dance, so when he heard the first reaction of the music, his limbs and paws were instinctive and unaffected. The control is bouncing!

And because it is hard to practice for a long time, it is very standard. Every action is tightly stepping on the rhythm point.

Everyone was startled, and a burst of laughter was about to tip the roof!

Suddenly awakened, Xu Mao stopped the dance step angrily, staring at Shen Yu angrily. He never knew that the male **** was so disgusting that he tricked himself into dancing!

However, Apple continued to clamor with joy, and Shen Yu's eyes encouraged him.

Xu Maomao pouted: "Meow."

Jump with me and I will jump.

The shoveling officer, who understands the cat intent, looked at his master for three seconds and seemed to get what he meant. Shen Yu hesitated for a moment and raised his foot to try two steps-of course, he was not jumping apple Zi is so stupid, he just jumped the tango at the rhythm of Apple, which is a social skill that must be mastered by the rich second generation of drunk gold fans. Shen Yu is slender and fit, and his casual posture is really pleasing to the eyes. .

Xiao Guan and the therapist immediately understood the purpose of Manager Shen. In order to inspire Oscar, Xiao Guan, who had no heart and no heart, also twisted happily, singing while twisting: "You are my little girl, Oscar moves Get up, hey! "

Although her movements are almost spicy eyes, but no doubt arouse the atmosphere.

Xu Maomao ’s hidden dancing spirit was immediately urged, and with a big meow, he bravely danced four soft and tender eyes under the focus of more than a dozen pairs of eyes indoors and hundreds of pairs of eyes that he wanted to come in and **** cats outdoors Paws.

There were heavy pumping sounds from inside and out, and people who were too surprised applauded!

The temperature of the pet shop suddenly became warm!

In addition to it, there are three or four ignorant cats, two small short-legged Corgis, creamy lop-eared rabbits, and fat Dutch pigs that can hardly support their weight. In Xumao Driven by, he even started a dance.

People who come to see cats have naturally watched their dancing videos, but now they can watch not only live broadcasts but also group dances! This completely blasted their expectations. The leading puppet cat and a large group of small dancers of different breeds behind them pierced everyone's G with a vicious point, making them all fluttering.