A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 17: Open class (1)

   Soon, Professor Snape strode in. The windows closed and the curtains closed when the wand was waving. The whole classroom was enveloped in a gloomy and gloomy atmosphere, and the little wizards instantly quieted down.

   Hermione immediately closed her book and concentrated on class.

   After finishing the first herbal medicine lesson in the afternoon, the three of them were so tired that they hurried to the cafeteria for an open lesson. At this time, the canteen (auditorium) has completely changed. Four long tables have been moved to the corners. In the middle is a round high platform with a diameter of about twenty feet and a height of about three feet.

   "What's that?" Ron asked.

   "Maybe it's where the professor is standing? There are a lot of people here today." Harry looked around. Good fellow, most of the school's students are here, and there are many little wizards in the first and second grades.

Is    so popular? Isn’t it another Lockhart? Harry muttered silently.

   Harry just thought about it, and Ron had already spoken out, and he muttered, "Isn't it another Lockhart?"

   "No, I have been in contact with Professor Haipu, his silent spell is very good! And Professor Lockhart, he..." Hermione became hesitated.

   "What spell?" Harry didn't hear it clearly.

   "Silent spells, some very powerful wizards can release all kinds of spells without chanting spells, which is especially convenient for people to cast evil spells." Ron explained.

   Both of them ignored the little witch's evaluation of Lockhart.

   Is there any need to discuss this issue?

  Hermione gave Ron a white look.

   And Harry thought a little more, then, the professor sounds good? He had two more expectations for the next public class.

   In fact, neither he nor Ron want to come. Does it have anything to do with them? They were dragged over by Hermione. According to her, "You have to choose courses in the third grade. Isn't it necessary to learn about an elective course in advance?"

   And Hermione also wanted to see how Felix's teaching level was, but she had already read "Exploration of Ancient Magic Texts" written by Felix, which made her very confident in the new professor.

   Well, it's like confidence in Professor Lockhart.

   Ten minutes passed. During this period, some students came and some professors also came to join in the fun. It seemed that this was not a class, but a big party.

   Harry glanced at Lockhart's figure, he hurriedly lowered his head, avoiding the sight of the professor who was in "controversy".

   When I met him, there was no good thing!

   These days, he has been in a lot of pain. There are three sources of pain. One is Quidditch training, the other is Lockhart, and the third is the freshman named Crevey.

   Except for Quidditch training, which makes him painful and happy, for the other two, he can hide and hide!

   On time, Felix's figure appeared. He was wearing a light blue robe—the same color as his eyes, his hair was slightly raised, his face was smiling, and he looked only seventeen or eighteen years old.

   really looks like Lockhart!

   Many lower-grade students whispered in their hearts, they are really scared by this costume.

   Felix crossed the crowd, leaped softly, and jumped onto the platform. He held his wand and looked around, the crowd gradually calmed down.

  In Harry's eyes, the professor used a magic wand to outline a mysterious symbol. The next moment, his voice reached his ears. The volume was not loud, but it was very clear. It seemed that the professor was talking in his ear.

   "We officially started class."

   Felix looked at the little wizards in the audience, "I, Felix Haip, currently teaches the course of ancient magic writing." He waved his wand and outlined his name.

   Then, he asked the first question.

   "Who knows what ancient magic texts are?"


   Hermione raised her hand subconsciously. Before she could react, her body was already acting on its own.

   "Miss Granger." Felix nodded at her.

Hermione opened her mouth and said: "Ancient magic text, also known as ancient rune, is a type of writing used by wizards hundreds of years ago. Ancient wizards used it to record magic. Therefore, modern wizards mainly study how to translate these magic manuscripts. However, the ancient magic text is also one of the power sources of ancient wizards."

   The last sentence was added after she watched "Exploration of Ancient Magic Texts".

   "Very good, Gryffindor adds 5 points."

   Felix began to introduce the history and evolution of ancient magic texts. He moved forward quickly. These things are not important, at least he thinks it is not important.

   The little wizards can’t remember either.

   "You only need to remember that the ancient magic text is a bridge that connects ancient magic and modern magic. At the same time, it also connects ancient alchemy and modern alchemy."

   Felix nodded in satisfaction when seeing the little wizard talking in the audience.

   "But professor, why do we all learn how to translate ancient magic texts?" A senior Ravenclaw girl raised her hand to ask.

   Felix looked at her: "There are two main reasons."

   "The first reason, mainly based on translation, is indeed the mainstream view of the current magical world."

"In my opinion, ancient magic writing can be divided into two, namely ancient writing and magic writing. The former is a kind of writing used by ancient wizards, and the latter is a power that ancient wizards have mastered-only in the long changes of times. , They blend with each other, making it difficult for latecomers to distinguish."

"The former represents the mainstream view. They take the inheritance and research of ancient magic manuscripts as their own responsibility. In fact, this is really useful. You must know that most of our knowledge about ancient wizards, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is all by these people. acquired."

   "This route is relatively simple to get started, and even you can do it now."

   "But if you want to directly master the power of ancient wizards through ancient magic texts, it is very, very difficult. Not only do you need to have an excellent level of magic, but also have excellent research capabilities."

   The little wizards seem to understand, but they probably know what they mean. It is the study of ancient magic texts. There are actually two branches, mainly translation. The advantage is that it is simple to get started, and there is no requirement for the personal qualities of wizards, even dumb guns. But it takes a lot of time to sort out the clues.

   There is no shortage of old wizards in the magic world who have been studying for decades and finally completely confused themselves.

  The other branch is based on mastering the power of ancient wizards. It is difficult to get started. If you are not an elite + learner, you should dispel this idea as soon as possible.

   Felix paused for a moment to let everyone have time to digest, and then smiled and said, "Going back to the question just now, as for the second reason-because the exam was not taken."

   The little wizards suddenly became speechless. This reason is very powerful.

   "However, I personally think..." Felix said: "Let you dabble in the practical application of ancient magic texts, which will effectively inspire your enthusiasm for this course."

   "Are you trying to teach us ancient magic?" one of the twins shouted.

   Felix shook his head, "No, ancient magic is known for being powerful and difficult to tame. I am not going to teach you this knowledge. What's more, in this regard, my research is just getting started."

   "Okay! The theoretical part is over here. As an open class, I won't talk too much about professional knowledge—"

   "Next, it's demonstration time."