A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 292: Mock exam

, The fastest update of the latest chapters of a certain Hogwarts magic text professor!

The next morning, Felix was eating breakfast in the auditorium.


A newspaper delivery owl landed on his table. He gave the owl a Nat and opened the newspaper. Before he had time to read the contents, the second and third owls jumped next to him and squeezed. Wipe, the dishes clinked when stepped on.

"Congratulations, Professor Haipu." Lupin, who was sitting aside, said, pointing to the headline of the spread newspaper-"The youngest recipient of the Saint Mungo medical badge!"

Felix said politely, "Thank you—oh!" He avoided the beak of a grumpy owl and drew the letter tied to its leg, but soon there were seven or eight owls, flapping their wings. He stared at Felix, urging him to get the letter quickly.

He drew out his wand and knocked on the edge of the cup. All the letters on the dozen owls flew over. He quickly grabbed them in his hand and said to Lupin, "Actually, the badge has been issued to me long ago, but now It was announced."

These owls drank some orange juice, followed by two biscuits, fluttered their wings and flew away, the table was messy, Felix stopped eating, and put the letters together.

He first glanced at the "Daily Prophet". It was a photo of himself with the Saint Mungo Medical Badge. He stood with a group of older looking therapists, and the background was the logo of the Saint Mungo Magic Medical Association.

He stood in the middle of the crowd, smiling gently, holding a blue-green shield badge in his hand. In the center of the badge was a snake stick, with the light green letter'M' in the background. Ms. Dorothea Boham stood nearby.

Felix then began to open letters, mostly from the therapist group. There were greetings from new therapists and also invitations to exchanges with well-known therapists. He collected these letters and prepared to take time for a while. One reply.

A gray enveloped letter caught his attention. It was an official letter from the Ministry of Magic. After being disassembled, the above commended him for his outstanding contributions in the field of memory impairment treatment, and specially awarded the Merlin Second Class Medal.

At the bottom of the official document, there is a long list of signatures. These are the current members of Wiesengamao. He saw many familiar names-Amelia Bones, Barty Crouch , Tiberus Ogden, Gusrda Marcheban, Albus Dumbledore, Cornelius Fudge...

"Second-level Merlin badge, not bad." Felix said, he thought Fudge was a hindrance and dragged the matter down indefinitely.

The award ceremony was scheduled for two weeks, allowing him enough time to arrange.

Coming out of the auditorium, Felix saw a pudgy witch in a pink dress. He frowned and said nothing. Umbridge does not come often, but it is also impossible to ignore. Her sense of existence is even higher than that of Tonks and another male Auror who are resident here.

Many little wizards know that a senior official of the Ministry of Magic who loves to wear pink clothes appeared in the school. Sometimes he was surrounded by two Aurors, and sometimes he was alone. He laughed like a little girl.

Umbridge acted very low-key. She stood with Filch, and when Felix looked over, Mrs. Lorice ran over and rubbed his feet.

"Loris, you look good." Felix said, the cat's original rough fur became smooth and there was more flesh on the body, at least it seemed that the eyes were not so protruding and weird.


Mrs. Loris screamed lazily, her voice as permeating as ever.

Umbridge turned her head and saw Felix. She immediately turned her head away and asked Filch in a low voice. Filch said loudly, "Professor Haipu... Good people..."

"Small down!" Umbridge screamed, pinching her throat. She turned her head with a guilty conscience and saw Felix smiling at her. She hurriedly handed Filch a bag and ordered two words to leave.

"What did she ask you to do?" Felix asked as he walked over.

Filch took a sip, "Inquire about the professor in the school, and you, sneaky, let me spread some detectors near the school. I asked her who ordered it, but she didn't say it."

"Give it to me, Mr. Filch," Felix said. "I'll go and ask Minerva. By the way, is Mrs. Loris's tonic still enough?"

"Enough, enough, there is still left," Filch said with a red face, "I also asked Mrs. Pomfrey to make a new batch, and I am worried that I will make a mistake... Look, how beautiful Mrs. Loris is now. Those little wizards who made mistakes can't escape!"

"Ahem!" Felix coughed dryly. "If you have any questions, just ask me. I'll leave first. There are still classes..."


The seventh grade ancient magic writing class.

Felix glanced at the students in the audience, "Try to concentrate, classmates, we are simulating the N.E.W.Ts exam. Although you have done well in the past few months, you still have to be in awe."

The wizards in the audience laughed happily, until he reminded: "There are still ten minutes." The students began to busy with the final check.

The sunlight passed through the tall windows, forming mottled spots of light, shining on their test papers, and the tall Marcus shrank himself on a narrow single table-which was also modeled on the form of the NEWTs exam. He poked his head very low, scanned the entire paper quickly, and used a quill to revise his answers from time to time. His other hand was struggling with the pimples on his face.

Jeffrey, Penello, and Percy finished the test papers early, but Percy was still frowning and checking, until the last moment, he relaxed and smiled satisfied.

"Time is up. Everyone—stop writing, and test papers fly in."

Dozens of test papers flew to Felix. He placed the test paper on the podium. A slap-big magic puppet immediately jumped onto the test paper, holding a golden quill in his hand, and began to correct the paper.

Penello sighed and said: "Every once in a while, you can see obvious progress. The professor's magic puppet can already correct the test papers for him.

Percy nodded, "You also know how powerful my high-level magic puppet is. I have just stored more than a hundred books, but if I ask it to check anything, it can immediately feed me back."

Penello said regretfully: "It's a pity that I didn't sign up for the duel. I missed this one and will graduate next year."

"Well, classmates, we need to wait a few minutes," Felix looked at everyone: "It's nice to see that you have all finished the test papers. Normally, this test will take one morning, and our simulation only Two hours...less than."

"Because of your thinking classroom!" Wood said loudly. He has enough reason to be excited. It has only been a few months since the original ancient magic literature scum to the completion of the test papers ahead of schedule.

Moreover, he is the lowest, and he can also get an E, and if he is lucky, he can also get an O.

Wood's speech was met with applause, and two boys whistled and cheered.

Felix waited for the classroom to calm down and smiled and said, "Knowledge is there, but not everyone will learn it. We can talk about it after this time... Do you have any plans after graduation? Have you thought about it? ?"

"I want to help the family." Jeffrey said.

"The Ministry of Magic," Percy whispered expectantly.

"Uh, I haven't figured it out yet... but Woodmill United sent me an invitation to be a reserve Quidditch player. I have been hesitating." Wood scratched his chin.

There are still quite a few people who are not sure~lightnovelpub.net~ They are talking about their ideals——

"I want to go to Gringotts!"

"I think it's good to walk around, see the magic of different countries..."

A few minutes passed in a hurry, "Okay, let me see your results." Felix picked up the test papers and looked through them one by one. "Well……"

The students stared at Professor Haipu. The classroom was very quiet. There was no rustle of turning the book. They listened carefully to every word he said.

Felix announced the results, "All members are up to the standard! There is no one below E. As for O, there are 23.

A Hufflepuff wizard said loudly: "It's not impossible for everyone to get O by the time of the exam. Professor, a new legend is about to appear at Hogwarts!"

Felix couldn't help but said, "Legend... is it you or me?"

"Of course... we!" The boy blinked and said happily, and the classroom was immediately filled with joy.