A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 369: choose

Felix turned his head away, not looking at the Slytherin witch who was staring at him, cleared his throat, and continued: "I have analyzed with the professors, you have two main shortcomings, one is the spell you master. Not enough to deal with all kinds of complicated situations. Such as magic flame"

He paused and did not continue.

"The second shortcoming is the lack of practice, or actual combat. It is not the kind of duel game that you draw out your wands and prepare in advance in the dueling class. I mean the sudden crisis, which is related to your own experience. "

"There was a time when Hogwarts had a tradition of traveling for a year after graduation. It's probably similar to a few close friends traveling together to see magical customs in different parts of the world..."

"But because of the Wizarding War and in recent years, the Ministry of Magic of various countries has tightened policies. If you want to go to a country, you must report in advance and obtain the permission of the local Ministry of Magic. This behavior is not very popular."

Felix talked about this history and gave them a general impression.

"In the next month or so, as classroom 7 becomes more and more perfect, you will be exposed to simulated dangerous scenes one by one, and increase your experience. Not only me, but other professors will also appear here to give you guidance. "

"Of course," Felix said after thinking about it, "Professor Moody may have other arrangements. He prefers to test how you deal with danger in real situations. You should have an understanding of his character..."

More than one student has a bitter face. Professor Moody’s rough character and his boldness in class are well-known. The students at Hogwarts have suffered a lot of crimes. Which student has not been pointed at and read a few times? Second curse?

However, according to a student who asked not to be named, although Professor Moody felt bad when he chanted a mantra to himself, when he watched him chant a mantra to others roughly, he would get a strange sense of pleasure in his heart. …

"As a candidate for the Warriors," Felix raised his voice, reminding the students. "Or students who are selected to participate in exchanges and show Hogwarts teaching results, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with many advanced spells. One of the most convenient ways is that the restricted book area of ​​the library will be open to you."

"You only need to register, you can see all kinds of advanced magic books."

The students started discussing in a low voice, with joy, Felix even raised his eyebrows when he heard someone mention "dark magic".

"I should remind you that black magic was banned in previous competitions, even this one," he said uncertainly. "The Ministry of Magic is still in intense negotiations..."

"That means we might face black magic?" Harry asked in surprise.

"No, that's not the case." Felix explained: "Warriors are not allowed to use black magic on warriors. This is the bottom line of the Ministry of Magic. But Durmstrang proposed that when breaking through the barriers, you can "reasonably" treat non-human beings. Creatures such as those powerful and deadly magical animals use black magic."

"Vagado and Ifamoni have also agreed. The dispute now lies in which dark magic can be used, and the Ministry of Magic is compiling a list."

"So, we can also use black magic?" Collins asked, "As long as it's on that list?"

"Perhaps it is allowed by the rules, but for Hogwarts students, there will be no professors who will give you guidance on this." Felix said calmly. "I know that some of you may be no strangers to black magic, but after all, if you consider the influence of open use, it will attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic and the outside world to question the educational philosophy of Hogwarts."

He shrugged: "A few years have passed since the previous wars. Most British wizards still hate black magic."

Collins looked at him defiantly. "So, as long as you don't get seen, it's okay?"

Felix stared at her and smiled slightly: "You are right, Miss Foley, the use of dark magic or not does not affect the judges' scoring. But let me say that it is not necessary, and even some of the gains outweigh the gains."

He looked at everyone: "Many of you, especially the lower grades, haven't realized what kind of special treatment you will enjoy in the next few months. The Hogwarts Library is open to you, all professors Will answer the knowledge outside of your textbooks, including all kinds of advanced magic spells and theories."

"If I were you, I would definitely not miss such a good opportunity. It will be good for your future."

"But what do we learn so many profound things and don't need it after graduation?" A student asked.

Felix looked at the others, and they also had an expression of disagreement. He shook his head: "It seems that this is indeed a problem, so let me start by talking about it. When we go to school, we may all have a question."

"If you just study roughly for a few years, you can make yourself a very good life, so why force yourself to continue to delve into those advanced and obscure spells and theories?"

"This is actually a very interesting question, can anyone answer it?"

A Ravenclaw girl raised her hand playfully, "Professor, I know! I just like magic! I am interested in them."

Felix smiled at her, "This kind of mentality is very good."

"Learning magic allows us to gain a prominent position and enter a better company, Gringotts, and the Ministry of Magic!" Roger Davis said.

"Well, very enlightening. What else?"

"Others will be afraid of you, fear you, and dare not provoke you." Collins Foley said coldly.

"It makes sense... Anything else?"

"You can do what you like," Hermione said.

"It's very close, compared with my own answer." Felix said with a smile.

He glanced around, tracing each of their eyes, "I can't provide you with the correct answer, because there is no correct and unique answer. I can only say my understanding."

"What's the use of studying magic more deeply, including those obscure magic theories?"

"My opinion is that while it allows you to go further than others on the road of magic, it also naturally gives you more choices."

"Do you want to study magic? Of course you can, then quietly be a scholar and understand the mysteries of magic and the areas that no one has ever touched."

"Do you want to occupy a high position and gain power? In addition to having a keen and ingenious mind, the power of magic is also indispensable. At that time, magic was your handy tool to help you gain fame and power;"

"Or...money? It's not impossible, but I suggest you choose the right branch of magic. Alchemy and ancient magic writing are promising. If any of you are interested, you can consider joining the "Future World" company after graduation."

Felix blinked and smiled at them.

"There is much more to say, change your appearance? Transfiguration can do it; extend life? Potions can do it; travel the world? Seek thrills? Search for treasures...or just be an ordinary person."

"Of course, we may also imagine" Felix lowered his eyes, "Let the world follow your will, and some changes will happen because of you."

The students calmed down.

Felix fiddled with his magic wand and said softly: "Yes, for some people, such as Principal Dumbledore, what troubles him is never what he can do, but what he chooses to do. ."

"Being the Minister of Magic... What kind of candy to buy from Hogsmeade... Maybe the latter makes him more exhausted."

"This is how the choice is important. The most intuitive example is that every year, students get more than one letter of recommendation from a professor. Obviously, these people have more room for choice."

"Let's get back to the topic and talk about it practically."

Felix increased the volume and said: "According to the latest news from the principal, this competition is different than before. It will be conducted in a group. Of course, the difficulty will be increased accordingly."

"Each school selects three people to form a team. After the three events, the school with the highest score will win the trophy in the competition."

He looked at everyone and said, "Sixth and seventh grade students, you will form a team in a random manner in the next time, and use this method to cultivate a tacit understanding. Whoever will become a teammate during the game. As for the fourth Students in the fifth grade can do whatever they want and don't make demands."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione leaned together immediately.