A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 40: Malfoy

   Harry felt that the confinement was terrible, because Malfoy kept whispering in his ear, constantly provoking. This caused his efficiency to plummet, and it was close to noon, but he only copied ten parchments.

   can't be as thick as a little finger.

   At lunch, Harry complained to Hermione and Ron about it. He collapsed a little and said: "I never thought he would talk so much, buzzing constantly."

   Ron gave him advice: "You can also harass him."

   Harry was speechless, he didn't have much to say to Malfoy.

   Hermione thoughtfully, "You may be able to provoke him by taking the opportunity to ask if he is Slytherin's heir."

   "Stop talking, how could he say that unless it is someone close to him." Ron retorted.

   Harry also felt that this idea was unreliable, and it was easy to get rid of it. "By the way, Hermione, what shall we do about the signing?"

   "How about you call Professor Haipu?" Ron suggested.

   "This is not a good idea." Hermione sighed. "He's not like Professor Lockhart, like..."

   "——like a fool." Ron answered, and Hermione glared at him.

   "However, I can try tonight, I can only say try." Hermione did not give a definite answer.

   After lunch, they returned to the ancient magic text office to continue their copying tasks.

And Harry also had to endure Malfoy’s provocative eyes. Several times he wanted to draw out his wand and impose a curse on him. One is not enough. It’s better to be like Professor Haipu and cast three spells at once, so that he has nothing to fight back. force……

In the afternoon, Felix looked at the results of several people and nodded in satisfaction, "Not bad, the three of you will be able to complete the task tomorrow afternoon. And Mr. Malfoy, your progress is faster, which is seven or eight pages short. "

  Draco Malfoy almost burst into tears, thanks to how much he paid for the short-term owe, two large books, completely copied by hand.

   For nearly two months, although he escaped a lot of confinement to participate in Quidditch training...

   Afterwards, Malfoy struggled with writing, and even Harry couldn't take care of it. Finally, before dinner, he finished copying all the content.

   Felix couldn't help but praise him, "Very good, well, Mr. Malfoy, this is the end of your confinement."

   "Yes, Professor," Malfoy whispered.

   Seeing him organize his stationery, Harry and the others are very envious, they still have a whole day of confinement tomorrow.

   "Oh, yes, Mr. Malfoy," Felix stopped him, frightening Malfoy.

   won't arrange more books for him?

   Fortunately, Felix didn't have this thought. He waved his wand and flew out a thick pile of parchment from the corner-densely written on it. Under his magic, the parchment was divided into two and quickly bound together in mid-air.

   flew out two book covers from the suitcase, wrapped the parchment paper, and the hot gold text slowly appeared on the cover, which looked like two books.

   "Mr. Malfoy, this is the result of your labor. Give it to you as a gift."

   Two books fell in front of him, and Malfoy was taken aback.

   Felix said: "Although you are born of glorious pure blood and outstanding talent, Muggles are not useless, I think you have already understood this." He pointed to the two handwritten books in front of Malfoy.

   "Through this confinement, I hope you can remember that weak or strong are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is."

   Malfoy was holding two books, his lips closed, but he said nothing.

   After he left, Felix said to the other trio who watched the show: "Well, your mission today is over, and you will continue tomorrow."

   Hermione asked Felix in a low voice, "Professor, can I continue to study magic text with you tonight?"

   Felix was a little surprised. He thought about it and said: "In principle, I have no objection, but your homework..."

   Hermione said with joy: "It doesn't matter, I have finished my homework." Her expression seemed to have won a big prize.

   When the three came out of the office and headed to the cafeteria, Ron looked at Hermione with an incredible expression: "Have you really finished your homework?"

"of course!"

   "When did you write it?" Ron seriously doubted that his time was different from Hermione's. Does she spend a few hours more than herself every day?

   Hermione was in a very good mood. She said arrogantly, "Since I know that I will be confined on the weekend, of course I have to finish my homework ahead of time. Isn't that common sense?"

   Ron muttered speechlessly, and Harry looked ashamed.


   Malfoy returned to the Slytherin common room and put down his schoolbag.

   He sat on the chair with a gloomy expression, looking through the green light of the lounge~lightnovelpub.net~Looking at the Black Lake outside the window, one or two swimming fishes passed by the window from time to time.

   Two followers came over, "Draco, are you going to have dinner?"

   "Crabbe, Gore..." Malfoy gave them a serious look. "Forget it, you go."

   Crabbe and Gore shrugged and left quickly.

   Malfoy shrank himself in the chair, half of his pale blond hair and slightly pale face hidden in the shadows.

   He is still thinking about a few words from Professor Haipu.

  Although he tried to refute this absurd point of view, the penalties of copying over the past two months have brought part of the book into his mind.

   This reminded him of the scene when his mother took herself to visit a pure-blooded wizard and met his aunt when he was a child.

   That aunt is her mother's second sister, but because she married a stupid Muggle, she was expelled from the family.

   The two quarreled fiercely at the time, and her mother persuaded her to go back and admit her mistake, but she was rejected mercilessly.

   He had little impression of this. The only sentence he remembered was his aunt shouting at them: "Apart from magic, what are you worthy of superiority?"

   That twisted expression, he remembered it till now.

   Somehow, he suddenly picked up his schoolbag, took out the two books, and stared at the cover.

   One "Muggle Struggle History: From Million Years Ago", and one "How Muggles Think".

   He is very familiar with the cover, after all, after holding and copying for two months, but it is also slightly different——

   Below the author, a few new words have been added-transcript: Draco Malfoy.

   Malfoy picked up the book "How Muggles Think" and opened it from the first page. Looking at the familiar fonts above, he set aside all preconceptions for the first time and read carefully.