A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 421: explain

At eight o'clock in the evening, Harry opened the door of the ancient Mowen office on time.

"Find a place to sit." Felix said, sitting in a chair behind his desk. He was reading a paper. Harry looked around. Sniffing Warren on the side pointed to Harry's left side. An armchair.

Harry whispered thanks to Warren, moved the chair, sat opposite the professor, and waited quietly. After two or three minutes, Felix put down the paper in his hand and smiled: "You may be curious about the purpose of my calling for you, but it is actually very simple. I was commissioned by Principal Dumbledore to teach you Occlumency. "

He briefly introduced: "This is a spell to prevent the mind from being invaded by outsiders."

"Why do I want to study this stuff?" Harry said blankly. The next second his heart started pounding. After thinking of the reason, he said with difficulty: "Is it because of the nightmare I had?"

"As far as I know, this is not the first time?" Felix asked softly.

"I, uh yes, there will be one more time in summer vacation." Harry had to admit. "But"

He looked at Felix eagerly. "Sirius said it might be related to my scars. When I was in the first grade, Principal Dumbledore also said that Voldemort's unsuccessful killing curse linked me to him."

Felix shook his head and said in a low voice, "That's just right."

"So far, it's just that you are unilaterally spying on Voldemort's thoughts. This may be because he is not strong enough, and you haven't noticed your small movements, but..." He stopped and looked at Harry.

With the long-term understanding, Harry followed Felix’s thoughts and thought, and a terrible idea was deduced. He couldn't help swallowing, "Do you think Voldemort might spy on my thoughts in turn? , This is really"

It didn't seem to be a big deal, Harry thought blankly. He is a student, and he worries about completing assignments in different subjects every year. If Voldemort really saw these ideas, he would be very impatient.

"Don't underestimate your position in Voldemort's heart, Harry." Felix said quietly, "You destroyed his dark rule with your own hands. If you say who the person he hates most and the most incomprehensible is, that person Most likely it is you, otherwise he will not arrange for his most trusted servant to sneak into Hogwarts and risk putting your name into the Goblet of Fire..."

Speaking of hitting here, he looked at Harry thoughtfully.

This reminds him that Voldemort is seriously short of manpower. His first priority is to arrange a resurrection, not to expose his existence at Hogwarts, even if Voldemort desperately wants Harry to attend his rebirth party.

Unless Harry's role is more important than imagined, and even directly determines the success or failure of Voldemort's resurrection...

"Professor? Professor Haipu?"

"Sorry, I'm a little lost. In addition to what I just said, you also know a lot of valuable news for Voldemort, such as the movements of Principal Dumbledore, or some close people around you, or... Horcrux. You always Don't you want to expose this?"

Harry's expression was very tangled. On the one hand, he particularly hopes to enter Voldemort's thoughts again, especially since Voldemort now has a capable man, which is the crucial time to seek resurrection; on the other hand, he of course also knows the risks involved.

"Then you teach me to be big," Harry said, and Felix glanced at him, "It's Occlumency." Harry quickly said, "Yes, Occlumency, it wants me to disconnect from him. Contact? Prevent the disclosure of our information?"

Felix was noncommittal.

"So your opinion is"

"My opinion?" Harry asked scratchingly.

"Do you agree to learn Occlumency?"

"Can I refuse?" Harry looked at him and asked in a low voice.

"Of course I respect your choice, this kind of thing is not easy to force."

Harry laughed. "It would be nice to learn more, Professor." He thought his words very much like Hermione.

Felix knocked on the table, and his perspective changed silently. All the color decorations in the office turned gray, and only some magical items were glowing with magical light. He stared at Harry and saw. Harry was uncomfortable.

"Since you have decided," he straightened up, "then we will start now."

Harry stood up, unconsciously searching for the position, sincerely hoping that he would find a cushion or something on the ground. Then he found Professor Haipu looking at himself weirdly, "What are you thinking?"

"Uh...Professor, don't we need to put on a mat?" Harry said gesticulatingly, "We will use it in the duel self-study group..."

Felix looked at him and let out a sigh of relief, "It seems that you don't know much about this knowledge." He beckoned, and a piece of parchment and a quill flew automatically on the table, blue feathers. The pen reached into the ink bottle, dipped in ink, and wrote the title of the book "Swish Swish", and Harry was frightened as he watched from the side.

When the book list floated in front of him, he took it in a daze, and stared for a few seconds before he could see the title of the first book "Lock Your Brain", followed by a long list. Harry was so frustrated, it was like getting a zero on the second project.

"This is the reference book you will read when you go back," Felix said. "Let me briefly introduce this knowledge."

"Speaking of Occlumency, you have to mention a series of magics such as Dementia, Forgetting Curse, Mind House, etc.," Felix motioned to Harry to sit on the sofa, sitting opposite him, and then drew out his wand, just With a light wave, the fire in the fireplace blazed.

"They are all classified as memory magic, but in fact they are quite different~lightnovelpub.net~ Among them, Occlumency and Mindfulness have the closest relationship, but they are opposite to each other."

"Professor, what is dementia?"

"In a way you can understand, it is similar to mind reading in the general population. It is a kind of magic that invades the opponent’s brain and reads sensations and memories. Of course, I must emphasize that mind reading is very different from mind reading. I want you to read the book to understand the concept, and it will be reflected in your thesis, and you must analyze the difference between the two."

Harry felt a bit bitter at the corners of his mouth.

But he suddenly realized something and hurriedly asked: "Professor, do you want to read my thoughts, and then let me use Occlumency for defense?" He felt uncomfortable, if the professor saw any hidden memories , He will definitely become angry.

"This is just one of the methods." Felix commented: "An efficient strategy uses mental offensive and defensive combat to speed up your control of Occlumency. But frankly speaking, we still have plenty of time, at least in Don't worry too much about Voldemort before he is resurrected, of course if you rush to learn..." Felix looked at him maliciously.

"I'm not in a hurry." Harry said quickly. "I choose another method."