A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 473: 1 memory

"You said the same thing." Ginny judged. She shook her bright hair that looked like a ball of flames, counting her fingers to conclude, "Try to get a trophy or grab a trophy from other people in the early stage. Then stay mobile." She tilted her head to Hermione, "While looking for teammates, be careful not to be ambushed, and avoid the traps and dangerous creatures in the maze itself."

Ron nodded solemnly from the side, saying that's what he thought.

"And the last stage," Ginny's gaze stayed on Harry, "As time stretches, all the warriors will get closer to the trophy. It is very likely that they will encounter new enemies without taking a few steps, so they must be clean and tidy. Solve the opponent!"

She made a fierce gesture, and Harry thought she was so cool today.

"Actually, luck can pass," Ron suggested seriously. "We have to consider the best situation to happen. Have you forgotten it? We are the first batch of people to enter the maze. If we are lucky enough, we don't have to deal with others. People meet..."


They discussed the whole day in the corner. In the evening, Professor McGonagall rarely appeared in the lounge and called Harry and Ron out, leaving Hermione and Ginny behind. They didn't come back until before the lights were turned off, and their faces were filled with joy that could not be concealed.

"What did Professor McGonagall say to you?" Hermione lifted her head from the pile of thick paper, staring blankly at the gap between Harry and Ron, and she spent a lot of time sorting out the rules again.

"It's a member of the Anti-Black Arts League," Harry said excitedly. He handed over a certificate. Hermione and Ginny leaned over to look at it. Ginny let out a short scream, "You become a full member of the Anti-Black Arts League. Now? Harry, is this true?"

"And me." Ron reminded her.

But Ginny said to Harry regardless, "Do you know what this means?"

"Meaning, um... I joined a magic organization?" Harry replied hesitantly.

"No, of course not!" Ginny's flame-like hair began to jump again. "Listen, it's a full member, not an honorary member! The gap here"

"Wait, I have a bit of an impression..." Ron thought hard, "It seems that someone has mentioned this to me many times."

"It's Lockhart." Hermione was as reliable as ever.

"Yes! He said he was an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Magic League, not a full member...what does this mean?" Ron stared at his certificate, as if he wanted a perfect explanation from it.

"Official members need to be evaluated or make a huge contribution, preferably the kind that can be promoted." Ginny knows better than Ron in this regard. "I guess Lockhart refuses to show her skills because He doesn't have such a thing at all!"

Harry was very happy, and he revealed more information: "The people from the Anti-Dark Magic League told me that if I plan to pursue an Auror or similar career in the future, they can write me a recommendation letter, even if I lack one or two. OWLs certificate"

"But you won't be opportunistic, do you?" Hermione looked at him sternly.

"Yes." Harry said against his will. He thought it would be good to use the promise of the Anti-Dark Magic League as a piece of insurance.

"The only regret is that Malfoy also received this honor," Ron said. "It's ironic, isn't it? During the Quidditch World Cup riots, he also hinted to us that his dad was also involved in the riots."

"Why didn't Professor Haipu arrest him!"

After a while, Ginny yawned gracefully and went to sleep in the girls' dormitory.

Harry and Ron looked through the certificate with joy, stroking the patterns and seals on it. No matter how many times they looked at it, they still liked it. When they lay on the bed after turning off the lights, Ron said to Harry, "I think it’s also good to be an Auror. "Neville listened for a long time, and couldn't help but join in. "Actually, uh, I want to be an Auror too," he said, "Of course, the professor is also good."

Harry was surprised to find that three people in their dormitory wanted to become Aurors. Soon, Seamus and Dean also participated in the discussion, and they didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night.

Half-dreaming and half-awake, Harry imagined himself as an Auror: Ron and Hermione were with him, and Neville, Seamus and Dean were around him. To his surprise, Luna and Hermione appeared in the crowd. The figure of Ginny and Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy? Even in his sleep, Harry felt outrageous. He murmured dissatisfiedly, and soon these images disappeared. He stood in an ancient room, as if smelling a smell similar to Grimmauld Place, but it was definitely not the same place.

He was sitting on the sofa, talking to someone: "Well done, Yaxley, you have proven your loyalty again..."

Harry rolled over, the Occupational Technique spontaneously operated, and he fell into a sweet dream again.


After entering June, time began to speed up quietly. After the fifth and seventh grade wizard grade exams are over, the final exams for other grades have officially started. This also means that the approaching competition of the third project will be held on the last night of the exam.

The atmosphere in the castle became tense and excited. After the ancient magic test on the third day, Felix heard a student say to his companion: "As long as we survive the remaining four days, we can watch the last game. , And play crazy for a week to welcome the long and beautiful summer vacation!"

He agrees very much with what the student said.

Throughout the first two-thirds of June, he had a very good time. The transformation process of the body has been completed for most of the time. Although he hasn't seen any use yet, there are no obstacles, which means that everything is going well.

The next day, on the morning of June 21, when he was overseeing the fourth grade exam, although the Warriors were allowed to not take the final exam, Hermione still insisted on taking 20 minutes to complete the exam paper, and then he found out the magic writing handbook to deliberate on Nick. Based on her recent questions, Felix judged that she should be able to complete the disassembly plan of the time converter that LeMay developed before the end of the school year.

What he didn't expect was that Hermione handed him a paper on the day the exam ended.

"Professor, this is a plan I designed. I made some changes based on Nick Lemay's research. Although the process is more cumbersome, it also allows me to avoid advanced alchemy techniques."

"I didn't see any problems, very clever transformation, especially suitable for your magical characteristics, Miss Granger." Felix said after careful inspection.

Hermione left the office with satisfaction.

Before going to bed, an owl fell outside the window, pecking at the edge of the window with its beak.

After Felix opened the window, the tan owl with the ankle ring of the Owl Post Office circled the room, dropped a slap-sized package, and flew away without looking back.

After opening the package, there was a thumb-sized glass bottle inside the small box~lightnovelpub.net~ Felix held the transparent vial and stared at the magic lamp on the ceiling for a moment. The bottle was filled with some silver substance, slowly circling around. , Neither solid nor liquid.

That is a memory.

Whose memory will it be? Felix raised his mouth slightly, he was very interested in the owner of the memory.

Felix tapped his wand on the cork, and the sealed cork popped open immediately. The black jade-like wand was turned slightly in his hand, winding the silver wire around the tip of the wand, and then he threw it into the air, and a picture appeared abruptly:

The body of the person in the picture Felix was shattered in the green light of the sky, and at the same time, a cold voice remained in the office for a long time.

"Avada gnaws on big tiles!"

"Hum!" Warren was stunned. After a few seconds, he jumped into Felix's arms, covered his eyes, and clutched his clothes tightly with his chest.

"It's okay," Felix comforted softly. He stared at the fading light and took the memory that had been turned into silver threads in his hand, twisting his fingertips continuously, sinking into thought.