A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 55: Mowen Knowledge Contest

   As Christmas approaches, the festive atmosphere is getting stronger, and the learning enthusiasm of many little wizards has plummeted.

   Many professors said that they could not relax, but they did not exert too much pressure. This is reflected in the amount of homework assigned.

   But this kind of tolerance does not include fifth and seventh grades. They need to deal with OWLs and NEWTs respectively this year, that is, the ordinary wizard rank exam and the ultimate wizard rank exam.

  The fifth grade class of ancient magic writing.

   Felix once again reiterated the importance of the OWLs exam, "You are only six months away from the ordinary wizarding level exam. Excluding holidays and weekends, how much time is left?"

   "I will do the calculations for you, six months, even twenty-five weeks is fine."

   Amidst the stunned expressions of the little wizards in the audience, the professor did the math, "Two classes a week, one big class for two hours, one small class for one hour, count..."

   "It's only seventy-five hours in total."

   "Does your study time be as long as this? How can I count it, it's less than two hundred hours."

   Seeing Professor Haipu’s regretful expression, the little wizards were silent.

   But Felix is ​​in a good mood today, he decided to do a student survey.

   "Which subject do you think you are the least good at?"

   A little witch timidly said: "Does the ancient magic text count?"

   "Not counting!"

   "That's the history of magic." The Hufflepuff girl said, "Professor Bins always asks us to memorize a lot. I don't have a good memory."

   "He never focuses on the key points in class, and other professors are a little bit suggestive." A Ravenclaw said angrily.

Professor Bins belongs to the type of "I talk about the key points, and everything mentioned in the class is the test site", and this professor is known for his average language and no ups and downs, and it sounds like he is chanting. .

   The hypnotic effect is superb.

   "The history of magic...very good, Miss Celton, Mr. Paldis. Any more?"

   "My astronomy class is not good, I always confuse the position of the planets."

   "The practical lessons in the herbal medicine class are very interesting, but I always can't remember the characteristics of magic plants."

   "Don't you think arithmetic divination is very complicated?"

   "Divination class is simply a nightmare!"

   Someone immediately retorted: "Nonsense! Divination class is the easiest to pass."

   "Trilawney is a psychopath!"

   "Professor McGonagall is very strict."

   "Ketterborn's class is always full of dangerous magical creatures."

   "Professor Snape is terrible."

   The little wizards were discussing in full swing, and they quickly crooked the floor. Felix hurriedly called for a stop. How did it develop to criticize the professors of various subjects?

   He summarized the views of the little wizards: "So, you generally did not perform well in courses that require a lot of theory and require a lot of memory, such as ancient magic, history of magic, and astronomy."

   Felix thought of an idea temporarily, and he decided to try it out: "Well, let's play a game."

   "Please two students...well, just Miss Celton, Mr. Paldis, I need your cooperation."

   The two little wizards stood up curiously.

   The little wizard in the class suddenly became energetic.

   "Take out your wands."

   Celton and Paldis pulled out their wands excitedly and stared at Felix.

   Professor Haipu’s teaching is always full of various novel tricks-this evaluation is widely circulated in other grades, but the fifth and seventh grades are relatively less exposed.

   "Let me think about it..." Felix moved his wand, and a nine-square grid appeared in front of each of them.

In the    grid, there are nine magic words flashing with sparks.

   On top of the heads of the two little wizards, two hot gold names were displayed-Pat Selton and Warren Paldis.

   "Professor, what is this?"

   Hufflepuff’s Pete Selton asked curiously. A friend of hers pointed a finger on the top of her head, and she found the name on the top of her head. Strangely, there was a number "0" next to the name.

   "We have a magic text knowledge contest. Next, I will explain the meaning of the magic text. You need to find the corresponding magic text as quickly as possible, and touch the corresponding grid with the magic wand."

   "You need to be faster than your opponent to get a point."

   "When one of you scores one hundred points first, the game is over."

   Felix looked at the two, "Let’s try it first."

   He said a series of interpretations, "Bright, illuminating the road ahead, also represents the brilliance of knowledge."

Pat Selton and Warren Paldis stared at the magic text floating in the air in front of them. When Professor Haipu said the second phrase, Pat's eyes lit up and she quickly used her magic wand. Knock at the bottom left corner of Jiugongge.

   "I know, it's Ken!"

   When her wand touched the magic text, that area suddenly turned bright gold, and at the same time, a "+1" sign appeared on the top of her head, which disappeared after a pause for two seconds.

   Pate looked at the top of her head afterwards-the initial number "0" became "1", she glanced at the professor, "I won?"

   "In a sense." Felix said, "I think you should understand the rules of the game, right?"

   The two nodded at the same time. This kind of gameplay is really interesting, and Warren on the other side couldn't help holding his wand tightly—he was a step slower just now.

   Felix waved his magic wand to make the first group of nine squares disappear, and the second group of nine squares appeared in front of the two.

   "The second word, reward, symbolizes victory and satisfaction——"

  Warren suddenly threw his wand in the middle of the nine-square grid, watching that area turn dazzling gold, his face was flushed with excitement, "It's Wyn, Professor."

   "The answer is correct." Felix nodded, and a "+1" sign appeared on Warren's head, and the score became 1.

   The game continues, "Poor, hard, and it also represents some kind of misfortune."

   Warren didn't even think about it, the wand hit the upper left corner, but this time, the area quickly turned pale gray.

   "Wrong answer, Mr. Warren." Felix waved his wand, a "-1" sign appeared on his head, and the score returned to zero.

   Warren threw his fist in annoyance.

  At this moment, the little wizards have fully understood the rules of the game. If you answer correctly, you will get points, and if you answer incorrectly, you will lose points. Whoever reaches 100 first is a victory.

   "Harvest, bookmaker, or growth cycle..."

  Warren quickly waved his wand...

   "Correct, add one point."


   "Very good, Miss Pete. Next, our game will be more difficult."

   The first dozen groups are all pretty superficial magic texts~lightnovelpub.net~ But very quickly, the difficulty climbs at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   The speed of the two slowed down, they spent more and more time thinking, and the score was difficult to reach 73:71.

   "Get skills or random luck, reveal hidden secrets, and nurture life."

  Pate bit his lip, and Warren kept beating the knuckles of his fingers.

   "It's Peorth, Peorth." The little wizards watching the play couldn't help it, and someone quietly said the answer.

   Pete's eyes lit up, and his wand was tapped on the correct answer.

   Felix was noncommittal. He did not stop the reminder behavior of the little wizard in the audience, but he did not give them extra points.

   He just changed another set of Jiugongge.

   So the two understood what the professor meant: Next, you have to compete with the whole class of little wizards.

   The two looked at each other, sorrowful.

   But the little wizards in the audience became excited. In the next dozen groups of nine-square grids, they worked together. You talk to me, chattering and chattering, but the two on the stage only scored one point each.

   The school bell rang, but no one moved.

   The score card is 99:98.

   The little wizards are quiet now, and are not making a sound.

   Felix said quickly: "The power of the sun defeats the devil and the darkness..."

   "It's Sigel." The tip of Pat's rod was in the center of the Jiugong grid, and the golden light flickered.

   "I won, I won!"

   In her screams, Professor Haipu waved his magic wand to let the bright fireworks bloom in the classroom.

   "Thank you for the wonderful performance of the two students, Hufflepuff adds 10 points and Ravenclaw adds 5 points."

   "Now, get out of class is over!"