A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 58: Basilisk and Basilisk

"Calm down, Miss Granger!" Felix asked, "You need to tell me how long has passed since you and Harry last met? Can you determine his location now? How does he track him? Basilisk?"

   Hermione quickly said: "No more than 5 minutes, Professor. We guessed that the entrance to the secret room was in Myrtle’s bathroom, so we made an appointment to meet there. Harry located the basilisk through the viper’s voice..."

"Very well," Felix interrupted her. He waved his wand, and a silver light flew from the tip of the wand, condensed in the air into a small bird, suspended in the air with a pair of long and narrow sickles. Type wings.

   Felix said loudly: "Principal Dumbledore, Harry Potter is tracking the Basilisk alone, please come to Myrtle’s abandoned bathroom, there is a high probability that the entrance to the room is located."

   After finishing speaking, this small bird waved its wings and turned into a stream of light and disappeared in an instant.

   "Professor, what kind of magic is this?" Even in an emergency, the little witch couldn't help asking.

   "Guardian curse, it can help you defend against dementors, or send a temporary letter or something."

   "Is that a kind of Swift?"

   "Well, it's fast."

   "Let's go to the bathroom first." Felix said to Hermione, "You can tell me what happened on the way."

   When the two almost arrived at Myrtle’s bathroom, Felix had already figured out the situation.

An hour ago.

   Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat in the auditorium after a quick dinner. They glanced at each other and slipped out tacitly.

"It's 6:20," Hermione said to the two before the action: "We have about forty minutes. As long as we rush back to the common room before 7 o'clock, no one will find us out. "

   They are going to have a showdown with Professor Haipu, and after gaining his trust, they will report the secret room information to Principal Dumbledore.

   But something went wrong in the way--

   "Tear you to pieces... to kill... longing for blood..."

   When they passed a dim corridor, Harry suddenly heard this voice, and he shouted: "It's a basilisk! It's out!"

   "Did you hear that?" Ron said nervously.

   Harry rushed out. He climbed up a flight of stairs, pricked his ears and searched. He seemed to hear the slight friction, so he strode wildly, Ron and Hermione following closely behind.

   But if this sound is not there, Harry will lose it from time to time, and he has to climb up and down to confirm the position.

   The three of them ran for most of the day, panting with exhaustion.

   "It's gone? Maybe it's just out for a walk?" Ron asked expectantly.

   "Absolutely not!" Harry said, "It wants to kill, it says it wants blood!"

   "Tear you to pieces...Target..."

   Harry raised his head abruptly, his voice above his head.

   "It's upstairs!"

   Harry ran upstairs quickly, leaving Ron and Hermione far behind.

   Turning a corner, he saw Justin coming from the other side of the corridor alone.

   "It came out...killed... torn to pieces..."

   Harry's expression was terrified, and it was too late. He shouted to Justin: "Close your eyes, Justin! Close your eyes, the basilisk in the secret room comes out!"

  Justin has been hiding from Harry these days, and asked in astonishment: "What?"

   Harry had no time to explain, he had clearly heard the "click, click" sound, it must be a basilisk, it is about to come out, it is about to kill!

   "There are many obstacles!" Harry took out his wand, and an obstacle curse knocked Justin into the air, his face still with surprise and trepidation.

   Harry threw on Justin to drag him away, it was not easy-Justin struggled desperately after getting rid of the curse effect, and the two were entangled.

   "What are you going to do? Harry, what are you going to do!"

"Shut up! I'm saving your life!" Harry gave him a hard punch to calm him down, "Listen! The secret room monster has come out, and its eyes can kill people, so quickly close your eyes. ."

   rustling voice came, especially clear in the corridor.

   Justin closed his eyes tightly, and his body couldn't stop shaking. Harry closed his eyes too, and fumbled for the wand with one hand-during the brief fight between the two, his wand fell to the ground.

   "Are we going to die, Harry? I don't want to die, Harry, I'm sorry I misunderstood you." Justin said incoherently.

   "Shut up!" Harry yelled, a clear echo echoing in the corridor.

   He came across a small wooden stick, it was his wand, but he had no way to fight the basilisk, his eyes were still closed!

   A door was knocked open, and the sound of "click" was getting closer and closer. Harry judged that the basilisk was less than two meters away from them, maybe its head was hanging in front of him?

   He even smelled a pungent stench.

   "Get out of here!" he shouted.

   "What?" Justin asked tremblingly.

   "It's not you, get out of here!"

   Justin only understood the first half of the sentence, and the second half. From Harry’s mouth, there was a creepy sound, like a snake's "hiss" sound, but it was much more terrifying than that.

   is Snake Laoqiang~lightnovelpub.net~ He woke up instantly.

   Harry kept talking snake language, making the basilisk "leave here" and "go back". This worked, and the sound of the basilisk moving stopped.

   But it didn’t move away either, and instead responded, "Kill...Master’s order...Tear...Clear the Muggles..."

   "Get out of here!" Ha said in Snake Voice, "I order you to get out of here!" Thanks to the fact that he has been using magic scrolls for these two days, he has become more proficient in Snake Voice.

   "Master's command..."

"Your master and I are best friends. We are in the same group. Listen! You are in danger now. A powerful wizard is coming! Get out of here!" Harry kept urging, and he didn't know. Can it work, but Hermione's inquired from Professor Haipu said that Snake Lao Tong can control snakes.

   He doesn't know the truth or not, but he can only pray in his heart that it is true.

   Finally, the basilisk moved. Harry held his breath and waited for the trial of fate. Fortunately, the sliding sound of the basilisk went farther and farther, and finally disappeared.

   "Can't stop the killing... the next attack... soon... Too much patience..." This was what Harry heard from the ceiling, and it seemed that the basilisk had returned to the pipe.

   Justin shivered and slumped to the ground, looking in a panic.

   "It's over." Harry opened his eyes.

   A few dozen seconds later, Hermione and Ron chased from behind, panting, "Harry, what happened?" They lost track of them and took a long way around.

   Harry said fearfully afterwards: "The basilisk wants to attack Justin, I stopped it."

   "What-oh my god!" Hermione pointed to the scratch on the ground. "This is..."

   "Yes, I met it head-on."