A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 583: all horses

When he returned to school in the evening, Felix was in a very good mood.

This afternoon, he and Winnie came to the law firm where she worked and handled a legal consulting business as friends. Winnie's boss, a middle-aged man in his early forties, readily agreed to hand over the matter to Winnie, who was still an intern assistant, after learning that the consulting fee would not be discounted.

"The content of the work is not troublesome, but it is a little trivial, and it takes time to run around." Winnie's boss whispered, "I will check your work progress regularly."

"Understood," Winnie said nervously.

She knew that her boss was worried that she would ask friends for help, and her work would fool her. . But in fact he was completely distracted - his work was much more than what was on the surface. In addition to the legal issues of several gold and silver jewelry stores, she also has a secret task: to analyze the wizarding society from the perspective of the modern social system.

Winnie could say three days and three nights about the difference between the two, but Felix rejected her analysis.


"You don't need to worry about it. There is no need to cover everything in a small society of tens of thousands of people."


"You don't have to worry about it."

"Then what did you tell me to do?" Winnie looked at him angrily.

Right now they were in the coffee shop downstairs from the law firm, Felix was digging ice cream with a small metal spoon, and Warren preferred the strawberry flavored one, which sat swaggeringly at the table by the window. None found it.

"Use your brains, Miss Valentine. You have received a complete and comprehensive higher education. There are very few people in the Squib who have similar experiences to you. You are a rare talent, backed by a complete social system. By the way, you have dealt with many companies, right?"

"It's all cases handled by the firm," Winnie said sullenly. "I'm in charge of collecting information, and sometimes I'll write a passable report as required."

"That's it." Felix nodded, waving the small spoon in his hand. "A suggestion for you: you can think of the wizarding world as a large company that is actively seeking transformation, and just happened to find you."

Winnie stared at him, curious about the metaphor, but she held a different opinion.

"We're discussing serious topics, aren't we?" Winnie looked at Felix confirmingly, who nodded, and she continued: "If that's the case, the corporate analogy would be inappropriate. According to me Observation, the various systems of the wizarding world are still stuck centuries ago, there may be reasons for the Statute of Secrecy, but you can't deny that wizards cannot be like real companies: clear purpose and unified action."

"...If you have to compare it to a company, it is also a company with a loose structure, full of internal and external troubles, and no future at all."

Winnie finished speaking in one breath, her mood was inexplicably smooth, and she had a feeling of revenge. Who made the magic world abandon her back then! Felix smiled at her, "I don't care if you think so, but now this company with no future has hired you, you have to come up with a solution."

Winnie's hand with the spoon froze, and she shook her ponytail irritably.

"I can't think of it—you tell me."

"Internal and external problems? Naturally someone will solve it; loose structure? You don't need to think about it." Felix said softly: "What I want you to do is to think about what things in the magic world are attractive enough from your own perspective. Power, can form new industries? Simply put, if I want to embed the wizarding world into Muggle society, like a cog, what can be connected? Forest, work, agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, science... "

"Why do you want to do this?" Winnie said, holding her breath, "Do you know any inside information, the magic world is going to reform..."

"You can understand it as a kind of plan reserve, a kind of plan for the future."

Winnie looked at him puzzled.

"There is no major war at the moment, but have humans given up developing weapons? The magic world has no plans to revise the secrecy law for the time being, but in the long run, changes are necessary... You know mobile phones, right?"

Winnie nodded.

"Where's the camera?"

Winnie nodded again.

"And have you ever seen a product that combines the two?"

Winnie nodded first, then shook her head quickly.

"Not at all."

"Then you can look forward to it for a while, and it is estimated that similar products will be born in a few years." Felix said: "Try to imagine that if everyone has a mobile phone that can take pictures in the future, wizards will still be able to take pictures. Will it be hidden as well as it is now?"

Not to mention the internet. But Felix didn't mention it.

"You think wizards are exposed to the public eye?" Winnie couldn't help asking. She was a little terrified.

"It's just a matter of probability and timing. As technology develops, the number of accidental leaks that the Ministry of Magic deals with each year increases every year. They are facing new tests." Felix said: "I see two possibilities for the future: Either the Ministry of Magic is exhausted, Had to work more closely with the Muggle government to let more people - at least some government workers know about wizards."

Winnie imagined the scene: an ordinary person found the wizard, took out his mobile phone to take a picture, and then broke the news to the TV station... In the face of this situation, it is indeed difficult for the wizard to completely block the news, and it is very likely that he will be like Mr. Hepp. That being said, wizards must compromise and rely on more staffed government agencies.

But she quickly realized a problem, this approach is not a cure for the symptoms.

"Maybe you also realize that there is more than one Ministry of Magic and more than one Muggle government in the world. When the day comes when two societies must cooperate to keep secrets, it is normal for mistakes to occur." Felix said to himself. ,"not to mention……"

He didn't continue, but Winnie followed his train of thought and thought: Not to mention, it's impossible for the country to cooperate. As long as there is an accident in one of the links, the negotiation breaks down... The result is that the entire secret is destroyed.

"That's why we need to make plans in advance?" Winnie somewhat understood Felix's thoughts, and this was indeed necessary. She just didn't expect that she would have the opportunity to participate in such a big event, but thinking about Mr. Hepp's position in the magic world, she was a little relieved.

"That's right," Felix said briefly.

This is one of the reasons why he wants the war to end as soon as possible: it is very difficult for the Ministry of Magic to maintain normal operation now, and if they are distracted by other things, especially important matters related to the future fate of the wizarding world, Ms. Burns is afraid will explode.

But it is the Ministry of Magic's responsibility to keep the entire wizarding world undiscovered.

Felix has gained fame over the past few years so that one day, when he formally raises this serious issue, everyone - including foreign wizards - must take it seriously, and will not take these words as nonsense.

He doesn't want to rely on one person to do all the work alone. Even if there is a "future world" now, this power is still too small.

Winnie asked softly: "The wizarding world has been paying attention to the progress of technology? I know the sound transmission mirror, and I have seen it used by people. At the time, I only thought magic was amazing, but now I think about it, it is the direction of the future mobile phone: small and convenient, except for The call can also transmit the picture, but there is a distance limit."

"The issue of distance restrictions is already improving," Felix said. "In fact, there are ready-made alternatives, such as two-way mirrors, but its manufacturing process is somewhat complicated and not suitable for mass production. We are considering using magic photos instead."

"Can you talk about it specifically?" Winnie asked with interest. She didn't usually have access to this knowledge.

Felix moved his fingers, and the two roses in the cafe jumped down and transformed into two photos. Winnie stared at her face in the photo, and then looked at Felix Hepp in the other photo, I was amazed.

"You've seen moving photos in newspapers, so it's not unfamiliar... There is also a higher-level magic portrait in the magic world, which not only can communicate with people, but also retains some of the wisdom of the owner of the portrait before his life. See how much memory you give it. That's where the inspiration I say comes from."

"If you want to see each other, the easiest way is not to send real-time video, but to hold each other's photos and use magic to copy your current movements on your own photo. Like this."

Felix waved his hand, and the image in his photo also waved.

"This method is relatively simple, but it also needs to be customized. At present, only the predecessor of the sound transmission mirror - the inventor of the couple mirror, Fred and George Weasley accepted this service, specially tailored for couples."

Winnie's head was dizzy, she was feeling conflicted now. On the one hand, she knows that the magic world lags behind the real world in many places, even a few centuries behind; but on the other hand, the magic world almost predicts the future direction of technology.

Not only this product, many products of Future World Company have similar shadows.

She tried to classify this phenomenon as the speciality of magic, but it didn't make sense, she stared at Felix again, and suddenly realized.

"You're the best inventor of this age, Mr. Hepp. There's too much old fashion in the wizarding world."

Felix waved his hand, "I wouldn't dare admit it."

He did not refuse, but the more he studied magic, the more he could understand one thing: any master of magic was a potential inventor.

If the Weasley twins could make a couple mirror, wouldn't Dumbledore be able to?

As far as he knew, Dumbledore was able to communicate alchemy with Nick Lemay when he was young, and he himself made some practical magic tools, but Dumbledore never thought of starting a company, nor did he think of putting his Wisdom is converted into money.

Dumbledore's approach is actually very representative of those outstanding wizards in history.

These people do not have much business thinking in their minds, and are bound by the traditional concepts of wizards, but they are not short of money, so they only need to meet the needs of themselves and those around them.

Another example is the pure-blood family, who would rather hold their ancestors' magical notebooks and let them rot and disappear than let this knowledge spread to the outside world.


After Valentine's Day, Felix went back to school as usual.

In the ancient rune class——

"Welcome back, classmates," Felix said slowly, walking up and down the classroom, "I'm sure you've had a great weekend, yeah, Valentine's Day set at Madame Paddy's Teahouse. It's a good deal, and the collapsed peaks in the suburbs are enough to attract attention, and even... I heard that going around the pig's head bar has become a new fashion?"

The students winked, and Harry saw Hermione quietly lip-mouthing: bullshit. He grinned.

"But I want you to take it easy."

"It's less than two months until Easter and you'll have employment counselling at the end of the holiday, but it might be a bit late at that time."

Halfway through, Felix got stuck, and the students stared at him and pulled out a small note from his pocket, "Uh, let me see, next is the importance and significance of the OWLs exam, and review. Planning... these things are a real headache."

He simply dropped the small piece of paper neatly and turned it into a paper airplane before it fell to the ground.

The students stared at the paper airplane flying out of the window.

"Okay, the above is what I recorded in the teaching meeting, just to let you guys feel how boring I was at the time..." Felix strode back to the podium and said to the dumbfounded students below, "Let's talk about it. Be realistic."

"If you're in sixth grade, what will be taught in the advanced class of Ancient Rune?"

The students listened intently to the professor's explanation.

"First of all, the content of the course is not fixed. At present, this subject is changing with each passing day, and new things are constantly being put forward. If you are interested, you can read the magazine "Mowen New Solution" from beginning to end. There are many or cutting-edge, Or interesting articles, many of which are written and published by you yourself...

I plan to spend a few years sorting out a clear context, but no matter what, the advanced class will focus on practical Rune teaching, there is no doubt about that. "

"I'd like to say another thing. Fifth grade, especially after career counseling, you have to think hard about your future."

"I can let you enter the thinking classroom and learn hundreds of translation runes in one class, so it is logical that each of you can get excellent in the OWLs exam..." Felix said calmly: "Yes , I can do it."

"Grade is not the problem, interest is the key."

"In improving the class, my requirements for you will become higher and higher with the continuous improvement of ancient rune subjects, and the teaching content will also vary from person to person. You will spend a lot of time on more cutting-edge exploration, if not Really interested, the process is going to be very torturous."

"So think carefully: what does this course mean to you, and maybe your thinking today will lead to the birth of new interdisciplinary fields..."

Throughout March, students have been busy.

But outside the campus, or outside the UK, the order of the international wizarding world was turned upside down by Voldemort alone.

Felix and Lucius met several times in the period from after Valentine's Day to the beginning of March, and found that Voldemort seemed to have disappeared completely, and Felix could only think that he was preparing for a duel with Dumbledore.

But it proved difficult for Voldemort to settle down.

On March 12, a letter came to Felix's attention. Enclosed was a clipping from a foreign newspaper, which mentioned that Voldemort had broken into an auction house abroad and snatched a precious magic cloak.

But according to the guards at the scene, when he got it, he just said "rubbish" and then disappeared.

On March 17, he appeared in the underground vault of the Gringotts branch in France and took away a rather famous fairy sword.

On March 25th, Voldemort broke into an ancient wizard ruins that were being excavated in Brazil~lightnovelpub.net~ He pried open a coffin, and the funeral objects inside were thrown to the ground like garbage by him. The original lifelike ancient wizard corpse decayed quickly.

During this period, a hunting team composed of Aurors from various countries was formed.

They were ordered to capture Voldemort, but found nothing for more than half a month. The newspapers were flooded with reports that the Minister of Magic of a small country made a public declaration, threatening that Voldemort was a clown who would only hide in the XZ.

The next day Voldemort broke into the country's Ministry of Magic and slaughtered more than fifty wizards. Then he reappeared at the station of the patchwork pursuit team, killing the flies that had been following his **** during this period of time.

For a time, all the horses were in unison, and no one dared to speak.

Even the British mainland seemed very negative. The pages in the newspapers seemed to be occupied by Voldemort alone. Many elderly people were forced to recall the terrible war more than ten years ago. The tense atmosphere continued until Easter.

The Ministry of Magic has finally finalized and announced the time for the Dark Wizard's trial.

At the same time, Felix also received a letter from Wizengamot, the highest wizarding court.