A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 643: Christmas full moon night

The dinner ended in a relaxed atmosphere.

The invited guests left the venue one after another. Felix glanced around in the crowd, but did not find Carlotta Pinkstone. He originally planned to find a chance to contact this person, but from Ms. Burns. Judging from the expressions on their return, it is estimated that the two of them were not having a good chat, and Pinkstone left early.

Professor Slughorn was very satisfied with the party. Now he was standing in front of the ornate fireplace, seeing off every guest who had left. Verbal and physical responses.

"Elder, my dear student, you haven't published much in recent years. I'm looking forward to reading your masterpieces."

"McLaggen, say hello to Tiberus for me! And Scrimgeour, he's got to be free lately."

"Madame Chabini, thank you for the gift..."

"Oh, Frank and Alice, can I call you that? Great... I'm sorry I didn't send a blessing on your opening day, and I was hesitant to accept the teaching position... Neville? Well, he behaved Well done..." Slughorn took Frank Longbottom's hand enthusiastically and said in a very intimate tone: "To be honest, I think your performance in this war is completely worthy of two. Merlin Medal, but since you already have two first-class ones." He patted Frank's shoulder heavily, "Help me bring it to Augusta."

Alice kissed Neville's forehead and disappeared into the green flames with her husband.

"How are you going to get back?" Hermione asked her parents, and Felix looked over the Grangers' shoulders to see Sirius and Ms. Burns saying goodbye to Harry.

"It's Floo, of course," said Mr. Granger, slightly excited. "That's how we got here, it's incredible! Professor Slughorn said he temporarily enchanted our fireplace, I guess maybe It's similar to accessing a network signal."

Hermione was startled.

"God! How can you..." she said anxiously, "what if you called the wrong address? Harry strayed into Knockturn Alley for this reason... Professor?" She looked at Felix for help.

"I can Apparate—" Felix said after a while.

"Oh, don't worry!" Professor Slughorn exclaimed cheerfully, after seeing the Weasleys off, with a big belly and a walrus whisker between his lips. "Thanks to Amelie. Ya! I said something along the way when I accepted the invitation, and she graciously agreed to help."

Ms. Burns, whose name was called, nodded in this direction.

"That's it," said Slughorn with a smile, and they came to the fireplace, and after Sirius and Harry embraced, they left through the fire,

Slughorn took out his wand and tapped it on the fireplace.

"Okay, then whatever you shout will lead to one place - for today only."

"Thanks for the hospitality, we had a great evening," Mr. Granger said to the crowd, taking Mrs. Granger's hand. "Welcome to the house, Mr. Hepp," said Mrs. Granger politely. "That's right," Mr. Granger looked at Felix and seemed to think of something, "Actually, I have collected various types of tooth specimens, if you are interested...

Mrs. Granger squeezed her fingers hard.

"Cough, um—goodbye."

The next morning, most of the students left the school on the Hogwarts Express, heading home for the holidays. However, some people still choose to stay in school.

And there are still a lot of them. In addition to the students of the 'Animagus class, there are some people who were sentenced to detention for abusing magical transformation.

Harry took advantage of his breakfast in the Great Hall to tell Ron and Hermione what Sirius had said to him last night.

They all expressed their opinions. Hermione looked worried, "Well, I vaguely guessed it from Ms. Burns' letter." Ron's response was flat, "According to Sirius, that's decades away, isn't it? We? Just think about it."

He frowned and said, looking around, the people sitting with them to eat are all chewing and swallowing slowly, which makes people lose their appetite.

According to Professor McGonagall, from the full moon, she will provide a special recipe for students preparing to practice.

"It will prevent some of you from being careless from swallowing a mandrake leaf."

After breakfast, Hermione went to the library as usual, "We have twelve papers to write!" "It's eleven, Hermione," Ron pointed out her mistake, "Harry and I didn't have a divination class. "

The end result was that only Hermione went to the library alone.

Harry and Ron chose to go for a ride on broomsticks. There was no one in the school now, so they could happily race around the Black Lake, only to accidentally bump into Warren, who was skating with the Snowman Sniffing Army, and the two grinned. With a smile, he started a snowball fight with Warren.

Because of playing too much, the ordinary blades of grass in Harry and Ron's mouths fell out several times in the middle. When they returned to the castle and calmed down, they expressed some pessimistic views on their respective futures.

"I don't think so, I can't help not to speak." Ron said negatively, "Even if we do, we have to get up every morning and night to chant the spell, and we have to wait for thunderstorms, and even Bill and Percy, who have the best grades, go to school. Never thought about the Animagos."

"Don't be discouraged, Ron. We've even made it through Voldemort's level," Harry encouraged, but when Ron pointed out that he would be leading Quidditch training after school, it would be impossible without speaking up. Harry followed Yuzu up.

When she saw Hermione at night, she didn't show a good face, but instead sneered at the two people's unprofessional behavior, and went back to sleep early. It wasn't until the next day when Harry opened the presents under the little Christmas tree that he was in a better mood.

As usual, Harry received a sweater knitted by Mrs. Weasley, some sweets, and products from the twins, including a boxing binoculars, which Ron angrily tossed aside when he showed it to Ron. Because the twins had given him a test, he tried to save the trouble and gave it to Professor Hepp, but he was terrified when he remembered that it was something from his two unreliable older brothers.

Harry also unpacked Ron's gifts - a tiger hat.

"Collins picked it up, if you don't feel good, go to her," said Ron, who himself put on a parrot hat and looked in the mirror. "Where did she buy it?" Harry asked with interest, it seemed to be a series, and he wanted to ask if there was an antler model, which he planned to give to Ginny next year.

"Fengya Wizard's Clothing," said Ron. "It can only be there."

"Is Collins all right?" Hermione asked as they came downstairs. "Didn't she and Tonks track Carlotta Pinkstone? She turned up at the party last night."

"It shouldn't be a big problem," Ron said slowly after thinking for a while. "Their mission ended at noon yesterday. Who would have thought that that woman would have a relationship with Professor Slughorn and was invited. ."

On the other hand, Felix had just finished opening the gift, which was a lot of work.

Felix was most satisfied with Luna's gift--perhaps because he helped with the 'offer'--a portrait of him smiling so brightly that Felix didn't know when he gave Luna. This impression left by Na, but he soon solved his doubts. A small note was written with Luna's blessing:

Merry Christmas, Felix. Love your gift, ready to take it home for Dad to see, another one I took inspiration from your enchanted portrait of St Mungo's hanging on the fourth floor when Dad was being treated.

Warren also received a painting, but—perhaps this one suited Luna’s aesthetic—it was a stone painting. In a one-foot-square frame, hundreds of carefully selected pebbles are painted and pieced together into the shape of a sniff, behind which a green cape is cut out of palm-sized leaves, with edges and corners. And swings majestically.

Valen watched it for a long time, seeming to both dislike and like it.

Until Felix said in a sour tone, "We can exchange." Varen immediately hugged the painting and looked at him vigilantly. After turning around and coming back, the other stone painting had been placed in Felix's place. next to the blank magic portrait. If one day the portrait of St. Mungo comes back to stop by,

You'll be surprised to find yourself with an odd-looking neighbor.

Felix was about to ask, what the **** did he and Luna talk about that made him laugh so happily, and he was painted and sent to himself?

By the afternoon, a strong smell of cooking wafted into the house along the cold air.

Warren, who was sitting on the sofa watching cartoons, sniffed the smell, and quickly called out a series of dish names. He and Felix looked at each other for a while, and agreed to turn off the projector and go downstairs to the auditorium.

The hall looked very empty, with only one of the four academy tables left, and a bulging wizard's colorful bag of firecrackers was placed every few positions—a variety of hats and bizarre gadgets could be exploded from it. They came early, it was not time for dinner, but there were already students there.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two consecutive sounds resembling the explosion of a cannon echoed in the auditorium, a purple smoke filled the air, the figures of the two students were looming, and there were bursts of coughing, accompanied by "It's all your fault" and "It's your suggestion. of" is a few words.

Felix couldn't help laughing. These were two Hufflepuff students. They were sentenced to detention on the charge of smearing the reputation of the college. They turned each other into a honey badger. The professor mobilized half of the college's Hufflepuff students to find the unlucky one in the lounge for a long time.

There were more and more people, and Felix chatted with Warren in a low voice.

"The four? I heard that they were from a dormitory, and they were going to study the Animagus transformation quietly. A secret study group was set up for this purpose. As a result, they were discovered next door because of the uncontrollable sound of tiger roaring. The other three people at the scene were trembling with fear."

The four Ravenclaw girls gave them an embarrassed look as they passed by.

The professors also appeared gradually, and sat scattered at the long table. Dumbledore was wearing a moon-white robe, with a happy face, "Merry Christmas!"

He said enthusiastically: "There are a lot of people this year, I temporarily added a batch of colorful firecrackers, sit down!"

Not many are as happy as he is. Most of the students—either punished (all four houses, mostly Gryffindor) or members of the Animagus class, only a few actually voluntarily stayed.

He glanced around, looked at the scowling student, and said, "It's Christmas, and I think our job is to fill our mouths with food, not a small leaf... What do you think, Minerva?"

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips, "You are right, Dumbledore." As soon as he finished speaking, half of the students immediately took out the leaves from their mouths happily, and the atmosphere suddenly became warm. Dumbledore struck while the iron was hot, grabbing a handful of wizard-colored firecrackers and stuffing them with everyone he could reach.

Others followed suit, and the long table was suddenly filled with bangs, and clusters of smoke of different colors exploded. Felix drew an ordinary wizard hat, and used four colors of thin lines to outline the lines. Harry and Ron opened two sailor hats, which Felix thought was far less than what they were wearing on their heads. The tiger hat and parrot hat came out wonderfully, and Hermione picked the wide-brimmed hat, which she fiddled with happily.

Then they looked at Snape out of the corner of their eyes, last time he had pulled out a lady's pointed hat, wonder what it was this time? Even Dumbledore looked at him with interest, and Snape pulled away the firecracker expressionlessly, and when the smoke cleared, a stag hat appeared in his hand.

This time it was Harry's turn to be unhappy. He looked at the beautiful pair of antlers jealously, and felt that this hat was a waste in Snape's hands. If no one wanted it after the dinner party, he might quietly take it away... Snape didn't like it, so he shoved the hat into Snape's hands. Professor McGonagall, but Professor McGonagall liked his feather hat, so it ended up in Dumbledore's hands.

"Eat it!" said Dumbledore in the deer hat with a smile.

The crowd began to enjoy the food, and Warren was also assigned a seat, sitting opposite Professor Flitwick. Their chairs were all custom-made and looked strangely symmetrical.

Harry gulps down the smooth and soft mashed potatoes, Ron tore at the meat from the ribs, half of the students devoured them with fierce eyes, and Felix couldn't help but sympathize with the look of suffering.

However, that's it. Because tonight is the full moon. These students will undergo a more severe test. He has seen the special recipes that Professor McGonagall prepares to give to the kitchen house-elves. Most of them are tasteless but quickly filling.

At the dinner, everyone was busy eating, except Trelawney holding a sherry bottle and kept spreading the rumor that the six-legged creature would bring misfortune to the castle, just as Felix was wondering what it was , Professor McGonagall tilted her head quietly and whispered in a weird tone, "Albus is going to recruit a centaurion into the school."

Felix suddenly realized.

Just when Trelawney mentioned the matter for the twelfth time, and her tone became more and more certain, Dumbledore stood up.

"...more than one death, I saw one—"

"Felch," Dumbledore asked cheerfully, "is that thing ready?"

Filch lifted his head from his plate, bent over and said, "Yes, Headmaster, I put it in the corner and covered it with a bitter green cloth."

"Excellent," said Dumbledore, looking around as everyone else looked over. Dumbledore pointed with his wand, and a piece of green cloth flew from an inconspicuous place in the corner, and below it was a delicately shaped machine.

The latest model of projector," he said happily, "I bought it and tried it myself, and I liked the 'immersive mode' in it the most. "

He glanced at Felix, then pulled the machine over and placed it close by.

With a "click" sound, a large amount of dark golden smoke spewed from the magic projector, as if it were endless, and as if it was just to fill the place where they were, which was the auditorium, and soon their feet were covered with a foot thick. golden mist.


Mrs Norris sprang from under Filch's feet and jumped onto his lap. "Don't be afraid, Mrs Norris," Filch said hoarsely, but his lightbulb eyes were still watching the machine warily. .

At this time, there was singing in the air, as if it was ringing in their ears, and the smoke rose and gathered into golden dancers. They looked exactly like real people, dancing around the long table, and their skirts were as tiny as gold dust. mist.

The eyes of the students went straight. They seemed to be involved in a lively party. They saw the performances of the Weird Sisters Group, the Skeleton Dance Troupe~lightnovelpub.net~ and the rough dwarf dance. Soft and beautiful singing, interspersed with a strange language that everyone can't understand, singing tactfully...

"Christmas this year is so worth it," said Ron in admiration. The surrounding students nodded silently in agreement with him.

As the dinner was over, the students sparsely pulled up their chairs and prepared to leave. Felix glared at Warren, who had slipped into the vicinity of Grindelwald and brought from him a very beautiful Christmas hat.

Grindelwald leaned back conditionedly and touched his chest.

Dumbledore's movements stopped for a moment, and then he continued to stand up—Harry captured this moment keenly, and a strange feeling arose in his heart. "What's the matter, Harry?" asked Hagrid from across the two tables.

No, nothing—" Harry was suddenly speechless, staring at Hagrid, his bushy beard studded with a small piece of onion.

He remembered that Hagrid accidentally mentioned to them that Dumbledore seemed to have known Professor Bagshot for a long time, and Bagshot was a disciple of the dark wizard Grindelwald, and Harry happened to be from Sirius's letter to him from Lily, Accidentally learned that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were close friends when they were young... There was a vague clue in front of Harry's eyes, connecting the three.

What exactly is it?

The classmates of the Animagas class stay," Professor McGonagall said in a loud voice at this time, "Get dressed, we are going to the courtyard. "



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