A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 723: page

The latest website: As Christmas approaches, the festive cheerful atmosphere is diluted by the solemn, solemn air, and everyone's heart is heavy, as if they too are hung with invisible holly and mistletoe weeping ribbons like the Christmas tree in the auditorium. More and more news and photos of New York Harbor, from traffic jams caused by blizzards, to the arrival of soldiers, marines, and coast guards in the harbor, and calls for calm and restraint from the United Nations headquarters... stretched nerves.

At first, the White House did try to glorify the conflict as an 'exercise' - "to help the wizard see the situation and his place in the world." But it soon became apparent that it didn't work.

With the tenacity and solidarity behind the unusual silence displayed by the entire magical world, and the news that "hundreds of little wizards have been illegally imprisoned and abused for more than 20 years" intensified around the world, they quickly turned their guns and started Slams the legitimacy of the Federation and Union Charter.

The White House claims that wizards are a minority and should follow American law. But when pressed by reporters what he thought of the 200-page list of criminals provided by the International Confederation of Wizards and the International Pan-Magic League, the spokesman remained silent. The federal court, which represents justice and public order, lost its voice at a critical moment.

A public relations expert from the other side of the ocean, acting like Luna, told the unpleasant truth in one sentence:

"The secret of the conflict is written on the last page of the Federation and Union Charter."

When people took up the magnifying glass and carefully checked the dense signatures on the documents with a great sense of inquiry, they were shocked to find that the truth was so simple:

Next to the signature of 'Felix Hepp' - to this day, the name is well known, and in North America alone, there are more than 300 organizations that inexplicably insist on having a relationship with him. A line of dark green small print clearly reads:

'The above statutes are recognized and signed by all representatives of the magic world, and the archmage is authorized to ensure their implementation. ’

Some people suddenly realized that a few days ago, the spokesperson of the International Federation of Wizards announced with a solemn expression that Felix Hepp was ordered to pick up the American wizards who were facing personal threats, but before that, he would participate as the only wizard representative. - said the speaker in a sarcastic tone - the so-called peace exercise.

"This is Mr. Hepp's personal choice. I don't want to analyze his intentions in detail. All I can do is pray for him, just as we were waiting for the outcome of that legendary duel half a century ago."

In the days that followed, various tabloids invariably used catchy words such as "cruel" and "bloody", and some even put up the headline "Black Christmas".

The morning before Christmas, the time came and the whole world went quiet.

The early morning sky was a cool, dark blue, and the weather was cold and dry. Dozens of warships swam like ghosts a few kilometers away from the port, and the splash of water they pushed forward made the ice-free port more and more restless. At least hundreds of earth observation satellites in the sky have pointed their lenses here, and these satellites are enough to observe centimeter-level pictures.

In an underground command room deep in the port, the atmosphere was extremely depressing. Because more than ten minutes ago, a phone call came in, telling them to "start." At this point, an operation with the word "hunting" started in full swing. Suddenly, an abnormal disturbance occurred in a satellite image.

A group of people gathered around the abnormal satellite screen.

"what happened?"

"Not sure yet!"

"What about ground radar?"

"Apart from the marked helicopters, fighter jets, and warships, no moving targets were found."

At this time, a civilian raised his hand to signal: "The report, the report, is similar to the one in the handbook that was handed out."


"Magic disturbance."

The commander looked very stunned, "Is there someone on the satellite?" A surveillance officer with his back to the general whispered: "That person has even been on the moon." His subtext was naturally compared to the moon, the distance of a satellite is different. What does it count? The general interrupted rudely: "There's no evidence that he's ever been on the moon! Except for that dust—"

As soon as the voice fell, a young profile appeared in the picture, the corners of his mouth wriggled, as if he was talking to himself, but unfortunately the voice could not come through. Then the picture fell into darkness.

The general swallowed and asked, "Does anyone see what he said?"

There was silence in the command room. After a few seconds, a voice in the corner said quietly: "From the English pronunciation, I think what he said is..." The voice paused, and seemed to find it unbelievable, "u...s...a..."

In the next ten minutes, the hundreds of grids divided on the big screen went out one by one. Those pictures were like the flames that humans controlled when they first took control of civilization, and they were snuffed out one by one by invisible hands in the dark. The air conditioner in the room seemed to be completely broken, and the temperature was as suffocating as the ice and snow outside.

After another three minutes, no picture disappeared. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, at this time less than half of the intact satellite image was left. Just as he was taking a breath, the telephones in the command room kept ringing.

"Shut up those wine bags and rice bags!" the general roared. "The target may have given up. Immediately mobilize the remaining satellites, turn on the radar power to the maximum, and tell the helicopters, reconnaissance planes, and fighter jets to search for—"

Hundreds of fighter jets patrolled the sky, dragging out long white trails. The sky was cut into fine pieces by the 'white smoke', like a criss-crossed chessboard, encircling the morning star that had not completely disappeared.

When the early warning aircraft almost climbed to an altitude of 30,000 meters, it finally sent back the message, "Target found!! Are you launching an attack?" Followed by military radar and satellite positioning, the picture gradually became clear, although only one of the back of the head was illuminated.

"Attack." The commander gave the order indifferently.

Felix is ​​resisting the urge to use magic, letting himself slowly fall like a feather. Although he can fly. At this moment, Felix is ​​still in the mood to calculate with joy. According to the current speed, he will land in about three hours... that is really a long time.

The orange-red fire light connected the dots into a line, and then intertwined into a net, rushing towards him like a gust of wind and rain. But under the influence of the Thinking Cabin, which was extended dozens of kilometers away, Felix knew even before the pilots in the fighter jets whether these high-speed machine gun bullets would hit the target - that is, him. Because this is definitely a technical job, he is still too small compared to the size of the plane.

Felix dodged symbolically a few times, followed by various types of cannons, air-to-air missiles, laser-guided bombs, and the sky turned into a fireworks field, which began to flicker wildly, and the thunder was deafening. When another fireball with an explosion radius of more than 200 meters exploded beside him, trying to annihilate him, Felix dignified into the air.

Everything was silent again. Felix carefully looked at the black smoke nearby and the much brighter sky. Various fighter planes in the distance were trying to turn around.

"At this height, you should see clearly, right?" Felix whispered to himself. Of course, he was not talking to the pilot, or even the commander on the ground, but was talking to more than 200 countries and regimes on the earth. -Conventional weapons are ineffective against him.

Felix stretched out his hand and said flatly, "Then let's end it as soon as possible." Under the circumstances of preparation, he has too many means to use.

In a dazzling light green light, there were bursts of sounds like a baby crying, the sound became clearer and louder, and then stopped abruptly. Felix stood in the air and lowered his arms expressionlessly. Within the range shrouded by the Thinking Cabin, a streamlined fighter jet suddenly lost control and fell crookedly.

The cry of a mature mandrake would kill someone—a spell he had intended to keep forever.

Before long, the information about it will be on the desks of leaders of various countries, and its magical effect is comparable to that of a nuclear bomb - under the action of huge magical power, it can cover a city with almost no side effects, and create a dead zone in the blink of an eye. Not even mosquitoes and cockroaches can escape. Felix suddenly felt like a businessman selling death—the spokesperson for the **** of death. He was showing the performance of the product to potential buyers at the moment, and he was afraid that the customer would not know the product, so he had to match it with an instruction manual.

Felix knew no one could hear him now, but he still wanted to say something.

"It is inevitable to develop to the present. Even if it is not the United States, it will be other countries. The more I think about it, the more meticulous the plan, and even the chaotic places like Africa are taken care of, and wars are avoided as much as possible... The result will be better. It's the opposite of the whole world."

"As a group with power, wizards should have been used by various countries as soon as they were exposed, but I delayed this process, which made many people suspect that wizards are strong outsiders. Indeed, without me... top combat power, wizards Either resist, compromise, or hide deeper, and some places will fall into war... The chaos will inevitably last for several years or more than a decade, but this process will also allow everyone to give a close-to-true evaluation. The new order is in the blood. Built with fire, at the cost of countless lives."

"I hate chaos, so I single-handedly brought about the Charter of the Confederation and Union, just as four of the most brilliant wizards and witches joined forces to found Hogwarts a thousand years ago. When you think about it, I'm too early for this scene. There is anticipation, it seems to see the future - well, it's not wrong to a certain extent - and in that case, it is my responsibility to ensure that this future becomes an inevitable reality."

From today, everyone will know what it means to stand on the opposite side of an archmage, especially an archmage in the ancient Rune realm.

Felix's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the edge of the port and could smell the breath of the sea. He stretched out his left hand with his palm facing upwards, and a book that was richly colored by magic appeared out of thin air. He opened the book of magic words with his right hand, and flicked the pages with his fingertips. One of them fell off in an instant, floating in the air like a feather. It swayed in the middle, without any strength at all.

But in the eyes of the wise mages, this page carried their unimaginable magic.

Felix's body was straight, he raised his head unhurriedly, and his eyes swept in all directions - in fact, this was unnecessary, because the Thinking Cabin had already told him that there were still two kilometers away from the nearest helicopter, and the fleet was wandering outside the port. Before turning his head, the city in the distance was piled up with snow, the reflections of the glass and telescopes on the tall buildings were intertwined, and he could even vaguely hear the roar of motorcycles and excited shouts.

He totally understands. The entire city in front of us has a total area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers and is home to nearly 8 million people. Of course, most of the people have been evacuated temporarily, which caused a huge congestion, but there are still a small group of people who choose to stay and watch the fun. And the depressing long streets vacated by the city also give these people the opportunity to express their primitive violent desires in broad daylight, steel, leather, motorcycles, muscles, sweat...

Felix believes that this may become a source of inspiration for many artists in the coming week.

The next second, the page fell to the ground.

The ancient rune danced like ice crystals, and the ice-blue magic power suddenly rolled up and merged with the biting cold wind around it, making the clothes rattle. These magic powers are like dyes that fall into a pool, causing ripples and ripples - Felix has used this magic, even more than once, but the magic power consumed is far less than one thousandth of the current - the result is, With him as the center, all the colors began to fade away, and only clear lines remained, whether it was buildings or people. If you look closely, you will find that a light halo is reflected on their surfaces.

The coverage of this magic is so wide that it covers all the soldiers, headquarters, and some warships scattered on the coastline. These people are still alive, of course, but they'll go into silence with the city for the next week, like a storyboard transformed from reality into a comic book.

After doing all this~lightnovelpub.net~ Felix stepped out and appeared outside the port. There was no sound around, and he couldn't help but think of his first experience in the universe, and a bold idea suddenly popped into his mind - to roll up New York City like Grapp's cabin at the Burrow, It hangs on the door of the White House in Washington, but even he thinks the idea is crazy, and it is estimated that the contact information that Akinbad and Ms. Burns can use at this moment are about to be destroyed.

The movement from the Thinking Cabin also reminded him of the importance of business. Felix stood at a high altitude and looked down. The sea water seemed to have a clear dividing line, half of which was real sea water, and half of which was a wave shape that can only be found in comic books. . He looked at the city again, not everyone was 'lineated', he deliberately avoided those wizard families hidden in the dark, they were intact, and now they appeared very prominent among the messy black and white lines.

The most conspicuous of these is the Woolworth Building, the headquarters of the Magical Congress of the United States, where there are hundreds of wizards.

Seeing Horace Greensteen fly towards him on a broomstick, Felix suddenly realized that the people of the Magical Congress of the United States might be about to relocate for the sixth time.
