A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 99: test

   At eight o'clock that evening, a row of little wizards stood in the office of the ancient magic text.

   Felix leaned against the table, rubbing his chin with one hand, "Um..." He looked at these mischievous elements.

   There are really many acquaintances.

   There are a total of nine little wizards, with four redheads, Ron, twins, and Ginny.

   The other five people are Luna, Graham Monty, Marcus Flint, Eddie Camille, Stebbins.

   "One of the four academies will not fall." Felix said.

   "Let me think about it, Fred, George, Graham, Marcus, the four of you, fighting on the court;"

   "Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, sneak into the forbidden forest to feed the little animals;"

   "Eddie Camille, selling illegal drugs;"

   "Stebbins," Felix glanced at him in surprise: "There are hundreds of love letters to the same girl;"

   "Of course, and Ron Weasley, misbehaving, pushing the professor."

   Felix walked up to them, all of them were talents.

   "Professor, they did it first," Fred said.

   "It's you guys peeping at the training of our team!" Graham Monty said, he is the same grade as the twins and is the pursuit hand of Slytherin.

   "Aren't you the same? Don't tell me Wallington is here for a walk!"

   Some other little wizards watched the excitement, some bowed their heads and said nothing. The two youngest girls, Luna fiddled with her butterbeer necklace with her fingers, while staring at the quarrel, while Ginny lowered her head and remained silent.

   "Quiet," Felix said, "The quarrel cannot change the fact that you are standing in front of me."

   "I came to you today to do some testing work. I need you to dig out possible problems with it as much as possible."

   He glanced at everyone, "I think this is at least much more interesting than copying data and dealing with weeds."

   Felix moved his fingers, and nine pieces of parchment behind him flew in front of the little wizard.

  Fred looked at the parchment in his hand. Its workmanship was quite exquisite, and its surface was filled with magical gleams. Except for a circle of patterns imprinted on all sides, the central position is blank.

   "Oh, yes, you need some temporary tables and chairs." Felix drew out his wand and deformed all kinds of gadgets on the table into small tables and small chairs.

Nine little wizards sat on chairs under the sign of the professor. Marcus Flint was the largest, and it looked like a giant sitting on the ground. Felix had to raise the table and chairs for him. .

   Several people looked at the blank parchment.

   "Professor, what do we need to do?"

Felix said: "The parchment in front of you is my new teaching aid, and what you have to do is to answer the above questions. Of course, before using the teaching aid, you need to activate it. The method is: use a magic wand against the parchment paper Come on, say the phrase'I like ancient magic texts'."

   The little wizard on the chair looked at Professor Haipu who was talking with a dull expression.

   The twins looked at each other, winking, trying to express something.

   Ron raised his hand: "Professor Haipu, I have never studied ancient magic... and Ginny and her friends."

   Felix said gently: "It doesn't matter, you still have a beta version at the moment. There are not many questions about ancient magic texts above, and many of them are common sense in the magical world."

   Then, he looked at everyone, "You will find that all the questions are multiple-choice questions. You only need to use your magic wand to point on the answer you think is correct, and it will give you feedback."

   "This process will be fun, let's get started, little wizards."

   Among the little wizards present, Luna had the least psychological burden. She happily took out her wand and clicked it on the parchment, "I like ancient magic writing."

   Under the gaze of the surrounding little wizards, the parchment paper glowed with a hazy light, and then, a line of text appeared in the blank space.

   "Welcome to the answer space."

   A few seconds later, the writing disappeared, and the first problem appeared.

  ‘Do you prefer leaves or thorns? ’

   Luna happily was on the option of ‘leaf’.

  ‘Do you prefer to explore, protect or serve? ’

   Luna’s wand is on the ‘Explore’ option.

  ‘Do you prefer to think, touch or feel? ’

   Luna thought for a few seconds, then chose the option of ‘feeling’.

   The other little wizards suddenly realized that it doesn't seem to be difficult~ They can't wait to start trying.

   There was an episode in the middle. When Fred used his magic wand on the parchment, he subconsciously said: "I solemnly swear—"

   But he was immediately stunned by George.

   "——Oh, uh, I like ancient magic texts." Fred rounded the words back.

   Ron on the other side looked at him, a little unclear. So, do you like ancient magic text so much? Still have to swear?

   But in short, everyone started to answer the questions.

   Soon they discovered that the above questions are not fixed, some are very simple-or ask your feelings, or some common sense of magic; but some are difficult, involving knowledge of various disciplines.

   Moreover, different types of problems, parchment give different feedback.

   For example, Ron is facing a question, "I encounter a basilisk by chance, how should you respond? ’

   He confidently chose the option of ‘beat it’ and showed it to Ginny. As a result, a few blood-red characters appeared on the parchment paper——

   "Your ending is embarrassing. If there is another time, run faster."

   Luna, who came to watch the excitement, gave out a string of nightly laughter. She laughed out of breath, and Ginny patted her on the back to comfort her.

   Ron looked a little unhappy.

Marcus Flint faces most of the knowledge questions about ancient magic texts. The previous questions are relatively simple. Every time the parchment gives him feedback, "You are great", "You are the next one." Mowen Expert", "Unbelievable Victory".

Then he answered seven wrong questions in a row, and the parchment's evaluation of him went all the way down, becoming "a bit bad", "Did you really study?", "What's the opposite of me~lightnovelpub.net ~Trolls?"

   His face darkened visibly.

   But the next question is about the history of magic, ‘when did the "International Wizarding Federation Confidentiality Act" come into effect? ’

   Marcus struggled for a long time, and chose the first answer, ‘1637’, nothing else, it’s Chun Meng.

   Several exaggerated character lines appeared on the parchment paper. It was a few people beating a big man who looked like a giant monster.

   There is also an explanation text that appeared at the same time, ‘The Confidentiality Act was signed in 1689. If you don’t want to be treated as a troll, just remember it! ’

  Marcus pouted, who has nothing to remember this.

   Eddie Camille’s questions are almost all about the consequences of reselling illegal drugs.

  ‘In 1927, the dark wizard Campos reselled the inferior Buffy Brain Rejuvenation potion. What happened later? ’

   He looked at the options, ‘I was killed by another dark wizard when I bought the goods’, ‘I was imprisoned in Azkaban and sentenced to ten years’, ‘It’s safe and sound to retire with enough money.

   Eddie Camille chose the last option expectantly.

   The black and red handwriting appeared abruptly on the parchment, which looked like it was written in dried blood.

  ' Campos was attacked by his partner when he purchased the goods, and was later captured by the Auror of the Ministry of Magic and sentenced to ten years in prison. ’

   Eddie swallowed, but before it was finished, the next line of handwriting read "Campos only spent seven years in Azkaban and died."

   Other little wizards will more or less encounter this kind of problems related to their confinement, and many people will be sweating profusely after answering.

   Behind the desk, Felix leaned on the back of the chair, looked at the delicate scroll in his hand, and smiled happily.