A Clash of Gods

v1 Chapter 12: escape

Yang Ning waited a while for the old bark to leave, and then went out to wake the monkey. The monkey hadn't slept long. His face was blank and vaguely said: "Marten ... Marten, what happened? "

Yang Ning said with a smile: "You get up, I will take you to a place."

The monkey glanced out of the door, it was still dark outside, and he had to ask. Yang Ning said: "If you don't go, you will regret it, and you won't choose it yourself."

The monkey was very puzzled, but he got up and awakened several others. Several of them were at a loss. Yang Ning did not delay. He led several people out of the Temple of Earth and made the monkey lead the way to the south gate.

The monkeys and others were very strange along the way. After several inquiries, Yang Ning only mentioned self-knowledge. Not far from the Nancheng Gate, a few people sat under a wall.

At three o'clock in the hour, the sky was already bright, and some people were sparsely scattered at the gate. After the gate opened, Yang Ning immediately took the monkey and others out of the city.

Huze City must be rigorously searched when entering the city. If you are out of the city, you will also check if you are driving, but Yang Ning and others will call Hua Zi at first glance. The city gate.

After leaving the city, Yang Ning did not say much. He walked briskly and walked out of the land with monkeys and others in one breath.

"Boss Diao, where are we going?" The monkey couldn't help but stop, "Now the whole Huize County can't be considered peaceful, and we might come back to the city if we encounter a bandit. Safe here. "

Yang Ning stopped and turned around, said lightly: "Stretch out your hand!"

When the monkey was startled, he saw Yang Ning staring at himself with a certain expression, hesitated, or reached out. Yang Ning put a finger on the palm of the monkey. The monkey was stunned for some reason.

"If you change this money, you can get dozens or two of silver if you don't talk about it." Yang Ning said: "Monkey, how quickly can you take them away from here, how far can you go, if there is no accident, in a few hours Inside, someone will search for our whereabouts. "

The monkey and several others looked at each other, so it was unknown, but the monkey quickly put his finger in his hand and smiled: "Boss Diao, did you make a fortune?" He only thought that Yang Ning stole the flower house last night I made a sum of money and now pay dividends to everyone.

"The big fortune didn't happen, but it was a big disaster." Yang Ning said very painfully: "Xiao Yishui was killed by someone. His party may want to count this debt on my head. You live on the land with me. Temple, this debt also has to be counted on you, so you can hurry to escape now. Pull your fingers and change the money, you can guarantee your entanglement, we will not pass this, maybe we will never see this life again. "

He was neat and tidy, and without delay, he immediately went south.

After the monkeys and others froze for a moment, they were all frightened, and immediately chased over, horrified and said: "Miao ..... mink boss, you killed Xiao ..... Xiao Yishui?"

"Who killed it is no longer important." Yang Ning didn't return his head, and his steps were faster. "But if you follow me, the danger will be greater. They may have chased them out. What to do, you choose."

The monkey stopped and froze for a while. Several people watched Yang Ning fall into the darkness. After a moment, a person behind him cautiously asked, "Monkey, let's ... what shall we do?"

"What else can I do?" The monkey spit on the ground. "The man must have been killed by this kid. It's our eyes. We don't want this kid to be so courageous and so powerful ...." He also made a tremble with Xiao Er'er, and was afraid after a while, "We will be implicated with him, let alone say anything, hurry to escape, the sooner we leave Huize County, the better." Not daring to follow Yang Ning's direction, raised his hand to the east and pointed, "Let's go over there and run!"

Yang Ning parted ways with the monkeys and others, relieved his breath heavily, breeze the cool breeze, and comfortably.

Suddenly, the situation changed suddenly. How could Yang Ning expect to do such a big thing just after passing through, and even thought he would have to run around in a blink of an eye.

It is imperative to escape from Huize County and continue to search for the whereabouts of Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was sent to the capital. Yang Ning thought with his buttocks that the situation would be very miserable. Fluttershy had a life-saving grace for him, so he could not let go.

Although he is well aware of his current weakness, he may not actually be able to find Fluttershy or even rescue her, but even so, he must do his best so that he can live up to his conscience.

He now has some clues. At least he knows that Fluttershy and the other girls were taken away by the Escort. The destination is Jingcheng, and they have been away for three days.

So to find Fluttershy, first find the dart team.

Huize City is about half a month away from Beijing, so the dart team is only on the way.

Since there are a lot of girls, the dart team will not be too small. Since it is one of the best darts in Beijing, for safety reasons, it is naturally impossible for them to set aside this flag.

The so-called dart game is not about how powerful the force is, but the network is very broad. Even if there are many masters, it is almost impossible to get the dart to the world.

Hanging the flag, all the way unimpeded, some darts can even avoid the investigation along the way, this advantage, of course, will not be abandoned.

Yang Ning believes that such a dart team will be very conspicuous, so he may not be able to get news when he inquires along the way.

In addition, although the dart team left three days earlier than their own, it was never possible to take both day and night along the way. Using their time to rest and sharpen to close the distance, it is not impossible.

As long as he can catch up with the dart team, he will have a chance to get close to Fluttershy. Even if Fluttershy cannot be rescued, but he will follow him all the way and eventually have a chance to shoot.

He thought as he walked, and the sky was already bright when he passed away.

Looking forward, it was a rather broad official way. He frowned. He walked above the official way in such a grand manner. Once Xiao Yishui's party chased him, he would easily find himself. He realized that he was still there. During the escape, this time is really not suitable for walking on official roads.

He turned to the detour, heading south all the way, trying to catch up with the dart team, so there was no rest at all on the way. When he was hungry, he took a few sips of water in the stream and found some wild fruits to fill his hunger. The next day At dusk, it is getting farther and farther away from Huize County.

Unconsciously, he followed a detour, but turned to the official road again, and saw a grass shed at the intersection. There was a bamboo pole erected outside the grass shed, and a curtain was hung on it, and a big "tea" was written on it. "word.

This should be a Taobian tea shed.

Yang Ning really felt a little thirsty at this time. When he walked over, he saw a man in his forties sitting on a wooden chair in front of the tea shed. He smiled and said, "Uncle, you ...!"

Before he finished, the man's eyes were slanted and he waved: "Go away, there's nothing to eat here." He turned around and didn't look at Yang Ning.

Yang Ning was stunned, thinking that the quality of this man's qualities was really unimpressive, and immediately bowed his head, realizing that his dress was still called Huazi, no wonder that the man drove away when he saw it, thinking that someone came to beg.

"Uncle, I want to ask you something." Yang Ning would naturally not leave. Instead, he stepped forward two steps and smiled and said, "Are there any darts passing by here these days? This is the official way to Beijing Right? "

"Nonsense." The man turned his head and didn't have a good air: "If you know that the official road can go to the capital, how can there be no team? There are many teams back and forth every day. Do I have to remember which caravans are one by one? Which are the dart teams? "

The man had a bad temper, and Yang Ning didn't take it seriously. He said with a smile: "Can you give the slobber? The thirst is tight."

"It's natural to drink water, not only water, but also tea." The man leaned and looked at Yang Ning with a smile: "As long as you have money, you can get something for you."

As soon as his words fell, he heard a woman's voice say: "Isn't it just a bowl of water? There's nothing reluctant, don't let other people vent their anger when the business is not good." Then came a woman wearing an apron from the tea shed, He handed a bowl of water to Yang Ning, Yang Ning took it in a hurry, and drank it up.

The man sneered, but said nothing.

Yang Ning handed the tea bowl back to the woman and said, "Thank you auntie."

"Did you come from the north?" The woman saw Yang Ning's sloppy body, but she didn't dislike it, but sympathized: "It's really pitiful, and he was young. He ran out. Young man, if I'm hungry, I will get you a block Oatmeal. "

The man stared at his eyes and said, "What kind of cake do you want? Let's drink it like this. Let's drink the northwest wind? You're a bad girl."

The woman didn't even bother to enter the room and took a piece of wheat cake. UU read www.uukanshu.com. The dry appearance was really bad. Yang Ning hurriedly thanked him and took the cake. He asked, "Aunt, dare to ask Have you seen a dart team passing by these days? It was probably two or three days ago. "

The woman thought for a moment before shaking her head: "There are convoys passing by here every day, and I really didn't pay attention. Do you want to ask the dart team what to do?"

Yang Ning was about to speak, and suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance, it was from the north.

The man and the woman saw people coming and going all the year round, but they didn't care, but Yang Ning's heart was tight. He flashed to the edge of the tea shed and looked to the north. Under the sunset, I only saw five or six fast horses going here. Flying by.

The fast horse was like an arrow, and in a moment it rushed to the edge of the tea shed. All of them were dressed in blue clothes. When the first one strangled the horse and glanced, the man sitting on the chair had already got up and came forward, Accompanying and laughing: "A few poor masters want to drink tea? Please come in!"

The lead catcher didn't pay any attention. He took a piece of paper from his body, shook it, and asked the man, "Look closely, can you see this man?"

The man looked closely, frowned, and turned his head, but found that Yang Ning, who was still standing by the tea shed, had disappeared. Instead, the woman came to look at the portrait and shook her head. I have seen a lot of people coming and going in recent days, and I have never seen anyone in this portrait. "

The fast-catching expression looked cold and said: "You look carefully, it may not look exactly the same." Staring at the man, Shen Sheng asked, "What are you looking at?"

The man was busy saying: "No ... nothing!"

Huaikui sneered: "This is a murderer who flees, committing a capital crime. If you do not report it, you are an accomplice. That is to cut your head ..., give me a careful look, see you in the end Hasn't it? "He turned back to wink, and the three arrested quickly turned over and dismounted, pulled out their waist sabers, and rushed into the tea shed.