A Clash of Gods

v1 Chapter 13: Niutouling

The catchers rushed into the tea shed, and the man's face suddenly changed dramatically. He soon heard a crackling sound inside, and the couple did not dare to say much.

The tea shed was not big. Several people searched inside and out. Then they came back and said to the leader, "No one is inside."

The leader arrested and looked around for a while before throwing the paper to the man. He said coldly: "This is a wanted order, and it is posted outside your tea shed. As long as you see this kid, no matter whether it is dead or alive, it will be sent to the government. Reward. "Without saying much, shaking the horse rein, leading a few to catch the flying horse away.

When the arrest was about to leave, the man hurriedly said to the woman: "That little beggar is a murderer, can you hear? Why don't you let me report it?" I also searched inside and outside the tea shed. I was relieved and said, "That boy is gone?"

When the woman saw that the arrest was about to go, she went back behind the tea shed. A few steps away, there was a circle surrounded by bamboo bamboo. At a glance, she knew it was convenient.

The man understood immediately that when he saw Yang Ning had sprang out of it.

Although Chakuai searched the tea shed inside and out, he didn't search this place.

"Uncle, aunt, I'm sorry." Yang Ning arched and said: "I will leave immediately, and I won't be involved in you." Although he knew that Xiao Yishui's partisans would find himself sooner or later, he never thought that this group of people would be so efficient. Quickly, not only the murderer has been identified, but also began to search everywhere.

The man's face was blue and white, and there was some doubt in his eyes. He asked, "You ... you really killed someone?"

Yang Ning did not explain, took the gold leaf from his body, and said, "I don't have broken silver on me. I don't know if I can use this gold leaf in exchange for a little broken silver."

The man saw the gold leaf, was taken aback, and immediately waved his hand: "We don't have so many broken pieces of silver to change, you ... you go quickly!" His eyes were fixed on the gold leaf.

Yang Ning hesitated, or put the golden leaf in the woman's hands, and walked quickly. The woman barked a few times before Yang Ning stopped. The woman stepped forward and asked, "Boy, you are going to Where are you going? Those officials are catching you. "

Yang Ning said with a smile: "I'm going to the capital to find a dart team, but the dart team walked a few days before me, and I don't know if I can catch up."

The man approached and said, "If you said that the dart team was walking along this official road, even if you walked a few days earlier than you, you might not be able to catch up." Raising your hand and pointing to the southeast, "You are facing that Walking in the direction for a day, you should be able to see Ngau Tau Ling. If you can cross Ngau Tau Ling, you will have to walk at least two days less than the official road. Maybe you can catch up. "

"Niutouling?" Yang Ning's eyes lit up.

The woman hurriedly said: "Niutouling is an old forest in a deep mountain, young man. It's very dangerous there. Still dispel this idea."

The man said: "I have already pointed the way. I dare to go, it depends on your guts. Please go quickly. In case those officials send back, but it will involve us."

Yang Ning was slightly excited, arched his hands, and smiled, "Thank you two." The woman wanted to return the golden leaves to Yang Ning, but Yang Ning had already flew away.

He went all the way in the direction pointed by the man. On the way, he rested a little. When he saw the outline of the mountains in the evening the next day, the mountains were continuous and the two peaks were slightly high. At first glance, it was really a bit Two horns like a cow.

In the evening, as the sun sets west, the setting sun shines on Ngau Tau Ling, but the entire Ngau Tau Ling looks rather gloomy. Although Ngau Tau Ling seems to be in front of it, it is really necessary to walk up to the sun setting, but there is still some distance.

As he approached Niutouling, he heard the sound of a horseshoe behind him, and Yang Ning's heart tightened. He looked back and saw that it was Shuqi who roared from behind.

He clenched his fists and thought that it would be that those arresters quickly turned their heads back. How many people did the tea shop man tell his whereabouts?

In the wilderness, there was really no place to hide, and those people apparently found their figure at the moment, too late to avoid it.

Five fast horses came flying like a wind, and Yang Ning looked cold. Although he knew that the power was weak, he was still ready to fight hard.

Unexpectedly, the five fast horses passed by by themselves, only to glance at himself.

Yang Ning saw clearly that these five people weren't chasing their catching fast, they were all in purple clothes, and there seemed to be some marks on their eyebrows, but the speed of those people was too fast, and they didn't see it for a while.

Yang Ning let out a sigh of relief. The few fast horses ran out a short distance and suddenly stopped. They came back after riding a horse. When Yang Ning strangled the horse, the purple man looked up and down at Yang Ning. Leng Leng asked: "Have you seen an old man in a gray robe?"

Yang Ning shook his head and said, "I didn't see it!" I thought that these people were looking for an old man, but I didn't know who the old man was.

At this moment, Yang Ning suddenly heard a harsh sound coming from the direction of Niutouling, looked up, and saw a starlight soaring from the deep hills of Niutouling. The light from the sky was very clear, and it was with a sharp, sharp sound.

Ziyi people naturally saw the light, his face slightly changed, and immediately turned his horse's head, and said to several other Ziyi people: "Just in the mountains, let's go quickly!"

The five Ziyi people galloped toward Niutouling, Yang Ning looked at the Wuqi as she moved further and further away, and was even more puzzled.

Those purple clothes were menacing, they were not good at first glance, but they didn't know where they came from, and a star burst into the mountains, obviously a signal, that is, there were other people in the mountains at this time.

Yang Ning wondered whether he should avoid these people and find another way, just to catch up with the dart team. There was only this shortcut. After only a little thought, he went on to Niutouling.

After half an hour's walk, at the foot of the mountain, I saw a few horses at the foot of the mountain, but I didn't see the purple men.

Yang Ning knew that it was inconvenient to move horses on the mountain. Those people must have thrown the horses here and hiked up the mountain.

At this time, if you take a horse and leave quietly, it should not be found. If you ride the horse and follow the official road day and night, you can also catch up with the dart team.

It ’s just that if he ’s on the official road, he might run into Xiao Yishui ’s partisans. He has n’t forgotten that Xiao Yishui ’s partisans have opened a large net in Huize County and are searching for themselves everywhere. Be careful.

Moreover, the words and deeds of the purple-clothed people just found Yang Ning curious.

After going up the mountain, the road became more and more rugged, and the mountains were covered with dense woods. Yang Ning knew that the purple people must have followed the spot where the light rose, and remembered the general location, while paying attention to the surrounding movements. Shuttle through the mountain forest in that direction.

Niutouling, as the name implies, fluctuates up and down, from high to low, not always climbing up.

The first moon rises and the moonlight is cold. In September, the weather started to cool down. In this mountain forest, it was extremely dark, and Yang Ning was quite cold.

From time to time in the mountain, wolf howling and croaking, unconsciously, Yang Ning has penetrated into the mountains, and no one can see a figure, or even a road, and the eyes are black and gloomy. Horrible, although Yang Ning is bold, he feels a bit cold at the moment.

He was regretting breaking into the mountain, and suddenly heard a cry from the front left. Yang Ning was immediately alert, but the voice uttered a few times, and then there was no more silence.

Yang Ning waited for a moment and heard nothing more. He carefully fumbled in the direction of the previous yelling. The forest was dim, and the previous scene was not very real. He walked for a moment and suddenly stumbled and stepped on a On top of the soft things, he fell under his feet and nearly fell. Fortunately, Yang Ning responded very quickly. He grabbed a small tree next to it with one hand, UU reading www. uukanshuu.com stabilized his figure.

The moonlight was faint and spattered through the gaps between the branches. Yang Ning glanced down, his face changed suddenly, and he almost screamed.

A person lying under his feet, motionless, stepped on one foot on his lower abdomen, under the cold moonlight, Yang Ning saw that the bare man above his neck had no head.

A strong **** smell came out, but Yang Ning didn't care about the **** smell, but when he saw this headless corpse, he was horrified.

It can be seen from the clothes of this person that it seems to be one of the purple clothes people he met before.

He raised his hand to cover his nose, and at this time, he heard a scream not far away, the cry was terrible, and it instantly disappeared. Yang Ning's heart beat suddenly, and he groped forward. In ten steps, I saw a figure standing in front of me, hurried to hide behind a large tree.

But there was no movement there. Yang Ning looked at the probe and saw that the figure stood upright, his head and arms were hanging down, motionless.

Yang Ning felt different. He walked out from behind the tree, but the man was silent. Yang Ning approached the past and gently “fed”, and suddenly glanced at the man ’s chest bulging, as if there was something inside There was no movement, and Yang Ning did not immediately approach, and walked to the side. This made it clear that there was a trunk with a thick arm behind the person. The trunk fell from the back of the person into the body, where the chest bulged, naturally It is because the trunk runs through the body.

Yang Ning was more shocked when she looked at it. The two dead bodies she saw were deadly shocking and extremely tragic, but she didn't know who actually started it.

He leaned closer to the head of the corpse, lowered his body slightly, looked at the face of the man, and recognized it at a glance. The man had asked his Ziyi man under the mountain, but there was a tattoo in his eyebrow spider.