A Clash of Gods

v1 Chapter 151: Outsider

When Yang Ning looked at Duan Canghai's expression, he knew that Swing Yi was indeed a great character.

"It seems that you really know the poison king of Jiuxi." Yang Ning sighed: "This time, I should be the apprentice of the poison king of Jiuxi."

Duan Canghai said horror: "Hou Ye, are you really sure that he is the poison king of Jiuxi?" Frowning, said: "This matter is difficult to handle."

Gu Qinghan frowned, "The sea, what is the character of the Jiuxi Poison King?"

"Jiuxi Poison King is a white Miao of Bashu." Duan Canghai explained: "The third lady knows that there are many barbarians in the land of Bashu. Among the many barbarians, the Miao are the most powerful. The second hole is nestled among the mountains and rivers of Bashu. The king of Sichuan, Li Hongxin, is powerful in Xichuan, but he is also the main appeasement of the Miao people and he dare not easily offend. "

Gu Qinghan nodded and said: "I know that there are many Miao people in Nishikawa, and I heard that the Miao people also fight each other."

"Good." Duan Canghai said: "The seventy-two holes of the Miao people are divided into seedlings and mature seedlings. The seedlings refer to those who live in the mountains and are isolated from the world. Miao Bin are all seedlings. There is also a kind of mature seedlings. They can speak Chinese and exchange trade with Han people. Black seedlings, white seedlings and flower seedlings are all familiar seedlings. Jiuxi poison king is white seedlings, white seedlings. Human strength is second only to the Black Miao people, Black Miao is good at Gu, Bai Miao is good at poison, and Jiuxi is the first master of Baimiao poison, it can also be said to be the first master of Xichuan poison. "

"Since it is a Miao, why should we find the capital and complain with us?" Gu Qinghan frowned: "The name of Swing Yi sounds like a Han."

"This is the pseudonym of the poison king of Jiuxi." Duan Canghai said: "Among the mature seedlings, many people have the Han name. Before Qianyi was not famous in that year, the first master of poison in the world was the Tang family of Xichuan. The Tang family is a Han, and the swing family can find the Tang family and compete with the master of the Tang family for poisoning. At that time, how could the Tang family see a Baimiao in Shangqu District, so they did not give the swing family a chance. As far as I know, only Less than half a month later, the Tang family began to be poisoned one after another. In just half a month, there were more than 270 people in the Tang family, and only a few people left in the end. "

Gu Qinghan slightly changed color, and Yang Ning also took a breath. He naturally could hear that the poisonous hand must be Jiuxi, the poisonous king Qiu Qianyi. This person is cruel, and no wonder there will be an apprentice like Anau.

"The Tang family, as the first family of drug users in Xichuan, was helpless. The Tang family watched the whole family being poisoned one by one." Duan Canghai's expression was grim. "The Tang family was born of poison, and no one on the rivers and lakes provokes them. So they do n’t have any friends on the rivers and lakes, and in times of crisis, no one will help them. "

"What is the situation of the Tang family now?" Yang Ning asked.

Duan Canghai said with a bitter smile: "Tang's chickens and dogs have not been kept for decades. When the owner of the Tang family was discovered, all the flesh and skin on the whole body had dried up. On the door of the Tang family, a flag hung, saying The five characters of Jiuxi Swing Change, since then, the reputation of Swing Change has been heard all over the world, above the rivers and lakes, and the color of the talk has changed. "

Gu Qinghan's pretty face was pale now.

"Swinging Yi has always been in Xichuan, and rarely goes out of Sichuan." Duan Canghai's expression is grim, "Hou Ye, you said that it was the apprentice of Swinging Yi who was the victim of this attack. Have you ever offended the Jiuxi Poison King?"

Yang Ning knew that the matter was important, hesitated for a moment, and finally said briefly what had happened. Duan Canghai said in surprise: "So that is the case. If this is the case, the little demon girl named Anau should be poisoned this time. Now. "

"Tang girl said that the little demon girl would not give up, and would come again." Gu Qinghan was worried, "Cang Hai, they are staring at Ning'er, and what do we do?"

Duan Canghai frowned: "Hou Ye, according to me, this time the little demon girl poisoned people, not necessarily the meaning of the poisonous king of Jiuxi. Although the poisonous king of Jiuxi is unparalleled in poison, he still has to care for Bai Miao after all. People, if his apprentice killed Hou Ye, it would be a blatant rebellion, the court would not sit idly by, and Bai Miao people would be in great trouble. "

"You mean this is the little demon girl's own?" Gu Qinghan asked.

Duan Canghai nodded and said: "Jiuxi Poison King has no grudges with our Hou Mansion, and he cannot easily avenge the court. This little demon girl must be self-assertive. If so, you don't need to worry too much. The Xiduwang personally shot, we can only ask the Daguangming Temple for help, and the Jiuxi poisonous king also had to care about the Daguangming Temple. Now it is only an apprentice of the Jiuxi poisonous king, we and the Tang girl help each other, and may not be able to deal with the little demon girl. " The voice said: "We can set a trap in the Hou Mansion, if the little demon woman thief is not dead, we can lead the king into the urn."

Gu Qinghan shook his head and said: "Ning'er also means that, but the girl Tang said that the little demon girl is very cunning. If she perceives, I am afraid to kill Ning'er. She is in the dark, we are in the Ming, and we have to guard against it."

Duan Canghai frowned: "It's hard to figure out her traces, and no one knows when and how she will be poisoned.

"Have you ever heard of washing blood?" Yang Ning was silent for a moment, and finally asked: "Wash the blood with the herb once, and it will be completely poisonless."

Duan Canghai said with astonishment: "What other means? I have never heard of it."

Yang Ning had just said Tang Nuo's proposal, and he was half-trusted and doubtful: "Mr. Tang's medical technique is needless to say, but I have never heard of the blood-washing technique."

"Ning'er, I'm still careful to be right." Gu Qinghan whispered: "I don't doubt the girl Tang, but according to what you just said, the girl Tang's origin is also unclear, and has a relationship with the little demon girl. .....! "After a pause, he said:" Defense is indispensable. "

Duan Canghai slightly bowed his head and said: "Hou Ye, the third lady is right." After thinking about it, he slowly said: "But after all, there are many strangers and strangers in the land of Nishikawa. Of course, there are also many other strange people. The Tang girl said that she can wash blood, although it sounds a little unbelievable, but it is not necessarily true. After all, we have not seen it with our own eyes, we are not sure, but we ca n’t deny it decisively. . "

Yang Ning smiled and said: "Uncle Duan means blood can be washed?"

"No, no." Duan Canghai hurriedly waved his hand: "Hou Ye Mo misunderstood, I just talked to Hou Ye honestly. If it really can not be poisoned, then it is naturally undesirable, just ... I know whether Miss Tang has another purpose. ”He lowered his voice and said:“ But Miss Tang does n’t look like a bad guy, nor does it look like Hou Ye, otherwise Hou Ye is poisoned. As long as she does n’t shoot, Hou Ye. .... Lord Hou will return to nothing. "

Gu Qinghan quietly said: "If you know someone but you don't know what you know, don't rush to let her wash the blood, wait for it."

In the next few days, the guards of Hou Mansion were tighter, and Duan Canghai was always near Yang Ning. In order to prevent the little demon girl from poisoning again, Yang Ning even quietly changed a yard.

Fortunately, because Hou Fu strengthened his defense, Anau did not have the opportunity to sneak in. In addition, since Yang Ning was vigilant, he couldn't be easily handed down for a few days.

Tang Nuo did not mention blood washing since then.

Two days later, the blocked streets and lanes began to recover, but Yang Ning had learned that the newly emperor had led many officials to return to the capital, and the first emperor had already stayed in the emperor's tomb.

Although before this, many people vaguely felt that this time the succession of the throne must be not simple, and even there will be bloodshed and sudden changes, but in the end, there is still a safe transition without surprise. Although there was an undercurrent in the capital, it did not evolve into a game. Bloody fighting.

Then there is an edict that tells the world that the new emperor ascended the throne and changed the year name to Long Tai, to forgive the world.

The tension that has shrouded the capital in recent days has only been felt by the people in the capital. Now that the big picture is settled, people are finally relieved.

Although a few people knew that this period of time was a difficult time related to the National Games, they still survived after all.

The number of movements in the DPRK is not clear to ordinary people, but the Black Sword Camp is still transferred out of the city. It is still stationed in the suburban military camp, the Tiger God Camp still guards the gates of the capital, and it is transferred to the royal feather camp of the capital. It is to return to the Imperial City and defend the Imperial Palace.

However, some people privately rumored that after the Royal Yulin Camp was transferred out of the city, after a great personnel transfer, many high-level generals were promoted and rewarded and transferred out of the Yulin Camp. Many people have even won the title, and the salary has been greatly improved ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ But they have been deprived of real power.

Whether it is true or not, ordinary people naturally do not know, and Yang Ning has no time to care.

Although the shadow brought to him by Anau has not disappeared, what he is most concerned about now is the panacea in Donner's hand.

Although the emperor issued a decree and conferred on Yang Ning, he did not give gold or silver. The finance of Houfu is already stretched. According to the estimation of Qinghan, it cannot last for two months.

Jinyihou House is not like other royal lords and aristocrats. There is no other source of income other than Shiyi and two shops. Today, the pawnshop is burned, leaving only one medicine shop. Only one medicine shop maintains the cost of hundreds of people in Houfu. It is undoubtedly Idiots say dreams, in this case, we can only find another way.

Tang Nuo's medicine is of course an economic source with great potential. If the medicine is really that magical, it can of course expand production. When the time comes, the business will be prosperous and the money will be rich.

When the two rushed to Yongan Hall early in the morning, the pharmacy had just opened the door to do business. Mr. Song saw the two entering the house and immediately greeted him, arching: "The villain has seen Hou Ye!" .

Jin Yi Shi Zi and Jin Yi Hou certainly have two different concepts.

Jinyi Shizi is only the heir to the marquis and has no knighthood, but Jinyi Hou is a genuine marquis. Mr. Song naturally dare not take the slightest light.

Yang Ning knew that the news that he had attacked Jue had spread. He pulled up Mr. Song and smiled: "No, what happened before, what is going on now. Mr. Song, you know the reason why I came here. Has the child come back?"

Mr. Song looked at Tang Nuo on the side, adjusted his clothes, bowed to the end, and said with emotion: "Tang girl, please forgive the old and clumsy, and do not know the superiors. If you offend, please bear with me An old age is really eye-opening. I know what it means to have people outside the mountains and people outside! "