A Clash of Gods

v1 Chapter 35: Silver wrap

The river is dying east, the mountains are beautiful, the clouds are misty, and the beauty of the scenery is breathtaking.

The water of the Yangtze River came from heaven, and thousands of miles of the Yangtze River converged into a big river. From the west all the way, it passed through countless high mountains and dangerous roars, but when the Jilong Mountain was reached, it was blocked by the mountains. The vast river rapids remained the same, but changed. The width is narrow, the infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak, the landscape is one, it is natural, and the magnificence is extraordinary.

Zhongshan Longpan, stone tigers, Jianye capital city north cover Zhoushan, Jilong Mountain and Xuanwu Lake, east to Zhongshan, west to stone, river to control water, river running, day and night.

Along the way, Duan Canghai and others were well-arranged in terms of food, accommodation, and itinerary, and they were very decent to serve, which made Yang Ning feel deeply comfortable as a noble child.

Along the way, Yang Ning didn't talk much, and others dared not ask too much. After crossing the Yangtze River, it was less than a day for the horse to whip.

The magnificent momentum of Jianye City was that of Yang Ning who had seen the world, and it also amazed him. The kind of heavy and heavy Ning was far from what he could see in his previous life.

The mountains are gathered together, the hope is short, the Huai water is out, wandering into the capital, surrounded by the mountains and the water, it is that grand and thick and simple city, which is the first city of Nan Chu and Chu Capital.

Jianye City has the saying of thirteenth and eighteenth, which means that there are dozens of gates in the big and small inside and outside, and there are 18 gates in the big and small of the outer city. wide.

Entering the city, Yang Ning immediately felt the magnificence of this ancient city.

The roads in the city are criss-crossed, but extremely wide. The shops are lined and lined up. The streets are bustling and bustling, full of traffic, very lively. Being in this capital city, you can only feel the prosperity and prosperity of the empire. Think about the miserable people who are displaced from the homelessness ahead.

Jianye City seems to be a fairyland of the empire. No matter who is in it, they will forget the crisis of the empire and will be infected by the prosperity and bustle of the capital, thinking that the world is healthy and the world is rising.

The eighteen outer gates of the capital seem to divide the Great Chu Kingdom into two worlds, one is outside the city, the other is inside the city. The dazzling array of goods in the shops highlights the immense wealth of the empire, and it looks like two worlds to what Yang Ning saw in Huize City.

Jianye city is huge, and the imperial city resides in the middle of the capital. If the capital is the crown of the Great Chu Kingdom, then the imperial city is a bright pearl before the crown.

People in the capital can see the brilliance of the pearl, but cannot feel the extravagance in the imperial city.

Yang Ning first entered this magnificent ancient capital, looking left and right, dizzying, unconsciously following Duan Canghai and others through the streets.

"Huh, what ... what river is that?" Suddenly there was a trickle river not far in front of him, and Yang Ning couldn't help asking.

Duan Canghai and others were stunned for a while, Qi Feng already smiled and said: "It's only been more than ten days since Shi Ziye went out. Have you forgotten this river? This is the Qinhuai River."

"Qinhuai River?"

"The Qinhuai River extends into the city, and it is divided into two branches at Wudingmen. One is a main stream and becomes the outer Qinhuai River. It flows around the city through the Zhonghuamen, Shuiximen and Dinghuaimen, and flows into the Yangtze River from the Sancha River." Explained: "The other one is Nei Qinhuai, which enters the city from Tongjimen East Water Gate, and is divided into two north and south branches at Huaiqing Bridge. The south branch passes the Wende Bridge of Confucius Temple to the west water gate of Shuiximen. The north branch is From the ancient Yundu via the inner bridge to the Zhanggong Bridge out of the culvert entrance into the main stream ....! "Pointed to the bridge:" That is Zhanggong Bridge. "

Duan Canghai glanced at Qi Feng and thought that our master is not easy to use, but he will be dazed if everything is more complicated. If you are so wordy for a long time, he can still remember a fart.

Yang Ning said "oh" without saying much.

After passing through several streets and lanes, Duan Canghai suddenly "huh", everyone looked over and saw that on the street in front, white towels were hung in front of the houses on both sides.

"Which adult died?" Qi Feng urged immediately, wondering.

Yang Ning naturally saw the white cloth scraped along the street and asked, "Someone is dead?"

Duan Canghai thought that Shiziye was going straight, and the speech was too direct, explaining: "Seiziye, which adult should have passed away. In order to express condolences, the nearby streets will hang white cloths on their own initiative. All can enjoy the treatment, and the dead will be an adult loved by the people. "Turning off the horse, Shen said:" Everyone will dismount! "

Several people dismounted, and Yang Ning knew that it might be a courtesy, and he dismounted.

This street is not a shop, so there are not many people. Several people walked on the street, quite a bit deserted, and walked forward for a while. I suddenly saw someone pointing at this side, whispering something, Duan Canghai, etc. The man frowned, crossed the long street, turned to another alley, and walked to the end of the alley, before a wider street appeared.

"Master Shizi, this is Pipa Street, you will not forget it?" Duan Canghai said: "We are home."

Walking down the street, Yang Ning discovered that the Pipa Street was not only wide and long, but also the streets were clean and neatly paved with bluestone slabs. At every distance, there would be a mansion with a pair of large stones in front of each Lions, dozens of stone lions were dispatched on both sides of Pipa Street, squatting in front of their door, staring at their eyes boredly, waiting for the cars and people walking through the street.

Yang Ning walked and looked to both sides. This long street that seems to have no end, is located in more than ten mansions, all of which are distinguished by high officials. A white cloth towel hung from the door of each mansion.

Many mansions were guarded by soldiers in front of them, and when they saw Duan Canghai and his party passing through the long street, there were a lot of guards talking about it.

In his eyes, Duan Canghai looked more dignified and quickened his pace. Soon, he saw a plain white door in front of the mansion, and the guards standing in front of the door were all plain white.

Duan Canghai suddenly stood still, and everyone else was frightened. I saw Duan Canghai's body swayed and hurriedly stepped forward, and everyone else looked dignified.

Yang Ning saw a few people with weird looks, thinking that he wouldn't make it. Is it someone in your house who died?

Duan Canghai and others hurried to the door of the mansion, and the guards standing in front of the door saw that someone had rushed forward and wept bitterly: "Duan ... Duan Er, you can come back ... ..! "The two sentences were over, and weeping in silence.

"What the **** is going on?" Duan Canghai's face was pale, "Could it be Mrs .......?"

Yang Ning was stunned, thinking that the real **** was your man. This was really a coincidence. When I entered the capital on the first day, I encountered a funeral?

"No .....!" The guard trembles: "Yes ... is a general ...!"

At this time everyone was discolored, Duan Canghai's expression became horrible, grabbed the man's collar, and screamed angrily: "You **** nonsense, the general is on the front line, how can ... Say, who is it? "

At this time, another **** came forward and sobbed: "Brother Duan, it's ... general, general ... general passed away!"

Duan Canghai and Qi Feng and others looked pale, but when they saw Duan Canghai take a step forward, suddenly his legs were soft and paralyzed. Someone was hurriedly holding on, Duan Canghai's eyes turned red instantly, and he roared suddenly. The tall man of Chih Gao burst into tears in an instant, and Qi Feng and others had already howled and cried, thumping their chests and making their feet, as if they were dead relatives.

Yang Ning froze for a moment, thinking that the general they said would not be the father of Shiziye, right?

The son just died outside, this old man also died?

"Quick, tell .... tell Mrs. Shiziye ..... Shiziye is back ...!" Duan Canghai burst into tears and suddenly pulled Yang Ning, "Shiziye, general. .... General passed away ....! "

Yang Ning had never seen the general, and had no feelings at all. He stayed for a while, thinking he would never let Lao Tzu cry now?

He raised his head and looked at the plaque above the vermilion gate. He saw that the plaque was quite huge, and the dragon and phoenix dance was written with the four characters "Jin Yi Hou Mansion" on it.

Someone had entered the house to report, and Duan Canghai took Yang Ning's arm, and also entered the house. As soon as he entered the house, there was a piece of silver and white. Hearing a tearful cry from the front hall, the white streamer was like a cloud. There are many people who seem to be all maid servants in the house, all dressed in white. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Yang Ning was a little dazed and was dumbly led by Duan Canghai. When everyone saw Yang Ning on both sides, many people showed a look of consternation, and some people showed a look of joy. They all knelt down and listened. A crisp and sweet voice came before me: "Is Ning'er? Is Ning'er back?"

Yang Ning heard the voice, thinking that the woman's voice was really good, just like Chun Ling, and wondering why she was also called "Ninger". Do you know her name?

I suddenly saw a group of people coming in front, all dressed in silver and wearing filial princesses, but the first one was a 26-year-old young woman, with a graceful posture, Feng Yunping, Qiongbifengming, bright and moving, her The skin color is as white and flawless as white jade. It does not seem to have makeup applied, but it looks more pure and pure.

She was plain white, and her eyes were more picturesque, just like a beauty in a lady's picture, Zheng Ting walked towards herself.

"Humble office has seen the three ladies!" Duan Canghai has fallen to his knees, and Qi Feng and others have fallen to his knees with tears on his face.

The third lady of the beautiful young woman had grabbed Qi Ning's wrist. As soon as she touched it, Yang Ning felt that the beautiful young woman's hand was warm and smooth, like porcelain.

"You have worked hard." The third lady's eyes turned red. "General ... The general passed away. You can bring the world back in time. The general spring will know, and you will feel at ease ... You all get up quickly, don't kneel Now ... "Speaking here, the voice choked, and Yang Ning saw her tears rolling down her beautiful eyes. At this time, it was even more beautiful, especially if there was a little red pink mole on the inside of the right eyebrow. Add more beauty.

"Mrs. Three, why is this happening?" Duan Canghai stood up and clenched his fists in both hands. "The war is over, how can the general ... will the general still be?"

The third lady said: "I will talk about them later." Looking at Yang Ning, he said: "Ning'er, change your clothes and follow me into the hall!"