A Clash of Gods

v3 Chapter 419: Rivers and lakes have justice

Between several people talking, they had already reached the banner of the Golden Sword League. From the tent, a few people had already come out. When they saw Xuanyuan broken, they immediately greeted them. Teana Novel ⒉

Qi Ning saw that the first person was nearly fifty years old, with a thin figure, a brown shirt, and long beard fluttering.

Beside this person, there are two middle-aged men dressed as priests and officials, quickly greeted, arched and said: "Brother!" Seeing Xi Menzhan Ying, they all smiled and said: "Sister Shimei also came." "

Xuan Yuanbo just nodded slightly, but Ximen Zhanying already laughed: "Brother Lan, Brother Ding!"

Qi Ning knew that although the Shenhou Mansion was a court bureau, the style was modeled on rivers and lakes, and the officials of the Shenhou Mansion were all commensurate with the brothers.

The Big Dipper Qixing is an intimate disciple of the Ximen princes, and is at the core of the Shenhou Mansion, so these seven people are called a sequence. Except for these seven people, other officials of the Shenhou Mansion are all called by the last word of the name.

Brother Lan and Brother Ding were naturally the officials sent by Shenhou to Xichuan earlier.

"Xuanyuan Xiaowei, it has been a long time." I saw the middle-aged man with a long beard and a brown shirt smiled: "Everyone is waiting for you."

"Let everyone wait for a long time." Facing the heads of the eight gangs and sixteen factions, Xuanyuan broke his tone a bit politely, and raised his hand and smiled and said, "Let's talk in the account."

Everyone returned to the tent. Qi Ning saw a huge long table in the middle of the big tent. There were more than a dozen chairs on both sides of the long table. There were lamp posts around and lights the lights. The inside was very bright. It was not too small to see the tent outside. When entering the inside, Qi Ning felt that it was empty, and it was absolutely not a problem to accommodate thirty or fifty people.

According to his identity, Qi Ning should of course sit in the middle, but Qi Ning hides his identity, but Xuan Yuanbo sits in the upper middle. Everyone in the Shenhou Mansion sits on the left side of the long table, and the others sit in the right hand. The person with the brown shirt sits first on the right, with an unusual identity. Qi Ning knew in his heart that this person should be the Zhuge Changting of the Golden Sword League.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan broke into the brown shirt and said, "Master Zhuge, there are a few friends here who are not very familiar with you. Let me introduce you."

Although within the Golden Sword League, Zhuge Changting is called the main leader, but in the eyes of Shenhou Mansion, it is still regarded as the only one of the Golden Sword League, so Xuanyuan Po still calls him the main leader.

Zhuge Changting introduced them one by one immediately, and Qi Ning knew clearly that Xuanyuan broke this by not necessarily not really knowing these people. He wanted to use this method to let himself know these people.

In addition to Zhuge Changting, there are nine others, four of which are among the eight gangs and sixteen factions. The others are not included in the eight gangs and sixteen factions, but they are also quite powerful on the rivers and lakes. Martial arts.

It is natural that some small gangs are not qualified to enter the account.

Shenhou House has led the rivers and lakes for many years, and has compromised with all parties in the rivers and lakes. In fact, a fairly strict hierarchy has been formed on the rivers and lakes.

After the introduction, Xuanyuan broke through to look at Brother Lan and asked, "Brother Brother Lan, what is the situation now? Have you figured out the terrain of Qianwuling?"

Brother Nalan got up and said, "Brother Hui, the master of Wuxingmen took the thirteen disciples under the door and dived into Qianwu Peak last night. There is no news yet, we are all waiting for the news." With a wink, the man immediately got up and took a picture and laid it on the table. Everyone stood up. The younger brother Lan took a small wooden branch and explained: "Brother, this is what we found out The terrain map around Qianwu Peak. The radius of Qianwu Peak is about forty or fifty miles. Our current camp is just east of Qianwu Peak. According to the previous deployment, the east is based on the Golden Sword Alliance, and the gangs are coordinated from the east. Attack. "

"How many people are there?" Xuanyuan asked.

Brother Lan said: "Almost all the gangs on the rivers and lakes sent people to come, and the eight gangs and sixteen gangs also arranged according to the original plan. There are currently more than 2,700 people, with the Golden Sword Alliance and the people present here in the east. The nine major factions are the main force, together with other gangs, there are more than 800 people. "

Xuanyuan broke the slight yoke, and small wooden sticks in the hands of Master Lan pointed to the north of Qianwufeng, saying: "The north is mainly based on Fengjian Mountain Villa, Hengyuan Temple, and Iron Bone Sect. Half of them are local gangs in Xichuan. The terrain around Qianwu Peak, these rivers and lakes have contributed a lot, and they have gathered seven or eight hundred people there, and the six brothers are sitting there. "Xiaomuzhi turned to the south:" The south is dominated by the gang and the Lingjiufang. There are more than 800 people, and the three seniors are sitting there. "

Xuan Yuanbo stared at the map and asked, "What does it mean to the west of Qianwu Peak?"

"Brother Master, this is a lake." Brother Lan explained: "The west of Qianwu Peak is close to Shura Lake, and the area of ​​Shura Lake is very large, which is not suitable for attacking Qianwu Peak, and the west of Qianwu Peak is all cliffs and cliffs. It is impossible to climb up at all, but for the sake of safety, lest there will be black lotus church members escaping from the west, so the Yangtze River Gang and the Black Whale Club and other brothers who are good at water warfare are responsible for guarding the west. They have begun to collect materials on the spot and make wooden boats , Cruise around Lake Shura, and lock Lake Shura when the time comes, and will not allow any Helianthus to escape. "

Qi Ning just looked at the map and said nothing, but he was thinking about it. This time Shenhou Mansion was going to attack Qianwu Peak, but it was considered to be fully prepared.

Xuanyuan turned to Zhuge Changting and asked, "Master Zhuge, are you prepared for this?"

Zhuge Changting smiled and said: "Xuanyuan Xiaowei is relieved that the Helianthianism has harmed the rivers and lakes, and the people and the gods are angry. This time we have followed the call of the gods and gathered here. We must wipe out the Helianthism all the way to make these rivers and lakes scum Removed from the rivers and lakes. Everyone is now waiting for Xuanyuan Xiaowei to come and give orders, as long as you give an order, we will naturally strive for the first. "

Xuanyuan broke the smile and said: "It's so good. The people here are not a sect master or a bunch of people, and they are all figures in the rivers and lakes. I don't sell Guanzi. Everyone knows that the black lotus religion is sad and mad. To poison people, countless innocent people in Beijing have suffered tragic deaths, the court was furious, and the waiting was also a big thunder. "The expression calmed down," Waiting has always been kind and kind to rivers and lakes. All the martial arts in the martial arts have their own Stunts, this is something that the ancestors have handed down. Anything that can be passed down is naturally better. But Hei Lian teaches these rivers and lakes to scum, and naturally cannot be accommodated in rivers and lakes. "

"Yes, this scum must be removed from the rivers and lakes!"

"Mutilating the people violates the right way of the rivers and lakes and will never allow these evil ways to exist."

"Xuanyuan Xiaowei, the martial arts fellow also knew that the Helianthian religion was making waves in the capital, and everyone felt that they were completely lost, so they all wanted to get rid of it."

Everyone echoed.

Xuanyuan broke with a smile and said: "The court originally wanted to send troops to suppress and suppress, but considering that the Helianthus was also a Jianghu school, so it was still waiting for the matter to be dealt with by Jianghu rules. However, the emperor had a will, no matter which school, as long as If you have made a contribution, you should pay more attention to the award, and will never let everyone work hard. "

Zhuge Changting said: "Xuanyuan Xiaowei, IMHO, so-called knowing yourself and knowing each other, you can't stand a battle. This time, the eight gangs, sixteen factions, and many fellows in the rivers and lakes are gathered here. It ’s also rare in rivers and lakes for a century. ”He paused and said:“ But as far as I know, although this black lotus religion has been established for decades, its fame on rivers and lakes is not that great. Although everyone has heard, The martial arts of this black lotus leader is unfathomable, but besides, everyone knows very little about the black lotus religion ........ "Scanning the people underneath, I saw that everyone was slightly subdued, Only then continued: "I wonder if Shenhou Mansion has any knowledge of Helianthus? On the Qianwu Peak, how many Helianthians are there?"

Xuanyuan broke the road: "As far as we know, the black lotus will never exceed two hundred people."

Qi Ning frowned slightly. He had also asked Xuanyuanbo before, how strong the Helianthism was, but Xuanyuanbro was obviously very limited in knowing Qianwufeng. Even how many people could not make it clear, but At this moment, it is quite certain that there are only two hundred people, which is quite strange.

Qi Ning turned his mind and immediately understood that Xuanyuan would never dare to deceive himself, so he could only deceive these gangs.

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, everyone frowned and opened their eyes ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Someone immediately smiled and said: "There are two hundred demon clowns in the area, which is simply unbearable."

Xuanyuan broke the road: "Although we are ten times as good as the other, we must not underestimate the enemy. Helianism is dominated by Miao people and is good at poison, and they occupy geographical advantages, knowing the terrain of Qianwu Peak, it is inevitable that The mountains set traps. Everyone must be careful when attacking. "He paused and said:" According to our prince's house, the black martial arts master's martial arts are indeed good, and he also has two protection methods of Xuanyang and Taiyin under his command. In addition, there are the Four Holy Envoys, and these people ’s martial arts are considered good. "

One person sneered: "Xuanyuan Xiaowei, even if this group of people are somewhat able, but this time gathered eight groups of 16 factions and many fellows on the rivers and lakes, everyone is elite, masters like clouds, unless they hide in the ground, Otherwise, as long as we see it, we must kill it cleanly. "

Xuanyuan smiled and said: "This is true, this master is like a cloud, it is not difficult to shovel the thousand fog peaks." And said: "You go to rest first, I and the master Zhuge Let's discuss the specific attack tactics in detail, and then go back and talk with the guys in detail. "And then to Ximen Zhanying and other officials of the Shenfu Palace, said:" You also go down to rest first. "Looking at Qi Ning, said:" You stay first. "

The people did not dare to disobey and went out one after another. Soon, apart from Xuanyuan Po and Qi Ning, only Zhuge Changting and three other gang masters, including Zhuge Changting, were left. Eight gangs and sixteen figures.

After all the people left, Zhuge Changting glanced at Xuanyuan, and said with a chuckle: "Xuanyuan Xiaowei, these eight gangs and 16 factions were ordered to take action. I know that the gods will not treat us like these, now we are all left People, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. "At this time, the other three people were all flashing in their eyes. Qi Ning clearly saw the greed from the depth of their eyes.