A Clash of Gods

v3 Chapter 539: Come forward

Hu Geng asked Feng Liu to testify, but he saw a person delegating and said: "Emperor Qi Yun, Feng Liu and his wife are not allowed to go to Chaotang. Since there are witnesses in this case, you can give all relevant certifications The Ministry of Criminal Affairs, which will make a judgment by the trial of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, should not interrogate the case above the court. "

This man is over seventy years old, nearly seventy years old, all must be white, and his body has already bent flexibly.

Long Taijun said: "Yuan Lao Shangshu said that the case was handed over to the Criminal Department for interrogation, and no one involved could be let go, and severely punished." Shen said: "Come here, take Feng Ruohai down , Temporarily handed over to the Penal Department for detention. "

Qi Ning knew that the old man should be Yuan Rong's grandfather, and the old book of the ritual department.

The warrior in front of the hall entered the Chaotang and dragged Feng Ruohai down, and suddenly the silence was above the Chaotang.

Feng Ruohai's official position is naturally untenable, and even his life may not be guaranteed. Hu Geng's knife is sharp and fierce, and he is merciless, but it can be said that the blood seals the throat.

Huainan Wang and Zhen Guogong were still calm, while Sima Changshen and other people were slightly pale, while Dou Kui's face was pale and his eyes twitched.

In this battle today, Zhen Guogong arrived first, which can be said to be a victory.

After a while of silence, Long Tai said, "What else do you love Ai Qing start?"

The Manchu dynasties and martial arts are silent.

Long Tai swept around, and his eyes finally fell on that old man, Yuan Laoshang. His contact with Long Tai seemed to hesitate, but after all he still went out and said: "The old minister has something to do!"

At this time, the Manchu dynasties and martial arts were all straining their heartstrings, thinking that they were afraid of the storm next. At this time, when they saw Yuan Laoshangshu listed, they were slightly relaxed.

The Manchu dynasty knows that this old Lao Yuanshu book is very cautious, although he is not too close to the Huainan King, and he has not much contact with the Zhen Guo Gong, he is alone and has very few enemies, and this old book is full of economics, full of poetry, and his disciples. It is also countless and has a high prestige among literati.

He took charge of the Ritual Department, but most of the Ritual Department's affairs were handed over to the people under his control, and he did not grumble with others, and no one went to embarrass him.

For a long time, this old scholar is above the Chaotang Hall, most of the time it is a decoration, standing among the ministers, often silent from beginning to end.

Today, he stood up and took the initiative, and after a fierce battle, the group ministers were at a loss as to what the old monk intended to do.

Long Tai showed a smile, and asked, "What's the matter with Lao Shangshu?"

"Sovereign Emperor Qi Yun, the old minister is in charge of the ritual department and is in his place." Yuan Lao Shangshu slowly said: "The emperor inherits the grand rule, and Li Min is happy, but it is just that the old minister pleads for the emperor's early marriage, chooses the queen, and secures the palace. Chengxiang, a good sign for the country, and hope the emperor can learn from it! "

Qunchen realized that the old monk book was meant to be a big marriage to the emperor.

Long Tai has been ascended to the throne, the king has come to the world, and the age has indeed reached the time of big marriage. At this time, it is a matter of the division of rites to admonish the big marriage to the emperor. Shang Shu is best suited to raise this matter.

The previous battle between life and death made the Qunchen nervous. At this time, Yuan Lao Shangshu advised the emperor to marry. This was a happy event, and Qunchen was relieved.

Qi Ning had long known that today's court meeting, Long Tai will inevitably mention the big marriage, but he did not expect it to be proposed by Yuan Lao Shang Shu.

He instantly understood that the little emperor had already prepared himself. Yuan Laoshangshu did not mention it early or late, but he proposed it at today's court meeting. If there is no accident, the little emperor arranged behind the scenes. Let people secretly order Yuan Laoshangshu to propose the matter of big marriage today, so that arrangements can be made above the DPRK meeting, and even if everyone is dissatisfied, it is not easy to be opposed.

He couldn't help but glance at Zhen Guogong. He saw that Zhen Guogong was still calm, but his posture obviously changed slightly.

Long Taiwei pondered, and then asked: "Before the father emperor died, there were no candidates for the palace. Yuan Laoshangshu, I don't know how to handle this?"

Zhen Guogong finally said at this time: "Emperor, although the emperor died, but the empress can choose for the emperor, and the emperor can ask the empress for training."

"Oh?" Long Tai's face did not change color: "Zhen Guo Gong, do you mean who is the queen and the queen is the master?"

The emperor Zhen Guo said at once: "The minister did not say so. The emperor did not know how to choose a candidate for succession, and the old minister allowed the emperor to ask the queen mother for help. The royal selfless thing, the marriage of the emperor, is also a state matter. See Empress Dowager, please teach Empress Dowager. "

Long Tai smiled and said: "The Guo Gong said that the emperor is selfless, and my marriage is also related to the state." After a pause, I said: "So I thought that I can use my own marriage to make a great contribution to me." . "

The group of ministers were at a loss, and Zhen Guogong was also stunned, saying: "Please also ask the emperor to train!"

"My big Chu and the Northern Han have been fighting for many years, and both sides have suffered casualties. They have also exhausted their national strength, but they are stalemate." Longtai's veteran looks like a heavyweight: "The Northern Han is not flat, the war is not extinguished, and the people of the world are also used. I ca n’t be settled. I always think about it, and I ’m very uneasy. ”After a round of sweeping, I said,“ Everyone, since my marriage is a state affairs, since Yuan Lao Shang Shu is mentioned here today, everyone can speak freely and say nothing. Sin, and see if my marriage can benefit the country? "

In fact, among the group of ministers, many people are secretly heard. This Sima family has always wanted to marry Miss Sima into the palace. The mother's ritual is in the world today. Everyone is aware of the situation of the upwards. Feng Ruohai The sword was revealed, but he was counter-killed. The end is naturally miserable. If you speak easily at this time, you really propose the queen. I am afraid that I will anger the Sima family, which is to blame the upper body.

Some people also want to push the boat and simply recommend Miss Sima, but this group of ministers is not a vegetarian, after all, if the emperor really wants to let Miss Sima into the palace, there is no need to discuss the matter in the court. Since the emperor inquired in public, the deep meaning behind it I did n’t want Miss Sima to enter the palace. If I recommend Miss Sima at this time, I would sing the opposite to the little emperor and anger the little emperor.

Although Longtai has not succeeded in taking over the position, he has not yet sat down on the chair under the buttocks, and the power of the central government is also in the hands of the Sima family, but the emperor is after all an emperor. Now the little emperor has entered the government, and if the emperor is angry, he will wait until the emperor has full wings. And when the time comes to settle accounts, it is also a big disaster.

Since the question was about right and left, the group officials simply kept their heads down and kept silent.

King Huainan's body moved slightly, and he seemed to want to say something, but after all, he still didn't say anything, and Dan Taihuang didn't say a word from beginning to end, leaning on a chair, it seemed that he was really asleep at the moment.

In a moment of silence, suddenly heard a voice saying: "Sovereign Emperor Qi Yun, the courageous admonishment!" Everyone looked at it soundly, but saw Jin Yi waited for Qi Ning to come out of his ranks.

Qi Ning knew at this time that he had no choice but to move.

When the Manchu dynasty was silent, he already guessed the thoughts of this group of people, it was nothing more than a stab at the Sima family. Even though Yuan Lao Shangshu confessed to the emperor that he would marry, but when he asked the candidate, he began to pretend to be silly Suddenly, without saying a word, the King of Huainan was still indifferent at the moment. Qi Ning knew very well that he would not come out at this time, just because no one would respond to the emperor's words.

The little emperor had already informed himself of the plan earlier. Although there was no clear word, the little emperor was probably planning to let himself come forward at such a time.

He was not relying on the King of Huainan, nor the King of the Kingdom, but **** with the little emperor, not to mention that he had a very personal relationship with the little emperor, and he was public and private. At this time, he could not pretend to be dead. stand out.

The little emperor's eyes lit up, and immediately said: "Jin Yihou, what is your advice, but it's okay!"

Qi Ning said: "The emperor made his marriage for the benefit of the country, worried about the society, and cared for the people, but he is an ancient king."

The little emperor blinked his eyes, thinking that he would not shoot this kind of horse at this time, and quickly entered the topic.

"In today's world, the Three Kingdoms are at their best." Qi Ning has already made a draft of the abdomen, orderly: "My Da Chu and the North Han are competing for the South and North, but they have always been deadlocked. It ’s a fool ’s dream to annex me, but it ’s not easy for me to know that Dachu wants to destroy the Northern Han Dynasty. "

Qunchen thought that this is a well-known thing, so why not talk more.

The little emperor nodded slightly, and said, "Jin Yihou said very much that the Northern Han Dynasty is not a dying country, and I need to rest and recuperate slowly."

"Emperor, we want to rest and recuperate, but whether the Northern Han people think this way, we never know." Qi Ning said: "If the Northern Han poor soldiers Wuwu, if they go south again, what should they do?"

"If they go south, we are naturally soldiers to cover up the water and the earth, are you afraid that they will not succeed?" A general said in a loud voice.

Qi Ning said with a smile: "Yes, but as a result, I still can't get the chance to recuperate."

King Huainan seemed to hear some out-of-spin voices and asked with a smile: "Will Jinyi wait for a good way?"

"Emperor, don't forget that there is a small country, Dongqi." Qi Ning said: "Although the Dongqi is thin and weak, it is far from being comparable to my Dachu and Northern Han, but this small country is enough to control the world. The situation. The East Qijun has the strongest sailor in the world. Once his sailor enters the Qinhuai River or even the Yangtze River, neither my Dachu nor the Northern Han Dynasty will be able to cross. "

Many people in Qunchen nodded slightly, thinking that this little Hou Ye also had some knowledge. The agitated sailor is indeed the strongest sailor today. If he enters the inland river, no matter whether it is Dachu or the Northern Han Dynasty, there is no contact. The rival naval force, as Qi Ning said, when the Eastern Qi Navy entered the Qinhuai River, it was really a copper wall and iron wall that no one could cross.

"If the Dongqi sailors help us to block the invasion of the Northern Han Dynasty, and even enter the Northern Han Dynasty from time to time for harassment, not only will my Chu be able to recuperate and recuperate, but the Northern Han will also be overwhelmed by coping with the harassment of the Dongqi people." Qi Ning said loudly Tao said: "In this way, the trade-offs will not change for many years, and it will not take many years for me to grow up and gather my strength. When the Qi troops in the east go to the north to cut down the Han, it must be a success."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Xiao, the servant of the Ministry of Military Affairs, couldn't help but sneered: "Jin Yihou said that there is some truth, but the lower officer wanted to ask, why should Dong Qi block the waterway for us? Why should we help us to harass North? Han? The national policy of Dongqi has always been balanced, neither wanting to make the Northern Han too strong, nor let me dominate the Chu, they are not fools, once my Da Chu defeated the Northern Han, would he let him do Qi became independent? Why should they join forces with me to fight against the Chinese? "He smiled and said:" Hou Ye conspired, it is possible to write on the paper, but it is ridiculous to say it. "

Suddenly many people laughed.

Qi Ning said with a smile: "It's artificial, and the joint forces will not be able to easily realize the Han Dynasty, but it is not difficult for the Dong Qi people to block the waterway and block the invasion of the Northern Han people against us. As long as the Dong Qi people help, the Northern Han people cannot Crossing the Qinhuai River can't cause harassment to our Dachu, but we can cross the river at any time and enter the territory of the Northern Han Dynasty.

Lu Xiaodao said: "Hou Ye, Xiaguan said, why did they help us? When we first emperor, we also sent envoys to show them good times, and the Northern Han also sent envoys, but the Dongqi people never Moved by ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It was during the Qinhuai War, the Dongqi people just sat on the hill and watched the tiger fight. "Hehe smiled and said:" Although the monarch of the Eastern Qi Kingdom is a powerless person, but Dongqi Shuangbi is a shrewd generation, one by one, one by one, all top talents, and it is by no means able to persuade them with a few words. "

Qi Ning thought to himself what is the character of Dongqi Shuangbi? At this time, I didn't think about it and said, "Master Lu, if my Da Chu and Dong Qi are married, I don't know if Dong Qi will help me Chu?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people were slightly discolored. Zhen Guogong apparently already understood Qi Ning's thoughts. He suddenly looked over and heard Qi Ning continue to say: "If the emperor marries the princess of Eastern Qi State, he will act Later, the people of Dongqi were so honored by my Dachu. If they did n’t have any strength, it would be too much to say. "Laughing:" And then Princess Dongqi really became my Queen of Dachu. With this The princesses match up, and the people of Dongqi will at least get closer to my Dachu. Master Lu, I wonder if Ben Hou said something reasonable? "

"Good!" But a voice sounded: "Jin Yihou is really a young talent, this trick is really wonderful, to marry Princess Dongqi, and the two countries are married, so it will be beneficial to me. Coming here will make Dong Qi fall back to me, and secondly, it will make the Northern Han Dynasty dare not act rashly and do two things at once. It really is wonderful. "

The person who spoke was none other than King Huainan.

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ps: Four thousand words chapter, stay out of the night code, please support it, vote two months to support the desert, desert desert is clumsy, can not speak, can only say thank you!