A Clash of Gods

v3 Chapter 540: In-law alliance

Huainan King came out to speak, in fact, many people expected.

The Sima family wanted to send Miss Sima into the palace and eventually became Queen U. At this time, many people knew it well.

When the first emperor died, the undercurrent surging, Sima Lan urgently mobilized the Black Sword Camp to enter the capital, and later supported Longtai to inherit the unification, and with the help of this support, the Sima family can be described as infinite glory, Manchu civil war, no one Can meet the scenery of the boss Ma family.

Today the queen mother is the eldest daughter of Sima Lan. Sima Lan was promoted to the father-in-law of the town. His son Sima Changshen inherited the Zhongyi marquis, and the size of the officials who fled to the Sima family is even more ridiculous. The young lady was sent into the palace, outside the palace, all of them were imprints of the Sima family. At that time, Da Chu really did not know whether it was Xiao or Sima.

Although some people rushed to rise under the Sima family, there were also a few people who disliked the Sima family in North Korea.

The Huainan Kings Party need not say anything, but many officials thought that the power of the Sima family was too strong, and it was also a big threat to the present day. It attracted a lot of wind. Although the Sima family was infinitely beautiful, it also attracted many people. Of jealousy.

The Manchu dynasty and martial arts can only contend with the Sima family, and only the Huainan king is a party.

The other three of the four hereditary hermits, Jin Daohou, low-key and silent, difficult to distinguish their positions, but Wu Xiang Hou Suzhen is closer to the Huainan King, but Jin Yihou Qi Ning, the little Hou Ye, seems to have been far from the emperor. It is dense and highly valued by the emperor. The strength of any of the three marquises, any one, is far from enough to resist the Sima family.

Qun Chen knew in his heart that the Sima family was rising step by step. Among the Manchu dynasties and martial arts, the most jealous person was of course the Huainan king. As long as there was a chance, the Huainan king would never let the Sima family be unscrupulous.

Now Sima and Huainan are already well-known rivals. There is no possibility of concession when the two parties come to this part. This struggle can still be advanced or not. Once retreated, the confrontation can only be defeated. In this game of power, the end of failure is self-evident.

Long Tai wished to see King Huainan coming out at the most appropriate time, and he was secretly happy, but his expression was still calm, and asked: "Uncle Wang, do you think my Da Chu can also alliance with Dong Qi through in-laws?"

The King of Huainan respectfully said: "Emperor, my big Chu fights with the Northern Han Dynasty. This Dongqi is indeed very important. No matter we or the Northern Han Dynasty, which country has good relations with the Eastern Qi must be greatly beneficial. Over the years, I Da Chu took great pains, and the Northern Han people also searched for their thoughts, and they all wanted to form an alliance with Dong Qi, but they all failed to return. "Suddenly, he continued:" Now my situation in Da Chu and Bei Han is like Jinyi. Hou Yan said, like a balance, maintaining a delicate balance, and Dong Qi is like a small stone, no matter which side it is placed on, the balance will tilt. Jin Yihou's admonishment made today is really to make the minister wake up like a dream If the emperor sends an envoy to ask Dong Qi for courtship, he thinks that Dong Qi will consider carefully for the benefit of his country. Once the courtship is successful, everything will be as Jin Yihou said, and I will be more powerful. "

Qi Ning said with a smile: "The prince is wrong. It is not that the prince did not think of it, nor the Manchu Dynasty and Wenwu did not think of this policy. The lord looked forward, but he never mentioned the matter of big marriages from the former emperor. Indiscriminate remarks, today the Emperor Shengming, let the ministers speak freely, and the speaker is not guilty, I am bold enough to admonish. "

"Jin Yi waits for modesty." The Huainan King laughed, "You are the first minister of the Manchu Dynasty to propose to be married to Dong Qi. If everything is true, you will be the best."

The group ministers looked at each other, looking at Huainan King and Qi Ning complimenting each other, they thought, it seems that not only the Huainan King did not want to see the Sima family's artificial, this Jinyi Qi family also did not want to see the Sima family's power expand, so the two A tacit agreement was reached in an instant, and an alliance was temporarily formed on this matter.

Wu Xiang Hou Suzhen has not said a word since the beginning of the dynasty. At this time, he also saw the clues. His gradual expansion of Sima's strength was naturally also in his heart, and Sima Lan was one of the four marquises, and he was on an equal footing with him. However, the Sima family became a duke, and immediately surpassed the Su family, breaking the pattern of decades, which naturally made Su Zhen very dissatisfied.

But among the four major hereditary, the Wuxiang Hou Su's family is not as good as the day after the death of the old Wu Hou in Wuxiang. Although he is dissatisfied with the Sima family, he is weak and he dares not fight against it. Qi Ning stood up, and the Huainan king came out to help, and felt that Qi Ning was afraid of hating Sima Lan for the promotion of the Duke. Therefore, he had to join forces with the Huainan king to deal with the Sima family. The emperor, it is the responsibility of the supremacy to go to the east Qi. As far as the minister knows, there are three sons and two daughters under the knee of the monarch of the east qi. The princess of the east qi has already been out of the cabinet. Another princess, called Princess Tianxiang, is the youngest daughter of the monarch of Dongqi. It seems to be less than 18 years old. It is rumored that she looks very beautiful. She has not yet married out of the cabinet. . "

"Princess Tianxiang I have seen before when I went to Dongqi." Longtai slightly yawned: "Dignified Xianli, is indeed a gentle girl."

The ministers knew that when Dongqi held the ceremony for the establishment of the Chu, Longtai was instructed to go to Dongqi in person and express his congratulations to Chuqi. Longtai was still a prince at the time, and the first emperor sent the prince to go, which was to hope to express sincerity to Dongqi. With the intention of co-opting, Long Tai said that she had seen Princess Tianxiang, so it was true.

Some people thought in their minds that Qi Ning's remarks were to go to the East Qi to ask for marriage. Was the middle emperor thinking? Did the little emperor see Princess Tianxiang when he went to Dongqi?

Qunchen is not a fool, of course, it can be seen that from Yuan Laoshangshu's admonishment to the emperor's marriage, to the emperor inquiring to the Qunchen, and then to Qining's proposal to ask Dongqi for marriage. Is it obviously a play? I am afraid that the little emperor has already arranged.

Although the little emperor is the ninth five-year-old venerable, but after all, he is young and young. If you look at Princess Dongqi and the young man's heart, it is not unbelievable.

Chen Lanting, the servant of the local government, suddenly said: "Sovereign Emperor Qi Yun, the Dongqi people have three swords on both sides, and they are very cunning, if!" Hesitated for a moment, and did not go on.

The little emperor said: "Although you have something to say, I have said that it is innocent."

Chen Lanting said: "The emperor, the minister is worried that the Dongqi people will take advantage of this courtship and will take the plan into consideration, which is harmful to me and unhelpful."

Su Zhen frowned: "Master Chen, where do you start talking about this? How did the Dongqi people count?"

"Emperor, if the Dongqi people agreed to the marriage, it really made Princess Tianxiang marry me to Dachu, and that day Princess Xiang will inevitably bring a large number of servants from Dongqi." Chen Lanting said: "Once these people enter the palace, will they The safety of the emperor poses a threat? That day, Princess Xiang was from the Eastern Qi Dynasty. Once she was established, she would naturally be able to stay close to the emperor. She was worried! "

Qi Ning has interrupted and said with a smile: "Is Lord Chen worried about the sky? Princess Tianxiang was indeed Dongqi before she married Dachu, but once married, not only she, but the servants she brought, They will all be my big Chu people. If Princess Tianxiang becomes my queen, of course, the interests of my big Chu are of the utmost importance. Master Chen is worried that Princess Tianxiang will not be able to assassinate the emperor? "

Chen Lanting said rightly: "Dongqi people are deceitful and must be guarded against."

The Huainan King said lightly: "Dongqi Kingdom is small, and my big Chu marries Princess Tianxiang, but to give them a big face. If it is not confronted with the Northern Han Dynasty, my big Chu will march to the east, and it can be done within a few months. Destroy the Eastern Qi Kingdom, even if the Eastern Qi Kingdom has the courage to dare to hurt the Emperor? "

Long Tai said: "Chen Aiqing, you have this worry, but also for my safety. But if I can't even handle a woman, how can I cope with the powerful Northern Han?"

As soon as he said this, the group officials were even more certain that the little emperor had clearly determined that he would go to Dongqi for marriage.

Zhen Guogong finally said: "Emperor, if you go to Dongqi to ask for relatives, but you don't know who should be sent as envoys?" He glanced at Huainan King and said: "The emperor wants to be related to Dongqi and form an alliance with each other. This is also a good country. It ’s a good thing for the people. In this case, my Dachu sent his envoys, of course, he must show enough sincerity and he must succeed. "

Long Tai originally thought that Zhen Guogong would not compromise so easily ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ But he didn't want him to agree, and he was a little bit happy. Jin Yihou and Wuxiang Hou joined forces, and it means the little emperor. It seems that the Emperor Zhen Guo also knows that it is not easy to deal with, so he compromised.

"Zhen Guogong, to ask Dong Qi for marriage, naturally is to prepare enough gifts." Long Tai looked at Dou Kui: "Dou Aiqing, you must do this well."

Dou Kui immediately said: "Senior is to smash the pot to sell iron, and will also be prepared to ask for a courtesy."

"Emperor, it is not the most important to prepare a generous gift." Zhen Guo Gong said: "Who is the embassy sent this time is the most important." After looking at Yuan Lao Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites, he said: "Yuan Lao Shang Shu took charge of the Li Bu, It was appropriate for him to be an embassy, ​​but Yuan Laoshang Shu was more than a year old and was wading through the mountains and rivers. I was afraid that it would be difficult for Yuan Laoshang Shu to persist. "

Yuan Lao Shangshu immediately said: "Traveling the mountains and the water, the old minister can sustain it, but the old minister is already old, and the reaction is slow. The veteran is the one who ca n’t atone for death. "

The group officials thought that Yuan Lao Shang Shu was right. He went to the capital city of the Eastern Qi and the mountains were high. The old man in his seventies would have to travel long distances. This old bone might not be able to hold on.

Longtai said: "Lao Shangshu is very old, and it is really not easy to travel." Wei Yi pondered and asked: "Zhen Guo Gong, can you have the right person?"

"He thought that if he wanted to express my sincere sincerity, he would naturally not be so sloppy. Not only should he be wise, to be able to handle things smartly, but also to have a distinguished identity, he thought that Wang Ye was the most suitable candidate." : "The prince is the royal blood, with far-sighted vision and extraordinary wisdom. If the prince goes to Dongqi, it will definitely make Dongqi people feel the sincerity of my Dachu, and this family matter will be successful."