A Clash of Gods

v3 Chapter 542: 1 arrow vulture

Long Tai's face slightly changed, looking at the military assistant Lu Xiao, Shen Sheng said: "Lu Xiao, can this happen?"

Lu Xiao hurriedly said: "Returning to the emperor, the minister also wanted to pay the general's rates, but there was no silver in the hands of the minister, and he couldn't dial it."

Dou Kui immediately said: "Sir Lu, last month, the Ministry of Households paid the money to the Ministry of Military Affairs.

"Sir Dou, you did pay the silver to the Ministry of Armaments last month, but that silver is not enough to allow all soldiers and horses to receive military pay." Lu Xiaodao said: "The frontline Qinhuai Army naturally cannot delay the military pay, the East China Sea Naturally, the division is also in arrears. In addition, it is almost summer and they will always be asked to change their military uniforms. The acquisition of the ordnance of the Qinhuai Regiment and the East China Sea Division has been delayed for a long time and cannot be resolved. "

Dou Kui said: "Sir Lu, how many families there are in the household, don't say you don't know at all. Here you are shrinking to diet and cutting down on various expenses. The money allocated to your military department every year is the biggest expense. Nowadays The Hube is already stretched, and each department urges the Hube to collect money every day.

Lu Xiaodao said: "Sir Dou, the xiaguan only takes the money to do things, but if you have as much money as your household, the servant is a servant of the military, but you can't manage your household. How much silver is there, how many things are under the administration, and only I can start with the most urgent things. ”Turning to Longtai, respectfully said:“ The emperor, the military scale of the Blackscale Camp, and the ministers have always been in their hearts, and they sent people to the Ministry of Households for reminders in three days, but hey, the Ministry of Households may There are really difficulties, and this matter can only be considered long-term. "

"Considering long?" Qi Ning smiled: "Master Lu, Ben Hou asked you, can the soldiers pay for the Black Sword Camp?"

Lu Xiao was stunned, glanced at Zhen Guo Gong, and nodded slightly, and Qi Ning asked again: "Why did Xuanwu win? What about Shenwu Camp? And Royal Yulin Camp? Black Scale Camp will not compare with Qinhuai Army Corps, nor Compared with the East China Sea Division, these soldiers and horses are all inside and outside the capital. If their soldiers 'rates are also in arrears, Ben Hou will say no more today, but as long as one of these soldiers and horses receives the soldiers' rates , Above this court, you have to make things clear. "

Jin Daohou did not seem to hear it, still sitting motionless in his chair.

Many officials were a little surprised, thinking that young people were still too reckless. They wanted to ask Lu Xiao to ask for pay, but when they could n’t, they hurried today. This golden sword did not go out for 800 years. Today is not easy. Came to the chapel, Jin Yihou went directly to the military department, wouldn't it be the face of the old Hou Ye, although now the military department is under the control of Lu Xiao, but the old man is still the military department's book, after the military department, that is to say Old Hou Ye.

Lu Xiao had a gold sword behind him, and he was also a soldier. He sneered and said with a sneer: "The soldiers and horses that Hou Ye said did receive the soldiers' rates, but they just arrived at the Black Scale Camp. Exhausted, Xiaguan could not make money, Hou Ye asked Xiaguan to make it clear, Xiaguan could only continue to urge the Hubu. "

Dou Kui shook his head and said, "Master Lu, you are now holding a knife on the neck of the officer. The officer can't take one or two silvers to send to your military department. The household department is in charge of the national finances, but it is not only your military department that wants to spend money. . "

"Master Lu, you have considered changing the uniform and armament, but did not expect to pay the military pay to the Black Scale Camp?" Qi Ning smiled and clapped, "Well, Benhou did not say much, since the emperor will Black Scale Camp Handed over to Benhou, Benhou Ruo ca n’t even guarantee that they will eat, and they will bear the grace of the emperor and the soldiers of the Blackscale Camp. Benhou will give you two days. Within two days, if the Blackscale Camp has not received the military pay, this Hou can only take them to find themselves. "

Lu Xiao frowned: "Hou Ye, what do you mean? Do you want to condone the looting of officers and soldiers?"

"That wouldn't be." Qi Ning smiled: "Master Lu, you haven't set aside the money. Would you like to force them to loot and let the Black Scale Camp be ruined?"

Lu Xiao's face changed drastically, and she said sharply, "Hou Ye, please be careful."

"Less nonsense, there is nothing to say carefully." Qi Ning said coldly: "You can rest assured that the Black Scale Battalion is a soldier of the imperial court, abide by the military regulations and national laws, and will never be arbitrarily looted. Isn't it a rogue? Hou just wanted to take them to the Ministry of Military Affairs to find you, Lord Lu. Since you ca n’t even eat without meals, you do n’t need to mention this training, so let ’s go to your military department to have a full stomach. ”

Lu Xiao looked ugly and turned to Long Tai: "The emperor, Jin Yi waited for a threatening speech, and the Manchu literary and military people all heard it, and asked the emperor to learn from it."

"The emperor, rebuilding the black scale camp is the will of the emperor." Qi Ning said immediately: "Lu Xiao does not pay the soldiers, that is, he does not want the black scale camp to rebuild, it is against the will of the emperor, and invites the emperor to send people. Thoroughly investigate, what is the intention of the Lord Lu? The Black Scale Battalion has no more than a thousand personnel. Among the soldiers and horses, the military strength is the least. It is reasonable that the military pay is the easiest to solve. The Emperor's Mingjian. "

Long Tai said lightly: "Lu Xiao, rebuilding the Black Scale Battalion means what I mean. Since your military can't dispense military pay, from now on, the military pay of the Black Scale Camp will be directly allocated by the Hube every month. Dou Kui, Black The scale of Yinying's rates will be listed separately by your household ministry, and will be allocated on time in the future. "

Lu Xiao hurriedly said: "Emperor, this!"

Before he finished speaking, Long Tai had said: "Since the military pay is not allocated by your ministry, that ministry has no enemies since then and no right to mobilize the black scale camp."

Qunchen understood at this time that the little emperor was really angry with Long Yan.

This is as if from now on, the Blackscale Battalion bypassed the headquarters and will be directly commanded by the emperor.

Lu Xiao glanced at Dan Taihuang, and it seemed that Dan Taihuang was quiet, and could only say: "Secretaries obey!"

"Today's dynasty, let's stop here." The little emperor got up, said nothing, turned around and left, leaving a minister on his head, and the group of officials looked at each other, and it seemed that what the soldiers were doing had already dissatisfied the emperor.

The **** in the hall shouted the dynasty, and the courtiers finished the ceremony. Then he withdrew from the Fengtian hall in order, and just after he left the hall, Qi Ning joined a **** and whispered: "Hou Ye, the emperor has a purpose, and he ordered Hou Lord went to the Imperial Study Room and explained something. "

Qi Ning was not too long-winded. He followed the **** and walked to the Yu Study. Afterwards, he entered the Yu Study and saw that Long Tai was sitting behind the Yu desk. When he saw Qi Ning coming, he waved and waited for Qi Ning to approach. In the past, Long Tai said: "Your Jinyihou Mansion, can you have a traitor?"

Qi Ning may wish Longtai to say this, frowning: "Why does the emperor ask so?"

"Don't you see it?" Long Tai sneered: "Feng Ruohai's dog thing, death is not bad, but the Sima family knows his evidence well, are you still unclear?"

Qi Ning nodded slightly and said, "Feng Ruohai participated in the impeachment of Sima Changshen today. Before this event, Sima Lan already knew everything."

"Feng Ruohai was naturally instigated by King Huainan." Long Tai said: "Of course, the people of King Huainan also spent their thoughts, that is, they are preparing to overthrow Sima Changshen at today's dynasty meeting. They must have done this secretly. There will never be a little bit of wind in advance, that is to catch the Sima family by surprise, but why is Sima Lan so clear about their affairs? "

"The emperor said that among the gang of Huainan kings, Sima Lan's eyes and ears?" Qi Ning frowned.

Long Tai said: "Besides that, I can't think of other possibilities."

"Huainan King and Sima Lan are fighting each other in secret. It is not uncommon for the two sides to send each other's people even as traitors." Qi Ning's expression was solemn. "The most surprising thing is that the Sima family is so powerful in Feng Ruohai's hands. Evidence, the emperor, Feng Ruohai concealed the report of farming, favoritism and corruption, and these things must be done very secretly, it is related to life and death, Feng Ruohai can never negligently care, the Sima family wants to get so much evidence, absolutely It can be done in ten days and a half months. "

Long Tai clenched his fists: "You mean, Sima's family has been in the hands of these crimes?"

Qi Ning nodded and said: "I think so, and there will never be only Feng Ruohai's criminal evidence in his hand." After a pause, his face was solemn, and he said: "Sima Lan is the founding marquis. This is artificial. He secretly collected the criminal evidence of the officials from an early age. This is full of civil and military powers. I am afraid that there are not a few clean evidences in his hands. Naturally, there are a few. "

"If Feng Ruohai did not come out this time, Sima Lan would not take out the criminal evidence." Long Tai said: "Since Sima Lan knew in advance that Feng Ruohai would participate in the impeachment of Sima Changshen, Hu Geng had prepared the criminal evidence early, Just above the DPRK meeting, he counterattacked and put Feng Ruohai to death. "

Qi Ning said: "That's the case. Feng Ruohai is the servant of the Hube, and he is considered to be a high weight. Today, the Sima family shot and immediately cut off this person, just waiting for the real Huainan king to kill him." Some, softly said: "Sima's hand today can be said to be a sculpt of a single arrow."

"How do you count the eagles with one arrow?"

Qi Ning said: "Huainan Wang's group of people will naturally not be stupid until now that there is no traitor around them, so after today's event, the Huainan Wang's group will definitely investigate who the traitor is around. Emperor, you think about it, In this way, the king of Huainan and the people around him will inevitably have a heart of suspicion. As long as the heart of suspicion is together, it will not be a monolith. "

"Good." Long Tai said: "Although King Huainan's power is not small in the middle of the dynasty, it is comparable to the Sima family. Once the people of Huainan king are suspicious of each other, it will be more beneficial to the Sima family."

"Secondly, Feng Ruohai participated in the impeachment of Sima Changshen at the DPRK meeting today, but in a blink of an eye, he was counterattacked, and is now being put in the prison of the criminal department ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This person is already a dead person. "Miserable." Qi Ning said: "The Manchu Civil War saw what Sima Lan did in person. In fact, it was also a warning to the Manchu Civil War, whoever is the enemy of his Sima price, this is the end, the group officials look at it, Who can not be afraid? Whoever wants to join the Sima family in the future will have to weigh it first. Do you have two heads? "

Long Tai said coldly: "This is what I am most worried about. After today, I am afraid that no one will dare to imprison the Sima family in the upside."

"Thirdly, Sima Lan produced Feng Ruohai's innocent evidence, and it was Feng Ruohai's culprit and the women around him. How could everyone not be afraid by such means?" Qi Ning said: "Nobody It ’s not a fool, you can see that Feng Ruohai ’s incriminating evidence is already prepared. As we said before, Sima Lan may have arrested many people ’s incriminating evidence. In such a situation, those officials who are ambiguous are very likely. Therefore, even if he fled to the Sima family, even the Huainan king's party leader, I would also consider whether to follow the Huainan king. "

Long Tai said: "You mean that those officials worried that Sima's family would take out their criminal evidence at any time, and in order to protect themselves, they rushed to Sima's family. As a result, they became Sima's stooges, and Sima's family would naturally not deal with him? "

"No one has figured out how many people Sima Lan has in their hands. After the demise of the dynasty today, the dignitaries and nobles of the DPRK and China are worried." Qi Ning sneered: "Feng Ruohai poisoned the uncle of the clan and occupied the aunt, so secret. Everything is being pulled out, and everyone is worried that their unknown things are already in the hands of Sima Lan. To avoid risk, it is of course the best choice to go to Sima Lan. "


Long Tai's fist hit the Yu desk with a deep and cold voice: "This Sima Lan has seized so many people's evidence, is he really going to rebel against the party?"