A Clash of Gods

v4 Chapter 1012: Youyue Fengfeng

Tian Xuerong is not a child. Of course she knows that when a man says that he will not do anything, it often means what he is going to do, not to mention that his last sentence has already expressed something very vaguely. ()

She hesitated for a while and said nothing at all. After walking to Qi Ning, she served Qi Ning very carefully and took off her tunic. When Qi Ning was sitting on the couch, his wife squatted at his feet and moved his The boots took off carefully and set them on the side. She looked up slightly. The pretty face was as gorgeous as a peach, and her eyes seemed to be covered with mist. The pretty girl was charming. Qi Ning could n’t help but reach out. , Want to put on his smooth cheeks, but the lady is very skillful to avoid, a faint smile on her lips.

Qining was stunned, but his wife glanced at Qining, twisted her waist, walked to the table, lifted the lampshade, looked back at Qining, and saw that Qining was looking at herself, too. Blow out.

As soon as the lights went out, the room was suddenly dim. Fortunately, there was a moon tonight. The quiet moonlight shone on the window paper and reflected into the house, but the house could not be reached without seeing five fingers.

The lady turned off the lights, and then turned around, but did not come immediately. Qi quietly looked at him with his eyes. At this time, although the face of the lady was very blurred, the outline of the lady ’s figure was still clear. .

After a moment, I suddenly saw the lady gently unbuttoning the outer shirt. The silk-like outer shirt slipped off her shoulders. Inside was the tight-fitting coat. Without the outer jacket, the curvy and exquisite figure was fully exposed.

The raised chest formed a mountain-like curvature, and the lines contracted to form a willow-like waist. I have to admit that in this dim and dim state, the hot body lines of Madam's body were more tempting.

Qi Ning felt a little dry mouth and couldn't help raising her hand and gently stroked it. The lady seemed to hesitate, but she still walked gently with her waist and waited to come closer. Qi Ning couldn't help but stretch out his hand and grab After holding her wrist, the wife's shoulder shook suddenly, but Qi Ning said softly: "Mrs. Don't be afraid!" Standing up, the other hand was raised, close to the wife's body, and grabbed the wife's shoulder. ()

The lady's body shivered again, and Qi Ning slid one hand down the shoulder, stroked the lady's straight back, and fell to the waist. At this time, she felt the lady's breathing was rapid, in this quiet In the middle of the night, the rapid voice was naturally obvious, and Qi Ning leaned closer to her ear and asked in a low voice, "Did you think about it?"

The lady leaned the head of the head against Qi Ning's shoulder and said softly: "I only have one request if Hou Ye agreed, I will make Hou Ye happy no matter what Hou Ye wants tonight tonight!"

"Demand?" Qi Ning rubbed a hand on his wife's slender waist. He clearly felt the arc under the waist quickly climb up, controlling himself not to quickly touch the fullness, and whispered in the ear of his wife. :"any request?"

"It's only tonight!" The lady's voice had a hint of charm: "Tomorrow, you forget what happened tonight, I and I will also forget, just when nothing has happened, do you agree?"

Qi Ning sighed and whispered: "Why did you make such a request?"

"I don't know." Madam hugged Qi Ning's hands suddenly, and there was a slight tremor in her voice: "With you tonight, I won't feel any guilt, but if I still do, I'm worried about me I will be scared, and maybe I will always feel guilty! "Feel Qi Ning's weight and hug herself tightly, the two of them are close to each other, the lady raised her head, and the flashing charming eyes hooked the soul:" Tonight I not afraid!"

Qi Ning's nose lingered around the charming fragrance of his wife's body and asked in a low voice: "Why not be afraid?"

"I don't know!" Mrs. said: "I, I want to be with you tonight, and I want you to hold me!"

"We don't have to make an oath to ourselves." Qi Ning finally dropped one hand and climbed on his wife's full buttocks like a full moon, whispering: "If you are afraid or even unhappy, I will not force you, If it is really enjoyable, why should you make a vow that you shouldn't have? Is everything best, isn't it the best? "Speaking of this, she suddenly bent down and hugged her sideways.

Her body was extremely soft, and in Qi Ning's arms, Qi Ning couldn't feel the weight at all, but her wife stuck her face to Qi Ning's chest. At this time, she smelled the smell of Qi Ning's body. Somehow, she couldn't help it. Taking a deep breath, I just felt that the smell was very good. The smell penetrated into my nostrils and spread immediately. It seemed to penetrate into every capillary hole on her body. It's hot, close your eyes, can't help but say: "Whatever you want, you are right, maybe it will be really happy!"

There is no light in the house and there is a moon outside the window.

In the quiet post house, there was silence all around, only in the house of Qi Ning, from time to time a low voice sounded, the sound seemed to be trying to suppress, but later, finally revealed the taste of bone erosion, bone erosion In the middle, it is full of joy, and only the moonlight outside the window can feel the spring in the house.

This night's lingering haunting needless to say, Mrs. Tiantian opened her eyes, and met a pair of bright eyes, but only saw Qining's arm supporting the side jaw, with a smile on his lips, staring at himself Look.

There was already light outside the window, and my wife went to Wushan with Qi Ning last night. Her long absence, like a pair of dry wood, was lit by Qi Ning Mars, and it was not like the girl ’s house. There was no fire last night. Then, some bold movements were dared to do according to the meaning of Qi Ning. Until Qi Ning's tossed his weakness, he slept in Qi Ning's arms. At this time, there was light, and Qi Ning saw it like this Then, suddenly a little ashamed, he couldn't help raising his hands and holding his face.

Qi Ning smiled softly, pinched the corner of the blanket covering his wife, and then lifted it. The lady already noticed, "Ouch" whispered, one hand was already grabbed, glancing at Qi Ning, whispering. :"doing what?"

"I saw a clean place last night. What can't I see?" Qi Ning chuckled.

The lady stared at Qi Ning and said, "I have seen it all, and there is nothing else to look at. I won't let you read it again."

Qi Ning laughed, took his hand, and whispered: "You don't let me see, I just waited like this, you can't always lie in bed until you get up and wear clothes, I can naturally see it."

"You!" The wife's face was extremely rosy. Although she was tossed by Qi Ning last night, she was fully satisfied from Qi Ning. She was beautiful and tight. After a night, she was like a long drought. The moisturized beauty is more beautiful, the two blushes on the cheeks are even more radiant, and the voice is soft and delicate: "You are a rogue embryo, talking and talking is unreasonable!" At that moment, the words that Qi Ning said were suddenly hot.

Although the two had been in contact with each other before and had skin contact, some words could not be spoken, but they fell in love with each other last night.

"Then someone said something to me in the ear last night, isn't it serious?" Qi Ning and the beautiful woman rejoiced overnight. At this time, they were refreshed and calm, looking at the lady's face, and the heart was the same. Unspeakable joy: "Who made me work harder!"

"Ah?" Although his wife was already a woman, but at this time, she seemed to be a woman, and she was embarrassed and shy. She reached out and covered Qi Ning's mouth: "You are not allowed to talk nonsense, I don't remember anything anyway!"

"Really don't remember?" Qi Ning suddenly turned over and pressed it back on his wife's body. Her finger lightly picked up the bridge of her nose and whispered: "Then we will do it again last night, keep you soon Think of it! "

The lady heard the words, and immediately appeared nervous in her eyes, one hand wrapped around the chest, and the other held the chest of Qi Ning, the voice was soft: "No, you were like last night last night!" Some embarrassed said Go down and whisper: "I'm still weak and weak. Www.lightnovelpub.net ~ Can't come anymore."

"Hu Buhu comes, depends on whether you tell the truth." Qi Ning said with a smile: "What do you say I looked like last night?"

The lady closed her eyes and said, "I don't say it!" Suddenly felt that Qi Ning's hand was sticking in through the gap of the blanket, already holding a place of his own, the body was crisp, trembling, anxiously : "Don't move, I mean, you don't want to come!"

"What do you say!"

The lady opened her eyes and saw that Qi Ning was staring at her eyes. She was a little ashamed, but she did not look away. Her eyes were a little charming, and she said softly, "You are like a wolf, like you are going to swallow me. Go on, I was scared at first, but then I was n’t scared anymore! "

Qi Ning smiled softly, and his wife stared at Qi Ning ’s eyes, and sighed quietly, saying, “I do n’t know why this happened. Do you think I ’m not a good woman?”

"Of course not. Don't say such a thing in the future." Qi Ning said rightly: "I seduce you, and you can't always live for others, and you should live for yourself."

"I don't know." Madam sighed: "I didn't want that, but I was with you last night, but I was very happy in my heart!" Closed my eyes and smiled bitterly: "I don't know why this happened." After thinking about it, I finally opened my eyes again and looked at Qi Ning with a soft voice: "Then, did you like it last night?"


"Naturally rejoices." Qi Ning said: "You are willing to be with me, how can I not rejoice?" Close to his wife's ear, asked in a low voice: "So were you happy last night?"

The lady blushed and said in the ear of Qi Ning with a very light voice: "You, you work hard every time, the harder you work, the more joy you will know, the joy you are in your heart, and I am naturally very happy. Happy. "