A Clash of Gods

v4 Chapter 1056: Mile Temple

Although the room was dim, Qi Ning could see the silhouette of the other person's figure clearly with a little care.

The man was sitting on the side of the boat, his upper body was straight, his chest was bulging, and it was spectacular. Qi Ning had heard who the other person was from his voice. In fact, even if the other party did not speak, Qi Ning could study the figure slightly and recognize him. It is Chi Danmei.

Chi Danmei has been lurking in the palace, and suddenly appeared in his house at midnight. Qi Ning was naturally surprised.

Chi Dan chuckled, her body came close, her eyes were silky, and her voice was seductive: "Bull me? Say, how do you want to bully me?"

Qi Ning came to sleep this time, although the time was not long, but the energy was mostly restored. The tip of his nose smelled the faint body fragrance emitted from Chi Danmei, and the corner of his mouth laughed, reaching out to pull Chidan Mei hand, Chi Dan Mei turned around flexibly and stood up from the bed. Qi Ning sighed and whispered: "I went to my house in the middle of the night, and now the arrow is on the string, you are evading, what do you want to do?"

"What do you think I'm here for?" Chi Danmei sipped and whispered, "It's just that you have to be careful in the future. I went to your house for half an hour to see that you slept soundly and didn't wake you up, If you change someone else, you do n’t know who it is.

Qi Ning said: "Under this world, people who can enter my house silently without being discovered are also rare. If there is such a person who wants to kill me, I am awake and not an opponent."

Chi Danmei smiled lightly: "When did you learn humility."

Qi Ning said: "Why have you been waiting for me for a long time? Are you not in the palace? Yes, how do you know that I am coming?"

"Today the little emperor summoned you, you didn't see me, but I saw you." Chi Danmei walked around with her waist bent, her body slightly bent down, her figure was already extremely hot, this bent down, the chest more It was spectacular. The deep ditch was right in front of Qi Ning ’s eyes. Qi Ning ’s throat was dry and he could n’t help but reach out, but Chi Danmei took his hand and said softly, “Do you want to take advantage of me again?”

Qi Ning smiled bitterly: "What does it mean to take advantage of you? Don't forget, we have drunk a glass of wine and entered the cave."

Chi Danmei smiled and said, "I didn't take it seriously." The charming eyes turned and moved closer to Qi Ning's ear, blowing a sigh of breath like a blue musk. Qi Ning only felt a itchiness from The ears spread all over the body, only listening to Chi Danmei's greasy voice in his ear: "Do you want to make it wrong again?"

In the middle of the night, a **** and voluptuous beauty is by his side. Naturally, Qi Ning does not have ripples. When his arms are looped, he has to hug Chi Danmei's waist, but Chi Danmei is very skillful to escape, eat and laugh, tired Voice: "If you really want to make a difference, I will take you somewhere else. Here, I am not used to it."

Qi Ning said: "No one came here."

"Anyway, I just don't like being here." Chi Danmei bit her lip, her voice soft: "I don't allow you to touch me here."

Qi Ning was a little strange and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I like being outside." Chi Danmei approached Qi Ning's ear again and said, "You follow me to a good place, there is no one there. What do you want to do? Everyone listens to you."

Qi Ning is even more strange. Chi Danmei's silver teeth gave a bit of biting on Qi Ning's earlobe. Then he said: "If you don't want it, then you can sleep honestly." With a smile, the body twisted and the fragrance rose. That beautiful and beautiful body had swept past the rear window. Qi Ning was wondering what medicine this beauty sold in the gourd. Chi Danmei had already opened the window, beckoned to Qi Ning, and then jumped out of the window lightly.

Qi Ning hesitated. He slept in a kimono last night. He did n’t have to get up and wear clothes. He followed the window and found that there was no Chidan Mei outside the window. He also went out from the window. In the distance, he beckoned to himself, and immediately twisted his body and turned into the forest on the side.

Qi Ning knew that Chi Danmei was like this tonight, and there must be something wrong. If he changed to someone else, he would not necessarily follow, but Chi Danmei had a different relationship with him, and he was confident that Chi Danmei would never hurt him. Chi Danmei really wanted to hurt herself before she slept on her own. Chi Danmei had countless opportunities to start, and then chased after Chi Danmei's figure.

Chi Danmei has been keeping a distance from Qi Ning, not too close, but not too far, and always allows Qi Ning to find her figure.

Chi Danmei seems to be familiar with the topography of Hou Mansion, and Hou Man also patrolled at night, but Chi Danmei easily avoided the patrol guards, and led Qi Ning out of Hou Mansion. It was empty, but from time to time soldiers from the Tiger God Camp patrolled the streets.

Qi Ning's light power is not weak, but Chi Danmei's light power is never under Qi Ning. Qi Ning saw Chi Danmei just not far in front. He wanted to speed up several times to catch up, but every time he speeded up, Chi Danmei immediately You can find it and speed it up, and you will never let Qi Ning catch up. Qi Ning feels puzzled but a little annoyed. She secretly wants to catch up with this demon girl later, so she must be well tuned and let her beg for mercy.

Both of them are first-class masters. This one passed through the streets one after another, and even walked for more than half an hour. Qi Ning couldn't figure out where Chi Danmei was going to take him, and saw Chi Danmei flashing. Entering a very dim alley, I also followed in at the moment. I thought Chi Danmei was going through the alley this time. After entering, I found that Chi Danmei reached the exit of the alley and stopped. Qi Ning walked most of the time. At that time, I didn't feel tired, my physical strength was still abundant, and I accelerated to the edge of Chi Danmei.

Chi Danmei turned around and looked at herself with a trace of annoyance, covering her mouth and laughing: "Did you want to eat me?"

Qi Ning looked at her with a smile on her face, and the annoyance in her heart disappeared, sighed, and whispered: "What the **** are you like a fox spirit? Running so far in the middle of the night, do you want to murder your husband?" Surrounding Chi Danmei's waist, Chi Danmei did not dodge this time, let him hug.

Qi Ning held Chi Danmei's soft and plump body, and the tip of her nose kept pouring into the blue musk fragrance.

Chi Danmei's soft and delicate body is also close to Qi Ning, and her charming eyes looked at Qi Ning's eyes and whispered: "Aren't you clever and smart? Then guess what, what do I bring you here?" "

Qi Ning raised his hand and picked up Chi Danmei's delicate nose bridge, whispering: "You never want to be here with me?"

"Bah!" Chi Danmei snorted, raised her hand, and pointed to the opposite side. Qi Ning looked through the alley and looked across. The alley exit was a rather narrow street, opposite the alley. It was a pond. Qi Ning knew that Chi Danmei was leading him here. It was not a matter of idleness. His eyes moved. He found that there was a temple beside the pond. The temple was not big, although it was in the night. , But it can be seen that the temple is quite dilapidated.

At this place, Qi Ning remembered that he had never been there, and asked in a low voice, "Where is that?"

"Mile Temple!" Chi Danmei whispered: "The Maitreya Buddha is enshrined in it, but now there is no incense, and not many people come here."

Qi Ning wondered: "Mile Temple? You brought me over to see the Temple of Maitreya?"

Chi Danmei blinked, her eyes were silky, and she said softly: "People have said that they will take you to a good place. When you get there, you will do whatever you want, and you will dare to come with me." Go inside Maitreya Temple! "

Qi Ning froze for a moment, narrowed his eyes slightly, and approached Chi Danmei's ear: "Fox, do you want to be intimate with me at the Maitreya Temple? That is a holy place, are you not afraid?"

"I'm naturally not afraid, so I ask you if you dare?" Chi Danmei deliberately wiped the crisp chest in front of Qi Ning's chest, the voice was greasy: "I haven't been with you for a long time, and some people have thought about it!"

Qi Ning was held by her a little, but she knew very well that the fox spirit brought herself over, not for love, but wrapped her waist with one hand and patted her **** with the other hand. Whispered: "Don't wave, tell the truth, what trick are you playing?"

Chi Danmei pretended to be pitiful, and said, "What kind of tricks do you have to bring you out and want to be with you? You still have a spanking!"

Qi Ning looked at her, and was even more heart-wrenching. She could n’t help but patting her **** twice again. Www.lightnovelpub.net ~ softly flicking her hand, Chi Danmei twisted her waist, swayed her hips, and said: If you fight again, I'm leaving. "She looked up at the sky and whispered:" Wait a little while, there will be a good show later. "

"Good show?" Qi Ning wondered: "What good show?"

Chi Danmei turned her head to look at the Naple Temple. Qi Ning couldn't help but look at it. Chi Danmei made him notice the Maitreya Temple. Qi Ning knew that the so-called good show must be related to the Maitreya Temple.

There was stillness all over the place. Qi Ning just patted Chi Danmei's hips gently. At this time, one hand was still attached to it, and it felt soft and soft. He couldn't help but gently grabbed two. Chi Danmei twisted her waist and lowered her waist. Voice: "Mo chaos, you little pervert."

Neiyu Wenxiang, Qi Ning hugged the coquette, sighed, and said, "If you still have no desire or desire, then the person holding you may be an eunuch."

Chi Danmei chuckled and whispered: "If you mess up again, I really want you to become an eunuch."

"Really?" Qi Ning leaned close to her ear and chuckled lightly: "It's you who will cry when the time comes, and your husband has become an eunuch. Wouldn't you stay alive in your life? Can you keep it?"

"Naturally can't keep it." Chi Danmei ridiculed: "The world is not the only one of you. If I want a man, I can find it at any time, and I will be angry at you."

Qi Ning was trying to catch it hard again, Chi Danmei already whispered: "Don't move, come!"

Qi Ning was stunned, thinking what was coming, and saw Chi Danmei staring at the Maitreya Temple, looking at her, but two figures appeared from nowhere, all dressed in black cloaks, holding the whole body tightly up and down Covered in a cloak, even the body shape contours are not clear.

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