A Clash of Gods

v4 Chapter 1101: Generous gift

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The sound of Dong Xiao came from the Qinhuai River, Qingyuan was long, and really beautiful.

It's just that Qi Ning didn't care to feel the obscure sound at this time, staring at Chai Bozhong's eyes, and said with a smile: "As far as I know, your three princes are holding Xianyang male soldiers and are preparing to kill Luoyang, but I don't know if they have already won Luoyang? "

Chai Bozhong also laughed: "The three princes are the real princes of the Han Dynasty. Luoyang will always be in the palms of the three princes. The two traitors are fighting each other. The three princes let them bite each other. When they are exhausted, they lead The soldiers leave Tongguan, depending on the battle. "

"Sit on the hill and watch the tigers!" Qi Ning lifted the tea cup and smiled, "Since that, Chai Junshi should follow the three princes and make suggestions for the three princes at any time, but why should they travel thousands of miles to Jianye Beijing? It was a lot of hardship. "

Chai Bozhong said: "The three princes and General Qu have a large number of talents. There are not a few tycoons who can conquer good wars. There are also many think tanks who can make suggestions. If you leave, you will not affect the overall situation."

Qi Ning smiled faintly and said, "Chai Junshi doesn't have to sell the pass anymore. You can come here from Xianyang, and you don't care about your own safety. Of course, it will not be a trivial matter to find me. If you have anything, you can say now, maybe we will next time There is no chance to see you again. "

Chai Bozhong said: "Hou Ye is indeed a refreshing man. The three princes won Luoyang. That is sooner or later. It's just that you and ours have been fighting for many years. Both sides are working hard and hurting the wealth. So the grievances will continue, and the people will never have peace."

Qi Ning nodded and said: "This point is similar to what you and I see."

Chai Bozhong's eyebrows flicked and smiled: "The three princes are only as good as men. I think that once the rebellion is settled, the two countries should not continue to fight, and they should turn it into jade and give the people a peaceful life."

"Oh?" Qi Ning took a sip and smiled, "The three princes have this expectation? This is actually my big Chu's wish. Chai Junshi, you came here to hand this word?"

"I can't rely on others for being empty-mouthed?" Chai Bozhong laughed: "The three princes sincerely hope that the two countries can coexist peacefully, so they bring a generous gift."

Qi Ning looked at Chai Bozhong and smiled, "Chai Junshi, but I don't know what kind of gifts you bring? I want to remind you that there are countless rare and precious treasures in my big Chu treasure house. If the gift is too ordinary, don't Speaking of the emperor, I'm afraid I won't even look down on me. "

Chai Bozhong smiled slightly and said, "My big man is no more stingy, and he will not send anything to the children's home. Hou Ye should know that in the world, Kyushu, Chu State occupies the land of three states, Dongqi people occupy Qingzhou and half of Xuzhou, I The Han is the only one who owns the four states, and Xuzhou also has two counties in my hands. "

Qi Ning sighed: "If Chai Junshi came to compare the country with me, I really did not have much interest."

"Master Hou, don't worry." Chai Bozhong calmly and smiled: "The three princes are willing to give gifts from the two counties to show their sincerity!"

Qi Ning froze for a moment, thinking that the other party was actually using land as a gift. Chai Bozhong smiled and said: "As long as your two countries have made good relations, after the three princes ascended the throne, Xuzhou and the two counties will be immediately handed over to Chu."

Qi Ning naturally knew the allusions of Kyushu. According to legend, when Dayu harnessed water, it was divided into the world called Kyushu, and Kyushu was the name of the world.

In the land of Kyushu, Qi Ning probably knew his geographical location. Xuzhou is located west of Qingzhou. Although it is not the largest state in Kyushu, the geographical location is extremely critical. Xuzhou has five counties. Dongqi occupied three of the counties, while the other two counties were actually controlled by the Northern Hans. .

"Caijun Shi, the three princes ceded Xuzhou and the two counties to Dachu, but I don't know when they can fulfill the contract?" Qi Ning laughed: "If your country is really so generous, my lord will naturally be pleased to accept it, and he will certainly be with you. Nations live in peace. "

Chai Bozhong said: "Now you can fulfill the contract. Whenever your country needs it, you can get it at any time."

"Let's take it ourselves?" Qi Ning sighed: "The words of Chai Junshi, forgive me, I really can't understand. Do you mean to let me send troops to capture the two counties in Xuzhou? If so, then only Could it be our Dachu who beat him down, not to mention any ceding? "

Chai Bozhong shook his head: "Hou Ye is wrong. Now Dahan guards the southern frontier is the Southern Army under Zhong Liao. There are 80,000 tigers and wolves. Zhong Liao is a famous general in the world. IMHO, Yuehuan Mountain of the Qinhuai Army may not necessarily be Zhong Liao's opponent. "

Qi Ning did not speak, just stared at Cai Bozhong.

Chai Bo remained calm and continued, "The scumbag knows that the northern princes are fighting for the reserve. You Chu Kingdom must think that it is a godsend, but you must also know that although the great man is chaotic, Zhong Liao is not chaotic, but Zhong Liao is strict in governing the army. The army is well-organized. He knows that when the Hans are struggling with civil strife, it is very likely that the difficulties will come in, so they have already been armed and the entire southern army is waiting for it, waiting for you Chu State to fight over. "

Qi Ning said, "Oh," he said lightly, "Is the Chai Junshi telling me a joke? Only then did you say that your country would cede the two counties of Xuzhou, and then he told us to fight, but now we say Zhong Li is proud to stand by, I am The more you listen, the more confused you are. "

Chai Bozhong also took a teacup and took a sip before saying: "There is a good saying, it is called knowing yourself and knowing each other, and you can't fight a hundred battles. Zhong Liao's 80,000 soldiers are defending north of the Huaihe River, of which 30,000 soldiers are defending in the two counties of Xuzhou. Naturally, there is little benefit, but if your country knows Zhong Liao ’s defense situation in Xuzhou and Xian, and is clear about Zhong Liao ’s strategy in Xuzhou and Xian, even the intelligence of the generals in Xuzhou and your county. It ’s clear, but you do n’t know if your country can win? ”

Qi Ning's heart was cold.

"After your country sent troops, under the situation of knowing your own and knowing each other, you can easily win the Xuzhou two counties." Chai Bozhong said: "Once your country sends troops, the three princes can also help your country to help your country succeed Lower Xuzhou two counties, so that if the three princes gave Xuzhou two counties to your country. "He smiled slightly and raised his hand to care for him:" In fact, the gift of the three princes to your country is not just Xuzhou two counties. After your country won the two counties of Xuzhou, Dong Qi faced the trend of being attacked on both sides of your country. At that time, you can take advantage of the prosperity of the soldiers and wipe out Dong Qi in one fell swoop, and the three princes promised that the Chu State will attack Dong Qi and the Han will never Do n’t intervene, as a result, the three princes will give Qingzhou to you. "

Qi Ning asked: "Cai Junshi said that the three princes help us, but I don't know where to start with this arm?"

"The three armies haven't moved, and the grain and grass first." Chai Bozhong said: "This is the common sense of military strategists. Although Zhong Liao is well-organized and also a famous general in the world, as long as the grain and grass are cut off, even a powerful general can't win."

Qi Ning was more and more alarmed, only listening to Chai Bozhong continued: "The grain of the Southern Legion was provided by the court of the Han Dynasty. Now Beitang Hao and Bei Tangzhao bite each other, so they do n’t care much about the Southern Legion, but North Tang Hao is also worried that your country will take advantage of the situation and always needs Zhong Liao as a barrier to resist, so although the battle with Bei Tangzhao is tight, he still tries his best to allocate grain and grass to supply the Southern Army. "

Qi Ning said: "Chai Junshi means that the three princes have a way to cut off the grain supply of the Southern Army?"

Chai Bozhong said with a smile: "That's exactly what it is. In fact, as far as we know, Bei Tangzhao and Bei Tanghao have been fighting for so long, the grain and grass are already stretched, but the situation is now, Bei Tangzhao has the upper hand, Bei Tanghao has been frustrated over and over again. The morale is low, and the soldiers under his hands are already moving. According to this situation, it wo n’t take long for Beitang Hao to lose. If at this time the three princes recruit troops, they will take Luoyang directly. Being able to fully respond to the teacher of the Northwest Tiger and Wolf will naturally no longer be able to guarantee the supply of Zhong Liao. "Fu Xu smiled and said:" Hou Ye, but I don't know if this is the case, can I count as a help for your country? "

At this time, Qi Ning finally understood the other party ’s calculation. If, in the interests of Chu, what the other party did was of course an undesirable thing, but from the perspective of ordinary people, doing so by the other party is undoubtedly a betrayal of the country. It can be said It is extremely disgusting.

A gust of wind came in from the window, but the climate was quite cool.

"Chai Junshi, I finally understand what you mean." Qi Ning sighed: "Actually, I have been thinking about something before. Your princes of the Northern Han Dynasty are fighting for the throne. Who will support Zhong Liao who is holding the heavy soldiers? ? Now the answer is finally found. "


Qi Ning said: "Is Zhong Liao supporting Bei Tangzhao, I am not entirely sure, but at least Zhong Liao does not support your three princes ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Why did Hou Ye say this?"

"If Zhong Liao really supports the three princes, the Southern Army and the Xianyang soldiers and horses kill Luoyang, Bei Tangzhao can't resist." Qi Ning said: "Perhaps it will take less than two months. It can be ended. But in fact this situation did not happen. I was even guessing that the three princes did not necessarily send someone to secretly contact Zhong Liao, but the result must have disappointed the three princes. "

Chai Bozhong's eyes flicked slightly, but his expression was still very calm.

"Although the three princes have been waiting for Beitanghao and Beitangzhao to lose their troops before sending troops, but he should still have a heart disease." Qi Ning's eyes are sharp: "This heart disease is Zhong Liao. He is worried that he will attack Luoyang. At that time, Zhong Liao would lead the army back to the rescue, and the soldiers and horses of General Qu in the northwest should not be enough to compete with Zhong Liao ’s southern army. If Zhong Liao returns, the Northwest Army must be defeated, and the three princes What worries me most is the result. Chai Junshi, I do n’t know if it ’s justified. ”

Chai Bozhong remained calm and said with a smile: "The Southern Army was personally tuned out by Changling Hou. It was indeed a good battle. Your country actually suffered a lot from the Southern Army."

"The third prince wants to succeed in winning Luoyang, and then succeeds to the throne. The biggest threat to him is not Bei Tangzhao, but Zhong Liao. Only when Zhong Liao is removed, can the three princes feel at ease." Qi Ning sighed: "But today's world Only the Qinhuai Corps of Dachu can fight against Zhong Liao and the Southern Army. So the three princes sent Chai Corps to come, they just wanted my Dachu to send troops as soon as possible, even if they could n’t beat Zhong Liao, but as long as they dragged After Zhong Liao, Zhong Liao could not return, and the Northwest Army could naturally take advantage of Bei Tangzhao's exhaustion and take advantage of the situation to capture Luoyang and Chai Junshi. I am right? "